The University of Bergen (UiB) is an internationally recognised research university. Academic diversity and high quality are fundamental for us. UiB is the most cited university in Norway. In this post, we will review the University of Bergen Masters in Data Science, university of bergen international students and university of bergen scholarship 2022.

There are seven faculties at UiB and there are a total of 14,800 students at the university. Around 1,550 of these are international students. We employ 3,600 staff. PhD candidates are paid employees of staff, making the doctoral degree at UiB particularly attractive for rising talent. About one in three graduating doctors are from outside

The University of Bergen offers a Master’s Degree in Data Science. The program is conducted in English and provides students with the skills to become data scientists by learning the necessary tools and methods. The program covers topics such as statistics, machine learning, data mining, natural language processing, bioinformatics, and computer science theory.

Students are expected to complete the entire program within 2 years and can choose to specialize in either Machine Learning or Machine Learning for Finance. Students can also choose between two tracks: applications or theory.

university of bergen international students

This is a selection of study programmes at the University of Bergen. Additional listings will be added shortly.

  • Masterโ€™s

Masters at the University of Bergen

 Business & Management (1) Computer Science & IT (1) Engineering & Technology (1) Humanities (8) Medicine & Health (2) Natural Sciences & Mathematics (8) Social Sciences (2)


The University of Bergen belongs to the top 200 universities in the world and the top 100 universities in Europe.

(in the world)
(in Europe)
QS World University Rankings202119480
Times Higher Education World University Rankings202120197
Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities2020301113

University of bergen masters in data science

CEDAS front page

Data Science is about drawing useful knowledge from large and complex data. Advances in Artificial Intelligence are greatly dependent on Data Science. The Center for Data Science of the University of Bergen is an interdisciplinary center across several faculties focusing on research and education in central aspects of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Our current activity involves machine learning, algorithmic foundations, visual data science, statistics, bioinformatics, and behavioral science.

CEDAS is the main contact point for NORA, the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium, at the University of Bergen.

University of oslo data science

Data Science is the science of extracting knowledge or insight from various types of data. The study of Data Science combines mathematics, statistics and informatics making you ready for meeting the Data revolution.

Data Science (master’s two years)

Programme structure

The Master’s programme Data Science is a two-year full time study consisting of 120 ECTS credits.

The programme has the following structure:

  • Courses, 60 or 90 ECTS credits
  • Master’s thesis, 60 or 30 ECTS credits

The programme has five specializations:

  • Statistics and Machine Learning
  • Database Integration and Semantic Web
  • Data Science and Life Science
  • Language Technology
  • Digital Image Processing

Course of study

Recommended plan with a master’s thesis of 60 ECTS credits

4. semesterMaster’s thesis
3. semesterMaster’s course / Master’s thesisMaster’s course / Master’s thesisMaster’s course / Master’s thesis
2. semesterMaster’s course / Master’s thesisMaster’s courseMaster’s course
1. semesterMaster’s courseMaster’s courseMaster’s course
 10 ECTS credits10 ECTS credits10 ECTS credits


The first semester of the masterโ€™s programme starts with mandatory and recommended courses om master’s level, as they should be taken as early as possible.

The following courses are mandatory and should be taken in the first semester:

  • STK-IN4300 โ€“ Statistical Learning Methods in Data Science
  • IN-STK5000 โ€“ Adaptive methods for data-based decision making

Of the remaining courses, at least one course within informatics, with an INF/IN/IN-STK-label, and one course within statistics, with an STK/STK-IN-label, is required. Note that the internship course STK-IN4355 โ€“ Internship in Data Science will not cover the last requirement.

The different specializations have recommended courses, and these should be chosen together with your supervisor, but all students on this programme are recommended to take the following course in the second semester:

  • IN4020 โ€“ Database Systems

Specialization Statistics and Machine Learning

The following courses are recommended:

  • STK4021 โ€“ Applied Bayesian Analysis
  • STK4051 โ€“ Computational Statistics

Specialization Database Integration and Semantic Web

The following courses are recommended:

  • IN5040 โ€“ Advanced Database Systems for Big Data / INF5100 โ€“ Advanced database systems (continued)
  • IN4070 โ€“ Logic / INF4171 โ€“ Logic (continued)
  • IN4060 โ€“ Semantic Technologies

Specialization Data Science and Life Science

The following courses are recommended:

  • IN4030 โ€“ Introduction to Bioinformatics / INF4350 โ€“ Introductory Course in Bioinformatics (continued)
  • STK4051 โ€“ Computational Statistics

Spezialization Language Technology

The following courses are recommended:

  • IN4080 โ€“ Natural Language Processing
  • IN5550 โ€“ Neural Methods in Natural Language Processing

Spezialization Digital Image Processing

The following courses are recommended:

  • IN5520 โ€“ Digital Image Analysis
  • IN5400 โ€“ Machine Learning for Image Analysis

Master’s thesis

You will be given a supervisor in the first semester, and together you will decide on a topic for your thesis. A short thesis og 30 ECTS credits can be conducted during the last semester.

Recognition of master’s courses from former education

If you are admitted to the master’s programme and you have completed master’s courses outside the University of Oslo, you may apply to have these courses recognised as part of your degree. Please contact the Department of Mathematics for more information.

Diploma and degree

This programme leads to the following degree: Master of Science in Data Science

The diploma is issued when you have completed the courses that meet the requirements for a degree.

University of oslo data science fees

In University of Oslo, there is no tuition fee except small semester fee of NOK 600 (74 USD). However, you are still expected to finance living expenses during your time of study. If you do not have the finances, you can work 20 hours a week during school and 40 hours a week on holidays to help with finances.

university of bergen scholarship 2022

University of Bergen Masters in Data Science

The University of Bergen is a public university located in Norway. It was founded in 1946 and has more than 30,000 students. The university offers various undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including the one-year master’s program in data science.

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the understanding of data through scientific methods and tools, as well as its application to solve problems. This can include everything from analyzing patterns in large datasets to using machine learning algorithms to make predictions about future events based on past events.

This program will give you a solid foundation in computer science and statistics while also providing you with an opportunity to explore other topics such as digital media or health informatics. You’ll also have the chance to gain hands-on experience by completing several projects throughout your time at the university.

There are no requirements for admission into this program aside from being fluent in English (you must demonstrate proficiency before starting), but if English isn’t your native language, consider taking TOEFL or IELTS exams before applying so that you can improve your chances of being accepted into this program.

The University of Bergen Masters in Data Science program is an interdisciplinary study that provides students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the field, while also developing their own professional skills. The program trains students to use data science to solve real-world problems, with a focus on how data science can be used in practice in different areas (such as health care or public policy).

The curriculum combines theoretical and empirical approaches to data science, while also providing students with practical experience through internships. The program encourages students to develop their own projects, which are then mentored by faculty members.

The University of Bergen is located in Norway’s second largest city and has been ranked number one for student satisfaction for over ten years.

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