
nord university biology

Jelly fish, photo Galice Hoarau


Bachelor’s degree in Bodรธ

How did life on Earth evolve? How does DNA code for important biological functions? How do food webs look like at the bottom of the sea? How does climate change affect animals and plants? These are some of the questions that biology seeks to answer. As a student in biology at Nord University, you will learn about the fundamentals of life in the beautiful surroundings of Northern Norway.

Study model

The information applies to the current academic year. Changes may occur.Expand all

1st study year

Autumn 2021

Course idCourse nameECTS Credits
FIL1000Exam Philosophicum – Novo10 SP
KJ105FLaboratory safety0 SP
KJ104FBasic and environmental chemistry.10 SP
BIO1000Diversity of Life I – Invertebrates, plants and fungi10 SP

Spring 2022

Course idCourse nameECTS Credits
MA116FMathematics/Statistics for Biologists10 SP
BI132FBiochemistry and Cell Biology10 SP
BI122FGenetics and Evolution10 SP

2nd study year

Autumn 2022

Course idCourse nameECTS Credits
BI123FEcology10 SP
BIO1001Diversity of Life II – Vertebrates10 SP
BI210FMolecular Cell Biology10 SP

Spring 2023

Course idCourse nameECTS Credits
BI105FZoophysiology10 SP
BI206FMarine Biology10 SP
BI224FScientific Methods10 SP

3rd study year

Autumn 2023

Course idCourse nameECTS Credits
Elective courses(click to choose)

Spring 2024

Course idCourse nameECTS Credits
Elective courses(click to choose)

Admission requirements

1. Higher education entrance qualification

2. Special admission requirements for BSc in Biology

3. English language proficiency

4. Financial capacity – non-EU/EEA applicants

View general admission and documentation requirements

View FAQs about admission, credit transfer, scholarships/financing and result of admission

Job opportunities

Due to increased focus on the environment, ecology and sustainable development, the Bachelor degree in biology will give you many job opportunities, both in the private and the public sector. You can get employed at environmental agencies, laboratories, companies and directorates. If you combine the programme with pedagogic education, you can also become a teacher in a high school or secondary school. If you choose to proceed with a Master degree, you have the option for more specialised jobs in scientific research or consulting.

Further education

BSc in Biology qualifies for the Master of Science programme in Biosciences at Nord University, or for master programmes at other institutions in Norway and abroad.

Master of Biosciences at Nord have the following specialisations:

Aquaculture, Genomics, Marine ecology and Terrestrial ecology and nature management.

Study abroad

Ever thought of spending part of your degree in another part of the world? Our cooperations with universities in Europe and other parts of the world can offer you exciting opportunities to study one or two semesters abroad. You can also spend 15 weeks on a work placement abroad as part of your undergraduate studies.

A study abroad complements your degree studies best in the third academic year. You can spend one and up to two semesters abroad, the world is yours to explore.

Below you will find an overview of our partner universities where you, as a biology student, can travel to:

Department of Aquaculture, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, College of Fisheries, Mangalore

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Zheijang Ocean University, Zhoushan

South Korea:
Pukyong National University

Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU)
Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkangelsk (NARFU)
St. Petersburg University

Charles Darwin University
James Cook University
Deakin University

Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology

Memorial University of Newfoundland
University of Northern British Columbia
Vancouver Island University
St. Francis Xavier University
Lakehead University
University of Saskatchewan


Universitรฉ Francois-Rabelais, Tours
Universitรฉ de Bourgogne, IUT Dijon
Universitรฉ Paris Descartes
Universitรฉ Jean Monnet Saint-ร‰tienne, IUT St.-ร‰tienne

Hochschule Bremen, University of Applied Sciences
Leuphana University
University of Bremen
University of Hamburg

Szent Istvan University

University of Groningen
University of Wageningen

University of Agriculture in Krakow
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

University of Alicante
University of Barcelona
Universidad del Paรญs Vasco (Bilbao campus)

University of Stirling

Roskilde University

University of Akureyri

University of Sapienza

University of Algarve

University of Gothenburg

Augsburg College
Augustana University
Humboldt State University
University of Minnesota, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (St Paul)
University of New England
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Fairbanks

โ€‹โ€‹The University Centre in Svalbard

In addition to the opportunities to study abroad, the faculty kindly suggests one semester at the University Center inโ€‹ Svalbard (UNIS).
UNIS offers a number of exciting courses in Arctic biology at BSc, MSc and PhD levels. The courses are offered in spring, summer or autumn, and most have a strong focus on fieldwork.

Students apply for admission directly to UNIS.

For information on topics and admission requirements see: UNIS | The University Centre in Svalbardโ€‹โ€‹
From Northern Africa to Northern Norway to study biologyHer determination to study biology while experiencing a different culture led Camela Haddad from Algeria to Nord University. Camela is left with no doubt about her decision: โ€“ The time at Nord University has so far been incredibly rich!

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