Łódź Film School or Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Filmowa Telewizyjna i Teatralna L Schillera w Łódźi (PWSFTviT) – public higher education institution in Poland. The history of PWSFTviT can be traced back to1948 .
Application process and the cost of tuition. The enrollment is based on the exam results. It is very likely to get admitted to PWSFTviT as there are only 3 applicants per seat. The academic schedule is divided into semesters. The cost of tuition for the bachelor’s programs is around 15,000 USD per year. Doing your master’s studies at PWSFTviT is not cheap – a year of studies will cost you 15,000 USD. In addition, the scholarships provided by the university allow for partial coverage of tuition expenses. On the official website (http://www.filmschool.lodz.pl) of the university you can find a more accurate information regarding the tuition fees of different programs.
The composition of the university. Łódź Film School is on the smaller side, it teaches about 1000 students. The admission committee accepts the applications from foreign citizens. The education is conducted by 199 teachers and professors. During studies the students have the opportunity to participate in the international exchange programs.
Infrastructure of PWSFTviT. The students have access to the university’s library. Students can apply for a dormitory. The university is in the Centre Internationalde Liaison des Ecoles de Cinema et de Television (CILECT).
Incoming Students
Application and recognition procedure
Application Procedure – Erasmus+: detailed instructions.
Please keep in mind that applying to the Lodz Film School you have to have required level of the English (or Polish for some classes) appointed in the bilateral agreement signed between your home institution and the Lodz Film School. Whereas, the Lodz Film School has to have sufficient number of free places to accept more participants.
All applications from prospective Erasmus+ Students are administered by the International Relations Department at the Lodz Film School. Your application must reach us not later than 31.05.2021, for winter semester or the whole year, and not later than 31.10.2021 for spring semester.
If you wish to apply to the Lodz Film School as an Erasmus+ student, you must submit by e-mail the following documents:
Learning Agreement
application form(approved by home institution)
Portfolio: a file or a link.
Learning Agreement: in section Receiving Institution, please state as the contact person Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator Ms Dagna Kidon (d.kidon@filmschool.lodz.pl).
The responsible person at receiving institution should be Department Erasmus+ Coordinator of the Faculty you want to apply for.
Departments’ coordinators:
Film and TV Direction Department:Direction, Scriptwriting dr Jakub Mikurda j.mikurda@filmschool.lodz.pl
Film editing, dr hab. Jarosław Kamińśki j.kaminski@filmschool.lodz.pl
Direction of Photography and TV Production Department:Direction of photography dr hab. Józef Romasz j.romasz@filmschool.lodz.pl
Animation and special effects dr hab. Aleksandra Chrapowicka a.chrapowicka@filmschool.lodz.pl
dr hab. Marek Szyryk m.szyryk@filmschool.lodz.pl
Film Art Organization Productiondr Artur Majer a.majer@filmschool.lodz.pl
Acting Departmentdr hab. Piotr Seweryński p.sewerynski@filmschool.lodz.pl
1. To apply for a study at the PWSFTviT firstly you must checked if your university has an interinstitutional agreement signed with PWSFTviT.
2. If yes, you have to succeed in the selection procedure at your home university.
3. Your Erasmus Coordinator must inform the PWSFTviT Erasmus Coordinator about this fact.
4.You or your Coordinator must send by email theapplication formalong with thelearning agreementand portfolio (please do not send your movies in file, if you have them, but just send the links) to the relevant Coordinator (see list above). By sending the application documents applicant confirms that he/she knows and understands the exchange programme regulations.
5. If all above mentioned documents reach us on time and you will succeed in the selection procedure, the PWSFTviT ‘s International Office will send you and your Coordinator anAcceptance e-mail. Please note that PWSFTviT reserves the right to reject proposed students on the basis of incorrect submission of required documents (form and deadline), standard of portfolio and availability of places.
6.You can contact the PWSFTviT International Office if you have any questions related to your stay in our city.
7.After passing all the exams you are required to bring your Exams Results Slip, Student’s Clearance Slip and your student card to the International Office. All the documents can be found in ,,Downloads” section. Then the International Office will prepare the final documents.
You have to inform the International Office about the day of your departure in advance (at least 3 weeks earlier) so your documents can be prepared before you leave.
Final documents
In order to receive the final documents Erasmus+ students have to deliver the following documents to the International Office:
Exams Results Slip
Student Card
Student Clearance Slip
The recognition of your mobility achievements will be documented in the final documents (courses, marks, ECTS). In order to receive the document you need to deliver the Exam Results Slip with other above mentioned documents to International Office. The final documents will contain the information about the course (either semester or whole academic year), local marks and their equivalents in ECTS grading scale together with the grade distribution table, number of ECTS points.
Course Catalogue and grading system
As an incoming student you have to choose courses within one department. Depending on your language level you will be able to choose more classes – information about language required level is always written in the catalogue. Studying in Acting Department is possible only for polish speaking students (minimum level B1). If you have any questions related to the educational offer please contact relevant Department Coordiantor.
* 6 excellent
* 5 very good
* 4,5 good plus
* 4 good
* 3,5 satisfactory plus
* 3 satisfactory
* 2 fail
Polish for foreigners
Please, keep in mind that all the courses are taught in Polish. However, professors can communicate and work with you individually in English. Yet, some of the classes requires a good Polish level. Information about language requirements can be found in the Course Catalogue. Acting Department classes are dedicated only to Polish speaking students (B1 level is the minimum).
The Lodz Film School offers an intensive polish course for foreign students. Classes are run Monday-Friday. For enquiries and application please contact Joanna Wesołek j.wesolek@filmschoo.lodz.pl +48 42 27 55 820
Accommodation, insurance, visa
The Lodz Film School can provide some Erasmus+ students with accommodation.
The students interested in our dormitory’s offer need to fill in the Application Form and has to fulfill the conditions included in the Rector’s Order number 15/2007.
The dormitory is located in the city center 10 min from the Film School.
Łódź, 189/191 Piotrkowska
St. Dormitory manager: 42 6366 980
Dormitory switchboard: 42 6366 066, 42 6366 673
Dormitory reception is open daily 7 a.m.- 10 p.m.
The applications must be sent until 30 July.
The student can stay at the dormitory from 1 October till 15 July
In the new academic year, to confirm the intention to stay at the dormitory the student should pay to the dormitory manager the October fee by 30 September. The payment for the dormitory should be made to the manager by 15th day of a given month for that month. An extra charge of 0,50 PLN per day will be made for delayed payment.
The students who wish to stay at the dormitory in September pay at the start of their stay
The fees:
* 250 PLN -monthly fee for a place in a 2 and 3-person room
* 270 PLN -monthly fee for a single room
Single rooms are available only to fourth and fifth year full time students
dorm application and Rector’s order can be found in the ,,Download” sectionhttp://www.filmschool.lodz.pl/fileups/stu/stu5262804899a9brector-pwsfbx.pdf
Students of non-Polish origin are obliged to take out medical care/health insurance in their country or hold a European Health Insurance Card (EU citizens) valid for the whole period of stay in Poland. You may also take out an additional medical insurance in Poland.
Students who do not have the European Health Insurance Card should act according to the instructions given by their insurance company advisor. In case of problems with finding the proper medical centre, please contact the International Office.
In case of emergencies you may visit the Emergency Care Unit (Pogotowie Ratunkowe, 137/141 Sienkiewicza Street, Łódź). In serious cases you may call 999 from a stationary phone or 112 from a mobile one.
Accident Insurance
Students of non-Polish origin are obliged to take out accident insurance in their country of origin valid for the whole period of stay in Poland. You may also take out an additional accident insurance in Poland. To learn more about theaccident insurance options offered by the Academy, please contact the International Office.
All the procedures connected with the above mentioned issues may vary according to the country the student comes from.
Citizens of EU member states
Travel Documents
Exchange students who are citizens of the EU do not need a passport or a visa to enter Poland. However, they have to have an official, valid proof of identity with them.
The list of countries whose citizens may enter Poland without a visa is available here:http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/travel_to_poland/entering_poland/visa_free/visa_free_countries
Residence permit
EU citizens who plan to stay in Poland for more than 3 months for study purposes need to apply for a residence permit. The application should be submitted to the Łódź Voivode no later than on the day following the period of 3 months counting from the day of entering the territory of Poland.
The applicant should submit:
1. 4 copies of the application for the residence permit for a defined period of time (http://www.paszporty.lodzkie.eu/data/other/wniosek_o_zarejestrowanie_pobytu_obywate_1.pdf) – the application form has to be submitted in Polish;
2. 2 photocopies of a valid travel document, or another document confirming the identity and nationality of the applicant;
3. a declaration of the date of crossing the Polish border and a declaration of the address of temporary residence;
4. a certificate confirming the admission to or continuation of the studies issued by the entity in charge of the studies issued by the International Office;
5. a document confirming the availability of funds to cover the costs of living;
6. one copy of the European Health Insurance Card valid for the period of stay
Please, remember to have the originals of the copied documents with you during the procedures at the Voivode Office.
Since the documents need to be prepared in Polish the International Office or the Erasmus coordinator will be glad to help you with the necessary paperwork.
All the documents should be submitted to the Department of Citizen Affairs and Foreigners (Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich i Cudzoziemców) on 103 Piotrkowska Street, room 11 or 12 (1st floor):
Opening hours:
Mon., Wed., Fri. : 8 am – 3:45 pm
Tue.: 10 am – 5:45 pm.
The EU citizen whose stay was registered receives a registration certificate issued by the Voivode. During the 1st visit at the office you will be informed when and where you will receive the certificate.
Registration of temporary residence for dormitory residents
After receiving the residence permit foreign students are obliged to register their temporary residence in the Citizens’ Affairs Department of the City of Lodz Office (Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich, Oddział Ewidencji Ludności, Łódź, 47 Zachodnia Street, 2nd floor, room 220).
The applicant should submit:
a copy of the registration of temporary residence application form
a valid travel document, or another document confirming the identity and nationality of the applicant;
the residence permit issued by the Voivode;
Registration of temporary residence for non-dormitory residents
After receiving the residence permit foreign students are obliged to register their temporary residence in the Citizens’ Affairs Department of the City of Lodz Office (Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich, Oddział Ewidencji Ludności – ask your landlord about the address of the correct office for the area of your residence).
The applicant should submit:
a copy of the registration of temporary residence application form; the form requires your landlord’s confirmation;
a valid travel document, or another document confirming the identity and nationality of the applicant;
the residence permit issued by the Voivode;
a rent agreement with the landlord stating the period of residence.
Non EU citizens
Travel Documents
Students who are not citizens of the EU need to obtain a visa from a Polish embassy in their native country before entering Poland. The list of countries whose citizens may enter Poland without a visa is available here:http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/travel_to_poland/entering_poland/visa_free/visa_free_countries
For further information on applying for a visa, the validity period of visas and visa application fees visit the webpage of the Polish embassy in your country or of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland:http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/travel_to_poland/visa/visa
Residence permit
Foreign students who plan to stay in Poland for more than 3 months for study purposes need to apply for a residence permit. Application for the permit should be submitted to the Łódź Voivode at least 45 days before the lapse of the period of stay based on a visa or a period for which the previous permit has been granted.
The applicant should submit:
1. 4 copies of the application for the residence permit for a defined period of time (http://www.paszporty.lodzkie.eu/data/other/wniosek_o_udzielenie_zezwolenia_na_zamie_2.pdf) – the application form has to be submitted in Polish;
2. 5 up-to-date, colour photographs, dimension: 45cm x 35cm, taken during the last 6 months, clearly showing the person en face on a plain, light background. The person’s facial expression should be natural, eyes should be clearly visible. The person should be visible from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders and the face should occupy 70-80% of the photographs; photographs should present a person without any head covering or dark glasses;
3. 2 photocopies of a valid travel document;
4. a confirmation of payment of the administrative fee (340 PLN) for granting
the residence permit;
5. a declaration of the address of temporary residence;
6. a document confirming the legal entitlement to the temporary place of residence (e.g. rent agreement);
7. a document confirming the person has a health insurance;
8. a certificate confirming the admission to or continuation of the studies, issued by the entity in charge of the studies, stating the estimated period of studies, source of financing (fee amount and period for which a payment was made); the document is issued by the International Office and available in the room 309, Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź (main building, 3rd floor);
9. a document confirming the availability of funds to cover the costs of living.
All the documents in a foreign language have to be translated into Polish by a sworn translator. The original documents should be also presented along with
the translation.
Please, remember to have the originals of the copied documents with you during the procedures at the Voivode Office.
Foreigners who stay in Poland for a period longer than three months are obliged to possess minimum funds to cover the costs of living:
800 PLN for each month they intend to spend in Poland or an equivalent of that amount in a foreign currency.
Furthermore, foreigners should possess a return ticket to their native country or financial means to cover their return trip. The amount is estimated on the basis of
the price of the ticket to Poland, but must be a minimum of:
200 PLN in the case of foreigners who come from countries neighbouring with Poland;
500 PLN in the case of foreigners who come from a European country;
2 500 PLN in the case of foreigners who come from non-European countries – or an equivalent of that amount in a foreign currency.
All the documents should be submitted to the Department of Citizen Affairs and Foreigners (Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich i Cudzoziemców) on 103 Piotrkowska Street, room 11 or 12 (1st floor):
Opening hours:
Mon., Wed., Fri. : 8 am – 3:45 pm
Tue.: 10am – 5:45 pm.
Registration of temporary residence for dormitory residents
After receiving the residence permit foreign students are obliged to register their temporary residence in the Citizens’ Affairs Department of the City of Lodz Office (Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich, Oddział Ewidencji Ludności, Łódź, 47 Zachodnia Street, 2nd floor, room 220).
The applicant should submit:
a copy of the registration of temporary residence application form
a passport;
a visa;
the residence permit issued by the Voivode.
Registration of temporary residence for non-dormitory residents
After receiving the residence permit foreign students are obliged to register their temporary residence in the Citizens’ Affairs Department of the City of Lodz Office (Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich, Oddział Ewidencji Ludności – ask your landlord about the address of the correct office for the area of your residence).
The applicant should submit:
a copy of the registration of temporary residence application form; the form requires your landlord’s confirmation;
a passport;
a visa;
the residence permit issued by the Voivode;
a rent agreement with the landlord stating the period of residence.
Academic calendar, application deadline will be uploaded soon
Useful links
The Lodz Film School
The Lodz Film School Cinema
Lodz Film School Student Films’ Competition ,,Łodzią po Wiśle”
MPK Łódź– city transport operator
www.modlinbus.com – direct bus from the Warsaw airports to Lodz
PKP– Polish State Railway route search
PolskiBus– inter-city express coach service
www.jakdojade.pl – Public transport journey planner and timetables
Cultural Events
Łodzą po Wiślewww.lodziapowisle.pl
Festiwal Szkół Teatralnych http://festiwalszkolteatralnych.pl/
Camerimage www.camerimage.pl/en/
Transatlantyk http://transatlantyk.org/en
Fotofestiwal Łódźhttp://www.fotofestiwal.com
Łódź Design Festival http://www.lodzdesign.com
Light Move Festival lmf.com.pl
International Festival of Comics and Games in Lodz http://komiksfestiwal.com/en/
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About Us
The Film School in Lodz, one of the oldest film schools in the world, puts special emphasis on practical work in its teaching programme. The school educates students in film art, television, photography and acting. The students acquire knowledge preparing them to work as directors, directors of photography, animators, photographers, screenwriters, editors, production managers and actors. Studies comprise practical workshop classes accompanied by history, culture and art theory contributing to a thorough artistic development.
School Authorities
The school’s governing bodies are: the Senate and Department Governing Boards. Rector runs the school’s policy and represents the school outside. The Rector of the current term is Her Magnificence Milenia Fiedler, Ph. D., Prof. of the School.
There are four departments at the Polish National Film School in Lodz: Film and Television Directing, Direction of Photography and Television Production, Acting and Film Art Organization. The Departments were introduced by the School Senate resolutions. The Dean is the head of each department.
Artists and art theoreticians who found themselves in Lodz after the Second World War decided that professional artistic cinema in Poland needed a place where filmmakers would be educated. They founded the film school in 1948.
Campus Map
Student Government
The Student Government of the Łódź Film School represent the rights and interests of all students before the School’s authorities. We support students in relation to their affairs, initiate cultural events, comment on all important issues and have a real influence on the life of our School.
Film Production
Film Production Unit cooperates with students and their artistic supervisors regarding the production of student films, which reaches nearly 300 film projects a year.
Assistance Department
Screening rooms, studios, classrooms, classes, workshops and the meetings, in which the Lodz Film School students participate, take place in various buildings situated on the school campus. The staff of the Multimedia Assistance Department coordinate these events and provide their technical service.
The Library and Film Information Centre of PWSFTviT in Łódź has gathered a unique collection of books, magazines and audiovisual materials on the cinema, television, theatre, photography and the fine arts. The library resources include about 55,000 volumes, 450 titles of magazines, nearly 3,000 CDs with soundtracks and over 4,000 films on DVDs and Blu-rays. All students and lecturers of the Łódź Film School, as well as all those interested in the cinema and theatre, are invited to use our resources.
Centre for
Interdisciplinary Research
Promotion Department
We deal with the broad promotion of the Lodz Film School and its students in Poland and abroad. We cooperate with foreign schools, international organizations, media and culture institutions. We promote students and their film work at Polish and international festivals and other artistic and cultural events. We organize and co-ordinate the promotion of school festivals.
International Sales
and Distribution
Partners & Patronates
Erasmus +
Top Film Schools Around The World
Although not currently covered in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018, whifamuch is being released soon, film studies is a hugely popular area at universities and colleges around the world.
Course options range from undergraduate film studies programs at large universities, to more specialized postgraduate programs at specialized arts institutes or academies. Film studies qualifications include the BA (Bachelor of Arts), BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts), MFA (Master of Fine Arts) and, in some cases, an MPhil/PhD. It’s also possible to complete a one- or two-year diploma instead of a full degree.
Here are some of the top film schools around the world, divided by region, along with current tuition fee information (correct at time of publishing).
Top film schools in the US & Canada
Top film schools in the US
American Film Institute (AFI)
The school which David Lynch said he would give up everything “in a heartbeat” to attend, the American Film Institute (AFI) is perhaps the most famous of all film schools in Los Angeles, if not the whole of the US, thanks to the fact it hosts festivals and star-studded events throughout the year.
The institute enables students to produce as many as four personal films during their studies and to get advice from visiting industry experts including the likes of 12 Years a Slave director Steve McQueen. Boasting 27 Emmy nominations among their alumni in 2017 alone, the American Film Institute also counts South Park producer Anne Garefino and Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky among its past fellows.
Tuition fees including production materials: US$57,340 (The AFI Conservatory Program, 1st year students); $59,348 (2nd year students)
The CalArts School of Film and Video, dreamt up by Walt Disney shortly before he died in 1966, is another of the most prestigious film schools in Los Angeles (CalArts is located in the suburb of Valencia) and is a stomping ground for many of the best animators and filmmakers in Hollywood.
Tim Burton, one of CalArts’ earlier graduates, has since been followed by a series of notable Disney animators including Andrew Stanton (Finding Nemo), Brad Bird (The Incredibles) and Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee (Frozen). Film studies degrees offered at CalArts include the BA, MA, MFA and DMA (Doctor of Musical Arts).
2018/19 tuition fees: US$48,660 (all students excluding M.A. in Aesthetics and Politics students)
Los Angeles Film School
Located slap-bang in the middle of Hollywood on Sunset Boulevard, it’s easy to see how the Los Angeles Film School got its name as one of the most notable schools for budding Hollywood filmmakers. Offering bachelor and associate degrees in all areas of the entertainment industry, the Los Angeles Film School also encompasses the Los Angeles Recording School, home of the famous RCA building where Elvis Presley and The Rolling Stones once recorded their music. The Los Angeles Film School also offers online programs in digital filmmaking, graphic design and the entertainment business.
2017 tuition fees: US$40,270 (A.S film, domestic students program total); US$53,220 (international students)
Kanbar Institute of Film & Television, NYU
Outside of Los Angeles, leading film schools in the US include New York’s Kanbar Institute of Film & Television, which is a part of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. Located in the center of one of the world’s most culturally vibrant and renowned metropolises, Kanbar Institute of Film & Television boasts world-class alumni such as respected filmmaker Martin Scorsese and the much-praised creator of US TV series Breaking Bad, Vince Gilligan.
In 2017, six members of the Tisch School of Arts’ alumni community were nominated for an Oscar. In addition to the film school’s main NYC campus, the school also has a campus in Singapore. As well as a number of undergraduate film studies degrees, the Kanbar Institute of Film & Television offers a postgraduate-level MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in Filmmaking.
2017/18 tuition fees: US$26,451 (all students). Students should also expect to pay an additional US$1,261 for registration per term and US$1,655 per additional unit.
USC School of Cinematic Arts
The University of Southern California’s USC School of Cinematic Arts is a place where many of Hollywood’s most famed filmmakers started out. Receiving millions of dollars of support every year from the likes of George Lucas, the USC School of Cinematic Arts offers world-class media facilities such as an IMAX theatre and research lab, making it one of the most state-of-the-art film schools in Los Angeles.
Alumni of the USC School of Cinematic Arts include comedy writer and producer Judd Apatow and Kevin Feige, the president of Marvel Studios. Film degrees offered by the USC school of Cinematic Arts include the BA, BFA and the MFA.
2017/18 tuition fees: US$53,448 (undergraduate level); US$32,927-48,247 (graduate level). Additional fees for equipment may also apply.
Other top film schools in the US:
- Boston University’s College of Communication
- Chapman University’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts
- Colorado Film School
- Columbia University’s School of the Arts
- Emerson College’s Department of Visual & Media Arts
- Loyola Marymount University’s School of Film and Television
- New York Film Academy
- Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts
- UCLA’s School of Theater, Film and Television
- University of North Carolina’s School of the Arts
- University of Texas at Austin’s Moody College of Communication
Top film schools in Canada
Toronto Film School
The Toronto Film School is well established as one of the best film schools in Canada. With a wide curriculum covering everything from film and TV production to interior decorating, the Toronto Film School is a career-focused school with a strong commitment to providing practical industry knowledge. Programs at the Toronto Film School take between one and two years to complete and all students graduate with a diploma.
2019 tuition fees:
- For 18 month programs: CA$35,158 (~US$26,450). International students pay an additional fee of CA$18,458 (~US$13,900).
- For 12 month programs: $22,980 (~US$17,300). International students pay an additional CA$12,064 (~US$9,080).
Vancouver Film School
Offering 13 programs covering all elements of the entertainment arts industry, Vancouver Film School is another of the leading film schools in Canada. From 3D animation to sound design, Vancouver Film School offers its students a condensed one-year program focused on gaining practical skills alongside industry knowledge. Students of Vancouver Film School graduate with a diploma.
2017/18 tuition fees, Film Production: CA$35,250 (domestic students); CA$53,250 for international students (approximately US$43,430)
Other top film schools in Canada:
- Carleton University’s School for Studies in Art and Culture
- Concordia University’s Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema
- Simon Fraser University’s School for the Contemporary Arts
- University of British Columbia’s Department of Theatre and Film
- York University’s Faculty of Fine Arts
Top film schools in Europe
Top film schools in the UK
London Film School
Open only to postgraduate students looking to gain a master’s degree or a PhD, the London Film School is one of the most highly reputed film schools in Europe, located in the heart of central London. Established for more than 60 years, the London Film School focuses on building craft and production skills in a practical environment, and has been named as one of just three Film Academies in the country by Creative Skillset, a UK governmental agency. Although the London Film School has only 220 students, the student base is a truly international one, with current students hailing from over 30 countries worldwide.
2018/19 tuition fees for MA Filmmaking: US$78,0620 (in total, for all students on the two-year program) plus £200/$280 for international students’ Visa Administration Fee.
National Film and Television School (NFTS)
Often lauded as the UK’s top film school, the National Film and Television School (NFTS) is hidden away on the outskirts of northwest London, near Slough. The only film school in the UK with its own film and television studios, the National Film and Television School offers a wide range of specialized postgraduate degrees, including 17 master’s programs, 14 diplomas, five certificate awards and a number of short courses.
Wallace and Gromit creator Nick Park and Harry Potter director David Yates are among notable alumni of the National Film and Television School.
2018 tuition fees: £10,000-13,800 (€11,400-15,750) per year (MA programs, domestic students); £16,000-29,000 (~US$22,750-41,230) per year (MA programs, international students)
Top film schools in continental Europe
Academy of Performing Arts’ Film and TV School (FAMU)
Established in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic, in 1946, the Academy of Performing Arts’ Film and TV School (FAMU) is one of the oldest and most prestigious film academies in the world. Responsible for nurturing filmmakers such as Milos Forman (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) and offering programs in both Czech and English, FAMU attracts an exceptional international cohort every year.
Tuition fees: Free for Czech students and students studying in Czech; US$21,120 for an English-taught Directing degree (international students)
La Fémis
Located in Paris on the site of the old Pathé studios where the infamous Lumiere brothers are said to have invented filmmaking in 1894, La Fémis is now considered to be one of the best film schools in Paris. La Fémis offers programs taught only in French, but also provides exchange programs with US institutions such as CalArts and Columbia University. The school has around 200 students, of whom 8 percent are international.
Tuition fees: €433 (domestic students); US$13,280 (international students)
Lodz Film School
Another of the best film academies in Europe, Lodz Film School, otherwise known as the Polish National Film, Television and Theater School, is the institution that produced a large number of Poland’s top filmmakers, helping to shape the Polish cinema industry. With new departments and modern equipment being added continually, Lodz Film School is one of Europe’s leading film institutes. By way of programs, Lodz Film School offers a full spectrum of full-time, part-time, postgraduate and PhD courses, ranging from two to five years of study.
Tuition fees: US$9,940-14,920 per year (all students)
Other top film schools in Europe:
- London Metropolitan University’s Sir John CASS Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design
- University of Television and Film Munich
- National Film School, Italy
- National Film School of Denmark
- Norwegian Film School
- Screen Academy Scotland
- University of the Arts London’s College of Communication
- Russian State University of Cinematography
Top film schools in Asia
Beijing Film Academy
With Avatar’s James Cameron as a visiting fellow and one of the world’s fastest-growing film industries as a setting, the Beijing Film Academy is well-placed as the only film academy in China and the largest in the whole of Asia. The Beijing Film Academy offers a BFA taught in English, as well as a large range of undergraduate and postgraduate Chinese-language programs. The school also offers an exchange program, a Chinese-language learning program and a short-term training program.
Tuiton fees: US$12,720 per year (English MFA, international students)
Korean Academy of Film Arts (KAFA)
South Korea’s flagship film school, established in 1984, the Korean Academy of Film Arts (KAFA) is at the heart of the nation’s film industry. While many alumni of the Korean Academy of Film Arts currently dominate their home market, some, such as Bong-Joon Ho (Snowpiercer), are busy creating a buzz in the US.
Other top film schools in Asia:
- City University of Hong Kong’s School of Creative Media
- Film and Television Institute of India
- Hong Kong Baptist University’s Academy of Film
- Whistling Woods International Film school, India