
The Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) is a graduate research degree which adheres to a scientist practitioner/ clinical science model of training, with a dual emphasis on clinical research and training for professional practice. It prepares graduates to work as clinical psychologists in both research and clinical contexts. This program is committed to training the next generation of leaders in clinical psychology, by enabling the trainees to conduct research that: a) advances the scientific knowledge of psychiatric disorders, and b) advances understanding of how to deliver evidence-based methods of assessment and clinical intervention for those with mental health problems.

The program is driven by a set of values that guide every aspect of the work. We believe we will be successful if our students are successful in developing, exciting, and meaningfully contributing to policy and advancements to the profession. We adhere to the highest professional standards in training clinical psychologists, and through our international and national networks we create the highest quality research experience for all our students. We also build and maintain relationships with students based on trust, are non-hierarchical and inclusive, and sustain a commitment to a duty of care to our students.

Our teaching and research team comprises accomplished clinical researchers who have been internationally recognised through prestigious awards, as well as accomplished practitioners and clinical supervisors. Many of our staff maintain leadership positions for professional organisations in Australia and internationally.

Our program integrates research, coursework, and clinical placements. Candidates are required to conduct a program of research in an area directly relevant to clinical psychology with close mentorship/ supervision provided by academic staff members. The program includes intensive skills-based coursework, as well as a minimum of 1,000 supervised placement hours. Our placements provide comprehensive experience with a diverse range of clinical populations in both public and private mental health care settings, including our renowned clinic, the Monash Psychology Centre.

Some further information:

Our program is 3.5 years in duration. We have structured the program so that there can be a focus on coursework and research in year 1, before the steep learning that occurs in developing clinical practice skills from year 2. To help connect the coursework with application in clinical practice, we also have a weekly case conference where those who are more advanced in the program present cases from their placement.

Our coursework is skill-focused, and is delivered by our team of accomplished clinician-researchers. The content reflects our teamโ€™s specialist expertise on topics such as: advanced psychopathology, psychological assessment, cognitive behavior therapies, and ethics and professional practice.

Then, the first placement is undertaken in year 2 at our very own Monash Psychology Centre, where all of our trainees have close supervisory support from an experienced clinician.

For the second and third placements, our trainees receive a broad experience of clinical work through our strong links with private and public hospital (in patient and outpatient), community mental health, and other health care settings. In total, our trainees attain a minimum of 1000 hours of clinical placements in the program. Our trainees become highly skilled in working effectively with individuals presenting with significant distress and serious emotional/ behavioral disorders across the lifespan.

Due to the emphasis on clinical research at Monash, and the fact our School is situated within the Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences, there are many exciting opportunities to develop research expertise.  The program provides our trainees with the opportunity to link with one of our areas of research strength (http://www.monash.edu/medicine/neuro-institute/our-research/research-strengths) and integrated research programs (http://www.monash.edu/medicine/neuro-institute/our-research/integrated-research-programs), and with the support of a research mentor, make independent and substantive contributions to the field. Most of our trainees are successful in publishing their research in international journals while they are enrolled in the program.

The final thesis is a 60,000 to 80,000 word document produced from your research. As a doctoral training program, research accounts for 70% of the degree. However, many of our trainees undertake research that focused on disorders and treatments, which directly enriches their clinical practice.

The Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) is a four year (full-time) program of coursework, clinical placements (1,000 hours) and a research thesis equivalent to a PhD by research thesis in size and scope. This program is designed for those who have a particular interest in the academic and research aspects of clinical psychology. Graduates of this program have the benefit of the training provided to Master of Clinical Psychology students with the intensive research training provided by completing a research PhD in the field of clinical psychology. Further academic teaching and research opportunities are open to graduates of the clinical PhD.

The PhD (Clinical Psychology) program aims to develop effective clinical competencies and to encourage a critical approach to the application of these competencies to practice. The emphasis is on a science-based approach to clinical psychology and the development of clinical problem solving skills, with a focus on scientific evidence combined with practical experience based on the theory of clinical psychology.

The programs include the three components of formal coursework, supervised clinical practice (internships) and original clinical research. Students complete the coursework component in first and second year.

Beginning in January / February of their second year, students undertake supervised clinical practice in the ANU Psychology Clinic. Subsequently they undertake two or more supervised clinical placements external to ANU. Internships are undertaken, in addition to the ANU Psychology Clinic, in a variety of community and hospital based settings within Canberra or nearby country areas, and include community health centres, general hospital, psychiatric and medical units, neurology and neuropsychology services, veterans’ counselling services, alcohol and drug services and school counselling units.

Immediately following their acceptance into the program, PhD students also commence a program of extensive clinical research. At the end of the fourth year of study, PhD candidates are required to present a major thesis (equivalent in size and scope to a research-only PhD thesis) for external examination.

Please note that the closing date for applications is 30 September each year.

International and domestic applications are open now. Please see below application information for how to apply.

Course Description

If youโ€™re working towards becoming a registered psychologist and have completed your fourth year, this course provides you with the education required to complete the doctoral degree pathway. If you are already working as a registered psychologist, youโ€™ll gain specialist skills in clinical practice combined with extensive research.

Clinical Psychology uses a scientific framework to assess and deliver psychological interventions for clients with mental health issues.

Murdochโ€™s clinical training adopts an integrative and critical approach to clinical practice with a strong emphasis on clinical competencies and preparation for clinical practice. Youโ€™ll learn how to apply your skills and knowledge in prevention and psychological intervention. You will also become a proficient researcher with practical research skills and the ability to develop novel interventions and program evaluation at the individual and system levels.

The Doctor of Psychology is an intensive three-and-a-half year professional research degree consisting of clinical and research seminars, supervised practical work and supervision of a major research project in clinical psychology. Youโ€™ll learn through coursework, practicum, and the research components, undertaking at least three practical placements to hone your skills as a clinical psychologist. A Professional Doctoral Degree is a research-focussed qualification recognised and accredited by APAC that makes a significant and original contribution to knowledge in the context of professional practice. Youโ€™ll achieve professional accreditation as a Clinical Psychologist via a program of structured learning with a comprehensive research program undertaken over at least two years of the qualification.

Entrants into the program enrol in and complete the first year of the Master of Applied Psychology (Clinical Psychology) and then apply for entry to the DPsych based on performance. You will need to submit a detailed synopsis of your intended research and obtain the support of a Murdoch supervisor as part of your application before presenting a research plan to a panel of clinical psychology staff.

You must be registered from the start of the degree as a provisional psychologist if you are a graduate with the Psychology Board of Australia, and obtain a federal police clearance if accepted into the course.

8 reasons to study a Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) at Murdoch

  • Youโ€™ll study in small groups within a highly engaged professional environment that is both flexible and supportive.
  • Learn from leading clinical academics and highly experienced clinicians who are committed to helping you succeed in your studies.
  • Gain professional experience with real patients through three practical placements, either in our on-campus psychology clinic, or with external clinics.
  • Establish a network of valuable industry contacts through your external practical placement that will open up employment opportunities when you graduate. Murdoch has arrangements with a wide variety of service providers such as WA Department of Health, Department for Community Development, Department of Justice, Disability Services Commission, WA Police Service and other public and private services and facilities.
  • Have the opportunity to undertake placements at adult and child clinical facilities.
  • Develop knowledge, skills and demonstrated competency in a wide range of psychological assessment and intervention approaches.
  • Benefit from training in translational research methods and have an opportunity to conduct translational research, which is of direct benefit to service users.
  • Participate in cutting edge research undertaken with staff in areas of Murdochโ€™s research specialisations.

Develop your skills

Build essential skills and knowledge to meet your career or study goals. Topics youโ€™ll cover include:

  • applying the rigorous method and innovative findings of psychological science to practice
  • assessment and intervention with individuals, families and communities
  • developing professional capacity and identity through a process of building comprehensive skills and experience in the context of the ethical and personal development in a supported environment
  • assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, the delivery of psychological therapy and mental health promotion and prevention
  • working with clients across all stages of the lifespan: pregnancy, infancy, family life and parenting, adulthood and older adulthood.

Your career

Psychologists are emerging as highly employable professionals in contemporary health services, given their strong grounding in effective interventions, solid assessment skills and their ability to devise and implement research. Employment growth for Clinical Psychologists is expected to be strong following recent government initiatives such as Medicare-rebated services.

You will be able to take up professional roles, working in senior clinical roles, and maintain strong links with academia.

You will be highly employable in a wide variety of areas, including hospital and health settings, private practice as a registered clinical psychologist, and working in various public and private sector agencies in areas such as health, community development, justice, education, child protection, drug and alcohol, and disabilities.

Professional recognition

This course is fully accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) and approved by the Clinical College of the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

Students with overseas qualifications who may be accepted into the course need to ensure that their undergraduate qualifications meets the requirements of the relevant psychology registration board for equivalence to a four-year Australian degree in Psychology. Applications with qualifications obtained outside Australia must have a formal assessment completed by the Australian Psychological Society before submitting an application for study. The degree requires attendance of on-campus seminars and, for parts of the course, full-day attendance on campus or at a practicum site.

Environment & resources

Following are some of the benefits that the ANU Research School of Psychology can offer PhD students.

Resources & office space

Psychology research students normally share an office with an average of four other students during their first two years. In later years research students will normally share an office with one other student. All students have desktop computers and receive a high level of technical and administrative support. Students receive financial support for research needs and peak-conference attendance based on the submission of an annual budget.

Supervisory panels

Students work closely with their principal supervisor to identify supervisory panels within three months of enrolment.ย For information about the areas that have available supervision, please visit this link:ย http://psychology.anu.edu.au/research/staff-research-interests

Excellent statistical & methodological support

ANU psychologists that carry out the advanced (ie fourth year) research methods training have published extensively on research methods and statistics.

Active research environment

Psychologists at ANU are actively involved in publishing research. They are at the forefront of international developments in their fields. ANU students have multiple opportunities to obtain publications.

Equipment & research space

The Research School of Psychology has large, dedicated psychology research laboratories, equipped for running most forms of research including computer-mediated communication. The School employs a full-time postdoctoral research officer whose duties include managing the laboratory.

Teaching opportunities

Casual employment as tutors is available during semester. Interested students have the opportunity to complete training in teaching through the Graduate Teaching Program.

Other local facilities

Unlike other Australian universities, ANU is primarily a research institution. The Research School of Psychology is part of the ANU College of Health and Medicine. It hosts a variety of research schools and centres. Library facilities are excellent and the National Library is just across the lake.

Career opportunities

The Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) program is accredited for full membership of the Australian Psychological Society (APS). It is also accredited for membership of the Clinical College of the Australian Psychological Society though, as with all accredited postgraduate clinical programs, a further two years supervised clinical practice may be necessary before full membership is given, depending on past clinical experience. In addition, this program fulfils the requirements of the Psychology Board of Australia.

Examples of student accomplishments from some of our Clinical Psychology Program graduates can be viewed here. Some examples of Clinical Psychology Program Students Publications and Presentations can be viewed here

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