
PhD in Forensic Science

The Doctor of Philosophy is a 3 year full time (6 year part time) research program open to candidates with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) or Master of Science (Research), or have demonstrated professional qualifications and experience, and are interested in high-level independent research training. Doctoral candidates work with their supervisors to develop a research project designed to add a distinct and significant contribution to knowledge in their chosen field of forensic science. PhD projects may vary from investigating novel analysis techniques to collaborating with industry partners to develop fundamental discipline knowledge or tackle emerging issues. Project supervision is available a number of disciplines, including:

  • Criminalistics
  • Forensic toxicology & illicit drugs
  • Fingerprints
  • Forensic taphonomy
  • Forensic biology
  • Forensic intelligence
  • Forensic analytical chemistry

A list of academics and research areas in the Centre for Forensic Science can be found in Our Research and staff bios

Your learning facilities

Inside the UTS: Science Super Lab

The UTS: Science Super Lab is the first of its kind in Australia. Featuring modern equipment and technology it can accommodate up to 220 students from 12 different classes, with experiments from different disciplines running at once.


Inside the Crime Scene Simulation Lab

Forensic students at UTS Science have access to a unique Crime Scene Simulation Lab. Set up like a city apartment, the lab provides students with practical experience in crime scene investigations.


Centre for Forensic Science research laboratories

We have purpose-built forensic laboratories with state of the art forensic equipment, chemical technology, anatomical and taphonomic facilities, Find out more about the CFS laboratories you will be using during your course. 

Real careers

UTS graduates have enjoyed careers as crime scene officers, forensic document examiners, forensic scientists, medical researchers and teachers.

UTS graduates

James Finger

James Finger
Crime Scene Officer
“People who can act as the bridge between the complex world of science and the public have great opportunities”.

See full details of the:
Doctor of Philosophy
Research degrees

Forensic Science Degrees in Australia

  • Find out more about studying forensic scienceStudy Forensic ScienceForensic science is a field that is most commonly related to the solving of crimes, and is often depicted as this in popular culture. However, the discipline is far more complex and interesting than that. It deals with biology, physics, psychology and chemistry.As a forensic scientist working with a police force, you will be expected to examine a crime scene, collect any evidence and process that evidence for any useful information, such as fingerprints and hair follicles. This evidence can be used to solve a crime and identify a suspect, as well as being utilised in any legal proceedings that may follow.CourseworkAn undergraduate degree in forensic science will give you a foundation of knowledge in the area. You will be given opportunities to develop your understanding of chemistry and biological science, DNA analysis and interpretation, and forensic evidence. Your degree might also provide chances to practice your crime scene investigation and practical skills, ensuring that you are well prepared for your future career.Your course will be delivered in a mixture of modes. These will include lectures and seminars, as well as practical and laboratory sessions. You might be required to take part in a placement module, which will give you an experience of working as a forensic scientist.Find out more about studying forensic science

Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Forensic ScienceAward abbreviationPhD, MForScCourse code00880Course typecombined postgraduate (coursework only and thesis only)Statusnot available in 2020Administered byFaculty of ScienceGraduate Research SchoolCRICOS code040788E

Course details

Intake periodsBeginning of year onlyAttendance typefull- or part-time (Student visa holders should read Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 for more information.)Credit points required60
A standard full-time load is 24 points per semester.Standard course duration4 yearsTime limit8 yearsDelivery modeinternalLocations offeredUWA (Perth)Domestic fee typeRTPFeesVisit the fees calculator.

S1 = Semester 1; S2 = Semester 2; SS = summer teaching period; N/A = not available in 2020;
NS = non-standard teaching period; OS = offshore teaching period; * = to be advised

Take all units (42 points):

S1FNSC5611Ethics and Research Methods in Forensic Sciencelectures: 2โ€“3 hours per week; practicals: 1โ€“2 hours per week; seminars: 6 x 2 hours
S1FNSC5612Forensic Anthropology Iโ€”Introductory Theory and MethodPrerequisites:enrolment in the Graduate Certificate in Forensic Anthropology 72280 or the Graduate Diploma in Forensic Anthropology 72380 or the Master of Forensic Anthropology 72580lectures and labs: 40 hours (2โ€“3 hours per week)
N/AFNSC5613Introduction to Forensic ChemistryIncompatibility:FNSC8551 Instrumentation (Chemical Instrumentation), FNSC8552 Soils and Taphonomylectures: 1โ€“2 hours per week; labs: 1โ€“2 hours per week; field work: a full-day field trip
N/AFNSC5619Forensic DNA AnalysisIncompatibility:FNSC8564 DNA, FNSC5519 Forensic DNA and the Lawlectures: 2โ€“3 hours per week; labs: 3 x 2โ€“3 hours
 FNSC5620Expert Testimony Part 1
 FNSC5623Advanced Expert Testimony Part 1
 FNSC5630Expert Testimony Part 2 (3 points)
 FNSC5633Advanced Expert Testimony Part 2 (3 points)

Take unit(s) to the value of 24 points:

N/AFNSC5518Forensic Science and PolicingPrerequisites:enrolment in the Graduate Certificate in Forensic Investigation (52210) or the Graduate Diploma in Criminal Investigation (52390) or the Graduate Certificate in Forensic Science (51220) or the Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science (50320) or the Master of Forensic Science (coursework and dissertation) (51520) or the combined Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Forensic Science (00880)lectures: approx. 2 hours per week; mock crime scene practical workshop: 1 day
 FNSC5520Criminal Behaviour
S1FNSC5614Forensic Archaeologyโ€”Theory and MethodPrerequisites:enrolment in the Graduate Certificate in Forensic Anthropology (72280) Graduate Diploma in Forensic Anthropology (72380) or Master of Forensic Anthropology (72580)lectures/tutorials/practicals/a final examination: 50โ€“60 hours
S2FNSC5615Medicolegal Death InvestigationIncompatibility:FNSC8503 Forensic Pathology, FNSC8561 Forensic Entomologylectures: 2โ€“3 hours per week; labs: approx. 2โ€“3 hours per week.
 FNSC5616Digital Imaging in Forensic Science
 FNSC5617Forensics and Information Technology
 FNSC5618Special Topic in Forensic Science
S2FNSC5626Forensic Anthropology IIโ€”Advanced Theory and MethodPrerequisites:FNSC5612 Forensic Anthropology Iโ€”Introductory Theory and Methodlectures: 9 x 3 hours per week; practicals: 9 x 3 hours per week

See also the rules for the course and the Student Rules.

Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

(2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

Academic Conduct Essentials module

2.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module).

(2) A student who has previously achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the ACE module is not required to repeat the module.

English Language competency requirements

3. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University’s English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

Admission requirements

4. To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must haveโ€”

(a) had a PhD proposal approved by the Board of the Graduate Research School;


(b) an honours degree of at least 2A level or equivalent and have completed the first year of the course leading to the degree of Master of Forensic Science.

Admission ranking and selection

5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

Articulations and exit awards

6. This course does not form part of an articulated sequence.

Course structure

7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 60 points.

(2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.

Satisfactory progress

8. Students whoโ€”

(a) do not pass units to a points value of at least half the total points value of any units in which they remain enrolled;


(b) fail a unit that they have previously failed;


(c) do not satisfy the Board through relevant reports that their progress towards the PhD has been appropriate,

will not have made satisfactory progress.

9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the ACE module when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress in Rule 8.

Progress status

10. A student who fails to make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of ‘Excluded’ unless the Faculty decides otherwise in light of exceptional circumstances.

11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 9 is assigned the progress status of ‘On Probation’, unless they have been assigned a progress status of ‘Suspended’ or ‘Excluded’ for failure to meet other satisfactory progress requirements in Rule 8.

Award with distinction

12. To be awarded the degree with distinction a student must achieve a course weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 80 per cent, which is calculated based on โ€”

(a) all units above Level 3 attempted as part of the course that are awarded a final percentage mark;

(b) all relevant units above Level 3 undertaken in articulating courses of this University that are awarded a final percentage mark;


(c) all units above Level 3 completed at this University that are credited to the master’s degree course.

Additional rules
Time limit

13. Unless the Faculty on the recommendation of the Director of the Centre for Forensic Science approves otherwise, students must complete the units required under Rule 7 within four calendar years from the date of first enrolment in the combined course.

Submission of research proposal and thesis

14.(1) A student who is permitted to enrol in terms of Rule 4(a) must submit a full research proposal to the Board of the Graduate Research School no later than 31 October in the year of their commencement of candidature if enrolled full-time or within nine months of their date of commencement if enrolled part-time.

(2) A student must, before submission of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, complete the Master of Forensic Science component as set out in Rule 7.

Qualification for award

15. A student who completes the units required under Rule 7 and completes the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy will qualify for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Forensic Science.

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