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A world-renowned and top-ranked university, Columbia is no doubt an excellent choice for graduate school, no matter what field you plan to study. But to get in, youโ€™ll need to have a great GRE score. 

Read on to learn what Columbia is known for, how competitive the school is in terms of GRE scores, Columbia Business School Class Profile, what kinds of GRE scores and GPAs its various grad programs look for in applicants, amongst others right here on Collegelearners.

10 U.S. universities for GRE score 310-320

What Kind of School Is Columbia University?

Founded in 1754 in New York City, Columbia is one of the oldest and most renowned institutions of higher education in the United States. The private research university and Ivy League member is currently home to more than 25,000 undergraduate and graduate students.

Columbia houses several highly ranked colleges and professional schools, including the Columbia Business School, the Teachers College, and the Columbia Law School.

Columbia GRE Scores: How Competitive Is Columbia?

Columbia University is an extremely competitive school for graduate applicants.

Quick side note: we’ve created the world’s leading online GRE prep program that adapts to you and your strengths and weaknesses. Not sure what to study? Confused by how to improve your score? We give you minute by minute guide.

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The average GRE scores of admitted applicants at Columbia range from 154 to 167 for Verbal Reasoning and 156 to 170 for Quantitative Reasoning. Many graduate programs prefer to see Verbal and Quant scores in at least the 160s, or the top 5-20%. (Note that average Verbal scores are typically higher for humanities and social sciences programs, whereas average Quant scores are usually higher for math and science programs.)

As for Analytical Writing (AW), which is often considered the least important section of the GRE, the average AW score for Columbia is around 4.0-5.0.

Because thereโ€™s such a variety of programs at Columbia, the GRE scores youโ€™ll need to get into your program can differ significantly from the scores expected of other programs. For example, you canโ€™t expect to need the same Verbal score for an engineering program as youโ€™d need for an art history PhD program.

This is just the general range of average GRE scores at Columbia. But what GRE scores should you be aiming for exactly? We go over how you can find this information next.

Columbia University GRE Waiver

In this section, we provide you with an overview of the Columbia University average GRE scores for various grad programs.

For each program, we also give you its US News ranking, note whether it requires the GRE or not, and give you its average undergrad GPA and acceptance rate (if available).

Generally speaking, for most grad programs, GRE score information will be presented in one of three ways:

  • Required GRE scores: These are the minimum GRE scores you must get to be eligible for admission to a particular program. Getting lower than this score will most likely result in an automatic rejection.
  • Recommended GRE scores: These are โ€œguidelineโ€ scores a certain program prefers applicants to have. Getting these scores (or even higher) will make you a competitive candidate for admission and raise your chances of getting in.
  • Average GRE scores: These are the average (mean) scores of previously admitted applicants to a program. Getting these scores means youโ€™re on part with other applicants. If you can get higher than the GRE average, though, your application will stand out even more!

All the Columbia grad programs and schools below are listed alphabetically (by program name, not degree type). Programs refer to both masterโ€™s and doctoral programs unless otherwise noted.

Most Columbia programs that offer any GRE score info seem to report the average scores of admitted students; however, some programs might instead report recommended or minimum required GRE scores. This is the same with GPAs, with most programs at Columbia offering average GPAs and some offering recommended GPAs.

Columbia Business School Ranking

ProgramUS News RankingGRE Required?Avg. GRE ScoresAvg. GPAAcceptance Rate
Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics programs15 (Best Applied Math Programs)YesV: 64th %ile
Q: 82nd %ile
AW: 64th %ile
Art History PhDโ€”YesRecommended
V: 167
Q: 160
AW: 5.5
Master of Business Administration (MBA)9 (Best Business Schools)GRE or GMATGRE Unavailable
Business School PhD programs9 (Best Business Schools)GRE or GMATV: 90th %ile
Q: 90th %ile
AW: 90th %ile
Computer Science MS13 (Best Computer Science Schools)YesQ: 750
(Old scoring scale)
Computer Science PhD13 (Best Computer Science Schools)YesV: 159
Q: 166
AW: 4.3
Data Science MSโ€”YesV: 157
Q: 166
AW: 3.8
Engineering12 (Best Engineering Schools)YesQ: 91st %ileUnavailableUnavailable
English and Comparative Literature3 (Best English Programs)YesV: 95th %ileRecommended
History PhD6 (Best History Programs)YesUnavailable3.60/4.00Unavailable
Juris Doctor (JD) โ€” Law5 (Best Law Schools)GRE or LSATGRE
Mathematics of Finance MA4 (Best Finance Programs)GRE or GMATV: 161
Q: 170
AW: 4.0
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studiesโ€”YesUnavailableUnavailableUnavailable
Modern Art MAโ€”YesRecommended
V: 167
Q: 160
AW: 5.5
School of Nursing11 (Best Nursing Schools: Masterโ€™s); 19 (Best Nursing Schools: Doctor of Nursing Practice)Yes, unless you get a GRE waiverV: 50th %ile
Q: 50th %ile
AW: 50th %ile
Doctor of Physical Therapy36 (Best Physical Therapy Schools)YesV: 156
Q: 155.6
AW: 4.3
Public Health5 (Best Public Health Schools)YesV: 159
Q: 158
AW: 4.3
Social-Organizational Psychology MA17 (Best Psychology Schools)GRE or GMATV: 162
Q: 160
AW: 4.0
Masters in Sociology11 (Best Sociology Programs)YesUnavailableUnavailableUnavailable


Poets&Quants | Columbia GMATs Soar 8 Points To A Record 732

Columbia University GRE Waiver

Now that weโ€™ve gone over what typical Columbia GRE scores and GPAs look like, how can you know your own chances of getting into the grad program youโ€™re applying to at Columbia?

In order to answer this question, weโ€™ll need to consider three key factors. But before we take a look at those, letโ€™s quickly go over some important estimates.

The following GRE scores and GPA should make you a competitive applicant for most grad programs at Columbia University:

  • If Verbal is your more important score, around 165 on Verbal, 160 on Quant, and 4.5+ on AW: Reading-heavy programs at Columbia usually prefer Verbal scores in at least the mid-160s and AW scores around 4.5 (preferably 5.0+). Quant isnโ€™t that important, but you should still aim fairly highโ€”around 160.
  • If Quant is your more important score, around 166-167 on Quant, 160 on Verbal, and 4.5 on AW: Math- and science-based programs at Columbia strongly value high Quant scores, so itโ€™s critical you get in the mid- to high 160s on Quant. Verbal and AW are less important, so try to aim for around 160 on the former and 4.5 on the latter.
  • A 3.6/4.0 GPA or higher: Most Columbia programs want applicants to have between a B+ and A- average, though some prefer GPAs closer to 3.7 or 3.8. Donโ€™t forget that the rigor of your undergraduate coursework will be taken into consideration, too, so even if your GPA isnโ€™t super high, if you took mostly difficult classes, this should reflect positively on your application.

These are the (very general) GRE scores and GPA that you should aim for to make you a strong candidate for admission to most Columbia programs. That said, there are a couple of caveats to be aware of.

For one, GRE score and GPA expectations can vary a lot at Columbia depending on the program youโ€™re applying to. Therefore, itโ€™s certainly possible that you could get into a program at this institution with GRE scores or a GPA lower than what we recommend above.

Secondly, Columbia is still a super selective school, so even if you have an impressive GPA or extremely high GRE scores, these factors alone wonโ€™t necessarily guarantee youโ€™ll be admitted to your program of choice.

Now that weโ€™ve covered all the general requirements you must meet to raise your odds of getting into Columbia as a grad student, letโ€™s look at the three most important factors that will affect your chances of getting in.

1. Is There a Minimum Required GRE Score or GPA?

One big factor youโ€™ll need to consider is whether your program has a minimum GRE score requirement and/or GPA requirement. As the chart above indicates, most programs at Columbia do not have a minimum GRE score cutoff.

That said, if your particular program does have a minimum required GRE score, you absolutely must meet this threshold just to even be considered for admission. (Some programs might make exceptions to this, but youโ€™ll need to check with the program directly to see whether this is the case or not.)

If your program recommends a certain GRE score but does not require it, youโ€™ll still want to aim for this score or higher. Doing this will prove that youโ€™re able to meet the minimum expectations of the program. While getting a score lower than what your Columbia graduate program recommends doesnโ€™t necessarily mean youโ€™ll be rejected, it doesnโ€™t say anything impressive about you and raises your odds of getting weeded out early on.

In terms of GPA expectations, most Columbia grad programs donโ€™t maintain a minimum GPA requirement. Nevertheless, the average GPA of admitted students is still pretty highโ€”around 3.6-3.7 out of 4.0. If you have a lower GPA, you can try to raise your odds of getting into Columbia by improving other areas on your application.

2. How Does Your GRE Score Compare to the Average?

The easiest way to determine what GRE scores you should shoot for when applying to Columbia is to find the average GRE scores for your program.

Normally, youโ€™ll want to aim for at least your programโ€™s average GRE score, if not higher; doing this should give you a great shot at getting admitted, as it proves youโ€™re just as qualified as the current students are.

For instance, say youโ€™re applying to Columbiaโ€™s Master of Public Health program. For this program, to get on par with its GRE averages, you would need to score at least 159 on Verbal, 158 on Quant, and 4.5 on AW. If you got scores higher than theseโ€”such as 163 on Verbal, 160 on Quant, and 5.0 on AWโ€”youโ€™d be an even more competitive applicant.

Unfortunately, not all Columbia programs have made their GRE score information available online. If you canโ€™t find any average scores, minimum score requirements, or recommended scores for your specific program, use our detailed guide to what a good GRE score is to help you estimate what score you should be targeting.

Poets&Quants | GMAT Exam Might Change (Again)

3. How Strong Is the Rest of Your Application?

The final factor that can affect your chance of admission to Columbia grad school is the rest of your application, besides your GRE scores and GPA.

Here are some of the most important components youโ€™ll be evaluated on:

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  • How interesting, unique, and authentic your statement of purpose is
  • How strong your letters of recommendation are
  • Whether youโ€™ve engaged in any research, work, and/or volunteer experience in your field
  • How closely your research interests align with those of professors in the program

Although GRE scores and GPA are undoubtedly important for making yourself look like an ideal candidate to the admissions committee, theyโ€™re certainly not the only parts of your application you should worry about! Be sure to spend lots of time making your grad school application as strong as possible.

In the end, even something as โ€œsmallโ€ as a cliched statement of purpose or confusing CV could make Columbia reject you, so give it your all!

Why do you need to know the average GRE scores of top business schools? Because, there is a very common question which many business school applicants ask, โ€œShould I take the GMAT or the GRE?โ€ Well, we have always answered the questions with the answer, โ€œit depends.โ€ It depends on whether you want to pursue an MBA or MS. In case you want to pursue an MBA, itโ€™s always better to take the GMAT. Here is the reason.

Average GRE scores of top business schools

However, in case you have already taken the GRE and want to know how your score compares with the average GRE scores at top business schools, we have compiled a list of average GRE scores for top MBA programs at leading business schools. The data includes average GRE scores for the years 2018 and 2017.

In case you want to know the average GMAT scores of top business schools.

Average GRE Scores of Top Business Schools

Business School2018 Average GRE score2018 GRE Verbal Score2018 GRE Quant Score2017 Average GRE score
Wharton UPenn325163162326
Harvard Business School328165163328
Stanford GSB330165165329
Dartmouth Tuck324163161324
UC-Berkeley Haas329165164325
Yale SOM328165163329
Michigan Ross320161159320
Duke Fuqua319160159321
Virginia Darden328164164323
Cornell Johnson320160160322
UCLA Anderson328164164328
NYU โ€“ Stern324163161323
CMU Tepper320158162321

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Columbia University GRE Score for MS

Business SchoolAverage GRE score 2018GRE Verbal Score 2018GRE Quant Score 2018Average GRE score 2017
UT McCombs317159158316
UNC โ€“ Kenan-Flagler317159158316
Indiana โ€“ Kelley315158157317
Washington โ€“ Foster315157158318
Georgetown โ€“ McDonough317159158314
Notre Dame โ€“ Mendoza314156158315
Rice โ€“ Jones317160157321
USC โ€“ Marshall318159159319
Georgia Tech โ€“ Scheller321159162320
Washington โ€“ Olin310154156312
Michigan State โ€“ Broad306151155307
Arizona State โ€“ Carey313156157311
Minnesota โ€“ Carlson318160158318
Wisconsin School of Business318161157315
Vanderbilt โ€“ Owen311157154313
Ohio State โ€“ Fisher313155158314
Penn State โ€“ Smeal308156152314
Purdue โ€“ Krannert318159159314
Maryland โ€“ Smith309154155309
Boston  โ€“ Questrom312154158315
Pittsburgh โ€“ Katz307153154307
UT-Dallas  โ€“ Jindal312156156312
Texas A&M โ€“ Mays309155154311
Boston College โ€“ Carroll314158156306
SMU โ€“ Cox309155154307
Florida โ€“ Hough310157153310
IC Irvine โ€“ Merage316157159315
Booth School of BusinessNANANANA
Kellogg School of ManagementNANANANA
Columbia Business SchoolNANANANA
Emory โ€“ GoizuetaNANANANA

If you want to know how to convert GRE score to GMAT score, read this article.

Above were the average GRE scores of top US business schools. Which schools are you targeting for an MBA? Know more about the class profiles and career prospects of top US and European business schools and make an informed decision.

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