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Masters in Psychology Online

10 Psychology Graduate Programs That Don't Require GREย 

Many students who have completed an undergraduate degree in a non-psychology field might find that they would like to switch to psychology for graduate school. Is this even possible? Not everyone figures out where their passions and interests lie during the busy undergraduate years, but it’s really never too late to start. It really just depends on how much time, effort, and commitment you are willing to put into making the change. Let’s take a look at things you might want to consider before switching to pursue psychology in grad school.

Do I need a Bachelorโ€™s in Psychology to Get Into a Psychology Masterโ€™s Degree Program?

FEATURED PROGRAMSSPONSORED LISTINGSSCHOOLPROGRAMMORE INFOGrand Canyon UniversityDegrees in Psychology & CounselingRequest InformationRegent UniversityM.S. in PsychologyRequest InformationPurdue University GlobalMaster of Science in PsychologyRequest InformationCapella UniversityOnline programs include a BS in Psychology, as well as Master’s, PhD, and PsyD programs in over a dozen specialty areas.Request InformationSNHUOnline bachelor’s and master’s programs in Psychology with the option to focus in Addictions, Applied Psychology, Child & Adolescent Development, Forensic Psychology, Mental Health, Social Psychology, or I/O Psychology.Request Information

masters psychology

Academic psychologists contend that psychology is simply the study of behavior and mental disorders. Others in the field take a more expansive and philosophical approach in defining psychology as the interaction between mental states and the environment. Both definitions are correct. As psychology is such a diverse field, the degree requirements for social workers, school psychologists and clinical psychologists can differ markedly.

Social Work and Psychology: Masterโ€™s Degree Only

A Master of Social Work (MSW) is a masterโ€™s degree housed within the field of social work. Although students working towards a masterโ€™s degree will be expected to complete internship and practicum experiences, a Bachelor of Social Work degree is not a prerequisite for admission into a Master of Social Work program.

Students may apply to a Master of Social Work program with a broad gamut of liberal arts majors, but attaining a Bachelor of Social Work degree beforehand may confer benefits. That is, many programs offer an abbreviated one-year masterโ€™s degree curricula for students already holding a Bachelor of Social Work degree; without such a bachelorโ€™s degree, the MSW program is normally two years in duration.

Todayโ€™s School Psychology: Beyond the Bachelorโ€™s

School psychology is the top-ranked social services job, according to U.S. News and World Report. Also, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that school psychologists earn approximately $67,000 per year. Although a masterโ€™s degree or doctorate in school psychology is required to become a nationally-certified school psychologist, students may be admitted into school psychology masterโ€™s programs from a range of psychology bachelorโ€™s concentrations.

Popular precursors for an education specialist school psychology masterโ€™s degree are majoring in human development or human services whilst an undergraduate. School psychologists will eventually help correct learning and behavioral issues in child and adolescent populations. The job prospects for school psychology are highly favorable, as many current school psychologists are reaching retirement age. School psychology bridges clinical psychology and educational psychology to bolster student, family and community outcomes.

Itโ€™s Getting Clinical: Doctorate Required

Clinical psychology is equal parts research, application, science and theory. The overarching goal within clinical psychology is to understand and relieve psychologically-based maladaptive thoughts and behaviors in families and communities. A clinical psychologist is expected to deliver psychological assessment alongside diagnoses of mental disorders.

A masterโ€™s degree in clinical psychology is increasingly rare. Most programs encourage students to pursue either a Ph.D. or Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree. With respect to the latter, the American Psychological Association provides counseling psychology, clinical psychology and educational psychology Psy.D degrees to students enrolled within accredited programs.

For these higher degrees, admissions committees typically require a bachelorโ€™s degree in psychology or statistics. Many of todayโ€™s clinical psychology programs favor a cognitive-behavioral approach rather than a psycho-dynamic bent, so all aspiring students should tailor their bachelorโ€™s degrees accordingly.

Psychology: Then and Now

The field of psychology has been around for over a century. Today, psychologists aid in behavioral and mental health assessments in schools, educational institutions and even prisons. While some sub-disciplines within psychology require a doctorate, others do not. For instance, one can go from a Master of Social Work degree straight to being a licensed social worker. To become a licensed clinical psychologist, however, a doctorate is required. Applying students are encouraged to research their intended course of study before applying to masterโ€™s programs.

Masterโ€™s in Psychology

Jobs for a Master's Degree in Psychology

A masterโ€™s degree in psychology offers the chance to further develop a broad base in the subject area or gain in-depth knowledge of a particular area of psychology. Masterโ€™s degrees in psychology are offered as either terminal, stand-alone programs for students who plan to work in organizations or research settings outside of academia or research-oriented programs for students who plan to continue with doctoral-level studies. Stand-alone programs are often in concentrated areas of psychology, such as industrial and organizational (I/O) or business psychologyhuman factors psychologysport psychologyforensic psychology, or human factors psychology. Stand-alone degrees take approximately one to two years to complete.

Many of the top psychology graduate schools in the country do not offer a stand-alone masterโ€™s degree to applicants who do not plan to continue with doctoral studies; therefore, it is important to choose the right school based on your career plans. Masterโ€™s in psychology programs have either a Master of Arts (MA) or a Master of Science (MS) designation. Master of Arts degrees typically focus on psychological theories and applications while MS degrees typically have a greater focus on quantitative coursework focused on data collection and analysis. Some schools even offer online masterโ€™s in psychology degrees.

Graduates with a masterโ€™s degree in psychology are well-prepared for a variety of careers or further study at the doctoral level, but keep in mind this degree does not meet the requirements for clinical psychology licensure. Salaries vary depending on the career path. For example, according to O*NET OnLine, the median salaries for two psychology-related careers, industrial-organizational psychologists and educational, guidance, school, and vocational counselors, were $82,760 and $54,560 respectively in 2016.1,2 In the research field, survey researchers earned $54,470 and social science research assistants earned $43,190.3,4

Admission Requirements

Masterโ€™s in psychology degree programs generally require a bachelorโ€™s degree with prerequisite coursework in psychological theory, statistics, and research methods. A psychology major is not required, but some programs may have minimum grade requirements or a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) requirement for entry. The minimum GPA required is typically 3.0, but a competitive GPA is typically much higher. Scores from the GRE are also usually required, along with a personal statement, letters of reference, and a resume outlining relevant academic and research experience. Applicants may also be asked to describe how the degree will help them achieve their career goals upon graduation.FIND SCHOOLS

Core Concepts and Coursework

Courses offered in a masterโ€™s degree in psychology program vary depending on whether the curriculum is general or specialized. General programs offer a cross-section of topics in psychology while specialized programs require many courses in one particular area. Some examples of masterโ€™s level courses in psychology include:

  • Learning and Cognition
  • Memory and the Brain
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Bias, Ethics and Reasoning
  • Group Dynamics
  • Clinical Psychopharmacology
  • Multicultural Psychology and Diversity
  • Principles of Neuroscience
  • Psychological Statistics
  • Graduate Research Methods in Psychology

Traditional Masterโ€™s in Psychology Programs

There are many masterโ€™s degree programs offered across the country with either general curriculums or concentrations. The following profiles showcase schools with well-known programs available as stand-alone masterโ€™s in psychology with or without a specialization.

Brandeis University logo

Brandeis University (Waltham, MA)

At Brandeis University, students can earn a general MA in psychology on either a full-time or part-time basis. The full-time degree takes a minimum of nine months to complete, although most students spend 12 months completing all course requirements. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for a fall start date. The curriculum includes courses on social, cognitive, and developmental psychology as well as statistics and research methods to provide breadth to the experience. To further specialize, it is possible to complete a joint masterโ€™s degree program with womenโ€™s, gender, and sexuality studies as well. As Brandeis University is part of the Boston Area Graduate Consortium, students can also take up to one course per term at Boston College, Boston University, or Tufts University. The program can prepare students for doctoral programs in psychology or careers in organizations, government, or the nonprofit sector. Brandeis was ranked in a tie for 34th place among all national universities and the 30th best value school by US News & World Report in 2016.

Cleveland State University logo

Cleveland State University (Cleveland, OH)

For applicants interested in a program with specialization options, Cleveland State Universityโ€™s College of Sciences and Health Professions offers MA degrees in several areas of psychology, including clinical psychology, industrial-organizational research, diversity management, experimental research, and school psychology. Each specialization takes approximately two years to complete and has different curriculum and research requirements. Only students in the experimental research track are required to write a thesis, although students in the industrial-organizational track have the option to do so. The diversity management track is open to working professionals and operates in an executive style by offering classes one weekend per month for 21 months. The clinical psychology program has two possible options for completion. The research track requires a thesis and is designed to prepare students for further doctoral study. Note that it does not meet the requirements for licensure as a clinical psychologist. The second option prepares students to work with or under licensed clinical psychologists as assistant practitioners. Cleveland State also offers an undergraduate degree in psychology and a PhD in psychology in adult development and aging.

DePaul University logo

DePaul University (Chicago, IL)

DePaul University offers an MS degree in psychology with a general curriculum. The program admits only five to six new students each year and suggests a minimum 3.5 GPA to apply. The program prepares students for further doctoral study by including courses in all major areas of psychology as well as statistics and research methods. As a science degree, this masterโ€™s program approaches psychology from a scientific perspective and focuses on how psychological theories can be tested using data. All students must complete the required core courses, such as advanced statistics and quantitative research design, a diversity elective, and either a masterโ€™s thesis or directed research project. A 3.20 cumulative GPA must be maintained throughout the program and the requirements must be completed within five years, although full-time students can finish the program in as little as two years. DePaul also offers a combined Bachelor of Arts/Master of Science degree in industrial-organizational psychology and combined Master of Arts/PhD degrees in psychology, including clinical, community, industrial-organizational, and psychological science.FIND SCHOOLS

Online Masterโ€™s in Psychology Programs

Completing a masterโ€™s in psychology online offers greater flexibility without sacrificing quality or specialization options. Online masterโ€™s in psychology programs are often more affordable than traditional programs since students theoretically pay only for the course delivery, not for room/board, parking, and other on-campus expenses. While getting your masterโ€™s degree in psychology online may be attractive, itโ€™s not for everyone. People who choose an online psychology masterโ€™s program should be self-disciplined and able to set and meet deadlines for coursework. To read more about online psychology degrees, check out our Guide to Earning an Online Psychology Degree. While the page focuses primarily on online degrees at the baccalaureate level, you can still find some helpful tips for earning your masterโ€™s psychology degree online. The following programs are well-known or popular and offer a range of options for students considering an online learning experience.

Adler University logo

Adler University (Chicago, IL)

Adler University offers two Master of Arts degrees in psychology fully online with specializations in either industrial and organizational psychology or military psychology. Classes are offered in eight-week blocks throughout the year and each program concludes with a final capstone project or action plan allowing the student to apply theories to real-world case studies. The programs take two years to complete with reasonable breaks and comprise 37 credit hours each. The industrial-organizational program prepares students to apply psychology theories in business and organizations to better manage change, diversity, and behavior. This program may benefit individuals who are already working in an organization or individuals looking to specialize in this area. The military psychology program is designed for individuals who work or plan to work with military veterans and their families to address mental health needs. This program may benefit a wide variety of professionals who work with these populations and desire a greater knowledge of issues such as trauma, grief, and psychological resilience.

City University of New York logo

City University of New York (CUNY) (New York, NY)

In 2015, CUNY School of Professional Studies began offering a fully-online psychology masterโ€™s degree, a Master of Arts in psychology with specializations in either industrial-organizational or developmental psychology. Applicants must have an undergraduate degree with prerequisite courses in introductory psychology, statistics, and research methods with at least a B grade. The program is designed to prepare students for further doctoral-level study or provide in-depth knowledge about psychology in a variety of other work settings. Both concentrations are comprised of 36 credits including nine credits of core courses, six credits in research methods, nine credits of electives, six credits of electives, and six credits of a capstone project. Some examples of elective courses include Cognitive Development, Atypical Development, and Group Dynamics. The capstone project involves collecting and analyzing data and preparing a written report in collaboration with a faculty supervisor. Students must successfully defend the capstone to a faculty committee. In 2016, CUNY was ranked in a tie for 26th top public schools by US News & World Report.

Psychology Licensure

Masterโ€™s level graduates from psychology programs are not generally eligible for licensure in the clinical or school psychology professions. As many individuals with this degree pursue applied or non-academic research careers, licensure is not required. If you plan to pursue aย doctoral degree, your masterโ€™s degree may be accepted as transfer credit by some universities. Be sure to check whether your preferred masterโ€™s degree in psychology program meets these requirements to avoid duplicate coursework in clinical or school psychology doctoral degree programs. If you want to learn more about becoming licensed in psychology, read ourย How to Become a Psychologistย page.

Jobs with a Masterโ€™s in Psychology

A masterโ€™s degree in psychology can be a versatile asset relevant to many different career paths. Depending on the area of specialization, you may find career options in a variety of areas, such as:

Choosing a stand-alone masterโ€™s degree in psychology may be a good choice if you want or need to strengthen your knowledge of a particular type of psychology or your research methods skills but do not want to commit to a doctoral program. Obtaining a masterโ€™s degree may also be beneficial when applying for leadership or management positions in applied or laboratory settings outside of academia.

Should I pursue an online masterโ€™s in psychology degree?

Whether you pursue a degree in a traditional format or an online format is entirely up to you. Many schools do offer online psychology masterโ€™s programs, and these can be a good fit for working or busy students. If you decide to get your masterโ€™s in psychology online, choose a program that is fully accredited and that offers the same classes and services to online students as it does to on-campus students. If you prefer a more traditional classroom setting and do not enjoy self-study, an online masterโ€™s in psychology may not be for you.

9 Online Masters in Psychology with No GRE Required

Online Masters in Psychology No GRE imageWhether you didnโ€™t score high enough on the GRE or you simply donโ€™t have the time to study for and take the test, but if you want to earn an online masterโ€™s in psychology you may not have to worry any more. Here, youโ€™ll find 11 online masterโ€™s in psychology no GRE required and the admissions requirements at each.

Online Masterโ€™s in Psychology No GRE

Many online psychology masterโ€™s degrees donโ€™t require the GRE for admissions. Other psychology programs only require the GRE if you have earned less than the recommended GPA. However, usually these schools are still competitive in nature and have other admissions requirements.

#1: Pepperdine University

No GRE Required

A Christian university committed to the highest standards of academic excellence, Pepperdine University strives to strengthen students for lives of purpose, service, and leadership.

GRE Requirements at Pepperdine

The admissions requirements for the online masterโ€™s in psychology programs at Pepperdine do not include the GRE, but do include:

  • Official transcripts
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Statement of purpose

In addition, if your native language isnโ€™t English and you did not earn the equivalent of a four-year US undergraduate or graduate degree, you must provide TOEFL scores.

Online Masterโ€™s in Psychology

One of three online masterโ€™s in psychology programs at Pepperdine is:

This program is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of how to use techniques and researchh methods based on applied behavior analysis, or ABA, to improve behaviors with those who have been diagnosed with autism or have other developmental disabilities.

#2: The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

No GRE Required

The unique model of education at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology is based on more than just theory, which is why the practitioner faculty integrates classroom learning with relevant, applicable examples from their own experience.

GRE Requirements at CSPP


The Chicago School of Professional Psychology doesnโ€™t require the GRE for any of the masterโ€™s in psychology programs, including all of the online programs.

Many of the masterโ€™s programs require a 3.0 GPA, however every applicant is viewed holistically, including an emphasis on personal and professional experience and accomplishments.

Online Psychology Programs at CSPP with No GRE

#3: Nova Southeastern University

GRE Only for Those with GPA Less Than 3.0

Designed to offer a diverse array of innovative academic programs that foster academic excellence, intellectual inquiry, leadership, research, and commitment to community, Nova Southeastern University offers a dynamic, life-long learning environment that may start with earning your master.

GRE Requirements

Nova Southeastern only requires applicants who have less than a 3.0 GPA in the last 60 credits of undergraduate study to submit GRE results with a preferred score of 300 (verbal and quantitative). You may also avoid having to submit your GRE scores if youโ€™ve completed a minimum of 18 credits of graduate study with a 3.0 or higher.

Psychology Programs at NSU

#4: University of Hartford

No GRE Required

With more than 1,600 graduate students, the University of Hartford strives to provide a robust, distinctive educational experience in order to prepare students for success in the 21st century.

GRE Requirements at Hartford

There are no GRE requirements for the online psychology programs at the University of Hartford.

The other admissions requirements include:

  • Completed online application
  • Official transcripts
  • Letter of intent
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation

Online Masterโ€™s in Psychology at the University of Hartford

This program addresses the critical leadership skills required to enhance organizational effectiveness through a theoretical framework combined with research design, data collection and analysis, communication, facilitation, and organizational issues.

#5: Northcentral University

No GRE Required

By mentoring students one-on-one via advanced delivery modalities, Northcentral University is committed to helping students achieve their academic goals and become valuable contributors to their communities.

GRE Requirements at NCU

There are no GRE requirements for any of the masterโ€™s programs at Northcentral, including the online masterโ€™s in psychology programs.

When applying, you work with an Enrollment Advisor who reviews your application materials, including a bachelorโ€™s degree from an accredited academic institution and your official transcripts.

Online Masterโ€™s in Psychology at NCU

#6: Purdue University Global

No GRE Required

Designed to build upon Purdueโ€™s mission to provide greater access to affordable, high-quality education, Purdue University Global is a pubic, nonprofit institution that offers adult learners the flexibility while earning a world-class education to fit their busy lives.

GRE Requirements at Purdue Global

There are no GRE requirements for masterโ€™s programs at Purdue Global, which include the online psychology degrees.

The other admissions requirements include:

  • Bachelorโ€™s degree from accredited institution
  • Informational interview
  • Unofficial transcripts (official transcripts needed by end of the first term)

Online Masterโ€™s in Psychology at Purdue Global

#7: Walden University

No GRE Required

As of 2016, Walden had more than 57,000 students enrolled in the various degrees and levels offered by the school because for the past 45 years, the school has been serving the higher education needs of adult learners.

GRE Requirements at Walden

When applying to graduate programs at Walden, there are no GRE requirements. However, there are other admission requirements, which include:

  • Unofficial transcripts (used as pre-admission evaluation)
  • Official transcripts (needed once you are admitted)
  • Resume
  • Employment and educational history

Online Masterโ€™s Programs at Walden

8. California Southern University

No GRE Required

Founded in 1978, California Southern University is regionally accredited. Theyโ€™re focused on offering non-traditional students affordable, convenient, and exceptional higher education programs.

GRE Requirements at California Southern

There are no entrance exam requirements at Cal Southern, including the GRE. Plus, courses start monthly throughout the year, so most of the time, once accepted you can start as soon as your schedule permits.

Other admissions requirements include:

  • Enrollment Application
  • Official undergraduate transcripts
  • Personal Statement
  • Application fee

Online Masterโ€™s in Psychology Programs at Cal Southern

#9: Sacred Heart University

GRE Not Required, but Recommended

Sacred Heart University believes that the true value of your experience while earning your degree wonโ€™t be in the facts youโ€™re taught, but in the pursuit of knowledge and intelligent reflection, which will challenge your curiosity and lead to new opportunities.

GRE Requirements at SHU

GRE scores are not required, but are recommended as additional evidence of eligibility. The other admissions requirements include:

  • Bachelorโ€™s degree
  • Official transcript
  • Statement of Professional Goals
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Resume

Online Masterโ€™s in Psychology at SHU

Sponsored Listings

4 Reasons Some Online Masterโ€™s in Psychology Donโ€™t Require the GRE

For many years, the GRE has been the standardized test that graduate schools used to determine if an applicant was ready to handle the rigors of pursuing a masterโ€™s degree.

However, some recent studies suggest that there is no correlation between GRE scores and final graduate school GPA. In fact, there are better determining factors, including your undergraduate GPA.

Masters in Psychology Online No GRE

As a result, there are many online masterโ€™s in psychology programs that donโ€™t require the GRE. In addition to the lack of correlation, there are four other reasons that a graduate school may choose not to require the GRE, which are listed below.

#1: Good GPA

As mentioned, there is a higher correlation between your undergraduate GPA and your final graduate school GPA than between your GRE score and GPA. As a result, many online psychology masterโ€™s programs will not require you to submit GRE scores if you have a higher GPA.

On the flip side, some schools only require you to submit your GRE scores if you do not meet certain GPA requirements. Check with each of your potential schools before applying to see specific requirements.

#2: Already Have a Graduate Degree

Another of the most common reasons a masterโ€™s program wonโ€™t require the GRE is because youโ€™ve already earned a graduate degree. After all, one of the best ways to prove you can handle the rigors of a masterโ€™s degree is if youโ€™ve already earned one.

#3: Relevant Professional Experience

If you have a number of years of professional experience, especially in leadership or management positions, online psychology masterโ€™s programs are more likely to not require the GRE as part of your admissions process.

This is usually a benefit to both you, the potential student, because you donโ€™t have to take the time studying for and taking the GRE, but also a benefit to the school because youโ€™ll be a valued contributor in your classes because of your professional experience.

#4: Way to Enroll More Students

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that the number of psychologists will increase 11% during the years 2016 to 2026.i As demand for psychologists continues to increase, many graduate schools are looking to enroll students in their masterโ€™s and PhD programs.

By not requiring the GRE, or only requiring it if an applicant doesnโ€™t meet certain criteria, these schools are opening their doors to more potential students and applicants.

Find partner institutions for online psych masters programs that don’t require a GRE below. 

List of Online Psychology Masters Programs That Don’t Require GRE

Featured SchoolsOther Admission Requirements
1. Pepperdine UniversityOfficial Transcripts, Two letters of Recommendation, Statement of Purpose
2. The Chicago School of Professional PsychologyAll applicants full application is viewed on an individual basis
3. Nova Southeastern University3.0 Undergraduate GPA or 18 graduate credits to avoid GRE
4. University of HartfordOnline Graduate Application, Transcripts, Statement of Purpose, Letters of Recommendation
5. Northcentral University Completed Application, Bachelor’s Degree, Transcripts
6. Purdue University GlobalBachelor’s Degree, Transcripts, Interview
7. Walden UniversityBachelor’s Degree, Resume, Employment and Educational history
8. California Southern UniversityBachelor’s degree, Completed Application, Official Transcripts
9. Sacred Heart UniversityBachelor’s Degree, Transcript, 3.0 GPA, Resume, Letters of Recommendation

Featured Schools

Different Types of Psychology Masterโ€™s Degrees

Some of the most common concentrations while pursuing an online psychology masterโ€™s degree are:

Also, donโ€™t forget to discover the available careers with a masterโ€™s in psychology.

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