
education system in ukraine

Education System in Ukraine
PrimaryPochatkova zahalʹna osvita1–46–104Початкова загальна освіта
SecondaryBasic General Secondary5–910–155Базова загальна середня освіта
SecondaryComplete General Secondary10–1115–182Повна загальна середня освіта
SecondaryUpper Secondary School (Starsha Serednia Shkola)10–1115–182 
VocationalVocational School (Profesijno-Tecnichne Uchylyshche)15–203 
VocationalVocational – Technical Education10–1215–172–4Професійно-технічна освіта
VocationalProfesiyno-tekhnichna osvita10–1315–194Професійно-технічна освіта
VocationalVocational Secondary School (Technikum)15–204 
TertiaryNepovna vyshcha osvita12–132–3Неповна вища освіта
TertiaryUniversity, Institute, Academy12–174–6Базова/Повна вища освіта

Primary Education

Education in the Ukraine is compulsory from age 6 to age 15. The first 4 years are at elementary younger school. This introduces them to their school career in which they will be taught art and sciences from a practical orientation, so that they will be able to use them too, in later life.


Middle Education

Lower secondary osnowna serednia shkola middle school is for scholars aged 10 to 15, following which they may qualify for their lower secondary school leaving certificates. The curriculum includes the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language, algebra, biology, chemistry, geography, geometry,  history, physics, music, art and physical education.

Secondary Education

Thereafter 3 years may be spent at starsha serednia shkola or upper secondary school leading to a matriculation school certificate or atestat. In the process, school students take a series of independent government tests, culminating in a final one that examines their  /knowledge of Ukrainian language and literature, English / German / French / Spanish, as well as biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics and physics.

Vocational Education

If students do not go on to upper secondary school, then they may opt to study further at own expense at a vocational secondary school. Programs take up to 4 years to complete, and result in a hierarchy of technical qualifications that fit them for a meaningful working role in Ukrainian society.

Tertiary Education

The ministry of education manages higher education, including vocational schools, colleges and universities. These may be privately or state funded, but all charge fees. Subsidized housing is usually available to assist those from out of town. 

Two levels of degrees are awarded these days – bachelors after 4 years, and masters after a further 2. After that, further academic opportunities await. Previously the only degree awarded in Soviet times was a 5 year specialist one. The finest Ukranian tertiary institution is the National Technical University of Ukraine illustrated here.

Pre-higher Education System

     Duration of compulsory education
     Age of entry: 6
     Age of exit:  15

     Structure of school system

     Type/level of education:     Primary
     Type of school:                    PRIMARY SCHOOL (POCHATKOWA SHKOLA)
     Length of program (years): 4
     Age level:                              from 6 to 10

     Type/level of education:     Lower Secondary
     Type of school:                    LOWER SECONDARY (OSNOWNA SEREDNIA SHKOLA)
     Length of program (years): 5
     Age level:                              from 10 to 15
     Certificate awarded:             SWIDOCTWO PRO NEPOWNU SEREDNIU

     Type/level of education:     Upper Secondary
     Type of school:                    UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL (STARSHA SEREDNIA SHKOLA)
     Length of program (years): 2
     Age level:                              from 15 to 17
     Certificate awarded:             ATESTAT/MATRICULATION SCHOOL CERTIFICATE

     Type/level of education:      Complete Secondary
     Length of program (years): 11
     Age level:                              from 6 to 17
     Certificate awarded:             ATESTAT/MATRICULATION SCHOOL CERTIFICATE

     Type/level of education:   Upper Secondary
     Type of school:            UPPER SECONDARY SPECIAL SCHOOL (LICEI)
     Length of program (years): 3
     Age level:                          from 14 to 17
     Certificate awarded:               ATESTAT/MATRICULATION SCHOOL

     Type/level of education:     Special Education
     Type of school:                    UPPER SECONDARY SPECIAL SCHOOL (GIMNAZIA)
     Length of program (years): 3
     Age level:                              from 14 to 17
     Certificate awarded:            ATESTAT/MATRICULATION SCHOOL CERTIFICATE

     Type/level of education:     Vocational
     Length of program (years): 4
     Age level:                              from 14 to 18
     Certificate awarded:             ATESTAT, SWIDOCTWO PRO ZAKINCHENNIA

     Type/level of education:     Vocational
     Type of school:                    VOCATIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOL (TECHNIKUM)
     Length of program (years): 5
     Age level:                              from 14 to 19
     Certificate awarded:             ATESTAT, DIPLOM TECHNIKA/MATRICULATION

     Description of secondary school system
All children 7 to 15 years old attend the nine year compulsory school. If parents wish so, the child may start from the age of six. Options after the comprehensive school: upper secondary school, or vocational education. Upper secondary school: 2-year general school ending with Matriculation Examination, permitting successful students access to university and other higher education schools. Present vocational education system covers both general secondary and vocational programmes, with separate tracks for comprehensive school leavers and matriculated students. The system is being reformed.

Higher Education System

     Structure of system
Higher education in Ukraine includes universities, and a non-university sector i.e. approximately 160 institutions of higher education, with 4-6 year postsecondary studies, centralized and financed by public funds. Higher education is administered by the Ministry of Education which coordinates the activities of higher schools and  supervises the higher schools which are under other ministries. Since 1992 the whole system of Ukrainian postsecondary education is considered “higher education”, and according to the “Law on Education” includes the following levels and categories of establishment: level I – technical and vocational schools; level II – technicums and colleges; level III – institutes; level IV – universities, academies and some institutes. Ukrainian levels I and II may be compared in Western countries to institutions such as technical and vocational schools. Most Ukrainian “institutes” (there are 89) are ranked at level III and (sometimes) IV. The Ukrainian term “institute” means a fully-fledged institution of higher education with  faculties (departments) and own programmes. Institutions of level IV (universities, academies or institutes) carry out research and award doctoral degrees. The degree system is under reform: The old system had only one stage of undergraduate studies, the degree of “Specialist”, awarded after 5 years of study. The new system comprises two stages: undergraduate and graduate, with several degree levels. The two systems still co-exist.

     Main types of higher education institutions in country

     Type of institution:  UNIWERSYTET
     Translation:               UNIVERSITY

     Type of institution:  AKADEMIA
     Translation:               ACADEMY

     Type of institution:  INSTYTUT
     Translation:               ISTITUTE

     Type of institution:  KONSERVATORIA
     Translation:               CONSERVATOIRE

     Type of institution:  KOLEDGE
     Translation:               COLLEGE

     Main laws/decrees governing higher education

     Name of law/decree:        Law on Education
     Date:                      1903
     Institution type:  state and private system of education

Administrative structure of higher education

     Name of body:      Ministry of Education. Department of Higher Education.

          Street: Peremoht prosp.
          City: Kiev
          Postal code: 252 135
          Telephone: (380-44)2262661
          Fax: (380-44)2741049

     Academic year
     Classes start:     September
     Classes end:       June
     Long vacation:     from 1 July, to 31 August

     Languages of instruction
     English, Russian, Ukrainian

Stages and Organization of Higher Education Studies

     Higher vocational/technical studies

Since 1992 the whole system of Ukrainian postsecondary education is considered “higher education”. According to the “Law on Education”, the following levels and categories of establishments offer higher vocational education: level I – technical and vocational schools; level II – technicums and colleges. They award the qualification of Junior Specialist. Level III, institutes, are university-level institutions.

     University level studies

     Stage 1:     Bakalavre

Description: The academic and professional diploma of Bakalavre (BA, BEd., BMed.) is awarded after 4 years of successful study (6 years for Medicine). The Bakalavre programme comprises basic higher education and professional training in a given professional field. It is an intermediate degree. The degree of Specialist is awarded after five years of study.

     Stage 2:     Main stage-Magister

Description: The main stage of higher education has an average duration of five to six years, depending on type and discipline. Graduation requires not only the necessary credits and examinations, but also the preparation and successful presentation of a thesis. To be awarded the Magister degree, the student have to have in-depth scientific knowledge for the solution of professional and theoretical problems. The Magister diploma indicates the professional title and the field of specialization.

     Stage 3:     Doctoral degree-1

Description: Ukraine keeps a two-degree system at doctoral level: “Kandidat nauk” (Candidate of Sciences, comparable to the Ph.D.), and “Doctor nauk”. The first qualification is obtained by submitting and publicly defending a thesis, and passing the required examinations. The candidate’s thesis can be prepared while following various forms of post-graduate studies.

     Stage 4:     Doctoral degree-2

Description: The degree of “Doctor nauk” is the highest scientific degreein Ukraine, comparable to “Habilitation” in some Western countries. This degree is awarded to candidates already holding a “Kandidat nauk” degree, on the successful presentation and defence of the “Doctor nauk” (habilitation) dissertation. The habilitation dissertation should represent a major contribution to the development of a given field or branch of learning, and has to be published entirely or at least its main parts.

     Teacher education

     Training of primary/basic school teachers

Pre-primary and and primary school teachers are trained in teacher-training institutions of I, II, and III levels of accreditation (vocational schools, technikums, colleges, institutes). Practical training at kindergarten and primary schools are part of the teacher training programme.

     Training of secondary school teachers

Training is provided by higher education institutions of III and IV level of accreditation (institutes and universities), in different faculties (Education, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Physical Education, etc.). The programme for teachers includes standard topics of education and psychology. Teachers of practical/vocational courses are trained in the technical education institutes.

     Training of higher education teachers

There are no special forms of training for higher education teachers. Teachers of higher education are recruited among university graduates holding a Magister or Kandidat nauk degree who have followed special education courses through various types of assistance.

     Non-formal studies

     Distance higher education

A network of correspondence and evening courses is intended for persons who are already employed. Candidates for such courses must not only pass an entrance examination, but also prove they effectively worked for a certain time.

     Lifelong higher education

Some institutions of higher education (mostly private) have departments of continuing education providing teaching based on the principles of general higher education. Obtaining diplomas depends on credits obtained in required topics, as well as on the presentation of a memoire.

     Higher education in industry

A certain number of higher education institutions organize evening classes in industry, which are of the same level as full-time studies.

     Other forms of non-formal education

The television of Ukraine broadcasts educational programmes of different levels for students and teachers in schools ranging from primary to upper secondary. These programmes are desiged to introduce teachers to new pedagogical methods.

Grading system

     Usual grading system in (upper) secondary school
     Numerical grading system from 2 to 5 is used: 2 – unsatisfactory; 3 – satisfactory; 4 – good; 5 – excellent.

     Highest on scale:  5
     Pass/fail level:           3/2
     Lowest on scale:   2

     Main grading system generally used by higher education institutions
     5-2 (very good, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory; sometimes the marks ‘+’ and ‘-‘ are added to the principal grades).

     Highest on scale:  5(very good)
     Pass/fail level:           3(satisfactory)
     Lowest on scale:   2(unsatisfactory)

Admissions to Higher Education

     Admission to Vocational/Technical Studies

     Admission to higher vocational/technical or other professionally oriented non-university level studies.

     Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

     Name of sec. school credential: ATESTAT/MATRICULATION SCHOOL CERTIFICATE
     Minimum score/requirement: satisfactory
     For: all higher technical/vocational and professional non-university studies
     Total number of years of primary and secondary school study: 11

     Alternative(s) to these credentials:

     National admission entrance examination requirements
     Name of test/exam: ENTRANCE EXAMINATION
     Minimum score    : determined by each school
     For: some of the courses (decided by each school)

     Name of test/exam: QUALIFICATION TEST
     Minimum score    : determined by each school
     For: some studies (decided by each school)

     Name of test/exam: QUALIFYING INTERVIEW
     Minimum score    : determined by each school
     For: some studies (decided by each school)

     Numerus clausus established in the country for students entering higher vocational/technical education
     At level of institutions: Y       At country/state level: N

     Specified restrictions of the country/state level:
These studies are intended for graduates of general secondary schools holding the matriculation school certificate. However, graduates with other secondary school certificates may be accepted.

     Admissions to university level

     Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

     Name of sec. school credential: ATESTAT/MATRICULATION SCHOOL CERTIFICATE

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