Financial Regulations
PDF of Financial Terms and Regulations
These fees are due and payable upon receipt of the invoice to guarantee the student(s) place.
These fees cover all school related expenses such as books, college counseling, graduation expenses for grade 12 and 13 students, transcripts, educational consultants, instructional materials, textbooks, laboratory materials, EAL classes and learning support for students with documented mild learning disabilities. Tuition fees do not include optional International Baccalaureate (IB) Program, Advanced Placement Program, Advanced Placement Exams, Bus Service, and after school activities fees. Each parent/guardian registering a student is responsible for all payments of school fees. All parents/guardians are liable for payments on the due date whether or not companies assume responsibility for all or part of the fees. Furthermore, all parents are liable for all bank charges incurred.
Tuition and related fees for new and returning students are due on the date(s) indicated in the invoice. Capital Assessment and Registration Fee for New Students are due upon receipt.
For students who enroll after the payment due date(s), fees are due and payable upon receipt of the invoice. Tuition and related fees for students admitted before the mid-semester dates as indicated on AOSR calendar are due in full for the semester. A student may not be permitted to attend class until fees due are paid in full. Any exception to this provision must be obtained in writing from the Head of School and/or Director of Operations. Tuition and related fees are payable in full, by semester or by installments.
The installment plan is subject to a service charge of € 500,00 and is available at your request. This plan divides the annual tuition and transportation fees into 3 (three) equal payments due on or before the dates indicated on the invoice. The installment plan does not apply to the Registration and Capital Assessment fees, nor does it apply to IB, AP or After School Activity fees.
The American Overseas School of Rome Scholarship is an award for a student enrolled at the The American Overseas School of Rome in Italy
American Overseas School of Rome Scholarship
The American Overseas School of Rome scholarship is for students who have been accepted to a college or university. The scholarship is also for students who are attending the American Overseas School of Rome.
If you want to apply, send an email to with your name, address, and phone number before October 1st
Type College-specific
The American Overseas School of Rome Scholarship is awarded to a student attending the American Overseas School of Rome. The scholarship is awarded to a citizen of the United States who is enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program at AOSR, with preference given to students from outside of Europe.
Qualifications Essay Required
An essay is required for application. The essay topic is “Why do you want to study in Rome?” and should be 500 words or less (not including a 250-word biography).
Amount $1,000 – $2,500
The amount of the scholarship you receive will depend on a number of factors, including your school and application essays. If you are applying to more than one school, you may also get a different scholarship amount for each one.
Awarded Multiple
Multiple awards are given each year.
Awardees are chosen by a committee.
Awards are announced in the spring (usually May).
The application period for scholarships varies by scholarship. Check the website of each scholarship you are interested in to see when it’s accepting applications. As a general rule of thumb, deadlines tend to be earlier in the year than late summer or fall. For example:
The American-Overseas School of Rome Scholarship deadline is March 1
The Rotary Club District 8090 Vocational Scholarships for Academic Excellence deadline is April 1
The reason for this is that most scholarships are awarded based on your potential rather than what you’ve already accomplished. In other words, if you’re applying for a high school or college scholarship, this means that you’ll probably have to submit your application earlier than if you were applying for an internship or job because they have more time before they need to make decisions about who gets hired (or not).
All payments must be net of expenses and any bank handling charges are to be borne in full by the remitter. A penalty charge of 1% per month will be added to any outstanding balance after 30 days.
AOSR will not reimburse any payments for a current semester because of a student’s absences, withdrawal, suspension or expulsion. However, Semester II payments will be reimbursed if AOSR is notified of a transfer within the first week of January. Official transcripts and records are released only after all financial obligations have been met.
All students returning to AOSR for the following school year will receive their invoice in April/May. Invoices are payable on or before the due date(s) indicated on such invoice(s). Due to AOSR’s open enrollment policy, we cannot guarantee a returning student’s place after the payment deadline and AOSR may assign his/her place to a new student.
Returning students whose parents/guardians submit re-registration confirmation after April 16, 2021, will be charged a late re-registration fee of €150 per students.
Financial Aid is granted on an individual basis per year and is considered for students whose parents or guardians submit evidence of financial hardship and complete the application with supporting documentation. Financial Aid available is a specific and limited amount for the academic year determined by the Board of Trustees.
- Financial Aid Policy and Application Form (ENG)
- Regolamento e Richiesta di Agevolazione Finanziaria (ITA)
Scholarships are awarded to students on the basis of both academic merit and financial need. Students with distinguished academic excellence records and who submit evidence of financial hardship are most eligible for awards.
School bus routes are arranged to offer the most convenient service possible. Afternoon bus service is at 3.40 PM. There is a 5:15 PM bus service also available but with a limited number of seats and drop-off stops. Only for students who are regularly signed up for after school or supervised extracurricular activities. The 5:15 PM bus parents must note that this is not a door-to-door service. Please first check availability with the Bus Coordinator at Please refer to our “Bus Regulations and Code of Conduct” on our bus service page.
Lunch costs are not included in the Tuition Fees but are complimentary for students in Pre-K through Grade 3. From Grades 4 to 12, cafeteria fees are à la carte. Student lunch accounts are paid directly to the caterer or online via the Pedevilla App, where parents have access using the AOSR email account. AOSR does not accept payment on behalf of the caterer. Please visit the Cafeteria Service Pagefor additional information.
A photocopy of the “Tessera Sanitaria” or “Codice Fiscale” of the person whose name appears on the invoice must be submitted to the Billing office in compliance with art. 21, Law Decree 31 May 2010 no.78. Parents/guardians must inform AOSR that a specific third party will pay the school fees on their behalf. It is however the responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure that the third party payments are made according to AOSR’s payment terms. Parents/guardians are liable for any outstanding balances of school fees including charges for late payments.
The maximum payment to be made in cash (euros) shall be a maximum of single or cumulative payments as follows In compliance with Law No.157 of 19th December 2019; or check (Euros or U.S. dollars) or wire transfer (Euros or U.S. dollars).
• 2,000 euros: With effect from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021.
• 1,000 euros: With effect from 1 January 2022.
Checks are made payable to AMERICAN OVERSEAS SCHOOL OF ROME. For wire transfers it is of utmost importance to include the Family Code and the student’s last name for whom payment is made. Please send a copy of the bank receipt/wire transfer to the school cashier immediately, either by fax at +39 06 33262608 or a scanned copy by e-mail at:
AOSR reserves the right to accept or re-enroll a student as per AOSR’s sole judgement.
Financial Aid
Funds available for Financial Aid are determined by AOSR’s Board of Trustees and their allocation is considered for students whose parents or guardians submit evidence of financial hardship. Applications for financial aid will be carefully reviewed in confidence by the Financial Aid Committee. For further information on Financial Aid, please contact the billing office at:
Requests for financial aid must be made in writing by completing the following forms:
- Financial Aid Policy and Application Form (ENG)
- Regolamento e Richiesta di Agevolazione Finanziaria (ITA)
For further information about Financial Aid, please contact the billing office at