
What Does A Divorce Lawyer Do?

If you would like to gain access to the latest information regarding are lawyers needed for a divorce all you have do is read the following article.

You will also find related posts on what does a divorce lawyer do for you, what does a family and divorce lawyer do to what does a divorce mediation lawyer doย on collegelearners.

Are Lawyers Needed For A Divorce

What does a Divorce Lawyer do? - Epstein & Associates

Forty to fifty percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. In 1969, California was the first state to legalize no-fault divorce. In 2010, New York was the last of the fifty states to approve it. No-fault divorce does not require any evidence of wrong-doing on the part of either spouse. Although divorce is a difficult emotional decision, in terms of the law, it can easily be granted under a no-fault divorce ruling. Divorce in the United States is in accordance with state law rather than governed extensively by federal regulations. A divorce lawyer specializes in civil law. This field can be saturated with emotions and life-changing decisions. Therefore, a divorce lawyer must delicately yet justly handle a wide variety of family law issues from divorce, marriage annulment, and legal separation to child custody, child support and visitation rights. They are also called divorce attorneys or family practice lawyers..

What Does The Family Lawyer Do For You? - First Light Law

Ways Divorce Attorneys Help Their Clients

Divorce is often an emotionally and financially draining time. However, a qualified divorce attorney can help make the process easier. Here are some of the pivotal roles and tasks that divorce lawyers help their clients with.

Explaining Grounds for Divorce

Every state has established certain grounds for divorce that give one of the spouses the right to petition the court for the dissolution of the marital relationship. Some grounds for divorce are fault-based, such as adultery, cruel treatment, abuse or incarceration.

What does a family lawyer do

All states recognize no-fault grounds for divorce. However, some states require that the spouses live separately for a certain period of time before their courts FIND MORE LEGAL ARTICLESSEARCHare permitted to dissolve the marital relationship.

A divorce lawyer can explain whether there are any benefits to asking the court to dissolve the marriage based on fault grounds. For example, this may be relevant in determining whether spousal support will be available or how much support will be awarded.

In some cases, there has been a defect in the marriage. A legal requirement may have been ignored, the proper paperwork may not have been filed or a proper ceremony may not have been performed to make the marriage legal. A lawyer can discuss whether voiding or annulling the marriage is preferable to getting a divorce.

Providing Objective Advice

While divorce is an emotional process, a divorce lawyer can help make it less so. He or she can talk to you about factors that will affect your future, such as support and custody issues so that you are less focused on the demise of your marriage.

Additionally, a divorce lawyer can serve as the go-between for you and your spouse. You can avoid personal contact to help make the process easier to get through.

Accounting for Marital Assets

In order to properly distribute the marital estate, a divorce lawyer ensures that his or her client discloses al such assets. In many marriages, one spouse may have handled the money and the other spouse may not be aware of the coupleโ€™s debts and assets. A divorce lawyer can help collect records and locate assets and liabilities so that the divorce settlement properly addresses these possessions.

Explain Property Division

A divorce lawyer can explain how property is treated upon the dissolution of the marriage. Each spouse may have separate property that they brought into the marriage. Other spouses may have accumulated assets separately per a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.

A divorce lawyer can explain whether the state is a community property state or equitable distribution state. This characteristic can make a dramatic difference on the distribution of the marital estate.

Devising a Debt Repayment Plan

Many times, handling the family debt is more tumultuous than splitting assets. Both partners may be legally responsible for joint debt. However, there are many cases in which only one spouse is held financially responsible for the debt. A lawyer can help determine how a spouse can protect himself or herself from debt that should be attributed to the other spouse.

Determining Spousal Support and Other Benefits

A divorce lawyer can help assess whether a spouse may be entitled to spousal support or may be required to pay it. Spousal support may be ordered when spouses have very different incomes or when one spouse sacrificed his or her career to advance the other spouseโ€™s.

Additionally, a spouse may be entitled to a portion of the business interest that the other spouse runs.
Some spouses are only worried about the immediate financial consequences of divorce. However, spouses may be entitled to a portion of their spouseโ€™s pension or Social Security income if they have been married ten years or more.

Helping with Custody Plans

A divorce lawyer can assist clients with developing a parenting plan that works for the parents and addresses the childโ€™s needs.

Preparation with Divorce Papers

In order to get divorced, formal papers must be submitted to the proper court for approval. A divorce lawyer can assist clients with preparing these papers or responding to the other spouseโ€™s petition for divorce.

Negotiating a Settlement

A family law lawyer can help a client negotiate a divorce settlement regarding the marital estate. If this process does not involve litigation, it is typically cheaper and faster than it is when battling it out in court.

Representing in Court

A divorce lawyer can help you litigate your case if you need to. This process may be necessary to resolve disputes regarding child custody, spousal support or divorce.

What Divorce Lawyers Do

Posted on  by Thelma Johnson

dispute resolutions

The practice of a divorce lawyer is built on the representation of client who wish to dissolve their marriages. There are many tasks that the lawyer is supposed to do, most of which depends on the type of the case and its complexity as well. Such tasks may include helping in the division of assets, settling child and spousal support issues, and making arrangements for child custody. Their job description entails,


The lawyer is supposed to handle all legal communication on your behalf. This involves communication with the other party, going to court and consulting with other professionals as well. The lawyer will also communicate with you and ensure that you understand everything during the entire process. He will discuss the results of the hearings and help to come up with more strategies to use for the next steps in the case.


The divorce lawyer will give you good advice on what to do during the entire period of the divorce process. The advice is to ensure that you do not do anything that will affect the case negatively. If the case gets to court, he will guide you on proper court decorum including how to dress and what to expect during your cross-examination. You will be able to get more out of the divorce by following the legal advice given.


The divorce lawyer will handle all the documentations necessary for the proceedings. He will ensure that all forms are correctly filled out and countercheck for any errors in any relevant document. This will help to speed up the legal divorce, as there will be no error to delay the process.

Dispute resolutions

The lawyer can also present and facilitate resolution options. Such options include mediation and arbitration. He will ensure that both parties agree on a fair solution. The resolution can help avoid going to court and save both time and money.

Handle court proceedings

In the event of a trial, the lawyer will present all the possible scenarios in court. It includes cross-examining witnesses as well as well as raising objections. Filing for a divorce is a personal and difficult decision, and divorce lawyer will help you get through it. The divorce lawyer is not limited to the services offered any will do all it takes to settle the process in the best possible way.

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