
Are you interested in Yale Young Global Scholars as an international student and you don’t know how to go about it? Has this question been on your mind for some time yygs acceptance rate? Have you been surfing the net for Yale young global scholars acceptance rate 2018 for a while without a great reaction, then you’re getting one. This website offers answers to all your questions about Yale global scholars acceptance rate, so you no longer need to participate in an inaccessible hunt. I would suggest that you save time and effort by visiting the website as soon as possible for related answers to yygs acceptance rate 2018.

Yale Global Scholars Acceptance Rate

ANNOUNCEMENT: OFFICIAL ADMISSIONS STATS– We received over 1,200 applications for both programs combined; each program received roughly the same number of applications– 23% of applicants were admitted– 99% of applicants were placed in their first-choice programs– 31 students received deferred admission from 2012*– 46 countries are represented among the admitted students; 40% of admitted students are international– 41 U.S. states plus Puerto Rico are represented among the admitted students– Median total SAT score for admitted students was 2200; median PSAT scores (Verbal/Writing/Math) were 70/68/68(*As of 2013, YYGS no longer offers deferred admission)

YYGS Releases Summer 2020 Admissions Decisions | Yale Young Global Scholars

About Yale Young Global Scholars

Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) is one of the most globally diverse, two-week academic summer programs in the world. Serving over 2,000 students from 150+ countries and all 50 U.S. states, YYGS distributes over $3 Million USD in need-based financial aid to both domestic and international students.

Our curriculum is highly collaborative, exposing participants to innovative topics while facilitating student discussions shaped by international perspectives. Students have the opportunity to participate in a STEM, social sciences, humanities, or cross-disciplinary track.

โ€œBefore the beginning of YYGS, I remember feeling nervous and questioned how the event would run. But, by day two, I realized that I didnโ€™t need to worry. The YYGS Program questioned things I thought I knew, scratched beyond the surface level, and helped me effectively communicate my ideas and opinions. Iโ€™ve grown with a community of inspiring students, dedicated staff, and passionate professors. Words couldnโ€™t even begin to describe this experience, but I am beyond grateful.โ€ย –ย Janine, YYGS 2020, Ghana

YYGS Admits Students From 126 Countries and 50 U.S. States | Yale Young  Global Scholars

Yale Young Global Scholars Academics

We encourage students to check out our free Academic Offerings webinar(link is external) (after you register, the recording will be provided in your browser) for detailed information.

Yale Young Global Scholars emphasizes an open, exploratory, and collaborative approach to learning. Our program is designed to allow students to experience learning in a variety of different university contexts, from large lectures to small seminars, and even the spontaneous learning that happens outside the classroom in conversations with one another.

  • With no grades or course credit, YYGS encourages students to approach all aspects of the program creatively with the understanding that they set their own limits. Students receive an electronic certificate of completion at the end of the session.
  • The diverse and inclusive communityย at YYGS enhances learning by inviting students to analyze issues from multiple perspectives. Living and learning alongside peers from around the world allows students to broaden their own world views by learning about countries and cultures they have never encountered before.
  • Exploring Yale:ย typically, participants live on campus, explore surrounding areas and take advantage of opportunities that the Yale community offers. In YYGS Online, students experience Opportunities Across Yale (OAY) virtual events designed to provide access to libraries, labratories, and more.

Yale Young Global Scholars Curriculum

The curriculum ties together all YYGS sessions and is the foundation of the academic program. Students work with a different group of peers and learning contexts, which allows for a wide range of peer-to-peer interaction. These learning contexts include:

Breakout DiscussionsDig deeper into lecture content by sharing knowledge, posing questions, and brainstorming real-world implications with a small group of peers.
Family TimeDevelop strong bonds with peers from around the world through identity reflection, courageous conversations, active listening, and fun social activities.
Impact PanelLearn from inspiring changemakers about innovative approaches to meaningful social impact work throughout the world.
LecturesHear from accomplished Yale faculty and leading practitioners about the most important and relevant topics in their fields.
SeminarsPursue your passion or find a new one through the 1000+ unique and exciting seminars offered each summer.
SimulationAddress real-world issues by participating in an open-ended, collaborative, problem-solving activity with likeminded peers.

Should You Attend Yale Young Global Scholars?



Have you heard of the Yale Young Global Scholars program but aren’t sure if it’s worth attending? YYGS is a summer program for high school students run by Yale Unviersity. Some attendees love their experience, while others don’t feel the program is worth its high price tag. So, should you apply?

This article will explain exactly what the benefits and drawbacks of YYGS are, as well as the questions you need to ask yourself before you make a decision to attend.

What Is the Yale Young Global Scholars Program?

Yale Young Global Scholars (previously known as “Ivy Scholars”) is a summer enrichment program for high school students. It offers three sessions, in June and July, where students spend 13 days in one of five programs. (The 2020 program has been reduced and moved online as a result of the coronavirus.)

Attending a YYGS program costs $6,250. YYGS is run by Yale University and takes place on its campus in New Haven, Connecticut. (They used to run programs in Beijing, but now they are only focusing on programs on Yale’s campus.) During the program, students will live in Yale dorms and attend classes, listen to talks from Yale professors, and spend their free time with other program participants.  

By participating in the program, students can learn about a subject of particular interest to them and spend time with like-minded peers. Each program includes lectures, seminars, and a capstone project. The Yale Global Scholars program emphasizes small lectures, collaborative learning, and a diverse community. Roughly 2,500 students from over 120 countries attend each summer. 

What Programs Does Yale Young Global Scholars Offer?

You can apply to one of five YYGS programs. Each lasts 13 days. Some are offered during all three sessions, while others are offered only during one session. Below is a brief description of each program. All YYGS programs emphasize peer discussion, varied learning formats, and a capstone project conducted under the mentorship of YYGS staff.

Applied Science and Engineering

For students interested in physical science and its real-world applications. Students will learn about astronomy, chemistry, earth science, and physics, among other topics.

Biological and Biomedical Science

Focuses on life sciences, from molecular systems to ecosystems. Topics studied include biochemistry, biomedical engineering, immunology, molecular biology, and neuroscience.

Literature, Philosophy, and Culture

Designed for students interested in expressing creativity and interpreting significant texts. Students study a variety of creative arts, including fiction, poetry, philosophy, theater, film, dance, and visual arts.

Politics, Law, and Economics

Aimed at students with an interest in economic theory, government values and practices, and/or legal frameworks, both historical and contemporary. Topics students will learn about include government structures, human rights, international policies, market regulation, and public policy.

Solving Global Challenges

Designed to teach students about the most pressing challenges facing the world today (focusing on the 17 challenges identified by the UN in their Sustainable Development Goals), as well as how solutions can be developed. Topics students learn about are wide-ranging and include artificial intelligence, global health, environmental sustainability, poverty alleviation, and cyber security.


How Prestigious Is Yale Young Global Scholars? Will It Impress Colleges?

How hard is it to get accepted in YYGS? What is the YYGS acceptance rate? Yale Young Global Scholars doesn’t publish data on its acceptance rates, but by comparing numbers of applicants to attendees, we know that the YYGS acceptance rate is at least 35%. 

This is based on information from their website that states that they receive about 7,000 applications a year and about 2,500 students attend. Certainly not every student who is admitted attends, but we don’t know how many decline their offers of admission. We can say that at least โ…“ of students are admitted though, and possibly a significantly higher number. So YYGS is definitely a competitive program, but it’s nowhere near as hard as getting accepted into Yale University itself, which has an acceptance rate of about 6%, significantly lower than the Yale Young Global Scholars acceptance rate.

Will attending a Yale Young Global Scholars program impress colleges? It depends on what you make of the program. Just having it on your college application won’t do much. Despite a somewhat low acceptance rate, the program isn’t competitive enough or well-known enough to really make a difference to colleges. It will basically look the same as any other extracurricular program, such as a local summer camp, club membership, etc. Because the program is affiliated with Yale, it may give your application a small boost if you apply there, because it’ll show interest in the school, but in most, if not all, cases, this won’t be enough to make a difference whether you’ll be admitted or not.

So how can you make YYGS more of a strength on your college application? You need to connect it to your spike. Your spike is what we call your main focus/interest. If your goal is to attend an Ivy League school, you need to have a strong spike to stand out from the crowd, and it’s possible for Yale Young Global Scholars to contribute to this. For example, if you want to become a molecular biologist, then attending the Biological and Biomedical Science program, and creating a strong capstone project that relates to that interest can strengthen your spike.

Yale Young Global Scholars on its own, however, is not enough to be a spike, or even be the strongest point on your spike. At its core, it’s basically a summer school program, albeit a competitive and high-quality one where you have the potential to learn quite a bit. The best spikes show initiative, exceptional abilities, and deep passion for and commitment to a subject. It’s difficult to achieve this in a YYGS program because you’ll be spending most of your time in class. You might have amazing debates and learn a lot, but so are many other students in their regular classes every day.

So, we recommend viewing Yale Young Global Scholars as a way to give your college application a small boost. Especially for top-tier schools, it likely won’t make any difference in whether a school admits you or not. There are lots of potential reasons to attend YYGS (which we discuss later in the article), but thinking it’s a guarantee to an Ivy League school shouldn’t be one of them.

How Do You Apply to Yale Young Global Scholars?

You can access the YYGS application on their website. The YYGS application opens in September. The early action deadline is in mid-November, and the regular decision deadline is in mid-January. Those who apply early action will get their admission decision by late December and must decide if they want to attend by early January. Those who apply regular decision will get their admission decision by mid-March and need to make a decision to attend by early April. When you accept, you must pay the (non-refundable) tuition deposit. Here are the current deadlines. (Note that on-campus YYGS programs have been cancelled for 2020 due to the coronavirus.)

 Early ActionRegular Decision
Application DeadlineNovember 12, 2019January 15, 2020
Application Fee$55 USD$70 USD
Admission DecisionDecember 24, 2019March 15, 2020
Deadline to Accept/DeclineJanuary 9, 2020April 8, 2020

If you decide to apply, first make sure you meet their eligibility criteria, which is mainly that, by the start of the program, you’ll be at least 16 years old, a current high school sophomore or junior (or the international equivalent), have fluent or nearly-fluent English skills, and haven’t participated in previous YYGS sessions.

You’ll then complete the YYGS application, which is very similar to college applications. You’ll need to submit:

  • High school transcript
  • List of extracurriculars
  • 4 written responses (one 500 words, one 200 words, and two 140 characters) to Yale Young Global Scholars essay questions
  • 2 letters of recommendation
  • Application fee ($55 for Early Action, $70 for Regular Decision)

You can also choose to submit English fluency test scores and/or need-based financial aid. Submit your application, and you’ll hear back from YYGS by the notification deadline (and often sooner).


Should You Attend a Yale Global Scholars Program? 3 Questions to Ask Yourself

Now you know quite a bit more about Yale Global Scholars, but is it the best choice for you? Below are three questions to ask yourself before deciding.

#1: Why Do You Want to Attend?

This is the most important question to ask, and you need to make sure your expectations are realistic. As we mentioned earlier, if you want to attend a YYGS program because you think it’s your ticket into Ivy League schools, then you’ll be disappointed. Attending the program is not much more prestigious than any other extracurricular you have on your resume. Here are some strong reasons to attend the program, as well as weak reasons.

Strong Reasons to Attend YYGS:

  • You want to get a taste of college life
  • You want to learn more about a particular subject or career path
  • You want to meet new people

Any of the above are strong, accomplishable goals for YYGS. Because the program is held on Yale’s campus, it’ll give you a great way to learn about college life, particularly American college life. The programs are high-quality and will teach you a lot, and because you can choose the focus of your program and your capstone project, you can tailor the experience to learn more about your intended career path and subjects of deep interest to you. And finally, students in YYGS come from over 100 different countries, and many mention the friends they made as one of the best parts of YYGS.

Weak Reasons to Attend YYGS:

  • You think it’ll help your college applications
  • You think it’s incredibly prestigious
  • You want to network with Yale professors

If you attend YYGS with any of the above goals as your main reason for attending, you’ll likely be disappointed. As we mentioned, YYGS isn’t seen as a particularly prestigious thing to have on college applications. It’s nice to have, but it certainly won’t guarantee you admission anywhere. Additionally, some people think that, because YYGS programs are held on Yale’s campus, you’ll be able to network with Yale professors and potentially get a connection to help you get admitted/get a research project when you’re a student there. This is highly unlikely. Much of the program is run by YYGS, not Yale professors, so while you will hear some Yale professors give talks and have the opportunity to ask them questions, you won’t have the time to develop a one-on-one relationship with them.

#2: Can You Afford It?

YYGS does offer a significant number of scholarships, but competition for them is high, and you shouldn’t assume you’ll receive one. That means it’s important to consider the cost of the program. YYGS isn’t cheap; attending the program costs $6,250 for tuition, room, and board. For most families, that’s quite a bit of money for a short summer program, and you shouldn’t feel like you need to scramble to come up with the money. As we mentioned above, YYGS can be a great experience, but there are many experiences just as rewarding that are free or cost much less. If you can afford the YYGS program go for it, but don’t think you need to pay thousands of dollars in order to have strong extracurriculars to put on your college application.

#3: What Are Your Other Options for the Summer?

Before you agree to attend a YYGS program, make sure it’s the best way for you to spend your summer. The programs are quite short, but because they occur in the middle of summer, they can prevent you from other summer opportunities, such as jobs, classes, etc.

We’ve discussed that YYGS can be a solid opportunity, butย it’s not the only opportunity or even necessarily the best opportunity for you.ย You might decide that taking classes at a community or local college is better because those classes are longer and offer the option for college credit. You may also decide to work a summer job to earn money and show colleges you have a strong work ethic and desire to learn new skills. You may also decide to work on current extracurriculars, job shadow, develop your own project, etc. because they’ll better show your leadership skills/initiative/passion to colleges. The point is to not feel like you need to attend YYGS to impress colleges. You have lots of options; be sure to make the right decision for you.

Yale Young Global Scholars Program 2018 | Opportunity Desk

What’s Next?

Curious about other programs like Yale Young Global Scholars? Make sure to read our guides on BU Summer ProgramSummer Institute for the Gifted, and Stanford EPGY.

Wondering when you should start studying for the ACT/SAT? Get a guide for both tests so you can maximize your score (click here for ACT and here for the SAT).

Want your extracurriculars to really stand out?ย Check out our guide ofย three amazing extracurricular examples that are sure to impress colleges.

Thinking ahead to college applications?

If youโ€™re a freshman, sophomore, or junior worried about college admissions, our world-class admissions counselors can help. We know exactly what kinds of students colleges want to admit and can make sure your profile shines.

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