
university of canberra notable alumni

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Distinguished Alumni

The University of Canberra is proud of its alumni and measures its success by the success of its graduates. The UC Alumni Network honours and acknowledges our graduates and the differences they are making in their communities and professions.

The University honours graduates who have made exceptional contributions to their communities via the Distinguished Alumni Awards. Bellow are the UC alumni who have received distinguished alumni awards since the awards’ inception in 2001. Remember to visit our Alumni Profiles to read more about their individual stories.

Image featuring 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award winner Ian Wishart

2019 Distinguished Alumni Awards

The University of Canberra is proud to announce our 2019 Distinguished Alumni.

Chancellor’s Alumni Award

Chancellor’s Young Alumni Award

Chancellor’s Award for Contribution to Sport

Chancellor’s Award for Service & Philanthropy

Alumni Excellence Award – Faculty of Arts and Design

Alumni Excellence Award – Faculty of Business, Government & Law

Alumni Excellence Award – Faculty of Education

Alumni Excellence Award – Faculty of Health

Alumni Excellence Award – Faculty of Science & Technology

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