
To get all the important details you need on How To Become A Nurse With A Kinesiology Degree, is kinesiology harder than nursing, Nursing Career Prospects and More on kinesiology nurse salary, i already have a bachelors degree how can i become a nurse and i already have a degree but i want to be a nurse uk, Kinesiology Curriculum. Please keep on reading this post from college learners. Always ensure you come back for all the latest information that you need with zero stress.

Nursing isn’t just one of the most sought-after careers in the United States, it’s also a rewarding career path that allows you to make a difference in people’s lives. But before you can become an RN, you’ll need to get your degree and learn how to pass the NCLEX-RN exam. If you’re looking for a way to get your foot in the door of the health care industry without spending four years in school, then becoming an LPN could be a great option for you.

But what if you want something different? What if you already have a Bachelor’s Degree and want to do something different with your life? Then becoming an LPN may not be right for you; however, there are other options!

As we mentioned earlier, nursing isn’t just one career pathโ€”it’s many! Some nurses work in patient care areas like emergency rooms or intensive care units (ICUs), while others choose to specialize in certain fields such as home care services or mental health counseling. But what if you want something different? What if you already have a Bachelor’s Degree and want to do something different with your life? Then becoming an LPN may not be right for you; however, there are other options!

is kinesiology harder than nursing

Nursing and kinesiology are educational paths that may both lead in the direction of health care, but kinesiology can also lead in other directions. Although nurses may specialize within the field or go on for advanced degrees, they remain nurses. Kinesiology is good preparation for athletic coaching jobs and related physical education careers, as well as other occupations, according to the American Kinesiology Association.

Education and Licensing

Nurses have different options to obtain the basic education necessary for licensure, while kinesiologists should have a bachelorโ€™s degree, according to the AKA. A nurse can enter an associate degree program, opt for a diploma from a hospital-based school of nursing or choose a baccalaureate nursing program. Graduation from any of the three will meet the requirements to sit for the national nursing examination, called the NCLEX-RN. Once she is licensed, a registered nurse can begin to practice. Depending on the field they choose, some kinesiologists may also need a license. A chiropractor, for example, may have a baccalaureate in kinesiology but will need a license after she graduates from her chiropractic program.

Nursing Specialties

Nurses can specialize in more than 100 different areas, according to the health care careers website Discover Nursing. These include ambulatory care, cardiac care, critical care, diabetes, gastroenterology, management, pediatrics, trauma and urology. An advanced degree is not necessary for most of these specialties, although a bachelorโ€™s degree might be necessary for some of them. In addition, nurses may choose to go on to the master’s or doctoral level for an advanced practice degree as a nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse midwife or certified registered nurse anesthetist.

Kinesiology Careers

Kinesiology is a basic degree that can lead in many different directions, according to the AKA. Among these are the health care careers of cardiac rehabilitation, chiropractic, epidemiology with a concentration on physical activity, exercise physiology, medicine, occupational therapy, physical therapy, respiratory therapy and even nursing. In addition to careers in coaching, other athletic careers such as aquatics, athletic trainer, sports program director and fitness instructor are possible. Physical education teachers may also have a degree in kinesiology.


Specialty and choice of occupation will affect salaries for nurses and those who have kinesiology degrees. Registered nurses earned an average annual salary of $67,930 in 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Advanced practice nurses earned considerably more, from $91,070 for nurse midwives to $154,390 for nurse anesthetists. Exercise physiologists earned $47,610 and respiratory therapists earned $57,200. Physicians and surgeons earned an average of $190,060, although the salary varied by specialty. Athletic coaches earned $36,280. Fitness trainers and aerobics instructors earned $36

What Are Types of Nursing Degrees?

How To Become A Nurse With A Kinesiology Degree

Nursing is for compassionate people who want to make a difference in the world. You are invited to be a part of shaping the future of health in Saskatchewan and beyond.

In USask’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, you will learn all aspects of health and well-being across a personโ€™s life span as you study nursing, health and the health-care system through the creation and integration of knowledge from research, education and practice. The nurse of the twenty-first century uses advanced technology to provide nursing care to individuals, families, groups and communities.
Earning a nursing degree is a major investment in education. Students who study nursing benefit by gaining problem-solving, critical-thinking, communication and technological skills. These skills may help them to find a job or qualify them for higher salaries compared to those who do not have the same level of education.

Nursing is a wonderful profession where you get to make a real difference in people’s lives on a daily basis. It is also a very challenging profession where you are often seeing people at their absolute worst and are caught in the middle of a million things like trying to do the best for the patient in front of you, fighting a healthcare system that often makes that excessively difficult, various family members with strong opinions, and doctors and other health professionals with strong personalities.

A kinesiology degree probably included most, if not all, of the pre-reqs for nursing. If you have good grades, you might want to consider an accelerated BSN for people who already have a bachelors. They tend to have competitive admission and are usually one intense year of study and clinicals but are a great way to get into the field in a short amount of time. You could also do an ADN but be aware that, in the job market and most grad schools if you ever decide to go further, an ADN + bachelors is still an ADN nurse. You need an actually BSN to be considered a bachelors degree nurse which more and more employers are insisting on. In theory, nursing is all about health promotion, disease prevention, and educating patients so you will hear a lot about those things. The reality is that how much time you have to do those things is severely limited since they aren’t generally funded and there a myriad other things (especially charting and paperwork) that will determine how much time you have to do them. The challenge is how you can fit them into spare moments and make them relevant to the person who may not give a damn about nutrition or smoking or exercise. You might really enjoy ortho or rehab where you can interact more with PT/OT and have a more ongoing relationship with patients (especially rehab). Your education could really be beneficial there. Despite the highs and lows, it is the best career out there. Best of luck!

Students interested in the health care field have many degree options, two of which are nursing and kinesiology. Both degrees develop studentsโ€™ critical thinking and communication skills and give them some theoretical knowledge of anatomy and medicine. However, a degree in nursing is mainly focused on developing studentsโ€™ general clinical care expertise, while a degree in kinesiology focuses almost exclusively on exercise and sports-related science.

Can you become a nurse with an exercise science degree? - Quora

Nursing Career Prospects

How To Become a Nurse Midwife

Undergraduate students interested in pursuing nursing have the option of pursuing either a two- to three-year associate degree, or a four- or five-year bachelorโ€™s degree in nursing. Both of these degrees prepare students for the registered nurse licensing exam that gives them permission to deliver primary care to patients as professional nurses. After graduation, students with nursing degrees can work in a wide range of health care organizations including hospitals, clinics and long-term and home care facilities.

Kinesiology Career Prospects

Unlike nursing, which is a more general degree, kinesiology is a degree that focuses on exercise science. Kinesiology programs are mainly bachelorโ€™s degrees that expose students to a wide range of sporting facilities, including gyms, indoor walking tracks, therapeutic pools and free weights areas. Graduates of this program pursue careers as athletic trainers, physical education teachers and occupational therapists. Some graduates also become physicians and physical therapists. Many of these career tracks require additional schooling in graduate school, and a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology serves as the foundation for further study.

Nursing Curriculum

An associate degree in nursing typically requires students to complete 60 to 70 credits of course work, while a bachelor’s degree requires students to complete 120 to 140 credits of coursework. Both nursing degrees require students to take general education and prerequisite courses such as college writing, college algebra, human anatomy, human physiology and microbiology. Later on in their programs, students take a number of nursing courses that introduce them to nursing care and its expectations and prepare them for the licensing exam. The bachelor’s degree in nursing has more upper-division nursing course requirements than the associate degree. Examples of nursing classes are nursing principles, mental health nursing, pharmacology, maternal nursing and health assessment.

Kinesiology Curriculum

Most kinesiology degrees require students to complete 120 credits of coursework. As with nursing, about a third of the coursework focuses on general education requirements such as college writing, human anatomy and physiology. Requirements vary greatly across programs, but many require courses such as basic and advanced human movement, basic and advanced human nutrition, prevention of athletic injuries and sports psychology. In addition to these major-related courses, many kinesiology programs also allow students to specialize in their area of interest, such as physical education teaching, pre-medicine, pre-physical therapy or pre-occupational therapy, and incorporate the prospective graduate schoolโ€™s prerequisites into the kinesiology degree.

What Degree is Needed to Be a Kinesiologist?

Program details

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is a four-year program that includes a pre-professional year (Year 1) of prerequisite university-level courses, followed by three years (Year 2, 3 and 4) of concentrated nursing education and clinical practice opportunities. 

Year 1 – Pre-professional year

The pre-professional year of study at a post-secondary level provides a solid foundation in university education, preparation for upper-year nursing classes and transferable credits to other health science degrees.

You may complete your pre-professional year at USask, University of Regina, Northlands College, Parkland College, or variousย regional colleges in Saskatchewan.

At USask, you should apply toย the University of Saskatchewan’sย College of Arts and Scienceย to complete the 30 credit units of pre-professional courses required for year 1 of the degree program. If, after you complete your pre-professional year, you decide you do not want to pursue nursing, you can remain in the College of Arts and Science and continue to work toward another program of study. If youโ€™re interested in taking your pre-professional year at one of the other institutions, you should apply directly to that institution.

All students interested in pursuing nursing for years 2, 3 and 4 at one of the College of Nursing sites must apply for admission to the College of Nursing during the first year of study. Pre-professional courses must be completed by April 30 if you wish to start year 2 of nursing in September.

Required pre-professional year courses:

Seeย ย detailed course requirementsย for the 30 credit units of pre-professional year courses that are required for admission to the second year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

Social science and open electives provide you with the choice to take courses that appeal to you. Seeย ย detailed information on the 6 credit units of electivesย required for admission to the second year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. If you have more electives than the required 6 credit units, the electives with the highest marks will be used in the calculation of your admission average.ย 

High school prerequisites

Once the pre-professional year is completed and students are accepted into the College of Nursing, during years two through four, students develop critical thinking skills to prepare them to meet the diverse competencies required when becoming a Registered Nurse (RN).

Course organization

Years 2, 3 and 4 locations

Admission requirements

Admission to Years 2-4 of the College of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program is competitive and based on completion of academic and non-academic requirements to be eligible for admission. Applicants are ranked according to admission score and the top candidates are selected. Enrolment in the program is limited to the number that can be accommodated in class and clinical practice.

Completion of pre-professional year (60% weighting)

Pre-professional courses need to be completed by April 30 if you wish to start year 2 of nursing in September.

Required minimum average

A minimum average of 60% in theย ย pre-professional classesย is required to be eligible for consideration for admission. However, the actual admission average may be higher depending on the number of competitiveย applicants who apply each year.

If your average is not high enough or if you are not admitted to the program, you can takeย other courses to raise your average or repeat a course, then reapply the following year. Ifย you repeat a course, the highest mark will be used to calculate your average. Pleaseย consult with an academic advisor on how to improve your average.

7 qualities define what makes a good nurse | Nurse.com

Academic deficiency

The situational judgement test (40% weighting)

The College of Nursing requires applicants to complete an online situational judgement test. This test, called Casper (Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) assesses non-academic attributes and inter-personal skills essential for success in nursing.

The situational judgement test involves a series of video-or text-based scenarios and asks test-takers what they would do and why they would do it. The test assesses for communication, collaboration, equity, professionalism, problem solving, empathy, motivation and ethics. There are no wrong answers.

To take the test, applicants must create an account and reserve a test date. Government-issued photo identification is required.

If you’ve read this far, you’re probably interested in becoming a nurse with a kinesiology degree. We don’t blame you! Nursing is an incredible field to work in, because it’s so applicable across industries and careers. If you have the right degree and experience, there are no limits on what you can do as a nurse.

If you want to become a nurse with a kinesiology degree, here’s how:

  1. First, decide where you want to work as a nurse. Some specialties require more schooling than others (like surgery), which means that they’ll take longer to get into if they’re in high demand.
  2. Then, do some research into what programs are available at different schools near where you live or workโ€”you might be surprised by how many options there are! If not enough time has passed since your last degree was earned at one school or another, consider going back for another one if that would help get your foot in the door at a facility where they value education above all else!
  3. Finally, apply for positions at hospitals or other facilities where they value hard-working nurses who aren’t afraid of getting their hands dirty when necessary (or even just once in awhile).

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