
Knowing what university requirements are or getting to grips with them can be confusing at times, especially for those who don’t have any prior knowledge of them in the first place. Getting the right information on them might not be quite as straightforward as you think it should be.
Reading this article below takes the stress out of figuring out what san diego state university requirements are. All you have to do is read on to get the latest information on san diego state university requirements for international students, san diego state university requirements for transfer, san diego state university gpa requirements, san diego state university sat requirements and san diego state university gre requirements. You can also find up to date information on san diego state university requirements in related articles on koboguide.

With aย GPAย of 3.77, SDSU requires you to be above average in yourย high schoolย class. You’ll need at least a mix of A’s and B’s, with more A’s than B’s. You can compensate for a lowerย GPAย with harder classes, like AP or IB classes.

San Diego State University allows international students from three categories to apply for admissions, namely, Freshman, Transfer, and Graduate. The university opens itโ€™s portal for international applications from October 1 and closes on April 1 for the Fall Semester. It doesnโ€™t allow international students to apply for spring admission. Currently, there are over 3000 international students studying in SDSU hailing from over 115 countries.

Application Portal โ€“ Universityโ€™s official website

Application Fee – 70 USD

Academic Requirements-

  • English proficiency is a major deciding factor in the process of admission to SDSU. Thus international students are required to appear in any of the English proficiency exams. SDSUโ€™s English Language course โ€“ 3.0 GPA or higher
  • Submission of SAT or ACT scores in SDSU portal using code 4682 (SAT) or 0398 (ACT)
  • 2.0 or higher GPA, prior to SDSU is preferable.
  • Must have an acceptable Baccalaureate degree, completed from an accredited institution/ an equivalent educational program decided by a graduate dean.
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0 is a must.
  • Good academic performance in every university, he/she had been a part of.
  • Have attained good scores in exams such asย GREย orย GMATย and TOEFL/IELTS/PTE

All these documents must be sealed in an envelope and signed by an appropriate official and sent to the Office of Admissions, SDSU. All certificates must be sent in their official and original form in the native language of the specific countries, along with which translated copies of the same must be attached with all the required information translated in English.

English Language Proficiency

TestMinimum Eligibility
IELTS6.5 bands

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