College of the Sequoias - Free-Apply.com


All student registration at College of the Sequoias is completed online atย www.cos.edu. Individuals without access to a computer can access the internet at the following locations:

  • Theย Welcome Centerย and Student Services Resource Lab at theย Visalia campus
  • Theย Hubย at theย Hanford Educational Center
  • Theย Welcome Centerย at the Tulare College Center

Eligibility for Admission

Any graduate of an accredited high school may be admitted to College of the Sequoias. Also, any person having successfully completed the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) or the General Educational Development Test (G.E.D.) with scores of 45 overall and with no subtest lower than 35 may be admitted.

The College may admit other persons 18 years of age or over when the evidence indicates that the individual will benefit from college-level instruction. Students are encouraged to complete high school prior to enrolling in the College.

For dates relating to online registration, check theย Academic Calendarย or inquire at the Registration Office in the Sequoia Building on the Visalia Campus.

See “Classification of Students – Concurrently Enrolled High School Students/Accelerated Students” below for concurrent enrollment of 7thโ€“12th grade students.

Summary of Admission Requirements


Twelve (12) or more units and students planning to take more than six (6) units.

Full matriculation will be required of any student who intends to enroll for seven (7) or more units of credit. Full matriculation shall require that a prospective student:

  1. Prior to the deadline specified in the schedule of classes, complete a COS Admission Application online atย www.cos.edu. Detailed instructions are printed in the schedule of classes.
  2. If you are under 21 years of age, request the last high school attended to send one transcript of work completed or attempted. If you have attended college, we require only college transcripts.
  3. If in the last two years you have taken the G.E.D. Test or the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE), have the G.E.D. scores or a copy of the CHSPE Certificate sent to the Admissions and Records Office.
  4. Request each college of attendance to send one complete transcript of work attempted, whether or not credit was earned, to the Admissions and Records Office. Transcripts are to be official copies sent directly from the previous schools to College of the Sequoias. Any high school or college transcript received by College of the Sequoias becomes the property of the College and will not be released to the student or other institutions.

Official Transcripts are to be sent directly from the prior college attended to the following address:

Admissions and Records Office
College of the Sequoias
915 S. Mooney Blvd.
Visalia, CA 93277


Six (6) or Fewer Units

  1. Prior to the deadline specified in the school calendar, complete a COS Admission Application online atย www.cos.edu.
  2. File one transcript of all previous high school and/or college academic records if the student wishes to:
    1. Apply for a Certificate of Achievement or an Associate Degree.
    2. Apply for financial assistance (EOPS, financial aid, veterans).
    3. Apply for special programs, particularly in the health, arts, and sciences.
    4. Validate that a prerequisite has been met either in high school or at another college.


FreshmanStudents with fewer than 30 units of college credit
SophomoresStudents who have completed 30 units or more of college credit
OtherStudents who have completed more than 60 units of college credit
Full-time StudentsStudents carrying 12 units or more
Part-time StudentsStudents carrying less than 12 units
Returning StudentsStudents who have attended COS, but have missed two or more semesters (not including the Summer semester)
Continuing StudentsStudents who are currently enrolled
New StudentsStudents who have never attended COS
Concurrently Enrolled High School Students / Accelerated StudentsSeventh – twelfth (7-12) grade students are required to complete an online admission application and submit a high school permission form to the Admissions and Records Office for every semester of attendance. Attendance is on a space-available basis only. High school accelerated students attending a class at COS are not considered โ€œcontinuing students.โ€ An additional form is required for 7th and 8th grade students. Home-schooled students will need to meet with a Student Services administrator to complete the permission form.


Students use Web Registration to register, add and drop classes atย www.cos.edu.

Resident Regulations

Residency determination shall be made on the basis of a residence statement completed at the time of application.

A โ€œresidentโ€ is a student who has physical presence in the state for more than one year immediately preceding the opening day of instruction of the semester (Title 5 ยง54028; Education Code 68017,680601) and has demonstrated intent to make California his/her permanent home.

A student shall be required to present evidence of physical presence in California; intent to make California his/her home for other than a temporary purpose; and if the student was classified as a nonresident in the preceding term, (s)he may be required to demonstrate financial independence (Title 5 ยง54022/Education Code 68044) and intent to make California her place of residence.

Physical presence within the state solely for educational purposes does not constitute establishing California residence regardless of the length of that presence (Title 5 ยง54026). Residents of another state are nonresidents of California (Title 5 ยง54030). The burden is on the student to demonstrate clearly both physical presence in California and intent to establish California residence (Title 5 ยง54026).

A student who is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States stationed in this state on active duty, except a member of the Armed Forces assigned for educational purposes to a state-supported institution of higher education, is entitled to resident classification only for the purpose of determining the amount of tuition and fees. If that member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is in attendance at an institution is thereafter transferred on military orders to a place outside this state where the member continues to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States, (s)he shall not lose his/her resident classification so long as (s)he remains continuously enrolled at that institution. (Education Code 68075).

A Veteran of the Armed forces utilizing Chapter 30, Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 of Veterans Benefits is entitled to resident classification regardless of their state of residence. An individual who is entitled to transferred Post 9/11 Veterans benefits by virtue of their relationship with a member of the armed services is also entitled to residence classification.

A student who is the child or spouse of a person who, on or after September 11, 2001, died in the line of duty while serving on active duty as a member of the Armed Forces who resides in California is entitled to resident classification

A student who is a natural or adopted child, stepchild (under 18 years of age), or spouse who is a dependent of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States stationed in this state on active duty shall be entitled to resident classification until (s)he has resided in the state the minimum time necessary to become a resident (Education Code 68074). During this time, the student should demonstrate intent to make California his/her permanent home.

Education Code section 68075.6 grants immediate nonresident tuition fee exemption to eligible Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and refugee students who settled in California upon entering the United States.

This exception is granted for one year from the date the student settled in California upon entering the United States.

This exemption applies to the following:

  • Iraqi citizens or nationals (and their spouses and children) who were employed by or on behalf of the United States Government in Iraq (Pub.L. No. 110-181, & 1244)
  • Afghan and Iraqi translators (and their spouses and children) who worked directly with the United Sates Armed Forces (Pub.L. No. 109-163, & 1059)
  • Afghanistan nationals who were employed by or on behalf of the U.S. government or in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan (Pub.L. No. 111-8, & 602)
  • Refugee students admitted to the United States under Section 1157 of Title 8 of the United States Code.

For questions related to student residency or nonresident tuition exemptions, contact Helen Aviles atย helena@cos.eduย or (559) 730-3727 .


Assembly Bill 540 as amended by Education Code section 68130.5, Effective Jan, 1, 2018

A student is exempt from paying non-resident tuition if the student meets the following requirements: 

  1. The student must have:
    1. Attended a combination of California high school, adult school, and community college for the equivalent of three (3) years or more*, or
    2. Attained three (3) or more years of California high school coursework and attended a combination of California elementary, secondary, and high school of three (3) years or more**, and
  2. โ€‹The student must have:
    1. Graduated or will graduate with a California high school diploma or have the equivalent (i.e. California-issued GED, CHSPE). or
    2. Completed or will complete an associate’s degree from a California Community College. or
    3. Completed or will complete the minimum requirements at a California Community College for transfer to the California State University or the University of California.
    4. Transcripts

Applicants who have attended another college or university must file transcripts from each college or university attended. College of the Sequoias grants credit for lower division work from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Failure to file transcripts may delay or prevent admission or graduation. Transcripts should be sent directly from the high school or college to College of the Sequoias. All transcripts become the property of the College and will not be returned to the student or sent to other institutions.


The high school transcript requirements may be waived for:

  1. Those who have attended college.
  2. Those who have attained a college degree.
  3. Those who are 21 years or older.
  4. Scholastic Regulations

Satisfactory scholarship means at least a โ€œCโ€ (or 2.0) average. To achieve at least a โ€œCโ€ (or 2.0) average, students must have a minimum of twice as many grade points as they have units attempted.

Transfer Students

Any student transferring from another college shall be subject immediately to these same scholastic regulations. Transfer students must supply official transcripts from all other colleges attended and meet with a counselor to petition to have their external credit evaluated.

International Students

College of the Sequoias accepts international students each year. In order to keep a well-balanced representation of the various nations of the world, the number of students accepted from any one country may be restricted.

Transcripts of academic records and good health verification are required to qualify for admission. To be admitted, international students are required to qualify for admission. International students are required to achieve a score of at least 500 (173 for computerized test; 61 IBT) on the written Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), which is administered in their own country or at a test center in the United States. A $100.00 Application Fee must be paid upon application to the College. Payment should be by U.S. bank draft or money order and must be received before the Form I-20 will be issued by the College. Tuition for subsequent semesters will be paid at the time of registration.

For a complete list of fees, visit theย Fees & Expensesย tab.

Students must complete an International Student Application (including financial documentation), TOEFL test (unless English is the studentโ€™s native language), AND the online COS application. Seeย International Studentย section for complete information.

All international students are required to locate and purchase medical insurance (must include repatriation and medical evaluation). Students must pay a $350 SEVIS I-90 fee atย www.fmjfee.com.

Federal and State financial aid is not available to international students. Working off-campus during the first year is not allowed and students must have sufficient funds to defray expenses. With approval from the College’s Designated School Official, F-1 students may accept on-campus employment subject to certain conditions and restrictions. Each international student application must be accompanied by a certified financial statement indicating sufficient monies are available to pay college costs and living expenses.

Students on an โ€œFโ€ type visa are required to register for a minimum of 12 units and they must maintain the same scholastic standards as other students.

The deadline for application is April 1 for the Fall and October 1 for the Spring semester. Requests for application forms should be sent to the Counseling Technician, Osirisย  DeLeon (osirisd@cos.edu), in the Counseling Office.ย 

California Nonresident Tuition Exemption


(For Eligible California high school, adult school, and community college students)

New and returning incoming students who are individuals without lawful immigration status (undocumented), Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) grantees, students with T or U non-immigrant status, TPS, U.S. Citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents or other lawfully residing students who are classified as non-residents and meet the eligibility criteria for AB 540, AB 2000 or SB 68 shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition at the California Community Colleges, the University of California, and the California State University (all public colleges and universities in California).


  • Nonresident students meeting the criteria will be exempted from the payment of nonresident tuition, but they will not be classified as California residents. They continue to be “nonresidents.”
  • The California Dream Act extends Cal Grant A and B Entitlement awards, Cal Grant C awards, Chaffee grants, and institutional financial aid to students that meet these criteria as well as the applicable criteria for eligibility for specific types of financial aid.
  • AB 540 does not provide federal student financial aid eligibility for undocumented students. These students remain ineligible for federal financial aid.

Procedures for Requesting this Exemption from Nonresident Tuition


  • Complete theย California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request (AB 540) form.
  • Submit it to the Admissions Office in Sequoia 107. You may be required to submit additional documentation.
  • If you have questions, call the Admissions Office at (559) 730-3727 or email Helen Aviles atย helena@cos.edu.

Scholastic Honors

Special recognition is granted to top scholars each semester. The President of the College acknowledges, on the Deanโ€™s List, those full-time students who attain a semester and cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better. In addition, s/he also recognizes on the Presidentโ€™s Honor List those full-time students who attain a semester and cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better. Qualification for either honor requires enrollment in a minimum of twelve units with a letter grade. A record of these accomplishments becomes a part of the studentโ€™s permanent scholastic record.

*A year’s equivalence at a California community college is either a minimum of 24 semester units of credit or 36 quarter units of credit. For noncredit courses, a year’s attendance is a minimum of 420 class hours per year (a semester is equivalent to a minimum of 210 hours and a quarter is equivalent to a minimum of 140 hours). Full-ยญtime attendance at a California adult school is a minimum of 420 hours of attendance for each school year. 
**This provision addresses both a coursework and an attendance requirement, which can both be satisfied in three or more years . 

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