
Our affordable, no-frills approach to helping students get into business schools and succeed once they get there has allowed us to develop a uniquely successful methodology. Our low acceptance rates show that we can consistently help students gain admission with limited resources!

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Columbia Business School Acceptance Rate

Columbia Business School (CBS) is part of Columbia Universityโ€™s campus in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of New York City. CBS provides a full-time, two-year MBA program that gives students the option of enrolling in either August or January, as well as an Executive MBA Program. Columbia MBA students enjoy the schoolโ€™s location in New York City, one of the U.S.โ€™s primary financial centers. They also receive especially strong training in finance, based in part on such customized, practical programs as the rigorous Value Investing Program for second-year students.

What is the tuition for Columbia’s MBA program?

The tuition for Columbiaโ€™s MBA program is $77,376 per year. The total cost of the Columbia MBA program is $118,777 per year; this includes budgeted living expenses.

How hard is it to get into Columbiaโ€™s MBA program?

The acceptance rate for Columbia is 19%. It is important to consider the acceptance rate in the context of the student profile of those who are admitted. For example, the average GMAT score is 729.

What is the average GMAT score for admission to Columbiaโ€™s MBA program?

The average GMAT score for the incoming class at Columbia is 729. The 80% GMAT range is 700 to 760.

Does the Columbia MBA program accept the GRE?

Yes. The Columbia MBA program has accepted the GRE for a few years now.

What is the average GRE score for admission to Columbiaโ€™s MBA program?

Columbia does not publish an average GRE score for its incoming class, but does accept the GRE for admissions.

What is the minimum number of years of work experience required for admission to Columbiaโ€™s MBA program?

Columbiaโ€™s minimum number of years of work experience is at least 1 year of work experience; 99% of the incoming class had at least 1 year of work experience.

What is the average number of years of work experience for admission to Columbiaโ€™s MBA program? (or, What is the average age of a Columbia student?)

The average number of years of work experience among students in Columbiaโ€™s MBA program is 5.

What is the median starting salary for graduates of the Columbia MBA program?

The median starting salary for Columbia MBA graduates is $150,000. The salary will vary by industry, with consulting and finance jobs generally commanding the higher salaries.

How long is Columbiaโ€™s full-time MBA program?

Columbia offers a traditional two-year MBA program. They also offer a 15-month option, that begins in January, known as J-Term.

What are the application deadlines for Columbia’s MBA program?

Columbia’s Early Decision deadline for August 2023 entry is September 28, 2022. The Regular Decision deadline for August 2023 entry is April 5, 2023. The Regular Decision deadline for January 2023 entry is September 28, 2022.

What percent of Columbia MBA students are women?

The percentage of the class at Columbia that are women is 41%.

What type of interview does Columbia use for MBA admissions?

Columbia offers interviews by invitation. The interviews are resume-based. This means the interviewer has not had access to the application materials.

columbia business school ranking

The Columbia Business School at Columbia University offers these departments and concentrations: accounting, consulting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, general management, health care administration, international business, leadership, marketing, not-for-profit management, production/operations management, portfolio management, real estate, quantitative analysis/statistics and operations research, and technology. Its tuition is full-time: $77,376 per year. At graduation, 79.50 percent of graduates of the full-time program are employed.

Columbia University 2023 Rankings

Columbia University is ranked No. 8 (tie) inย Best Business Schools. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.


Business School Program Rankings

  • #8inBest Business Schoolsย (tie)

Business School Specialty Rankings

  • inAccounting
  • #12inBusiness Analytics
  • inEntrepreneurship
  • #4inExecutive MBA
  • #4inFinance
  • #6inInternational
  • #11inManagement
  • #7inMarketing
  • #7inNonprofit
  • #11inProduction / Operationsย (tie)
  • #4inReal Estate

columbia business school requirements

Application Checklist

GMAT, Executive Assessment, or GRE Score

Application Submitted/Received
Application Fee
Re-applicant Checklist

Columbia Business School requires that the work contained in your application (including essays) is completely accurate and exclusively your own. We do expect that you, the applicant, however, will not participate in the drafting of your letter of recommendation. 

All application content is subject to verification and adherence to the above requirements. 



A bachelorโ€™s degree or its equivalent from an accredited institution is required for admission to Columbia Business School. Applicants should scan and submit PDF versions of transcripts from each undergraduate and graduate institution which they have attended.

If offered admission, you will be required to provide encrypted digital copies of your transcripts from each of the colleges or universities submittedย on your application.ย Offers of admission are not binding until academic records have been verified.


Applicants should report their grade point average as it appears on their transcript.

GMAT, Executive Assessment, or GRE Score

All applicants must submit a self-reported validย GMAT,ย Executive Assessment,ย orย GREย score when submitting an application.ย Columbia Business School considers scores to be valid forย five years after your test date. Please be sure to send your score report and submit your application at leastย one week before the scores expire. Please note that additional test scores cannot be added to an application after that application has been submitted.

If admitted, you must submit an official GMAT, Executive Assessment, or GRE score. Columbia Business Schoolโ€™s GMAT and Executive Assessmentย code isย QF8-N6-52,ย and its GRE code isย 6442. The Admissions Committee will consider only your highest score when reviewing your application and will not combine subscores from multiple exams into a single composite score.


Applicants should upload their current professional resume or CV to the online application. Your professional resume or CV should ideally be one-page in length, but one-to-two pages is also acceptable.


Applicants must complete one short answer question and three essays.

Short Answer Question: What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (50 characters maximum)

Examples of possible responses:

  • โ€œWork in business development for a media company.โ€
  • โ€œJoin a strategy consulting firm.โ€
  • โ€œLaunch a data-management start-up.โ€

Essay 1

Through your resume and recommendation, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what is your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Essay 2 

We believe Columbia Business School is a special place. CBS proudly fosters a collaborative learning environment through curricular experiences like ourย clusters and learning teams, co-curricular initiatives like theย Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership, which aims to equip students with the skills and strategies necessary to lead in an inclusive and ethical manner, and career mentorship opportunities like ourย Executives-in-Residence program.

Why do you feel Columbia Business School is a good fit for you academically, culturally, and professionally? (300 words)

Essay 3

Tell us about your favorite book, movie, or song and why it resonates with you. (250 words)

Optional Essay

If you wish to provide further information or additional context around your application to the Admissions Committee, please upload a brief explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or personal history. This does not need to be a formal essay. You may submit bullet points. (Maximum 500 Words)

Deferred Enrollment Program

Deferred Enrollment candidates will answer two short essay questions instead of the essays listed above.

Question 1

Why are you interested in obtaining a Columbia MBA in the future? (300 words maximum)

Question 2

Who is a leader you admire, and why? (300 words maximum)


First-time applicants require one recommendation. Reapplicants are required to submit one new recommendation. If you have been working full-time for at least six months, your recommendation should ideally be from your current supervisor. If you are unable to secure a recommendation from your direct supervisor, please submit a statement of explanation in the Employment section of your application. Beyond your direct supervisor, other recommender options include: a former direct supervisor or another professional associate, senior to you, who can share their insights on your candidacy.

If youย have worked full-time for fewer than six months, your recommendation should be from a person who can comment on your managerial abilities. You may ask a summer employer or another person whom you feel can objectively assess your professional promise.ย If you are a college senior, we encourage you to apply for theย Deferred Enrollment Program.ย 

Please note that Columbia Business School and several of our peer institutions use similar, if not identical, recommendation questions. This is an effort on our part to make the process easier for your recommender. We expect that you, the applicant, will not participate in the drafting of your recommendation. When entering contact information for recommenders, please use their institutional or professional email address. We ask that the recommender upload their recommendation on letterhead, whenever possible. References submitted from personal or anonymous email accounts (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, 123.com, 163.com, qq.com etc.) will be subject to your admission being rescinded if significant discrepancies are found. Applications are not considered complete until all required information is submitted; this includes your recommendation.

We ask the recommender to consider the following guidelines when writing their recommendation (recommended limit – 1000 words):

Full-Time Program

  • How do the candidate’s performance, potential, background, or personal qualities compare to those of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? Please provide specific examples.
  • Please describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response.

Deferred Enrollment Program

  • Please share how you feel the applicant will contribute to the Columbia Business School classroom and community.

Application Submitted/Received

Keep in mind applications cannot be reviewed until they are complete. Missing required materials, such as your recommendation letter, must be received by the Admissions Office within two weeks of your application submission.

Once we have received all required application components your application will begin the review process. During this stage, your application is reviewed by at least two admissions officers, after which you will be either invited to interview or denied admission. Please note that August-entry Regular Decision applications will not be reviewed until all January and Early Decision applications are completed, which is typically in late November.

For all terms of entry, our goal is either to invite applicants for an interview or deny admission within six weeks of a completed application being received. Our goal for interviewed applicants is to render a final decision within two weeks of the interview report being completed.


Applicants may be invited to interview with one of our alumni. In most cases, interviews are offered in the applicantโ€™s geographic area, andย invitations to interviewย can be sent at any time after a completed application has been received by the Admissions Office. Interviews are by invitation only and cannot be requested.

Application Fee

The nonrefundable application fee for the Columbia Business School MBA Program is US$250. Applicants are strongly encouraged to pay this fee via credit card (Visa or MasterCard only) within the online application system in order to expedite the processing of their application.

Applicants unable to pay by credit card should contact the Admissions Office atย apply@gsb.columbia.eduย for directions regarding alternative methods of payment.

Fee waivers are available to full-time students, active duty US military personnel,ย eligible displaced persons (view this website for displaced eligibility criteria), and members of the Peace Corpsย or Teach For All network partners who are currently in service. Proof of current service is required. Applicants who qualify for a fee waiver shouldย create or log into the applicationย and navigate to the “Review” page. Upon accessing the Fee Waiver Request form, applicants will provide proof of service and explain their need for a fee waiver. Qualified applicants who have already submitted an application should emailย apply@gsb.columbia.eduย to request a Fee Waiver Request form. Please allow up to one week for an update to your online status regarding a fee waiver request.

The Application fee is automatically waived for ourย Deferred Enrollment Program.

Re-applicant Checklist

Please note that candidates may only apply once to a given term of entry. Candidates may not apply twice to the same term of entry.

To reapply to the MBA Program at Columbia Business School, please use the following checklist to ensure smooth processing. Please note, information and requirements are subject to change without notice.

The Admissions Office retains all applications for one year after a decision is rendered. If you are reapplying no more than 12 months from your initial term of entry to Columbia Business School, the checklist below will help ensure that you submit everything the Admissions Committee will need to reassess your candidacy. For example if you applied for August 2022 you will be considered a reapplicant for January 2023 or August 2023. If you are reapplying more than 12 months after the initial term of entry, you must submitย a new, fully complete application.

Please submit the following to the Admissions Committee for your reapplication. If you have trouble starting a new application, pleaseย contact the Admissions Officeย for assistance.

  • Reapplication fee: US$250.
  • One new recommendation letter, preferably from your current employer. If you have already used your current employer for a recommendation, please choose someone else in a supervisory role or a client.
  • Please update the following sections โ€œApplication,โ€ โ€œPersonal,โ€ โ€œFamily,โ€ โ€œEmployment,โ€ โ€œEducation,โ€ and โ€œExtracurricular Activities.โ€
  • How will you finance your MBA?
  • Submit transcripts of any additional courses you have taken since your previous application.
  • Please remember to indicate the dates and self-reported scores of the standardized tests that you wish to be considered in your admissions decision.

Please note: GMAT scores are valid for five years. Your scores must be valid at the time of application submission. Reapplicants are not required to submit additional essays. Only the reapplicant essay is required.

How have you enhanced your candidacy since your previous application? Please detail your progress since you last applied and reiterate how you plan to achieve your immediate and long term post-MBA professional goals. (Maximum 500 words).


All admitted students are required to submit two nonrefundable tuition deposits to secure their place in the class after admission. Deposits will be applied directly toward your first semesterโ€™s tuition and fees. Please be aware that if you do not matriculate, your deposit will not be refunded.


Students admitted for the January-entry must submit the first deposit of US$2,000 within two weeks of admission. The second deposit of US$1,000 must be received by November 9, 2022.


August-entry Early Decision admits must submit the first deposit of US$6,000 within two weeks of admission. The second deposit of US$1,000 must be received by April 3, 2023.

For August-entry Regular Decision admits the first deposit of US$2,000 will be due based on the timeline in the chart below. The second deposit of US$1,000 must be received by May 24, 2023.

Admit DateFirst Deposit DeadlineSecond Deposit Deadline
Before January 26, 2023February 15, 2023May 24, 2023
From January 26 – April 5, 2023April 19, 2023May 24, 2023
After April 5, 2023Within two weeks of admissionMay 24, 2023

*Please note that for August admits who receive a financial aid package (merit and/or need-based award), the deposit deadline may be earlier than what is listed above.

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