Addis Ababa University’s mission is to produce competent graduates, provide need-based community service and produce problem-solving research outputs through innovative and creative education, research and consultancy service to foster social and economic development of the country.
Addis Ababa University aspires to be ranked among the top ten pre-eminent African graduate and research universities in 2023.
Addis Ababa University is guided by the following core values/principles.
Academic Freedom: The University upholds academic freedom as its core value whereby all its communities exercise the right to free expression of ideas and scholarship.
Excellence: The University upholds excellence as the ruling standard in teaching, research, community service and scholarship, and commits itself to the attainment of the highest standards in academic performance.
Integrity and Honesty: The University promotes honesty, integrity, ethical conduct, justice, fairness, and nurtures a culture of teamwork, collegiality and mutual support among members of the University community.
Celebrating diversity: The University promotes and honors commonalities and differences in culture, ideas, religion, language, ethnic identity; upholds the principle of gender equality and acknowledges the vital role of every member of the community
Reliance on Evidence and Authority of Reason: Pronouncement and undertakings of the University shall be founded on reason and evidence.
Student-centeredness: The University is committed to providing an academically challenging and supportive learning environment that motivates students to be actively engaged in their own learning, decision making, and governance.
Intolerance to corruption: The University promotes ethical conduct and fights corruption at individual, collective, and institutional levels and inculcates anti-corruption thinking and actions (including time on duty) among the University community.
Transparency and Accountability: The University is committed to ensure accountability at institutional, group, and individual levels in an effort to implement its functions by openly displaying its scholarly ideas and works to the society.
Entrepreneurial spirit: The University upholds and inculcates the spirit of entrepreneurship among its community.

Addis Ababa University 2023-2024 Admissions
Addis Ababa University Admissions 2023-2024; The academic body of Addis Ababa University is calling on all prospective students that Applications are invited for suitably qualified applicants for admissions into its various undergraduate, postgraduate and other non-degree programmes.
There are various programmes available at Addis Ababa University and therefore the admission application forms are released in different intakes for prospective students. Below are the available programme intakes:
Before you proceed to check details of Addis Ababa University admissions, let us have a brief look at some quick links you may be interested in.
Addis Ababa University School Of Commerce Requirements
1. Regular Undergraduate
Placements to all regular undergraduate programs are processed through the Ministry of Education. The university then conducts admission and enrollment to the different programs based on results of the Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Certificate Examination (EHEECE), the choice of the student and the capacity of Departments/Schools/Centers. Foreign examinations results must be certified by the ministry of education for their equivalency to the EHEECE. Admissions and enrolments to all programs are processed by the University Registrar in consultation with the academic units concerned and by the decision of the Senate standing committee called Admission and Enrollment Committee (AEC).
Criteria for special admissions to individual programs such as special needs education, music, fine arts and design, theatrical arts, educational planning and management, and architecture are determined by the concerned Colleges and Departments and may require a separate entrance examination which will be administered by the respective Departments.
2. Extension/Distance Undergraduate
There are four categories in which an applicant may join the undergraduate extension/distance program, namely, those who have completed preparatory high school, TVET complete (10+3 and 10+4), COC exam result level 3 and above, and bachelor’s degree holders.
An applicant who has successfully completed preparatory high school must satisfy the following criteria for consideration for the Distance Learning Undergraduate Program. The University may limit how many years back it will go in accepting an EHEEE score.
- meet the EHEEE score cut‐off point set by the Ministry of Education for eligibility to join a tertiary education institution
- produce the original and copy of the EHEEE (12th grade) score card
- original and copy of ESLCE (10th grade) score card
- transcript for preparatory high school
- properly complete the application form
- present proof of payment of the required fee
- Former ESLCE exam results are not considered for admission
An applicant who has successfully completed a TVET and CoC from an accredited university/college must satisfy the following criteria for the Etension/Distance Education in Undergraduate Program. Exceptions to these criteria may apply for those whose diploma training is in agriculture or those who are teachers employed of the Ministry of Education and aspire to upgrade their qualification in their original major field of study (in which case COC examination is not required).
- produce an official transcript from the university/college from where they obtained the diploma
- produce the original and copy of diploma
- produce the original and copy of Certificate of Competency (CoC)
- produce the original and copy EHEEE score card
- letter/documentation that attests towards the applicant having at least one years of work experience in their profession after obtaining the diploma
- properly complete the application form
- present proof of payment of the required fee
- pass entrance exam of the university
An applicant who has successfully completed a degree program at any level (BSc/BA/MSc/MA/PhD) from an accredited university/college must satisfy the following criteria for consideration for the Extension/Distance Education Undergraduate Program.
- produce an official transcript from the university/college from where they obtained the degree
- produce the original and copy of degree
- properly complete the admission application form
- present proof of payment of the required fee
- no exemption is allowed
- admission to the same field of previous degree earned is not allowed.
A fourth variety of admission is for students who are admitted to a regular program in a recognized university/college but discontinued for various reasons. Such students can apply their study. The student should present official transcript.
Admission is granted on a competitive basis in each category. Moreover, depending on the number of applicants in each category, preference may be made for applicants with EHEEE scores, TVET completed and bachelor’s degree, in that order. Admissions to all Distance Education Undergraduate Programs are determined by the Admissions and Enrolment Committee (AEC) of the University Senate. The decision of this Committee is final.
3. In-Service Undergraduate
Currently, the only way in which a student may gain admission to any kremt undergraduate program is through the Ministry of Education (MoE). The possibility is generally open for teachers employed by the MoE and eligible to upgrade their qualifications.
4. Advanced Standing
Advanced standing admissions may be allowed in some field of studies. However, the student must produce a certificate and a passing result in the Certificate of Competence (COC) examination with at least two years of services. A student admitted to an undergraduate program on advanced standing basis shall stay for a minimum of three semesters as regular student in the program to which he has been admitted before he is awarded with a degree. Exception to this rule shall be approved by the Academic Standards and Curriculum Review Committee (ASCRC) of the Senate.
This page will be updated as soon as Addis Ababa University releases its application. We will encourage you to keep visiting this page for updated information of Addis Ababa University Intake.
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Addis Ababa University Masters courses, Fees and Requirements 2023-2024
Addis Ababa University Masters Programme, Fees and Requirements 2023-2024; Check out the details of Addis Ababa University Masters requirements and entry qualifications for its various Masters courses.
Admission to masters programs shall be based on academic results and merits required by the academic units for the program. University in admitting students to most of its masters programs shall give priority to candidates from public higher education institutions.
For masters programs, an applicant should:
- Fulfill admission requirements of the curriculum of the specific program
- Pass an entrance exam as determined by the curriculum of the specific program
- Produce an official transcript from the university/college from where they obtained the degree
- Produce the original and copy of degree
- Properly complete the admission application form
- Present proof of payment of the required fee
Background of the College of Business and Economics
The College of Business and Economics consists of the former Faculty of Business and Economics (established in November 1990) and School of Commerce (established in 1943).The former Faculty of Business and Economics has its origin in the creation of the Department of Economics in 1959 under the Faculty of Art of the University College of Addis Ababa. This first move was followed by the establishment of the College of Business Administration in 1963, which consisted of two departments, namely the Department of Management and the Department of Accounting. In 1978 the College of Business Administration, the Faculty of Art and the School of Social Work were merged to form the College of Social Sciences. Twelve years later (in 1990), the University Senate decided to reorganize the College of Social Sciences, which resulted in the formation of the Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE). Following the formation of FBE, the faculty office moved from the main campus to the former place of the Crown Price in 1992.
The School of Commerce also has a fascinating history. The school was first established in 1943 as a Commercial School following the five years of the Italian occupation. The first training programs offered by the School were from six months to one year in duration. Over time, the programs evolved to extend to duration of four years. This laid the basis for the 8+4 program. In 1966, a 10+3 program was introduced, followed a few years later by an 11+3 program, and finally culminating in the 12+2 program introduced in 1972. At the time, students were trained in three fields: Secretarial Studies, Accounting, and Banking and Finance. The School phased out its lower-level programs over time in its quest to attain “Junior College” status. The school was brought under the Commission for Higher Education in 1979, thus becoming one of the few tertiary-level educational institutions in Ethiopia. In April 2012, as a result of the revised governance system of the university, the college was restructured and named as the College of Business and Economics, consisting of four departments and one school.