
Are you an international student? Are you interested in learning more about Veterinary Medicine? Do you get overwhelmed by the amount of conflicting information you see online? If so, you need not search further because you will find the answer to that question in the article below.

To get more information on Veterinary Medicine. You can also find up-to-date, related articles on Collegelearners.

1. Complete your undergraduate course prerequisites

You donโ€™t necessarily need to finish your four-year college degree before applying for vet school, but it is highly encouraged. Most schools prefer applicants with a bachelorโ€™s degree. Undergraduate degree or not, you will need to take a number of college classes that meet all the course prerequisites.

Choosing a major is up to you, but most schools recommend undergraduate degrees in Biology, Animal Science, Biological Sciences, or the Biomedical Sciences. No matter your undergraduate degree, be sure to do well in your core science and math classes. Your veterinary school admissions teams are going to look closely at those courses on your transcripts when evaluating your transcripts.

 โ€œEvaluating transcripts is not just about grades (although they are important and you have to have a C or better in the pre-requisite courses); it is also looking for evidence of learning maturity from year to yearโ€”looking for solid performance even as courses become more difficult,โ€ says Ross Vet Associate Director of Admissions Ruth Schroeder.

At Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, we take a holistic view of the admissions process, reviewing not just grades and test scores, but also giving weight to your experience, perseverance, and passion to become a veterinarian. But remember, most schools still have minimum GPA requirements, both for your science classes and your overall GPA.

Helpful tip: Focus on your core undergraduate science and math classes to help boost your vet school preparedness.

2. Document your experiences working with animals

Youโ€™re passionate about animals and animal welfare. Vet schools want to see it! Documenting your experience working with animals may be the most important part of your application. Most schools require a minimum of at least a few hundred hours, some may expect even more. If you can, try to gain experience working with a variety of animals, including large and small, as some schools may wish to see a breakdown of your experiences.

When looking at how to get into vet school, note if the school requires your hours to be completed under the supervision of a practicing veterinarian or if it will consider general animal experience such as volunteering at your local animal shelter. At Ross Vet, we prefer your experience has taken place under the supervision of practicing veterinarians, but comparable experience may be considered.  

3. Complete your GRE

Completion of your Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is highly recommended. While test requirements vary depending on the school, most schools will require it and have a recommended minimum score for you to strive for. What is the GRE? Itโ€™s a test that evaluates your verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing. For vet schools, itโ€™s used as part of your application portfolio and is used to evaluate your potential to be successful in the program.

Test prep is key.

Like the saying goes, โ€œpractice makes perfectโ€, or in your case, practice makes taking the test less intimidating and can increase your overall score. Performing well on the GRE can help strengthen your application. Itโ€™s not unusual to struggle with the first few practice exams. If you feel like youโ€™re still struggling after a few tries, it may be worth signing up for a practice course. Many courses are available online or you can investigate your local resources.

 โ€œThe GRE is about test-taking strategy and the ability to critically think through the questions; even if you donโ€™t know the answer, based on what you do know and the answer options available, arrive at the best possible answer by โ€˜figuringโ€™ it out. The GRE provides the admissions committee evidence of your ability to think critically and problem-solveโ€ says Schroeder.

Helpful tip: Start early and practice, practice, practice!

4. Know your application deadlines

Getting into vet school is all about preparation. Mark your application deadlines on the calendar and get organized. You can apply year-round at Ross Vet for our three flexible start dates in January, May, and September. Or you can apply through the open Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) cycle dates.

5. Begin tackling your personal essay

Whether you apply through VMCAS or directly through your school of choice, you may be required to submit a personal essay. Typically, you will respond to one to three essay prompts related to your career goals and personal qualities. Typically, your essay has a 300โ€“500-word limit.

It can be overwhelming if you let it. Take your time. Reflect on your passion for animals and your โ€œwhyโ€. Why do you want to be a vet? Then prepare two or three talking points you want to make sure the admissions teams understand about you and your goals.

 As you consider your โ€œwhyโ€ for becoming a veterinarian, be sure to give thought to your passions beyond a love of animals. You can love animals and care about them and not be a veterinarian! So, think about the role veterinarians playโ€”they are clinicians (diagnosing and treating), they are educators (to their clients and staff), they are researchers, business operators, etc. Also, give thought to the wide variety of career options available to someone with a DVM degree.

Of course, every school is different so be sure to review any specific requirements for how to get into veterinary school for each institution you plan on applying to.

Helpful tip: Donโ€™t sweat the essay! Be concise and let your personality shine through.

6. Reach out early for letters of recommendation

 At Ross Vet, we require two letters of recommendation. VMCAS requires a minimum of three letters. However, be sure you understand the specifics for each school you plan on applying to. Make sure you have enough letters!

Once you know how many letters you need, itโ€™s important to then choose the right evaluators who can demonstrate your critical thinking skills, your dedication to the profession, and your positive qualities. Most schools prefer letters from veterinarians and science professors. Develop a positive relationship with the veterinarian(s) and professors you interact with. Let them get to know you, so they can write a meaningful letter that provides evidence, with specific detail and examples, of your ability to be successful as a DVM student and future professional. Nowโ€™s the time to reach out and ask them for a letter of recommendation.

Ruth Schroeder indicates that โ€œLetters are critically important as they provide additional evidence, from respected professionals, of your ability to be successful academically and professionally; as well as the opportunity for those evaluators to speak to your โ€˜soft-skillsโ€™ such as teamwork, leadership, professional communication, self-confidence, initiative, and personal maturityโ€.

Helpful tip: Donโ€™t wait until the last minute! Reach out early for your letters to give your evaluators enough time to put together a thoughtful letter.

7. Dot your โ€œIโ€ s and cross your โ€œTโ€ s

Always be sure to address school-specific requirements. A review of your application and any interviews may be delayed until your application is complete. Review your specific requirements for how to get into vet school (of your choice!) early on so you donโ€™t miss anything.

Helpful tip: The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) maintains Veterinary Medical School Admissions Requirements, a comprehensive guide of member schools.

8. Submit your application with confidence

Your vet school application has a lot of moving pieces. When you can, download or log into the application in advance so you are fully prepared to address each section. Pay close attention to the sections that require documents to be uploaded and be sure youโ€™ve paid any required application fees.

While you wait to hear back on your application, start practicing for your interviews. Practice makes perfect and schools want to see you shine in your interview.

Helpful tip: Practice your interview with your supervisor or even better, an alum from your school of choice! The more you practice, the more confident youโ€™ll come across to the admissions committee.

How Hard is it to Get Into Veterinary School? A Look at the Acceptance Rate

  • There is a certain number of applicants, and out of this comes the number of actual qualified applicants. Schools have different requirements regarding the number of letters of recommendation, classes/credits taken, GPA, scores on the GRE, etc. and all requirements must be fulfilled to be considered. Note that the number of applicants listed in the chart below does not specify applicants vs. qualified applicants (as the website data from these schools doesn’t always make that clear). The majority are qualified applicants, but it is important to point out this fact when interpreting the information.
  • Out of the qualified applicants comes the number of people who are offered a position. This doesn’t mean that all of those who are offered a position will take it. That being said, there is usually a standard class size per school. So if one person does not accept a position, the position is then offered to the next candidate on the list.

There are 30 accredited veterinary schools in the United States. I have compiled a chart with some basic numbers taken either directly from the school’s website. Most of these schools have up to date statistics on their websites, but a few have missing numbers or outdated numbers.  With that in mind, please view this as an overall average.

Veterinary School:Number of Applicants:Number Admitted:Percent Acceptance:
Colorado State1,15013812
UC Davis73014019.2
Ohio Sate141716211.4
Texas A&M51013827
Cornell (outdated 2007/2008) 887869.6
Western Health Sciences (Pomona, CA)87210512
North Carolina State90510011
TuskegeeNo info available  
Oklahoma State84610612.5
Illinois900 average13014.4
Mississippi950 average859
Midwestern University???114 
Lincoln Memorial???115 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Average Acceptance Rate: 11.7%

So, even with some discrepancy, it is safe to say that on average there is about a 10-15% acceptance rate to vet school. This will largely depend upon the number in the original applicant pool and how many positions are offered. If you are considering applying to vet school, check back soon for a post about how to maximize your chance for acceptance! 

13 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became a Veterinarian 

1. Training to become a veterinarian takes almost as much time as becoming a human doctor, and it’s just as involved. You typically do four years of undergraduate and have to complete the prerequisites and required tests to get into veterinary school, which is another four years of school. And then if you decide you want to specialize in a field, you do an internship for a year and three more years of residency after you graduate. As a general practitioner, you’re not required to do a residency or internship. But even if you ever only plan on practicing on household pets, your training encompasses all fields of veterinary medicine. So you go from seeing small animals, like dogs and cats, to exotic animals like birds and reptiles, to farm animals, like sheep, cows, and goats. And there are rotations where you’re on-call in the middle of the night, where you work weekends and holidays. A lot of people sort of have this impression that you play with puppies and kittens all day, and that it’s inferior to human medicine. As a veterinarian, I need to know how to do dentistry, surgery, internal medicine, and X-rays, where in human medicine, you specialize in one of those things. 

2. Working with people is as much a part of this job as working with animals. It’s the owners that need to decide what treatment they want done or what their budget is, which limits what you can do. And then you have other staff, like receptionists and technicians, and occasionally you have an outside specialist or veterinarian you have to collaborate with. It’s sort of surprising how much training you have working with animals in veterinary school and how little training you have working with people. It’s a steep learning curve to figure out how to communicate in a way that is effective for the owner, you, and the pet. 

3. Putting down a pet is the most difficult part of the job, but it will become more bearable over time. It’s a really difficult time for the owners. What I personally try to do is present them with every option available, whether that’s additional diagnostics and treatments or hospice care, and try to help them make the best decision for themselves and for the pet. And if they do decide on euthanasia, I do everything in my power to make sure it’s as dignified as possible. Most of the time, the owners are right there the entire procedure. I always tell them exactly what to expect and what will happen. And there are certainly times I cry right along with the owners. I think that most of my sadness comes from the loss the owner is experiencing, because I wouldn’t perform euthanasia unless I truly believed it was in the best interest for the pet. I think I’ve gotten better at handling it over the years. I don’t think you ever become numb to it, but I also think you become a little more realistic. If we have a cat that lives to 18 years old, you come to appreciate that the cat has had 18 years and a fantastic life with a family that loves them.

4. Some animals will be difficult to handle, but it’s usually because they’re scared. I encounter cats on a daily basis, and occasionally dogs, that are aggressive and difficult to handle. I don’t have a lot of fear of small dogs or cats because while they might try to bite me, they’re much easier to control, restrain, or sedate if necessary. But there have been times where I’ve been nervous examining a 100-pound dog I don’t know very well. To examine a dog, you really have to be right in their face, so you have to have a lot of faith in whoever is restraining the animal for you. I’ve come to realize that probably 95 percent of the time when those animals are acting aggressively, it’s really all based out of fear instead of behavioral issues. They’re terrified because they’re in a new environment with new people, and they’re having things done to them that they don’t understand. Because we understand that perspective, we do everything we can to minimize their fear, provide care for them, and make them feel comfortable, and I think that helps significantly. 

5. Pet owners might get offended or won’t always listen to your advice, and it can be frustrating. Obesity in pets is probably one of the biggest health issues that I deal with on a daily basis, and it’s a very touchy issue. If the pet is just a little overweight, I try to approach it with some humor and tell them their pet is a bit on the chunky side. The owner will usually laugh and we’ll come up with game plan to fix it. I try to educate them about why being overweight is a concern. It’s not a cosmetic concern. It’s that their pet is at an increased risk of diabetes and painful arthritis. Usually when you go into those things, owners understand, but there are situations where every single visit we have the same talk and the pet weighs the same. It’s very frustrating because I know that they’re doing the best they can and I know that they’re not intentionally trying to harm their pet, but a lot of people equate food with love. ADVERTISEMENT – CONTINUE READING BELOWhttps://4ed515b416291816f4d334a4499da413.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.htmlhttps://4ed515b416291816f4d334a4499da413.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

6. Even when you don’t work late, you’ll be totally exhausted. I’m pretty fortunate to have a job where I leave by around 5:30 and have weekends off. But there are days that it’s a very emotionally draining job. From 7:30 in the morning until 5 at night, you’re seeing appointments nonstop, and if you’re not in an appointment, then you’re fielding phone calls. And every single one of those owners has a different concern and a different priority and you have to be completely engaged for it all. I’m often exhausted by the time I get home and have to switch to mom and wife mode. 

7. You won’t always be working with kittens and puppies. It’s not super common, but we do see some guinea pigs, ferrets, hamsters, bunnies and occasionally birds and lizards for annual exams. I’ll do the best I can even if I’m not as familiar with that species. I have all my class notes scanned on my iPad so I refer to them a lot, and I can call the specialist at a nearby exotic animal hospital and ask for their opinion. If something is really wrong and I feel like it’s out of my comfort zone, I tell them it would be in their best interest to see a specialist, but if they don’t want to or can’t go, I do my best to help in any way I can.

8. Being a pet owner will make you a better veterinarian. Our patients can’t tell us what’s wrong, so I think living with animals in my personal life helps me be a little bit more in tune with them. And it certainly helps me understand my clients’ perspective because I’m a pet owner as much as they are. 

9. It will be hard to separate your professional life from your personal life. When we’re out at a social setting, I often honestly don’t mention that I’m a veterinarian because it becomes the focus of conversation. Even with friends and family, if it becomes a very involved conversation, I give them my card and tell them to make an appointment. It’s important to have boundaries so you can still have a personal life because animals are a topic most people feel pretty passionate about, especially their own animals. 

10. People will mistakenly think their expensive vet bill contributes to a high salary. They may not understand the cost of education, staffing, medications, and supplies, since their personal health insurance hides those expenses when they go to their doctors. And student loan debt for veterinarians is so high. The average veterinarian graduates with around $135,000 in student loan debt, and salaries are far below what medical doctors make. Different types of veterinarians make different amounts, but the median salary for a veterinarian is around $85,000. So most veterinarians have significant debt and are not living extravagant lifestyles at all. 



Each school has its own prerequisites, but some are common across all schools, which is great. It means that you can start working on these areas immediately.

  1. You donโ€™t need a bachelorโ€™s degree, but itโ€™s best to have one

While a degree isnโ€™t listed as a requirement in most programs, the overwhelming majority of applicants who get accepted have one. In fact, the percentage of applicants who get accepted without a degree is negligible. Plus, you will need to have completed specific courses anyway, so go get a degree.

As for which degree to pursue, look into getting one that includes courses in subjects like Biology, Chemistry, Zoology, and Microbiology, since these will be required in most vet schools. Having a firm foundation in these subjects will not only make it easier to get accepted into the school but also completing your study plan.

The best way to pick the right bachelorโ€™s degree is to check the various vet schoolsโ€™ requirements and then pick one that will give you solid foundations and that includes the prerequisite courses.

  1. A strong GPA and GRE scores

Iโ€™m not giving you an exact number, because every school has its specific requirements, and some donโ€™t care about GPA at all. You can find stories all over the Internet about people who got accepted with GPAs as low as 2.50.

However, your GPA is a deciding factor in your application, so work on getting it as high as possible. Having a low GPA means having to be outstanding in all other areas of your application, and even then, getting your GPA as high as possible is easier than getting thousands of practice hours in.

Some schools will only care about your GPA in the last 45 semester hours, while others will pay attention to your overall GPA. Thereโ€™s no hard rule here, but try to raise your score as high as you can.

The same goes for your GRE exam scores. Since you can take the GRE exam multiple times a year, you donโ€™t need to worry too much about it.

Having an excellent GRE score will also vastly improve your application. With your proven strong written communication skills, you can craft an application that the committee will love, so consider working on acing your GRE exam to improve your chances of getting into vet school.

  1. Pre-vet experience

Nothing beats first-hand experience on the field, and veterinary doesnโ€™t make an exception to this rule. Most schools have a minimum requirement of hours of experience working with veterinarians the committee to consider your application.

The work can be voluntary or paid, what matters is that you prove you care about animals and have experience working with them.

For getting experience, you want to expose yourself to as many animals as possible, even if you plan on specializing in certain species. For example, even if you plan to specialize in treating fishes, look to work on a farm or in a zoo.

Your application will be weaker compared to that of someone who worked in a zoo, a pet clinic, and a farm, even if their work time is lower than yours, because they will have proven experience with a wider range of species.

As for how many hours of experience you need, every school is different, but aim for at least double the minimum requirement of each school. Remember, getting into vet school is about distinguishing yourself from the other candidates, and having many more work hours than them helps you with that.

  1. Letters of recommendation

This requirement goes hand-in-hand with the previous point. Letters of recommendation are a significant addition to your application, as they prove you have worked hard to achieve your current level. I advise you to get at least one letter of recommendation from an accredited veterinary, and one from an upper-level professor.

Most schools will tell you if and how many letters they want and from whom, but these numbers arenโ€™t arbitrary.

  1. VMCAS application

VMCAS is the Veterinary Medical College Application Service, and it is the central service that allows you to create one application and use it for multiple different schools. All applications need to go through the system, so create your application there.

Be warned: getting into vet school is hard, it is in fact among the hardest schools to get into, so start preparing early in your school journey. Check out the requirements from different universities, take the right courses, and start looking for work in the field.

What makes it easier to get into a vet school compared to others?

Lower prerequisites arenโ€™t the only thing that makes getting into a vet school. It also depends on your competition and volition.

Imagine the following scenario: a school has 100 open spots and medium requirements, and 1000 people apply to it. Another school has 100 open spots and low requirements, and 2000 people apply to it. Itโ€™s better to apply to the first school in this case, since your competition for it will be halved compared to the second one.

There are no hard rules about this. Most schools publish their acceptance rates and how many people apply to them each year, so give those a look. If you can and want, you might also consider going to attend a school that is not in your states.

There are too many variables to give a definitive answer to this question. You are the only person who can answer this question. Consider your priorities, and what you are willing to do to get your vet certificate. Some people are ok with living in a different state and take on more debt to complete college, while others are not.

List of the easiest vet schools to get into

Now that you understand what you need to go into vet school, I can show you the list youโ€™ve been waiting for. While this list tries to be as objective as possible, there are things that canโ€™t be factored when you apply, so getting into these schools, while easier than others, is not simple.

1. Texas A&M

Texas A&M is hands-down the easiest vet school to get into. It has a very high acceptance rate of 27%, which is explained by the low number of applicants it gets.

Look at the requirements too, they are few and easy to get compared to other schools:

  • You need to have completed 53 hours of prerequisite work by the end of the spring semester prior to matriculation into the DVM program.
  • You need to have completed with a C or better grade courses.
    • Organic Chemistry I (with lab);
    • Physics I (with lab);
    • Biochemistry I.
  • Completed most of your science prerequisites by the semester of their application.

Thatโ€™s it. You donโ€™t need any letter of recommendation or pre-vet work in your application, nor an outstanding GPA.

Having those is probably still somewhat necessary, as your peers might have them, making it more likely for other applicants to get the spot. But at least you wonโ€™t be pitted against workhorses with thousands of extra-curricular work hours under their belt.

Know that this vet school is the only one with such low prerequisites, every other school in this list will require you to work way harder to produce a satisfying application.

2. Tuskegee University

Tuskegee University College of Veterinary Medicine was founded over 75 years ago. With such a longstanding tradition, you can trust your education is in expert hands in the veterinarian field.

Tuskegee is one of the few universities that donโ€™t provide information about acceptance rates and how many students apply to it, so it is in second place purely because of its relatively low requirements:

  • You need a GPA of at least 3, and your science GPA has to be at least 2.8
  • You need to have completed the following courses with a grade of at least C
    • English or Written Composition
    • Humanities and Social Studies, which include History, Economics, Psychology, and Sociology
    • Liberal Arts which include Arts, Any Language, Music, and others
    • Mathematics courses like Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, or Trigonometry
    • Medical Terminology
    • Advanced Biology Courses like Anatomy, Biology, and others
    • Biochemistry with lab
    • Chemistry with lab
    • Organic Chemistry with lab
    • Physics I and Physics II with lab
    • Electives such as Genetics, Marine Biology, and others
    • Introduction to Animal Science
    • Physical Education
  • You also need to have completed at least 200 hours of work (paid or volunteer) with a licensed veterinarian

While these prerequisites are quite a lot, picking Tuskegee college allows you to disregard letters of recommendation, which is quite nice. Not everyone has the connections and opportunities to get them, so having the option of skipping them is definitely welcome.

Itโ€™s unfortunate that this college doesnโ€™t disclose its statistics about acceptance rates, so itโ€™s hard to gauge how easy it is to get into it, but with these requirements, it shouldnโ€™t be too hard.

3. UC Davis

Another university with a high acceptance rate of 19%, UC Davis has stricter requirements than Texas A&M, but they are still reasonable, letโ€™s give them a look:

  • You need a GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • You need at least 180 hours of veterinary experience hours
  • Three letters of recommendation, one of which has to come from an accredited veterinarian
  • Completion of the prerequisites courses with at least a C or better grade
    • College physics
    • General biology
    • General chemistry
    • Organic chemistry
    • Statistics
    • Biochemistry with metabolism
    • Genetics
    • Systemic physiology
  • A bachelorโ€™s degree from an accredited university

Yeah, UC Davis might be the second easiest vet school to get into, but compare these prerequisites with Texas A&Mโ€™sโ€ฆthere is an abyss between them. At least you know that with such prime requirements, most applicants will also struggle with offering a strong application.

Youโ€™re in luck though, few people apply to this school: only about 700 people apply each year, and about 140 are accepted, so the competition is pretty low.

4. University of Georgia

I wasnโ€™t too sure whether I wanted to include this vet school. The requirements are climbing up at a pace that Iโ€™m not comfortable with.

The acceptance rate for Georgia university is 12.2% which isnโ€™t that high, but itโ€™s above average.

So why did I put this vet school here and not another one with a higher acceptance rate?

The reason is competition: only 800 people apply for a DVM course at this university, which means you donโ€™t have to be better than thousands of people to snag a spot for yourself. Getting into vet school is all about maximizing your odds.

For example, compare these numbers with those of Colorado State. This university has a 12% acceptance rate, which is comparable to that of Georgiaโ€™s, but over 1100 students apply to study there every year, and the spots are only 30 more. You have 300 more applicants to worry about compared to Georgia. Hardly a desirable prospect.

Applying for a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in Georgia requires you to have an outstanding resume. Check the requirements out:

  • Either a GPA of at least 3.0, or a GRE of at least 308
  • Completion of the following courses with a grade of at least C
    • 6 hours of English
    • 14 hours of humanities or social studies
    • 8 hours of general biology
    • 8 hours of general chemistry with lab
    • 8 hours of organic chemistry with lab
    • 8 hours of physics with lab
    • 3 hours of biochemistry
    • 8 hours of advanced biology courses, excluding behavior, production, and ecology courses
  • Three letters of recommendation. One from an accredited veterinary, the others completed by people who can evaluate your background fairly, such as a college professor
  • At least 250 hours of veterinarian experience. You must conduct these hours under the supervision of a veterinary

Hardly lax requirements, and yet itโ€™s number 4 on this list. I told you it would not be easy.

Realistically, only number 1 and 2 of this list are actually easy to join. They donโ€™t require letters of recommendation, which is what makes applying to them easy.

Still, there might be factors that make you prefer the last two, like them being closer to where you live, or catering more to your interests. Thereโ€™s no point in getting into vet school if you are going to hate every moment outside of it.

Reasons To Study Medicine In China

1. Strong economy and stable society

Economically, China is among the strongest countries in the world. The country is not facing any internal security problems and also has an amazing infrastructure.

2. Lots of choice

There are hundreds of medical schools and universities in China offering education to thousands of students, both foreign and local, so plenty of options to choose from. This includes some of the best medical schools in the world, such as Peking University and Fudan University. Almost all of Chinaโ€™s medical schools are registered in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED).

3. Low tuition fees

Tuition fees for medical schools in China are very low. Annually, it would cost you around US$1,000-2,000.  

4. Fast-track qualification

Most universities in China offer their medical degrees as a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). The MBBS program is a fast-track process to become a doctor. It lasts five years, which means you can become a certified physician way faster than those studying medicine in the US, Canada or Germany, where it takes seven to eight years to completely become a doctor.

5. Study traditional medicine

As well as teaching modern medicine, Chinese medical schools also teach students about traditional medicine and ancient medical techniques such as acupuncture. This is not usually the case in other countries, and is a good opportunity to broaden your understanding.

6. Learn the worldโ€™s most-spoken language

Medical courses in most universities are taught in English, but itโ€™s also required to study the Chinese language as a separate subject, which is not a bad thing!

7. A huge country to explore

Geographically, China is huge. It is full of natural and artificial wonders, and if you study in China youโ€™ll have the opportunity to explore at least some of these. Youโ€™re probably picturing a university in Beijing or Shanghai, with all those skyscrapers and busy roads, but thereโ€™s so much more to the country, and itโ€™s all well-connected.

Mission of the World Directory of Medical Schools

It is the mission of the World Directory of Medical Schools (World Directory) to list all of the medical schools in the world, with accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive information on each school. To help and protect patients and to meet the needs of society, we need to know that a doctor has attended a genuine medical school of good standard, and has demonstrated the competence required to become a certified medical doctor. The validated information in the World Directory will enable students, faculty, medical regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders in society, to easily access information proving that a medical school exists and is of good quality.

The listing of a medical school in the World Directory of Medical Schools does not denote recognition, accreditation, or endorsement by the World Directory of Medical Schools or by the partner organizations leading this venture, the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME ) and the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER). Similarly, the listing of a medical school in the World Directory of Medical Schools does not denote recognition, accreditation, or endorsement by any or all of the sponsors of the World Directory of Medical Schools, except where this is expressly stated either on the website of the World Directory or on the website or other literature of any sponsor.

Association of any medical school with FAIMER or WFME, whether as a member, a member of an associated network, or otherwise, is not related to the listing of the medical school in the World Directory of Medical Schools, or to the recognition, accreditation, or endorsement of the medical school.
About the World Directory

The World Directory is a joint venture of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) and the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), in collaboration with the World Health Organization and the University of Copenhagen. Most of the funding for the World Directory comes from sponsors of the directory. The World Directory has been created by merging FAIMERโ€™s International Medical Education Directory (IMED) and WFMEโ€™s Avicenna Directory.

The World Directory defines โ€œmedical schoolโ€ as an educational institution that provides a complete or full program of instruction leading to a basic medical qualification; that is, a qualification that permits the holder to obtain a license to practice as a medical doctor or physician.

The data included at the opening of the World Directory are the combined data of IMED and Avicenna, as of the end of 2013. The World Directory team will endeavour to keep the data current, by including new schools, bringing existing entries up to date, and correcting any errors or omissions that are identified. Data will be collected by the World Directory offices within the WFME office in Copenhagen and the FAIMER office in Philadelphia.

Day-to-day management of the World Directory is the responsibility of the Management Committee, on which FAIMER and WFME are represented. The Management Committee is in turn advised by the Senior Advisory Committee, which includes representatives of WFME, FAIMER, and the sponsors of the directory.

List of Chinese Universities Listed on World Directory of Medical Schools.

Medical School NameCity Name
Academy of Military Medical Sciences Faculty of MedicineBeijing
Air Force School of MedicineJilin
Anhui College of Traditional Chinese MedicineHefei
Anhui Medical University Faculty of MedicineHefei
Anhui University of Science and Technology College of MedicineHuainan
Baotou Medical College    Baotou
Beihua University Faculty of MedicineJilin
Beijing College of Acupuncture and OrthopedicsBeijing
Beijing Medical College Branch CampusBeijing
Beijing School of MedicineBeijing
Beijing Second Medical College, First BranchBeijing
Beijing University of Chinese MedicineBeijing
Bengbu Medical CollegeBengbu
Binzhou Medical CollegeBinzhou
Capital Medical UniversityBeijing
Changchun University of Traditional Chinese MedicineChangchun
Changsha Medical UniversityChangsha
Changzhi Medical CollegeChangzhi
Chengde Medical UniversityChengde
Chengdu Institute of Physical EducationChengdu
Chengdu Medical CollegeChengdu
Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese MedicineChengdu
Chifeng University Medical CollegeChifeng
China Academy of Traditional Chinese MedicineBeijing
China Medical UniversityShenyang
Chongqing Medical UniversityChongqing
Dali University School of MedicineDali
Dalian Medical UniversityDalian
First Medical College of the NavyQingdao
Fourth Military Medical UniversityXi’an
Fujian College of Traditional Chinese MedicineFuzhou
Fujian Medical UniversityFuzhou
Gannan Medical UniversityGanzhou
Gansu College of Traditional Chinese MedicineLanzhou
Guangdong Medical CollegeZhanjiang
Guangdong Pharmaceutical UniversityGuangzhou
Guangdong Provincial Cardiovascular InstituteGuangzhou
Guangxi Medical UniversityNanning
Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical UniversityNanning
Guangzhou Medical UniversityGuangzhou
Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese MedicineGuangzhou
Guilin Medical CollegeGuilin
Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese MedicineGuiyang
Guiyang Medical UniversityGuiyang
Hainan Medical CollegeHaikou
Hangzhou School of Medicine, Hangzhou Normal UniversityHangzhou
Harbin Medical UniversityHarbin
Hebei College of Traditional Chinese MedicineShijiazhuang
Hebei Medical UniversityShijiazhuang
Hebei North UniversityZhangjiakou
Hebei United University College of MedicineTangshan
Hebei University of Engineering School of MedicineHandan
Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese MedicineHarbin
Henan College of Traditional Chinese MedicineZhengzhou
Henan Medical UniversityZhengzhou
Hengyang Medical CollegeHengyang
Heze Medical CollegeHeze
Huanghe Science and Technology CollegeZhengzhou
Hubei Medical College, Xianning BranchXianning
Hubei Medical UniversityWuhan
Hubei University of Chinese MedicineWuhan
Hubei University of MedicineShiyan
Hubei University of Science and TechnologyXianning
Hunan Medical UniversityChangsha
Hunan Normal University College of MedicineChangsha
Hunan University of Chinese MedicineChangsha
Inner Mongolia Medical UniversityHohhot
Inner Mongolia University for the NationalitiesTong-Liao
Jiamusi University School of MedicineJiamusi
Jianghan University School of MedicineWuhan
Jiangsu University School of MedicineZhenjiang
Jiangxi Medical CollegeNanchang
Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese MedicineNanchang
Jilin Medical CollegeJilin
Jinan University School of MedicineGuangzhou
Jinggangshan University Medical SchoolJi’an
Jining Medical UniversityJining
Jishou University School of MedicineJishou
Jiujiang University Medical CollegeJiujiang
Jixi Medical School for the Coal IndustryJixi
Kunming Medical UniversityKunming
Lanzhou University Faculty of MedicineLanzhou
Liaoning Medical UniversityShenyang
Luoyang School of MedicineLuoyang
Luzhou Medical CollegeLuzhou
Medical College of Dalian UniversityDalian
Medical College of Henan UniversityKaifeng
Medical College of Henan University of Science and TechnologyLuoyang
Medical College of Hubei Institute for NationalitiesEnshi
Medical College of Nanchang UniversityNanchang
Medical College of Nanjing UniversityNanjing
Medical College of Nankai UniversityTianjin
Medical College of Wuhan University of Science and TechnologyWuhan
Medical College of Yan’an UniversityYan’an
Medical College of Yichun CollegeYichun
Mudanjiang Medical CollegeMudanjiang
Nanjing Medical UniversityNanjing
Nanjing University of Chinese MedicineNanjing
Nantong Medical CollegeNantong
Nantong University School of Clinical MedicineNantong
Navy School of MedicineNanjing
Ningbo University Medical SchoolNingbo
Ningxia Medical UniversityYinchuan
Norman Bethune College of Medicine, Jilin UniversityChangchun
Norman Bethune University of Medical SciencesChangchun
North Sichuan Medical CollegeNanchong
Northwest Minorities University College of MedicineLanzhou
Panzhihua University School of Medical SciencePanzhihua
Peking Union Medical UniversityBeijing
Peking University Health Science CenterBeijing
Putian University School of MedicinePutian
Qingdao University College of Medical ScienceQingdao
Qinghai Medical CollegeXining
Qiqihar Medical UniversityQiqihar
School of Life Sciences, Fudan UniversityShanghai
School of Medicine, General Logistics DepartmentBeijing
School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Capital Medical UniversityBeijing
Second Military Medical UniversityShanghai
Shaanxi College of Traditional Chinese MedicineXianyang
Shandong Medical CollegeLinyi
Shandong Medical UniversityJinan
Shandong University of Traditional Chinese MedicineJinan
Shandong University School of MedicineJinan
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of MedicineShanghai
Shanghai Medical College, Fudan UniversityShanghai
Shanghai Medical UniversityShanghai
Shanghai Railway Medical UniversityShanghai
Shanghai School of MedicineFengxian
Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineShanghai
Shantou University Medical CollegeShantou
Shanxi College of Traditional Chinese MedicineTaiyuan
Shanxi Datong University School of MedicineDatong
Shanxi Medical UniversityTaiyuan
Shenyang Medical CollegeShenyang
Shihezi University School of MedicineShihezi
Soochow University Medical CollegeSuzhou
Southeast University Medical CollegeNanjing
Southern Medical UniversityGuangzhou
Suzhou Medical College   Suzhou
Szechwan Medical CollegeChengdu
Taishan Medical UniversityTai’an
Third Military Medical UniversityChongqing
Three Gorges University College of Medical ScienceYichang
Tianjin Medical UniversityTianjin
Tianjin Second Medical CollegeTianjin
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese MedicineTianjin
Tibet University Medical CollegeLhasa
Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science & TechnologyWuhan
Tongji Medical UniversityWuhan
Tongji University School of Medicine (TUSM)Shanghai
Tsinghua University School of MedicineBeijing
Tsungnan Tungchi Medical College, WuhanWuhan
University of South China Faculty of MedicineHengyang
Wannan Medical CollegeWuhu
Weifang Medical UniversityWeifang
Wenzhou Medical UniversityWenzhou
West China College of Medicine, Sichuan UniversityChengdu
West China University of Medical SciencesChengdu
Wuhan Medical CollegeWuhan
Wuhan University School of MedicineWuhan
Xi’an Jiaotong University College of MedicineXi’an
Xi’an Medical UniversityXi’an
Xiamen University Medical CollegeXiamen
Xiangnan University School of MedicineChenzhou
Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South UniversityChangsha
Xinjiang College of Traditional Chinese MedicineUrumqi
Xinjiang Medical UniversityUrumqi
Xinxiang Medical UniversityXinxiang
Xuzhou Medical CollegeXuzhou
Yanbian University Health Science CenterYanji
Yangtze University Medical SchoolJingzhou
Yangzhou University College of MedicineYangzhou
Yishui Medical SchoolYishui
Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities of GuangxiBaise
Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese MedicineKunming
Yuzhou University School of MedicineChongqing
Zhang Zhongjing School of Traditional Chinese MedicineNanyang
Zhangjiakou Medical CollegeZhangjiakou
Zhejiang Chinese Medical UniversityHangzhou
Zhejiang University School of MedicineHangzhou
Zhengzhou University Medical SchoolZhengzhou
Zhenjiang Medical CollegeZhenjiang
Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-Sen UniversityGuangzhou
Zunyi Medical CollegeZunyi
Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of MedicineShatin
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong KongHong Kong

The Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, formerly the independent Shanghai Medical University, is one of the oldest and most prestigious medical schools in China. It is consistently ranked among the top three medical schools in China. Established in 1927, Shanghai Medical University was merged into Fudan University in April 2000 to become its medical school. On July 27, 2001, Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University was established, with Professor Wang Weiping as its first dean, and the original site of Shanghai Medical University was then designated as the Fenglin Campus of Fudan University


The college is located to the east of Xujiahui, in Xuhui District, Shanghai. It is located adjacent to Zhaojiabang Road Station, served by Shanghai Metro Lines 7 and 9.


East Campus of the Medical College with a statue of its founder Yan Fuqing

  • 1927 The Medical College of Shanghai was founded, comprising part of National Fourth Zhongshan University whose main campus was in Nanjing, when Jiangsu Medical University originated in 1902 in Suzhou was merged into the university, and the degree of Doctor of Medicine was awarded to qualified graduates who completed study of 2 years in Nanjing and 5 years in Shanghai campus as designed. It was the first medical school established by a national university in China. The founding figures include a number of distinguished Chinese medical experts.In the beginning the Shanghai medical college rented Huashan Hospital as its teaching hospital which was under deficit, and in 1929, under the director Yan Fuqing, the hospital turned losses into gains. In 1930 when Yan Fuqing was the college dean, Shanghai Medical Center (Zhongshan Hospital) was initiated, and Zhongshan Hospital was opened in 1937.
  • 1928 Fourth Zhongshan University was renamed Jiangsu University, and in May of the same year was again renamed to National Central University (which itself was to be renamed Nanjing University in 1949.)
  • 1932 National Central University Medical College became an independent institution under the name of National Shanghai Medical College.
  • 1937 Moved to Kunming, Yunnan because of the Second Sino-Japanese War.
  • 1940 Relocated to Chongqing.
  • 1946 Returned to Shanghai after the end of the war.
  • 1952 Renamed Shanghai First Medical College.
  • 1959 Designated by the state government as one of the sixteen national key institutions of higher education in China.
  • 1985 Named Shanghai Medical University.
  • 2000 Merged with Fudan University.
  • 2001 Established as Fudan University Shanghai Medical College (aka Medical Center of Fudan University).

Campus Reconstruction

In July 2014, Shanghai Medical College’s campus began a 2-year large-scale construction project and was open for use in late 2017. New facilities include new student residential colleges with residential towers, food services, and activity space, two research complexes, an indoor swimming center with rooftop soccer field, and a 20-story library tower, which was built with ๏ฟฅ100 million CNY (US$16.1 million) of support from Powerlong Group Development Co. Ltd. and Shanghai Haosheng Investment Group. The campus now has campus-wide high-speed Wi-Fi and 24-hour study spaces for students and staff.

Education and research

Today, the college has 27 departments in the basic medical sciences and clinical medicine, 20 national key disciplines, 1 national key laboratory, 8 Project 211 key disciplines, 9 key laboratories under the supervision of the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China, 2 municipal key disciplines and 8 Shanghai Clinic Medical Centers. It has 4 research stations that offer postdoctoral fellowships, 29 doctoral programs and 36 master programs.

The college offers undergraduate programs in Clinical Medicine, Basic Medicine and Forensic Medicine. The Clinical Medicine programs include a standard 5-year program offering the Bachelor of Medicine degree, a six-year program offering the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery degree, and an eight-year program offering the Doctor of Medicine degree.

As a part of Fudan University, the college offers interdisciplinary programs while featuring its focus in medicine and clinical study. The college faculty includes a number of well-known experts and professors who are highly respected for their academic achievements and medical skills. Among them are 2 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 10 Cheung Kong Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education of China, and 10 faculties funded by the National Outstanding Youth Foundation. At present, the college has 249 PhD advisors and 249 master advisors.

The college has established cooperative relations and exchange programs with numerous medical schools throughout the world, including those of Harvard University, Columbia University, University of Sydney, University of British Columbia, Umeรฅ University, Osaka University, University of Hong Kong, and Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The Ministry of Education of China has approved Fudan University as one of the thirty qualified universities in China to enroll international students in both its English-taught and Chinese-taught programs of medicine.

Academic departments

Basic medicine

  • Department of Anatomy and Histo-embryology
  • Department of Cellular and Genetic Medicine
  • Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Department of Microbiology and Parasitology
  • Department of Immunology
  • Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology
  • Department of Pathology
  • Department of Pharmacology
  • Department of Forensic Medicine

Clinical specialties

  • Department of Internal Medicine
  • Department of Surgery
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Department of Neurology
  • Department of Dermatology and Venereal Disease
  • Department of Ophthalmology
  • Department of Otolaryngology
  • Department of Oncology
  • Department of Mental Medicine
  • Department of Medical Imaging
  • Department of Rehabilitative and Sports Medicine
  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
  • Department of Clinical Diagnostics
  • Department of Stomatology
  • Department of Plastic Surgery
  • Department of Family Medicine


Basic sciences

  • State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology
  • Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology, Ministry of Education and Health
  • Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Ministry of Education and Health
  • Laboratory of Molecular Genetics
  • Gene Research Center
  • Electron Microscopy Laboratory
  • Clinical Skills Learning Center

Clinical research

  • Key Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology of Antibiotics, Ministry of Health
  • Key Laboratory of Hearing Medicine, Ministry of Health
  • Key Laboratory of Viral Heart Diseases, Ministry of Health
  • Key Laboratory of Neonatal Diseases, Ministry of Health
  • Key Laboratory of Hand Function Reconstruction, Ministry of Health
  • Key Laboratory of Complex Carbohydrates, Ministry of Health
  • Key Laboratory of Myopia, Ministry of Health

Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences

The Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences (simplified Chinese: ๅคๆ—ฆๅญฆๆŠฅ๏ผˆๅŒปๅญฆ็‰ˆ๏ผ‰; traditional Chinese: ๅพฉๆ—ฆๅญธๅ ฑ๏ผˆ้†ซๅญธ็‰ˆ๏ผ‰) is a comprehensive national key medical journal managed by Fudan University under the supervision of the Ministry of Education of China, and is distributed domestically and internationally. Formerly known as the Journal of Shanghai Medical University, it was founded in June 1956. It mainly publishes original articles in the area of basic medicine, clinical medicine, pharmacology and preventive medicine, but it also covers a wide variety of columns including reviews, case reports, methodologies and brief communications.

The journal is indexed in internationally renowned abstracts services, e.g. American-based Chemical Abstracts Service (CA) and Biological Abstracts (BA), Amsterdam-based EMBASE or Excerpta Medica (EM), Russia-based Abstracts Journal, and various domestic medical abstracts and academic journal full-text databases.

Notable alumni

NameChinese NameBornJobDescription
Chen Haozhu้™ˆ็็ 1927-Professor of Medicine at Zhongshan Hospitalspecializes in Cardiovascular diseases
member of Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Chen Zhongwei้™ˆไธญไผŸ1929โ€“2004Professor of Surgery at Zhongshan Hospitalspecializes in Orthopedic Surgery and Microsurgery
member of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Gu Yudong้กพ็Ž‰ไธœ1937-Professor of Surgery at Huashan Hospitalspecializes in Hand Surgery
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Shen Ziyinๆฒˆ่‡ชๅฐน1928โ€“2019Professor of Medicine at Huashan Hospitalspecializes in Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine
Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Tang Zhaoyouๆฑค้’Š็Œท1930-Professor of Surgery at Zhongshan Hospitalspecializes in Liver Cancer
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Wang Zhengmin็Ž‹ๆญฃๆ•1935-Professor of Eye Surgery at the Eye and ENT Hospital of Fudan Universityspecializes in Otology
Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Wen Yumei้—ป็Ž‰ๆข…1934-Professor at Shanghai Medical Collegespecializes in molecular biology and immunology of Hepatitis B Virus
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Best Medical Universities In China

1. Shantou University Medical College (SUMC)

Shantou University logo

Shantou University Medical College is located in Shantou, a beautiful coastal city in the Guangdong province. Most MBBS programs in China take 6 years but the MBBS at SUMC only takes 5 years.

SUMC has 2 campuses. One where you spend your first few years as a medical student and a second one where your are trained for clinical skills. Shantou boasts of a simulated medical center where you can practice your skills with the aid of virtual learning resources shared by University of Alberta and Stanford University.

Apart from medical theory, you will also get medical training at the Pearl River Delta and Hainan. The curriculum also includes units that help students learn Chinese language and culture.

Start of classSeptember every year (only one intake per year)
Application deadlineMid-July
Requirementsโ€ข Physically and mentally healthy
โ€ข Must speak, read and write English well
โ€ข Valid passport
โ€ข Clean criminal record
Tuition feeUS$6,186 per year
ScholarshipsOutstanding Foreign Student Scholarship

2. Nanjing Medical University (NJMU)

nanjing medical university - nmu logo

NJMU is located in Nanjing, a city rich in Chinese history and culture. The medical university has two campuses: Wutai and Jiangning. The MBBS program takes 6 years to complete, with only 100 students enrolled for the intake. Students can do their internship in any of the following facilities:

โ€“ The First Affiliated Hospital of NMU
โ€“ The Second Affiliated Hospital of NMU
โ€“ Nanjing First Hospital
โ€“ Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital

Start of classSeptember every year (only one intake per year) *
Application deadlineEnd of June
Requirementsโ€ข Must be 18 to 25 years old
โ€ข Must of good physical and mental health
โ€ข Outstanding grades
Tuition feeUS$5,252 per year
ScholarshipsJasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship

*The application can be closed earlier if the targeted number of students is reached earlier. Feedback for the application is usually given within 4 to 6 weeks after application.

3. Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZUSM)

In Hangzhou, one of the most visited places by tourist, lies Zhejiang University. The School of Medicine offers an MBBS program that is recognized internationally. The program takes 6 years to complete including 5 years of classroom teaching and 1 year of internship.

As a student, you will go through three stages of the course which include:

โ€“ Pre-med for 1 year
โ€“ Pre-clinic for 2 years
โ€“ Clinic for 3 years
โ€“ Internship for 1 year (you will be supervised by doctors)

Start of classSeptember every year (only one intake per year)
Application deadlineMid-July
Requirementsโ€ข Must be 18 to 25 years old
โ€ข Must of good physical and mental health
โ€ข Outstanding grades
Tuition feeUS$6,619 per year
ScholarshipsChinese Government Scholarship

4. Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University (SHMC)

Shanghai Medical College is part of Fudan University, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in China. SHMC is located in Xujiahui, a commercial district in Shanghai. The MBBS program at SHMC takes 6 years to complete.

You can choose to do your internship in China, your home country or another country. The school will help you find a suitable hospital to do your internship.

If you choose to do your internship in China, you must pass HSK 5 before the internship so that you can communicate with patients effectively. Some hospitals affiliated with Shanghai Medical College include:

โ€“ Huadong Hospital
โ€“ Shanghai Cancer Center
โ€“ Eye and ENT hospital
โ€“ Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center

Start of classSeptember every year (only one intake per year)
Application deadlineMid-July
Requirementsโ€ข Native English speaker
โ€ข Studied a degree in English before
โ€ข Have passed IELTS level 6, TOEFL qualification
Tuition feeUS$11,598 per year
ScholarshipsOutstanding Foreign Student Scholarship

5. Guangzhou Medical University (GMU)

Guangzhou Medical University is located in Guangzhou, one of the three largest cities in China. It has an amazing campus that is suitable teachers and students. The MBBS program at GMU takes 6 years to complete.

Start of classSeptember every year
Application deadlineFirst week of July
Requirementsโ€ข Non-Chinese citizen
โ€ข Good physical and mental health
โ€ข High school graduate
Tuition feeUS$4,639 per year
ScholarshipsChinese Government Scholarship
Guangzhou Government Scholarship

6. Capital Medical University (CCMU)

Capital Medical University is located in Beijing, China. CCMU has one of the most advanced equipment and international faculty of 994 associate professors and 548 professors. The MBBS at CCMU takes 6 years to complete:

โ€“ 1 year of foundation
โ€“ 2 years of basic medicine
โ€“ 2 years of clinical medicine
โ€“ 1 year internship

Students can do their internship in the 14 hospitals the university is affiliated with. CCMU has outstanding reputation in scientific research including traditional Chinese medicine and basic medicine.

CCMU also has partnerships with international education institutions in more than 20 countries and many student exchange programs.

Start of classSeptember every year
Application deadlineFirst week of June
Requirementsโ€ข Pre-med course which takes 1 semester to complete (2 intakes, March and in June)
โ€ข Must be between 18 to 40 years old
โ€ข High school graduate
โ€ข Must be English proficient
Tuition feeUS$7,732 per year
ScholarshipsBeijing Government Scholarship

7. Tongji University School of Medicine (TUSM)

Tongji University logo

Tongji University School of Management is located in Shanghai, the financial capital of China. The MBBS at TUSM takes 6 years to complete.

At TUSM, you will study with dedicated faculty members, undertake research and clinical rotations with national top research teams and affiliated hospitals, and receive a globally recognized medical degree.

You will also enjoy a dynamic campus life and meet students from all over the world. TUSMโ€™s ultimate goal is to train doctors who are competent in the delivery of effective and ethical medical care in todayโ€™s rapidly changing health-care environment.

Start of classSeptember every year
Application deadlineMay
Requirementsโ€ข Have passed IELTS level 6, TOEFL qualification
โ€ข Must be between 18 to 25 years old
โ€ข High school graduate
Tuition feeUS$6,959per year
ScholarshipsEntry Scholarship
Dean Scholarship
Tongji Presidential Scholarship
Shanghai Government Scholarship (Class C)

8. Jinzhou Medical University (JZMU)

jzmu logo

Jinzhou Medical University is located in northeastern China in the city of Jinzhou. The MBBS program at JZMU takes 6 years to complete, inclusive of one year of internship. Internship is done at the First Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical University (LMU).

Start of classSeptember every year
Application deadlineEnd of August
Requirementsโ€ข Physically and mentally fit
โ€ข Must be between 18 to 25 years old
โ€ข High school graduateNo criminal record
Tuition feeUS$5,412 per year
ScholarshipsChinese Government Scholarships

Five Best Universities in Shanghai with Strong Strength in Medicine

  • 1 Fudan UniversityFollowing the policy of clinic combining with basis, Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University attaches importance to crossing and uniting among disciplines. It has 22 national key disciplines and 3 one-grade disciplines. Among a group of national high-class teachers the college owns, there are 2 Members of Chinese Academy of Science, 4 Members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 10 Distinguished Professors by the Minister of Education and 10 owners of National Science Found for Distinguished Young Scholars of China. For the past few years, Shanghai Medical College has established academic relationships with Harvard Medical School and Columbia University Medical Center in USA, Medical School of Sydney University Australia, Medical School of University of Groningen in Holland, Medical School of Sweden Umea University, University of British Columbia in Canada, Osaka University in Tokyo, Hong Kong University Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine and Medical School of Chinese University of Hon
  • 2 Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityRelying on the predominance of its subjects, the Medical School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University has had many achievements in scientific research. The account of its research fund has been always ranking the top. Since it was incorporated into the โ€œ211 Projectโ€ in the Ninth Five-year period, the school has undertaken 2319 vertical academic research projects of all forms at all levels with project amount of RMB 48,885, among which amount for national-level scientific research reaches RMB 26,271, accounting for 53.7 per cent of the total. The school has 6 key disciplines of Ministry of Education of China and 11 Shanghai key disciplines. Its multi-faceted form of education, diversified course system, flexible teaching methods and advanced teaching concept attract students from home and broad. The school has developed international cooperation and communication with 61 universities from 19 countries and regions such as France, USA, Japan, Belgium, Australia, Sweden, Hong Kong, etc.
  • 3 Shanghai University Of Chinese Traditional MedicinFounded in 1956, Shanghai University of Chinese Traditional Medicine is one of the earliest four institutions of higher learning of TCM in China. In the past 50 years, it has cultivated and devoted a large number of professional talents of TCM. The university has more than 600 experts and professors, 2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, several famous doctor of TCM from Shanghai and other areas of China and pace-setters in national key scientific research. It has 4 key disciplines of Ministry of Education of China and 2 national key disciplines.
  • 4 Tongji UniversityThe Medical School of Tongji University has offered medical education to a large number of students and has enjoyed an excellent reputation both at home and abroad since it was established in 1907 as Tongji German Medical School. The School has hosted numerous medical experts from home and abroad which has laid a solid ground for the development of medical science at Tongji University. The Medical School is equipped with advanced facilities for teaching, treatment and research. It has established academic exchange programs and cooperation in teaching, research, and clinical practice with its counterparts in Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and U.K.
  • 5 Second Military Medical UniversityThe Second Military Medical University is the CPLA key institution of higher learning for training graduates and the key university supported by the state “Project 211”. It is the unique medicine training base of overseas students. Since 1978, the University has undertaken more than 1,574 research projects of national, ministerial or provincial levels, occupying a front position in national medical colleges and universities. It has established exchange and cooperative relationships with more than 34 countries and regions by sponsoring many large and important international symposia, inviting foreign scholars to give lectures, conducting cooperative research and organizing training programs for overseas

Why Is It Easier To Get Into Medical Schools In China?

This is a question that has been by many people, a lot of times, and till date, it still baffles people. Some even if this true at all. Here we prove that it is indeed easy to study in China.

Firstly, the application process for schools in China is very quick and the documents needed for processing the visa recommendation form are very few and definite, once they are finished it takes an even shorter time to apply for a visa. The rate at which China receives foreign students has grown over the past years as a way to make them a stronger presence internationally and students are currently reaping the benefits of this.

Cost of living in China is one of the lowest you can get in developed countries, and is one of the reasons students find it easy studying here. For this reason, a lot of students apply to get here.

The cut-off point for grades for admission into Chinese universities is really low compared to other places. This makes it really easy to get enrolled into Chinese universities.

China boasts an incredible number of approximately 45 Medical Schools that are recognized by the MOE-China.

Based on this it opens doors to many international students who face difficulties in gaining acceptance in their own countries.

As most countries have initiated a โ€œQuota Systemโ€ in their admission process, chances of acceptance are minimal.

Most countries also face the sad truth of possessing a low standard of tertiary education as well as limited seat in their institutions resulting in most students being unable to pursue their dream of becoming a medical doctor.

However the ever so competent and effacement country has room for the demand and by the Chinese โ€œFair Natureโ€, everyone is afforded a fair opportunity.

The country also boasts excellent facilities with minimal academic requirements and very seldom the daunting โ€œentrance examinationโ€ which most countries deem necessary to implement to gain admission.

Immigration as a doctor: Best countries and salary

Start your job search by writing a resume and describing your knowledge and skills. It is imperative to translate your diploma and other educational documents into English or another language.

You can ask colleagues for feedback. If the applicant does not know a foreign language well, it makes sense to enroll in educational courses.

You can find work for a doctor on the Internet through intermediaries. When using the services of firms that are engaged in the selection of jobs for job seekers, you should be careful, because there are many fraudsters among such companies.

Where better to go

Even though doctors are in demand in different countries, it is worth considering carefully when choosing a place to move to. If you know doctors in immigration, you can ask their opinion. It is recommended to take a closer look at the European countries because many of them expect foreign health workers.

What are the advantages of working abroad?

Among the main advantages of working abroad are higher incomes and public recognition.

However, when doctors move abroad, it becomes necessary to confirm professional knowledge for employment. It is easier for undergraduate medical students or young professionals to enroll in a local university and retrain, thus confirming their education.

In many countries, doctors are among the highest-paid professions. Where do doctors earn the most? We have compiled 10 countries for you where doctors are at least not offended by money. 

1. the USA

The average annual salary for a specialist – $ 370,000

The median annual salary for a general practitioner – $ 230,000

How much a doctor can earn depends on where they practice and their gender. Typically, male doctors in the United States receive 36% more than their female counterparts. The pay gap was narrowest for anesthesiologists (12%), radiologists (13%), and family doctors (14%). Orthopedists top the list with an average annual compensation of $ 443,000 (salary, bonuses, and contributions related to profit sharing), cardiologists $ 410,000, dermatologists $ 381,000, and the lowest-paid pediatricians 204,000 US dollars.

2. Canada

The average annual salary for a specialist – $ 338,000

The median annual salary for a general practitioner – $ 271,000

Canada has over 90,000 doctors and is growing faster than the country’s population. The ratio of the number of doctors to one person is about 228 doctors per 100,000 people. Average wages range from $ 258,000 in Nova Scotia to $ 366,000 in Alberta.

3. Australia

The average annual salary for a specialist – $ 260,000

The average annual salary for a general practitioner – $ 140,000

Neurological surgeons earn the highest salary, earning up to $ 430,000 a year, followed by an ophthalmologist with $ 420,000, and in Sydney or Melbourne they can earn 50% more. Other medical professionals who are paid the most are cardiologists, plastic and reconstructive surgeons, and gynecologists/obstetricians.

person walking on hallway in blue scrub suit near incubator

4. the Netherlands

The average annual salary for a specialist – $ 253,000

The median annual salary for a general practitioner – $ 117,000

5. Belgium

The average annual salary for a specialist – $ 188,000

The median annual salary for a general practitioner – $ 61,000

6. Ireland

The average annual salary for a specialist – $ 183,000

The average annual salary for a general practitioner – $ 125,000

Ireland spends about 8.1% of its GDP on health care and has about 2.76 beds per 1000 population.


The average annual salary for a specialist is $ 150,000

The average annual salary for a general practitioner – $ 120,000

Typically, salaries vary greatly depending on the level and experience of the doctor. UK internship doctors start at around ยฃ 26,000 a year, increasing in 12 different pay groups to ยฃ 65,000. Specialist doctors receive a base salary between ยฃ 37,923 and ยฃ 70,700.

8. France

The average annual salary for a specialist – $ 149,000

The average annual salary for a general practitioner – $ 60,000

The base fee per patient in the country is about $ 28

9. Switzerland

The average annual salary for a specialist – $ 130,000

The average annual salary for a general practitioner – $ 116,000

There are about 32,000 doctors in the country. The highest-paid are cardiologists, gas-renter specialists, neurosurgeons, and radiologists.

10. Denmark

The average annual salary for a specialist – $ 91,000

The median annual salary for a general practitioner is $ 109,000.

Countries that will pay the most and least to do your job

Qualified teachers may want to head to Luxembourg. While the job market is tiny, educators in the Grand-Duchy command an average salary of $131,000 (ยฃ100k), and entry-level pay is actually higher than almost every other country’s maximum average teaching salary.

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