If you have been searching the internet lately for the latest information on teaching strategies for hearing impaired students pdf, then you’ve come to the right place. You need not search further as all you’ve got to do is to read on to know more.
Discover up-to-date information on educational programs for hearing impairment in the philippines, educational placement for hearing impaired students, teaching methods for hearing impaired students and educational provisions for hearing impaired. You will also find related posts on educational programs for hearing impairment on Collegelearners.
Educational placement for hearing impaired students
There are several choices:
Deaf school
Most Deaf schools are BSL medium schools. Some parents opt for Deaf schools as they want a Deaf cultural and linguistic experience for their deaf child. Also deaf children with additional needs are often placed in Deaf schools. Deaf schools can be day or residential.
Resourced mainstream school is where there are other deaf children (though there may only be one or two per Year group) and there is specialist staff and equipment. The Resourced school may teach BSL and/or provide the curriculum in BSL. Some Resourced schools only teach in English and do not teach BSL. Usually only profoundly deaf children may be offered this placement.
The deaf child’s local mainstream school is where most are placed, and they are likely to be the only deaf child in the school, or if there are coincidentally more, usually no effort is made to support their learning or breaktimes together. The level of input from the Support Services differs significantly from one local authority to another, and from one deaf child to another. Support can range from no contact or advice to the school whatsoever, to weekly tuition from a Teacher of Deaf children, or a full time Communication Support Worker.
Resourced School
Some deaf children attend a set number of hours’ tuition at Deaf schools or Resourced schools, whilst attending their local, or chosen, non-resourced mainstream school.
Some deaf children attend private education, which functions like a non-resourced school, without support from the local authority Support Service.
Your deaf child may have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan). This is reviewed regularly but you can ask for this to be done. If this is not granted, or an EHC Plan has been refused, an appeal can be lodged at a Special Educational Need Disability Tribunal (SEND Tribunal). The Independent Parents’ Special Education Advice (IPSEA) website has more detailed information: https://www.ipsea.org.uk/what-you-need-to-know/send-tribunal
Download the PDF of the Literary Review: Research about hard of hearing children
Educational provisions for hearing impaired
- Classroom Adaptations
A few easy steps can be taken to ensure the classroom is suitable for hearing impaired students. When possible, turn off equipment that creates background noises, such as fans and projectors, when not in use.
- Communication Considerations
- Look directly at the student and face him or her when communicating or teaching.
- Say the student’s name or signal their attention in some way before speaking.
- Assign the student a desk near the front of the classroom, or where you plan to deliver most of your lectures.
- Speak naturally and clearly. Remember speaking louder won’t help.
- Do not exaggerate your lip movements, but slowing down a little may help some students.
- Use facial expressions, gestures and body language to help convey your message, but don’t overdo it.
- Some communication may be difficult for the hard of hearing student to understand. Explicitly teach idioms and explain jokes and sarcasm.
- Young hearing impaired children often lag in the development of social graces. Consider teaching specific social skills such as joining in to games or conversation, maintaining conversations, and staying on topic.
- Male teachers should keep moustaches well groomed.
- Visual Strategies and Curriculum Accommodations
- Adjust teaching methods to accommodate your visual learner’s needs by writing all homework assignments, class instructions and procedural changes on the board.
- Arrange desks in a circular pattern if possible so hearing impaired students can see other students. This is especially important if they need to read lips.
- Provide students with an outline of the daily lesson and printed copies of the notes, allowing them to focus on discussions and questions while you are teaching. Students can then be more engaged in learning and can easily review the notes at a later time. Since vision becomes a hearing impaired student’s primary means for receiving information, utilize visual aids whenever you can. Consider using posters, charts, flash cards, pictures, manipulatives, graphic organizers, artifacts or any visual items to illustrate concepts. Try to use captioned videos in class.
- Follow all established guidelines within the student’s IEP (Individualized Education Plan), regarding classroom adaptations and aids for hearing impaired students. Don’t be afraid to contact your school district if you need help.
- Regular Evaluation of Progress
It is critical for teachers to monitor the progress and understanding of all students, but especially so for those with special needs. Teachers must be sensitive to the needs of hearing impaired students and follow the IEP as closely as possible.
- Expect Success
Teaching hearing impaired students doesn’t have to be difficult, as long as you are flexible. When you incorporate these strategies into your teaching practice, chances are that you’ll find a number of students who benefit from your efforts.
And here is another excellent article written by Jeannette Washington, M.Ed. (A former speech-language pathologist, Ms. Washington created Bearly Articulating, a company that provides multisensory tutoring online and in-home, college planning, and professional development to support the unique educational needs of learners struggling in reading, writing, spelling, speaking and other scholastic aspects of formal education.) And Jenna L. Kubly (studied theater history and received a B.A. from Bethel University (Minnesota), M.A. from the University of Colorado-Boulder, and Ph.D. from Tufts University. She is fascinated with all types of history, drama, and art, but especially the society and culture of the First World War. She has published essays and book reviews.)
In their article: Supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, you’ll learn about;
- Differences: Deaf, Deafness, and Hard of Hearing
- Tech Tools for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Students
- How Schools Create More Audible Environments
- Finding a College that Fits
- Scholarships for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Students
- Schools for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Students
- Additional Resources
- Expert Interviews