
MIT Graduate School GPA Requirements

Graduating from MIT is one of the most challenging processes someone can undertake. While many students aim for this goal, only a few will make it.  If you are planning on attending MIT, here are some stats that can help you in your pursuit.


Did you ever wonder what mit prerequisites and requirements were? Were you always confused trying to figure it all out? Were you faced with all kinds of mit graduate school gpa requirements? Don’t worry, we got you covered. All you have to do to know more is read on to get the latest and verified information on mit graduate school gpa requirements, harvard graduate school gpa requirements, stanford graduate school gpa requirements, mit grad school requirements, mit gpa requirements and mit sloan graduation requirements.

Graduate Admissions | MIT EECS

MIT Graduate School GPA Requirements Overview

At the graduate level, applicants must be finishing or have graduated with a four-year bachelor’s degree or higher. High academic achievement with a GPA of 3.5 or better is encouraged, but won’t guarantee acceptance

To be admitted as a regular graduate student, an applicant must have earned a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a college, university, or technical school of acceptable standing. Students in their final year of undergraduate study may be admitted on the condition that their bachelor’s degree is awarded before they enroll at MIT


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The application process can vary significantly between departments, but in general the following list of application requirements holds true:

  • Submission of the online application. Qualified applicants interested in more than one department must submit separate applications to each department of interest.
  • A $75 application fee. Applications to the MIT Sloan School of Management may have application fees between $75 and $250.
    • For more details regarding application fee waivers and eligibility, please see our Application Fee Waiver page.
  • Letters of recommendation. 
  • A statement of objectives.
  • Official GRE test scores.
  • Official TOEFL or IELTS English proficiency exam test scores.
  • Transcripts.
  • CV or resume.

Specific admission requirements vary by department; please visit the Programs page for the requirements of individual departments. In general, most departments require significant work in mathematics and the physical sciences in addition to preparation in a specific field of interest; however, some departments admit students with as little as one year each of college-level mathematics and physical science.

Qualified applicants interested in more than one department must submit separate applications to each department of interest. This will require filling out a completely new application and submitting an additional application fee. Applicants who applied in previous years cannot use the same login user name and must create a new application with a new user name.

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