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Our students know that the master’s and doctoral degrees open doors for new career opportunities, real-world impact, and leadership in their fields. Graduate study requires you to master and apply the theories in your discipline, and these degree levels require focused, intensive, and rigorous study and evaluation. But in the end, you’ll be an expert in your field and will join only 8 percent of Americans who possess a master’s degree and less than 2 percent with a doctoral degree!
We know that for many of you, returning to school after years in the workforce can mean learning new technologies, new research methods, and new content in your discipline. That’s why our admissions team, academic advisors, and career services counselors are here to support you from start to finish. You’ll also find a vibrant community of mentors, students, faculty, and staff in ClearPath, our personalized, easy-to-use communication and networking site. And be sure to make plans to attend your commencement ceremony as a way to celebrate your achievements!
Use our helpful program finder tool to compare programs.Choose a Degree Level Choose a Degree Level Associate Bachelor’s Master’s Doctoral Certificate – Undergraduate Certificate – Graduate Individual Courses Learning Track – Undergraduate Learning Track – Graduate Professional Certification Training View All Choose an Academic Area Choose an Academic Area Arts & Humanities Business & Management Education Engineering Homeland Security Information Technology Intelligence Nursing & Health Sciences Professional Certification Training Public Safety Science & Math Security & Global Studies View All CHOOSE YOUR PROGRAM
Applications are being accepted for our Doctor of Global Security (D.G.S.) and Doctor of Strategic Intelligence (D.S.I.) programs.
Stay current with what’s happening in your world. From homeland security to law enforcement, sports and healthcare, learning, and career advancement — our blogs connect you with engaging topics from the experts at AMU.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employers not only seek candidates with advanced knowledge in the field, but they also look for leadership potential with sophisticated communication and project management skills. Your master’s program can prepare you to take the next step in your career. In addition to the potential for increased job opportunities and professional growth, our students tell us they pursue master’s degrees to explore an interest, find research opportunities, build a professional network, and enhance their personal growth.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Education Matters” March 2016.
You might think a master’s degree means always having to write a long thesis, but you’ll have a variety of end-of-program options, depending on your program’s requirement.PRACTICUMSome programs require a practicum experience where you can expand your skillset through on-the-ground practice in a workplace setting.THESIS, CREATIVE PROJECT, PORTFOLIOYour program might ask you to conduct extensive research and write a master’s thesis, complete an applied or creative project, or prepare a portfolio to bring disciplinary knowledge and professional practice together.EXAMA comprehensive exam is designed to assess how you have mastered your program’s learning objectives. The exam varies by program, but in general, you should expect to answer a minimum of 4 questions in a 6-8 hour timed session.
Your professional development is our priority. As a graduate student, you can collaborate with faculty members on research projects, both through coursework and independent study. Through capstone projects, you can contribute new knowledge to your discipline and create solutions for issues that affect your professional communities.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews and approves all research involving human subjects to ensure that it is conducted in accordance with all federal, institutional, and ethical guidelines. Be sure to review all IRB guidelines before embarking on your research.
View our Around Campus calendar for a complete schedule of our Graduate Studies Webinars. These offer professional development in areas such as grant writing, preparing for your practicum experience, managing conflict in the workplace, and conducting research.
The APUS ePress is an electronic academic publisher that provides access to specialty materials for the online classroom and for scholarly use. Within the APUS ePress is a repository that shares the academic work of university students and faculty. You can find examples of our master’s theses, student journals, and faculty scholarships at APUS ePress.
Imagine hearing an 80,000-word thesis explained in less than 180 seconds! Graduate students from across the globe are doing just that in preparation for the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT). Participation may help you cultivate your research, academic, presentation, and communication skills by condensing your research into a brief, engaging presentation using a single presentation slide. In addition, AMU holds a local 3MT competition each year.
The university is a partner and major sponsor of the Policy Studies Organization (PSO), a Washington, D.C.-based publisher of academic journals and book series, sponsor of conferences, and producer of programs. You can attend and present at PSO conferences to engage in academic dialogue and network with colleagues in your field. In collaboration with PSO, the university publishes two peer-reviewed journals, the Internet Learning Journal and the Journal of Global Security and Intelligence Studies.
At AMU, we expect our graduates to translate their academic knowledge into real-world problem solving. To this end, our faculty works with the Lumina Foundation to implement our degree qualifications profile (DQP) framework. DQP focuses on what you should be able to know and do when you graduate from your program. Our key learning outcomes are infused into all of our graduate programs to create a rich learning experience focused on real-world implementation.
The Richard G. Trefry Library is the leader among online universities in helping to define a new era in information services. In addition to approximately 72,000 scholarly journals, 244,500 books/ebooks, and hundreds of research guides, the library houses our recorded graduate studies webinars. We encourage you to visit the library often; access is via your student ecampus.