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PHD political science Berlin

Political and Social Sciences โ€ข Departments โ€ข Freie Universitรคt Berlin

The Department of Political and Social Sciences consists of the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, the Institute of Sociology, the Institute for Media and Communication Studies, and the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology.

The Department is one of the most research-intensive departments in Germany. The department’s focal research
subjects include the fields politics and society as well as the numerous interactions between these fields. The main
emphasis is on the investigation of social processes, changes and challenges with reference to their larger
systems and institutions in a constantly changing world.

Its achievements in interdisciplinary collaborative research, the multitude of research projects funded by the DFG, the
Federal Republic or the EU and the excellent cooperation with other academic institutions in the Berlin research
landscape illustrate the interdisciplinary perspective and networked embeddedness of the research conducted in
the Department of Political and Social Science. In addition to that, the department is actively involved in a number of
graduate schools and junior research groups.

Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Institute of Sociology
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Organization and Administration
Dean’s Office
Department Council
Study and Examinations Office
Early Career Support
Research and Teaching
Collaborative Research Center 1171 (SFB): “Affective Societies: Dynamics of Social Coexistence in Mobile Worlds”
Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script” (SCRIPTS)
Further Information
Professors at the Department of Political and Social Sciences

Computer science PHD in Berlin

Computer Science โ€ข Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

DegreePhD or Dr rer natTeaching language

  • German
  • English


Courses are held in English and German. The PhD thesis is usually written in English.Programme duration6 semestersBeginningOnly for doctoral programmes: any timeApplication deadline

Any timeTuition fees per semester in EURNoneCombined Master’s degree / PhD programmeNoJoint degree / double degree programmeNoDescription/content

The PhD programme in Computer Science (PCS) at the University of Gรถttingen is a high-quality PhD education programme offered by the graduate school of the Faculties of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS). The official language of the PCS programme is English (i.e., German is not necessarily required). As the academic degree qualification of the PCS programme, the degree of “Doctor rerum naturalium” (Dr rer nat) or the equivalent PhD degree can be awarded.
The main focus of the PCS programme is the research aspect, i.e., the PhD student works on a current research topic in the area of computer science in one of the computer science research groups of the University of Gรถttingen. The research group should be chosen based on the student’s strengths and preferences, i.e. the research topic the student is interested in and the research environment provided by the group the student wants to work in.

Research groups:

  • Computer Networks
  • Software Engineering for Distributed Systems
  • Telematics
  • Computer Security
  • Computer Graphics and Ecological Informatics
  • Databases and Information Systems
  • Didactics of Informatics
  • Practical Informatics
  • Distributed Systems
  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Computational Neurosciences
  • Medical Informatics

Work on a scientific topic should enable the student to understand complex scientific work of current state-of-the-art topics in computer science, to solve complex problems, to develop his/her own ideas and approaches to advance the chosen research topic and finally to contribute to the work of the research group and the body of knowledge.

Course organisation

Upon admission to the PCS programme, the PhD student can start directly to work on the chosen topic of the PhD thesis in the chosen research group. In general, the PCS programme lasts three years. At least once a year, the progress of the thesis must be presented to the thesis committee. Over the course of the three years and in close association with the thesis topic, the student is expected to demonstrate additional achievements such as publication of conference papers and organisation of lectures, which underline his/her integration in the scientific community. After three years the thesis should be ready for submission.International elements

  • Specialist literature in other languages
  • Projects with partners in Germany and abroad

Course-specific, integrated German language coursesNoCourse-specific, integrated English language coursesNo

Academic admission requirements

At least eight semesters of study of computer science with completion of a consecutive Master’s degree programme comprising at least 240 ECTS credits or an equivalent qualification (“Diplom”, Master of Science, Master of Arts, state examinations) in a study programme at a German university or at a university belonging to one of the Bologna signatory states, or successful completion of another study programme closely related to computer science (technical relevance)Language requirements

None; IELTS, Cambridge Main Suite or TOEFL are recommended.Application deadline

Any timeSubmit application to

Georg-August-Universitรคt Gรถttingen
Zentrum fรผr Angewandte Informatik
z. Hd. Frau Heike Jachinke
GoldschmidtstraรŸe 7
37073 Gรถttingen

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