
The amount of time required to become a doctor can depend on the type of specialty you choose. The type of specialty you select establishes the amount of time spent in a residency program once you receive your undergraduate degree and finish medical school. Before you decide to pursue becoming a physician, take time to consider if you’re willing to complete an education that goes beyond a four-year undergraduate degree and advance your career in medicine.

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What does a doctor do?

A doctor is someone who is experienced and certified to practice medicine to help maintain or restore physical and mental health. A doctor is tasked with interacting with patients, diagnosing medical problems and successfully treating illness or injury. There are many specific areas in the field of medicine that students can study. This article is meant to explain in general terms what a doctor does, common types of doctors, a doctor’s earning potential and how to become one.

Doctors meet and talk with patients and caregivers to diagnose, manage and treat illnesses and injuries. Of course, specific duties will vary depending on the area of medicine you intend to practice, but many of the core duties are required of all doctors. Some of those duties may include:

  • Listening carefully to patients to gather information regarding symptoms
  • Performing diagnostics to determine the root problem
  • Reading and interpreting laboratory results
  • Prescribing medication; administering treatments
  • Ordering and/or performing procedures as needed
  • Providing follow-up care of patients or referring them to other providers as necessary
  • Working closely with physician assistants, nurses, EMTs, pharmacists and other health professionals to ensure the best possible care of their patients
  • Staying up-to-date on emerging medical technology and the latest field research
  • Practicing compassion, understanding and caring manners
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How Many Years Of Study To Become A Doctor

Doctors must complete a four-year undergraduate program, along with four years in medical school and three to seven years in a residency program to learn the specialty they chose to pursue. In other words, it takes between 10 to 14 years to become a fully licensed doctor. Once you finish your medical education, including your residency program, you need to take an exam for the state you plan to practice medicine in.

While the amount of time and money it can take to become a doctor is high, you also have a high earning potential as a doctorโ€”especially if you decide to open a private practice. The average annual salary for a doctor isย $163,908 per year, but salaries can increase if you live in an area with a higher cost of living.

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How long does it take to become a doctor?

Based on the brief timeline we sketched above, the average time to become a physician is 12 years, assuming that your chosen residency is 4 years. If we assume that the average premed student is around 18 years old when they start their undergrad degree, and assuming a 12-year timeline, theyโ€™ll be just 30 when they begin professional, independent practice. This is the average age โ€“ but can you actually shorten this timeline and become a doctor BEFORE the age of 30? 

Itโ€™s possible, but extremely challenging. Letโ€™s examine what you can do to become a doctor before the age of 30. 

  1. Plan early: Youโ€™ll have to know your medical ambitions and start preparing for them in high school, so you can get ahead on coursework and extracurricular requirements.ย 
  2. Choose the right undergrad programs: Youโ€™ll also have to make all the right choices in terms of undergrad studies, medical school programs, and residencies. Once you choose a Bachelorโ€™s program, you will have to stick to it โ€“ any delay in graduation or change in your undergrad career could set you back. If you are completely certain about your ambitions, you may want to considerย BS/MD programs, which sometimes offer an accelerated timeline, allowing students to complete their undergrad in 3 years instead of 4. A few rare programs even offer a 6-year timeline for their combined undergrad degree and medical school. Such programs are typically extremely competitive and hard to get admission to.ย 
  3. Choose a medical school that is less than 4 years long. Itโ€™s true! There are medical programs that take 3 years to complete, such as theย Cumming School of Medicineย at the University of Calgary or theย McMaster Medical School. While it takes shorter amount of time to complete these MD programs, you should also be prepared for a more rigorous and fast-paced curriculum.ย 
  4. Consider length of residency: Choice of residency is a big factor in how long it takes to become a doctor.ย Internal medicineย or pediatrics require only 3 years of residency while neurological surgery requires 6 to 7 years. So, considerย how long is residencyย before you choose a medical specialty. If you want to become an independent doctor faster, you may want to chooseย family medicine residency, internal medicine residency, or one of the other shorter residencies.

Now, let me break down each of the steps to becoming a doctor.

Undergraduate Program: Four Years

Just like other professional schools in North America (like Dentistry, Law and Pharmacy), medical schools require applicants to complete an undergraduate degree before applying. Typically, undergrad programs last four years and prospective medical students are already preparing themselves during this time.

Although most medical schools don’t require applicants to major in science, they do have some prerequisites that include science coursework.

The most commonย medical school prerequisitesย are:

  • 1 year of biology, with lab experience.
  • 1 year of chemistry, with lab experience. Some schools require only organic chemistry, or allow you to substitute a biochemistry course for 1 chemistry course, while some require both inorganic and organic chemistry courses. Check the website of the schools you want to attend.
  • 1 year of physics, with lab experience.
  • At least 1 semester of math (statistics, calculus or algebra courses).
  • 1 year of English.

During your premed years, you should also work on theย extracurriculars for medical school, which are the activities and experiences that will help you stand out from the pack and catch the attention of admissions committees when they look at yourย medical school resume.

Your preparation to become a doctor begins way before you obtain a bachelor’s degree. Your undergraduate years are important for gaining experience in clinical settings, shadowing a doctor, participating in research groups, and serving your community. These experiences can help you build some of the skills future physicians must have and that must be honed outside the classroom.

Before you go to the next step, you must apply for medical school, prepare for interviews, and take tests such as the MCAT and the CASPer. Once accepted, you will enter the next four years of your journey towards becoming a doctor.

Medical School: Four Years

The four years you will spend in medical school are divided into phases. The first two years are known as pre-clinical or pre-clerkship and include mostly coursework. During these two years you will develop science and clinical skills in a classroom setting.

When you finish your second year of med school, you must take theย USMLE Step 1, a one-day examination intended to assess your understanding of the principles and mechanisms related to health, disease, and therapy.

The next two years are more hands-on. The clerkship phase of medical school includes clinical rotations for several weeks at a time and learning from doctors in a hospital. Year three is comprised of core rotations at the school, which expose you to different fields of medicine. While you will continue to be exposed to core rotations in your fourth year, you will also be allowed to choose a particular field or specialty for your rotations.

By the end of year four you will have to pass USMLE Step 2, which includes both a one-day examination and interaction with patients.

In Canada, you must take and pass the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I. You are eligible to apply forย MCCQE Part Iย up to 15 months prior to your expected date of graduation.

Residency: Three to Seven Years

After finishing medical school, you must complete a residency program. Your first year will be spent as an intern, with up to six years additionally, depending on the medical specialty you choose.

For instance, residencies in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics are three years long. Residencies in Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pathology, and Psychiatry are four years long. Five-year long residencies include those in General Surgery, Otolaryngology, Orthopedic Surgery, and Urology.ย Plastic Surgery residencyย is about six years and Neurosurgery is seven years.

You must apply for your residency program through ERAS for matching in the US or CaRMS if you are applying in Canada. You will be matched into a residency program using a computer algorithm that considers both your preferences and the preferences of the programs. You should be aware which are theย most competitive residenciesย and be realistic about your chances of getting in when you compile your list of preferences.

In the US, you should take the USMLE Step 3 after finishing the first year of residency. This licensing exam evaluates if you can practice medicine without supervision. When you pass this test, you can obtain a medical license in your state.

In Canada, you must pass theย MCCQE Part IIย and have successfully completed (or be close to completing) 12 months of postgraduate clinical medical training (residency) to become a Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC).ย 

After you finish your residency, you can apply for a job as a doctor or you can go into a fellowship.

Fellowship: One or Two Years

Fellowships are optional (by this stage you’ve become a doctor already!). But if you decide to get more training on a subspecialty area of clinical practice, education, or research, you might consider a medical fellowship.

To apply to a fellowship of your choosing, you must have completed a residency in the specialty you want to focus on and demonstrate significant clinical skills and experience in that area.

Non-Traditional Paths to Becoming a Doctor

The steps outlined above assume that you go straight from high school to college to medical school to residency and into your job as a physician or medical scientist. But that is not always the case.

There are many non traditional medical school applicants who take a different pathway to becoming doctors. If you would like to hear aboutย our students’ experiencesย getting into medical school as non-traditional applicants, check out our blog.

Gap Year Before Medical School

Premed students tend to apply to medical school in the summer before their senior year of undergraduate studies and upon completion of their bachelorโ€™s degree. However, many students decide to take a break of one or more years before applying for med school.

And although there are many reasons to do this, the best approach is to use the gap year to improve your application. For instance, you could use that year to work on your extracurriculars, such as volunteering at a hospital or participating in a research group, or to take some prerequisite courses you may be lacking. Or you may choose to get aย premed gap year jobย to bolster your application.

Another option is to use that time to save money and pay off your debts. That way you will be in better financial shape to pay for medical school.

As long as you use this time productively and dedicate it towards improving your chances of getting into med school, a gap year should not hurt your chances of acceptance.

Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Programs

Also known as โ€œPostbacsโ€, these programs are becoming very popular in the US. If you had a low science GPA or were not enrolled in a pre-med program in college, you can improve your science GPA and take the courses required for medical school admission in one to two years.

Some of these programs are offered by undergraduate institutions, and others are offered by medical schools themselves. There are many differences between each program, so be sure to do your due diligence and research these programs before enrolling in a Postbac.

Special Masterโ€™s Programs

Special masterโ€™s programs (SMPs) are the graduate category of postbac programs. They are a great way to improve your chances of getting admitted to med schools, exposing you to many of the required experiences.

How long do these programs take? One to two years. If you take a thesis masterโ€™s degree, youโ€™ll spend one year doing coursework and another year doing research and writing your thesis. If you only take a coursework program, youโ€™ll complete it in a year.

Other research-inclined students can even go for a PhD in a scientific discipline before applying to medical school, adding up to 5 years to their journey to becoming a medical doctor.

For medical students who do not match to a residency program, there areย optionsย to pursue in the year when they reapply to ERAS or CaRMS. Perhaps they can increase their chances of getting a residency the following year by working in a clinical setting (even if they are not allowed to care for patients) and taking the USMLE Step 3 in the meantime.

How to fulfill the requirements to become a doctor

  1. Complete your undergraduate degree program
  2. Perform well on your Medical College Admission Test
  3. Finish four years of medical school
  4. Enroll and complete your residency program
  5. Obtain a medical license in your state

1. Complete your undergraduate degree program

Four-year undergraduate education is the precursor to going to medical school. Even though you don’t need to have a specific major to be eligible for medical school, a lot of aspiring doctors major in biology or chemistry. Other applicable degrees include pre-med, psychology, nursing, medical technology or exercise science. Some of these undergraduate courses include subjects like anatomy, physics, biological studies and human genetics. Be sure to check the undergraduate degree programs each school offers so you can select the right major and make a relevant choice to put you on the path to becoming a doctor.

During this time, you can also network with doctors operating in your area by scheduling an informational interview or a job shadowing opportunity, which can give you full exposure to the daily responsibilities of a doctor. It provides you the chance to ask key questions about the career path they took and get personalized tips about your education and professional career.

2. Perform well on your Medical College Admission Test

While you’re receiving your undergraduate education, you can prepare for and take the Medical College Admission Test. The MCAT is a five-hour, multiple-choice exam taken on a computer that displays if you possess valuable knowledge to proceed in enrolling to a top medical school. You’ll be tested on subjects like biology, critical thinking and physical science. A score of around 500 is considered average for this exam.

It’s practical to take this exam one full calendar year before you begin medical school. For example, if you plan to start medical school in July 2021, then you should aim to take the MCAT in April or May 2020.

3. Finish four years of medical school

Medical schools supply you with four years of medical training to help you excel as a doctor. The first two years consist of learning inside a classroom and working on labs to treat patient conditions. You’ll also learn advanced concepts related to biology and chemistry. The last two years of medical school pertain to earning clinical experience, where you can evaluate how you apply medical knowledge outside of the classroom by completing rotations at hospitals or clinics.

The next benchmark you must account for is the United States Medical Licensing Examination, which is a three-step exam that shows your competency in medical terminology. You’ll need to take the first two steps while you’re in medical school. The results of your exam can be an indicator of your progress with your medical education.

4. Enroll and complete your residency program

A residency program is equivalent to an internship for a doctor, and they take three to seven years to complete. Pay attention to the specialty you select so you know how long it should take to finish your residency program. The good news is residents earn full-time salaries, which can help cover living expenses and potentially some of the loan payments incurred in medical school.

Usually, you start training for your residency program during your fourth year of medical school. The majority of your time is working directly with patients in a certain medical environment. If you want to specify your experience in an area like internal medicine or pediatrics, you can also complete a fellowship after you finish your residency program.

5. Obtain a medical license in your state

You are eligible to get your medical license after you complete the first year of your residency program. The combination of experience in an academic and clinical setting should set you up to pass the exam. Nevertheless, you must study the criteria for the state’s exam, and you should consider taking practice tests to help you prepare for the questions you’ll need to answer.

The questions should tie into your specialty, but it also helps to ask colleagues and your mentor for advice on what helped them get their license in addition to essential concepts you must know. If you pass, you’ll be legally certified to treat patients in the state in which you take the exam.

How Many Years Of Study To Become A Doctor โ€“ CollegeLearners.com

what subjects do you need to do to become a doctor

Usually, to become a Doctor, you will need to study 2 science or mathematics subjects for your A-Levels. Science subjects being Biology/Human Biology, Chemistry, Physics and sometimes Psychology. Mathematics subjects being Maths or Further Maths. Before applying to a Medical School, you need to make sure what subjects they require โ€“ some will need you to do Biology OR Chemistry, and some will want you to do Biology AND Chemistry.

It gets complicated with the third subject; non-Oxbridge schools will usually require any โ€˜academically rigorousโ€™ subjects. Cambridge and Oxford Colleges do require the third subject to be either Science or Mathematics. Brighton and Sussex Medical school actively encourage the third subject to be a humanities or arts subject in order to โ€œbroaden academic horizons.โ€

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