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Studying medicine can prepare scholars for a wide range of careers, but most people choose to pursue their education before entering the workforce. Depending on the education and work history of graduates, graduates may become general practitioners, registered nurses, health educators, medical researchers, allied health managers, forensic science technicians and clinical laboratory technologists.

Medical School Highest Acceptance Rates - College Learners

There are several factors that influence whether or not a student is offered a medical school interview and ultimately a medical school acceptance during the medical school admissions process. The two biggest objective med school admissions stats that determine an applicantโ€™s success in medical school admissions are the average MCAT score and average GPA. Subjective criteria that is communicated through your medical school personal statementAMCAS work and activitiessecondary essays, and letters of recommendation, also impact interview and admissions outcomes. However, for the purposes of this article we will focus on the objective criteria, or med school admission stats, that impact success.

These medical school admissions requirements (MCAT and GPA) serve as the foundational building blocks for every studentโ€™s candidacy. Sometimes applicants have a difficult time hearing this fact: no matter how exceptional an applicantโ€™s background it is often impossible to overcome low medical school statistics.

It is not always simple to find out a medical schoolโ€™s average MCAT score and GPAs for accepted students since the Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR) only lists MEDIAN (or middle) statistics and not MEAN (or average) statistics for accepted students. However, some medical schools, but not all, post this data on their websites. Understanding the numerical criteria that influence an applicantโ€™s success in the process will allow premedical students to set goals. It also enables medical school applicants to gauge how competitive they are in general, and for specific medical schools in which they are interested.

Finally, it is important to review medical school acceptance rates to get an idea of each medical schoolโ€™s competitiveness. The lower the medical school acceptance rate, the more competitive the medical school. And, the higher a medical school acceptance rate, the less competitive the medical school.

Related: Where to Apply to Medical School & Easiest Medical Schools to Get Into (2020-2021)

medical school acceptance rates highest

Table of Contents

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Part 1: Medical School Acceptance Rates, Average GPA, and Average MCAT Score for Every Allopathic Medical School (2020-2021)

Show 102550100 entriesSearch:

SchoolMedian GPAMedian MCATAcceptance RateTotal ApplicantsTotal InterviewedTotal AcceptedTotal Enrolled
Albany Medical College3.68511N/A8579587N/A134
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University3.751012%3074558372233
Baylor College of Medicine3.925174%7620829311186
Boston University3.765166%91121151524174
Brown University (Alpert)3.775143%9922371322149
California Northstate University3.64513N/A5585359N/A94
Case Western Reserve University3.785188%67401266567250
Central Michigan University3.74506N/A5393423N/A103
Columbia University3.875204%82581035285150
Cornell University (Weill)3.845175%6245828335106

Showing 1 to 10 of 145 entriesPreviousNext

Part 2: Medical School Acceptance Rates

When deciding where to apply to medical school, a student must research each medical schoolโ€™s average acceptance rate. By understanding school of medicine acceptance rates, applicants can understand for what medical schools they are most competitive. However, many medical schools do not disclose how many applicants they actually accept. Medical schools may only publish how many applications they receive, the number of applicants they interview and how many actually matriculate. Therefore, it isnโ€™t always possible to know what percentage of applicants interviewed are ultimately accepted.

Typically, the more competitive the medical school, the lower the acceptance rate. There are some medical schools that one might not think are very competitive based on the average GPAs and MCATs of accepted students. However, some of these โ€œless competitiveโ€ schools receive a very large numbers of applications and interview a small percentage of applicants making them quite competitive.

Part 3: Which medical schools receive the most applications?

The following medical schools received more than 14,000 applications!

The following medical schools received more than 10,000 applications!

For the entering medical school class of 2019-2020, there were 53,371 medical school applicants applicants. In total, 21,869 applicants matriculated meaning 41% of medical school applicants matriculated.

Acceptance rates between medical schools varies significantly. For the most selective medical schools, such as Harvard Medical School, the acceptance rate is 3.8%. However, some medical schools have much higher acceptance rates. For example, the University of Tennessee has an acceptance rate of 13.8%. Average medical school acceptance rates are 7%.

With an increasing number of medical school applicants every year, acceptance rates continue to decrease especially at very popular or competitive medical schools.

Part 4: Medical School Acceptance Rates, Average GPA, and Average MCAT Score for Osteopathic Medical Schools (2020-2021)

Show 102550100 entriesSearch:

School NameAverage MCATAverage GPAAverage BCPM GPAAcceptance Rate
Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine5013.43.310%
Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicineof Midwestern University5083.543.48NA
Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine4983.46NA25%
A.T. Still University of Health SciencesKirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine5033.613.53NA
A.T. Still University of Health SciencesSchool of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona5043.483.37NA
Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicineat New Mexico State UniversityNANANANA
California Health Sciences University College of Osteopathic MedicineNEW SCHOOLNEW SCHOOLNEW SCHOOLNEW SCHOOL
Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine5033.53.58NA
Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicineof Midwestern University5033.673.61NA
Des Moines UniversityCollege of Osteopathic Medicine5063.63NA16%

Showing 1 to 10 of 41 entriesPreviousNext

12 Medical Schools Where Humanities and Social Sciences Majors Often Attend  | Top Medical Schools | US News

Part 5: Medical School Average MCAT Score

For reference purposes, know that the highest possible MCAT score is a 528 with with a 132 on each of the four sections. According to the Association of American Medical College, the average MCAT for students accepted to allopathic medical schools in the United States was 511.2 which was slightly higher than the previous year, 510.4, showing an upward trend of average scores for accepted applicants. The typical MCAT score one needs to be competitive for medical school admission to allopathic medical schools in the United States is a 509.

MCAT scores of 507 or below are generally considered low and not competitive for allopathic medical school admissions. There are exceptions, however, to this rule. An MCAT score of 518 or above is considered exceptional. Most medical schools have MCAT cut off scores meaning that an applicant must earn above a specified score in order for the medical school admissions committee to review an application. Unfortunately, medical school do not always make this data public.

Earning the highest MCAT score possible with the lowest number of exam attempts is ideal for getting in to medical school. For example, the student who has taken the MCAT three times, earning scores of 503, 504, and 512, may be evaluated as a less competitive applicant than the applicant who took the exam once and earned a 512 on the first attempt. Medical schools see all exam results which is why one high score among several lower scores could be interpreted as an outlier.

Part 6: Which medical schools have some of the lowest median MCAT scores for accepted students?

Lowest Average MCAT Scores By School
Medical SchoolMCAT Score
University of Mississippi503
Louisiana State504
Northeast Ohio506
Central Michigan506
Florida State University506
Southern Illinois506
Michigan State507
Loma Linda508

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Part 7: Which medical schools have some of the highest median MCAT scores for med school applicants?

Highest Average MCAT Scores By School
Medical SchoolMCAT Score
Washington University521
Johns Hopkins520
Perelman/University of Pennsylvania520
Pritzker/University of Chicago520

Part 8: What are the Best Medical Schools in the U.S.?

Below are the best medical schools in the U.S. based on U.S. News medical school rankings for research and average MCAT scores.

Best Medical Schools in the U.S.
Medical SchoolRanking
Harvard Medical School1
Johns Hopkins2
Stanford University3 (tie)
University of Pennsylvania (Perelman)3 (tie)
University of California San Francisco5
Columbia University (Vagelos)6
University of California Los Angeles6 (tie)
Washington University in St. Louis8
Cornell University (Weill)9 (tie)
Mayo School of Medicine (Alix)9 (tie)
New York University (Lagnone)9 (tie)
List of Medical School Acceptance Rates โ€“ CollegeLearners

Part 9: Average GPA for Medical School

The most recent data shows that the average GPA for medical school matriculants in the United States were as follows:

  • Overall GPA: 3.72
  • BCPM (biology, chemistry, physics, and math) GPA: 3.65
  • Non Science GPA: 3.8

A medical school applicantโ€™s GPA is considered one of the most important admissions criteria when applying to medical school. A medical school applicantโ€™s GPA is broken up in to three categories on AMCAS:

  • Overall GPA
  • BCPM (biology, chemistry, physics, and math) GPA
  • Non Science GPA

An applicantโ€™s GPA in all three categories is one of the most important factors in medical school admissions. Like the MCAT, many medical schools have minimum GPA cut offs they will consider. However, these cut offs are not always made public.

Keep in mind that these are average GPAs! There is a pretty big variation of matriculant GPAs from medical school to medical school. The typical GPA we advise students to have is a 3.5 across all subjects. However, we work with many students who have GPAs lower than this who are accepted. Grade trends are also important with an upward grade trend making you a more competitive applicant. The rigor of your academic classes and undergraduate college reputation can also impact how your grades are interpreted. We consider the range of competitive GPAs to be 3.4 โ€“ 3.5 or higher.

Part 10: Which medical schools have some of the lowest mean GPAs for accepted students?

Lowest Average Accepted GPA By School
Medical SchoolGPA
Rosalind Franklin3.62
New York Medical College3.63
University of Texas Rio Grande3.63
California State3.64
Virginia Tech3.64
Eastern Virginia3.67

Part 11: Which medical schools have some of the highest mean GPAs for accepted students?

Highest Average Accepted GPA By School
Medical SchoolGPA
Johns Hopkins3.94
Pritzker/University Chicago3.91
University of Virginia3.91
Washington University3.91
Top 8 Medical Schools With High Acceptance Rate - Universities Abroad

Most Important Medical School Admissions Criteria

In summary, the most important criteria in the medical school admissions process are MCAT score(s) and GPA(s). These factors are the cornerstones of every applicantโ€™s candidacy. If you are about to embark on your premedical journey, keep in mind that academic excellence should be a primary goal. If you are getting ready to apply to medical school, honestly assess your chances of medical school admission by objectively evaluating your stats together with medical school admissions rates to determine your competitiveness.

If you are looking for medical school acceptance rates and want to learn how to increase your chances of admission, you’ve come to the right place. This blog will give you tips on how to increase your chances of getting accepted, teach you how to improve your medical school application components and give you a list of medical school acceptance rates with average GPA and MCAT scores.

How to Improve Your Application Components


If you would like to learn how to get into medical school with a low GPA, make sure to read our blog. But if your heart is set on schools that have higher GPA thresholds than your own, you can certainly try to increase your grades and improve your GPA. See if you can retake some of the classes in which you performed poorly. Retaking such classes will also show admissions committees your dedication and desire for improvement. Create a study plan and stick to it, join a study group, or get a tutor to help you ace your course. You must get a much better grade in your second sitting of the class to make it worth your while. You can also ask your instructors and teaching assistants (TAs) if you can do anything for extra credit. Your genuine interest and hard work will not go unnoticed. To get higher grades, you can also try taking classes in disciplines you enjoy. Pursuing coursework that you are passionate about tends to result in better grades.

If you are not happy with your current MCAT score you can retake the exam. A word of caution: if you decide to retake the exam you must do better than in your first attempt. The admissions committees will be able to see all the scores you have, so you must show improvement. Before you take the exam you must know what is a good MCAT score and when to start studying for the MCAT. You can use MCAT CARS practice passages to get ready for the test. Preparing for the MCAT is a laborious process that requires time and dedication. Take a practice test to get an idea of your baseline and what you need to focus on. Your results will indicate what areas of knowledge you need to study. Create a thorough MCAT study schedule and change it accordingly to correspond to your improvements and challenges. Continue to take practice tests to see if you are showing improvement. Take the real test only when you are ready. If you take the test prematurely, you will waste your time and money. You need to be scoring consistently well (in the 90th percentile) before you retake the actual test. If you are still wondering โ€œWhen should I take the MCAT?โ€, make sure to read our blog.

Typically, your GPA and MCAT are juxtaposed by the medical schools to which you apply. Many medical schools will forgive a lower GPA if the MCAT score is high. Likewise, if an MCAT score is lower than the schoolโ€™s typical average, the GPA may compensate for it. The AAMC provides a chart that shows the correlation between GPA and MCAT scores in medical school acceptance rates. For example, if your GPA is between 3.2 to 3.39, you must score between 514 to 517 on your MCAT to have a 50% admissions chance. You can check out the chart to see how you measure up. Remember, your GPA and MCAT are not the only components of your medical school application, but they are the yardstick with which you will be measured as soon as your applications are under review. GPA and MCAT scores are used to weed out students from the initial applicant pool, so research the schools youโ€™re applying to and see if your GPA and MCAT scores at least match their average before you apply.


If your school is one of the medical schools that require CASPer, you will need to prepare. This situational judgment test is meant to assess studentsโ€™ professional suitability for medical and other professional schools, but it does not evaluate your scientific or clinical knowledge. The test is comprised of 12 scenarios dealing with real-life situations. You are asked 3 follow up questions based on each scenario you observe. Essentially, the questions will prod you to answer how you would deal with the situations you witness. You are given 5 minutes to type your answers for those three questions. Your answer for each scenario will be given a score between 1 (lowest) and 9 (highest). Remember, you do not need to answer all three questions to get a high score. The quality of your answer will determine how well you do on a question. It is possible to leave 1 or even 2 of the three questions blank and still receive a good score! Your score is solely based on how appropriate, mature, and professional your answer is whether you answered just one of the follow-up questions or all three. It is vital to know how to prepare for CASPer. Frist of all, make sure you have a solid approach for each type of question included in the test. Second of all, use realistic simulation and receive professional feedback when you are preparing โ€“ you will not know how well you are doing and what you can improve without good feedback. To get ready, check out our CASPer test prep blog.

Personal Statement

Applying to medical school is a laborious and time-consuming process. You need to think ahead and plan each component carefully. Your personal statement alone can take weeks or months to prepare. A personal statement must answer the important question: “Why do you want to be a doctor?”. You must create a unique and coherent narrative that would make you stand out among hundreds of applicants and you will have a limited amount of space to do this. If you’re applying through AMCAS and AACOMAS, you have 5,300 characters including spaces; if you’re applying through TMDSAS, you have 5,000 characters including spaces. This means that you will need to reflect on your past experiences, brainstorm ideas, and choose only the most meaningful experiences for your essay. Your personal statement should be structured around 2 or 3 experiences; limiting the number of experiences you include in your personal statement allows for space to talk about each experience in depth. Your statement should be structured like an academic essay that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction of your essay must be strong to captivate the readers and keep them interested in your story. It might be easier to write your introduction last after you write the body and conclusion of your statement. This way you will already know what your essay talks about and you will be able to formulate an introduction that indicates what the reader should expect from your personal statement. 

The body paragraphs need to demonstrate your experiences and qualities that make you a perfect candidate for the schools to which youโ€™re applying. Be very selective about the experiences you include โ€“ they must show, rather than simply tell, your readiness to become a medical school student. Be sure to demonstrate what these experiences taught you and what kind of valuable skills you learned from them. Remember, you are trying to show the quality of your experiences, do not simply list them and expect the readers to know why they were important on your journey to medical school. Your conclusion may reiterate some of the key points of your essay, but do not just write a dry summary. Leave a lasting impression by including an insightful comment about your journey to medical school or your reflections on the importance of medical professionals and their role in society. Your personal statement gives adcoms an idea of your personality, values, and history. Not only does it tell your story, but it also demonstrates your self-awareness and ability to self-evaluate, shows the quality of your communication skills, and ability to identify the most significant points of your experiences. Writing clearly and concisely is a skill greatly valued by admissions committees. Before you write your statement, make sure to read medical school personal statement examples to understand what adcoms are looking for in their applicants. You can also get ready to write your statement by reading AACOMAS personal statement examplesTMDSAS personal statement examples, and AMCAS personal statement tips.

11 Medical Schools with High Acceptance Rates in 2022 | Stay Informed

Secondary Essays

Secondary essays are typically more difficult to plan since you do not have as much time to write them. If you are not given a specific deadline from the school, you should aim to submit your secondaries within two weeks after receiving them. Make sure you do not rush your essays. They still need to demonstrate high quality of thought and reflection. Look at some medical school secondary essays examples to get an idea of whatโ€™s expected. When you brainstorm ideas for your essays, make sure you read the prompt carefully and understand what is being asked of you. Hereโ€™s a list of medical school secondaries essays prompts to get you started. 

Clinical Experience and Physician Shadowing

US medical schools require their applicants to demonstrate clinical experience in their application components. Having clinical exposure indicates your understanding of what the medical profession is about. Start gaining clinical experience as early as you can. Apply to volunteer in hospitals and clinics, as well as long-term care and retirement homes. Other ways to gain clinical experience may include volunteering in hospices, working as a health professionalโ€™s assistant, becoming a certified nursing assistant (CNA), a volunteer emergency medical technician (EMT), a medical scribe, or a personal caretaker. As a future physician, you must have experience in patient interaction. Exposure to patients and their needs will cultivate your empathy and compassion โ€“ qualities highly regarded by the admissions committees. You do not need to spread your time among several clinical activities. Remember, quality trumps quantity, so stick with an activity you enjoy and commit to it. If you dedicate your time and energy to an activity you like, you will have better chances of having a positive impact on your colleagues and patients. Your dedication may even result in a glowing medical school reference from your supervisor.

Shadowing a physician is a requirement in most American medical schools. It is a passive learning activity that allows you to learn about the responsibilities and everyday routine of practicing physicians. Again, try to commit to shadowing a physician for an extended period of time to forge a relationship with the professional. They may become one of your medical school referees. To find a physician to shadow, start by asking your personal physician, family members, and friends, as well as doctors with whom you have volunteered and worked. They may allow you you to shadow them or recommend physicians who typically take on students. Otherwise, look for physicians in your area and call their office to ask if they take on students โ€“ shadowing is a common practice in the US, so donโ€™t be shy to ask. But you might be wondering how to ask to shadow a doctor. When you call or email the physician, explain that you are a premed student, and express your interest in their specialty. Briefly explain your medical experience and your aspirations in the medical field. Arrange a schedule that fits both of your needs and responsibilities. Requirements for shadowing hours for medical school vary with each program, so make sure you know how many shadowing hours are required for medical school. If youโ€™re submitting a DO school application, make sure you shadow a DO physician. Having clinical exposure with an MD doctor will not be enough to stand out as an osteopathic candidate.


Most medical schools expect to see some level of research experience in studentsโ€™ applications. If this is an area of your application that is lacking, you must work to gain quality research experience. You do not need to get involved in several research projects to make a good impression. Even one in-depth, quality research project can be enough to demonstrate your research skills and experiences that can be applied to a variety of scientific fields and disciplines. If you are a student, start by asking your instructors and TAs if they are involved in any research projects and whether they need help. Be on the look-out for any research assistant postings in science departments on campus. If you’re applying to research positions on and off-campus, make sure to prepare a stellar research assistant cover letter. Itโ€™s a bit more challenging to find research positions if youโ€™re no longer a student on campus, but you can still look for research opportunities in nearby colleges by emailing professors in the departments you would like to join as a researcher. In your email, explain that you are a premed that needs to gain research experience and state that you would like to volunteer in their lab. Describe what important skills and qualities you would gain from working with them. As a student and a graduate, you can also contact physicians you shadowed or worked with to find out if they have any research opportunities for you. Even if they are not personally involved in research, they may be able to recommend professionals or organizations that are looking for research help.

Other ways to gain research experience may include contacting a medical school and its medical centers near you. Departments at teaching hospitals typically have their own research personnel and you can phone or email them about research opportunities. If academia is your passion, you can consider joining special masterโ€™s programs. Typically, graduate degrees have built-in research opportunities, but do not get a masterโ€™s to simply fulfill the requirement. Masterโ€™s degrees are expensive and time-consuming โ€“ you must have better reasons to apply than to bolster your application.

Recommendation Letters

Another important component of your application is medical school recommendation letters. Just like with your personal statement, you will need to strategize to get the best quality letters from your referees. Medical schools tend to ask for reference letters based on your circumstances and experiences. For example, if you are still a student when you apply, schools will request a number of letters from your science instructors and non-science instructors. If you have significant research experience, then your principal investigator (PI) will need to write you a letter of recommendation. Schools might ask you for letters from your work supervisors or colleagues if you have spent a significant amount of your time in the workforce. If you were in the military, the schools may have specific requirements for your references. So, make sure you know what kind of writers you need to approach to ask for a letter. You should choose writers who know you well and have worked with you for extended periods of time. Most importantly, they must be ready to write you glowing reference letters. Avoid getting letters that are mediocre or lukewarm; these will only decrease your chances of acceptance. If the person youโ€™re asking for a letter seems hesitant, it would be better to ask someone else. Your writer must be eager to celebrate your achievements, qualities, and personal virtues in the recommendation letter.


Each school has different interview formats, so make sure you know which interview style your school uses to assess its applicants. It is key to know how to prepare for you med school interview. Remember, the right practice makes perfect! If your school holds Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI), make sure to practice with MMI questions. Donโ€™t forget to go over the most common medical school interview questions. They may be incorporated into your MMI interview, or any other interview format.

Getting ready for your interview involves more than just question and answer practice. Depending on your interview format, you will be able to show your genuine interest in attending the program by speaking directly with its students and faculty. It is wise to research your school and the interviewers who will conduct the meeting. The more you know about your program and its faculty, the more insightful comments you can make and questions you can ask. You must create a good impression on the interviewers and everyone you meet on the day of your interview. When you prepare for the interview, make sure you have the right medical school interview attire. Although your appearance is not a key element of your suitability for medical school, tidiness and taste can make a great first impression. Make sure not to use perfume, cologne, or any other strong smells on the day of the interview. When you meet your interviewers, greet them and shake their hand if appropriate. Make sure to introduce yourself and politely ask their names if they do not introduce themselves. Repeat the interviewers’ names during the interview when appropriate, and especially at the end when you say your goodbyes. As you exit the interview, shake their hand and thank them for their time. Your introductions and goodbyes are of vital importance. Your performance aside, the impression you create with your behavior and tone will speak volumes to your professionalism and maturity. 

Learn how to use BeMo’s medical school acceptance rates chart in our video:

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