
anadolu university tuition fees for international students

Anadolu University or Anadolu Üniversitesi – public higher education institution in Turkey. Anadolu Universitystarted accepting students in 1958. The main building of the university is located in Eskisehir inside an urban campus.


University ranking. Being one of the most prestigious universities in Turkey,Anadolu University never leaves the top 20 according to national ratings. The university is in the top 5% of the most prestigious educational institutions on the planet.

Application process and the cost of tuition.  Applicants to Anadolu University face serious competition as only 1 out of 10 students will be accepted, thus the application process should be handled with extra care. Like in many universities of Turkey the academic year consists of two semesters. 2,500 USD/год. Anadolu University is considered to be a pricey option when it comes to obtaining a master’s degree – 2,500 USD per year of study. Among the programs applicants can also find their online equivalents and other online courses. 

UNIVERO | Anadolu University
Bachelor (foreigners)2,500 USD/year.
Master (foreigners)2,500 USD/year.
Bachelor (citizens)101 USD/year.
Master (citizens)101 USD/year.
Living expenses$329 -649 USD/month
Acceptance Rate10%

Education Expenses

2020-2021 Academic Year Amounts to be Paid by Candidates who will register for the first time

 Open Education Faculty – Undergraduate ProgramsSemester Tuition Expense
1Accounting and Taxation₺ 330
2Agriculture Technology₺ 350
3Banking and Insurance₺ 330
4Brand Communication₺ 350
5Business Management₺ 330
6Call Center Services₺ 330
7Culinary Arts₺ 350
8Cultural Heritage and Tourism₺ 330
9Disability Care and Rehabilitation*₺ 430
10Elderly Care₺ 350
11Emergency and Disaster Management₺ 430
12Foreign Trade₺ 330
13Geographic Information Systems₺ 350
14Home Economics₺ 330
15Human Resources Management₺ 330
16Jurisprudence₺ 330
17Laboratory and Veterinary Assistance Services*₺ 430
18Local Governments₺ 330
19Logistics₺ 330
20Management of Healtdcare Institutions₺ 350
21Media and Communication₺ 350
22Medical Documentation and Secretary Training₺ 330
23Occupational Healtd and Safety₺ 350
24Office Management and Executive Assistant Training₺ 330
25Photography and Camera Operation₺ 350
26Private Protection and Security₺ 350
27Public Relations and Publicity₺ 330
28Radio and Television Program Production₺ 350
29Real Estate and Property Management₺ 330
30Retailing and Store Management₺ 330
31Securities and Capital Markets₺ 330
32Social Media Management₺ 330
33Social Services₺ 330
34Sports Management₺ 330
35Theology₺ 330
36Theology (Arabic) **₺ 660
37Tourism and Hotel Management*₺ 410
38Tourism and Travel Services*₺ 410
39Web Design and Coding₺ 350
 Open Education Faculty – Undergraduate ProgramsSemester Tuition Expense
1History₺ 330
2Healtdcare Management₺ 330
3Management Information Systems₺ 330
4Philosophy₺ 330
5Public Relations and Advertising₺ 330
6Sociology₺ 330
7Social Service₺ 450
8Turkish Language and Literature₺ 330
 Faculty of Economics – Undergraduate ProgramsSemester Tuition Expense
1Economics₺ 330
2Political Science and Public Administration₺ 330
3Public Finance₺ 330
4Labor Economics and Industrial Relations₺ 330
5International Relations (English)””₺ 660
6International Relations₺ 330
 Faculty of Business – Undergraduate ProgramsSemester Tuition Expense
1Aviation Management₺ 330
2Business₺ 330
3Business (English)**₺ 660
4Tourism Management₺ 330
5International Trade and Logistics₺ 330

* A difference fee of ₺80.00 has been added to the Term Education Expense for one time due to the internship.

** Term Education Expense for these programs is ₺660.00. Students who will enroll in the Theology (Arabic) Associate Degree Program within the scope of YKS will be charged ₺285.00 as the Term Education Expense. A difference of ₺375.00 will be made for those who provide Arabic foreign language proficiency.

Anadolu University Open Education, Economics and Business Faculties
Payments Related to Registration-Registration Renewal

Semester Tuition Expense

New Registration;

Candidates who will enroll will pay the Semester Tuition Fee, which is determined by Anadolu University and shown in the above payment table, for exam services, printed materials and other services in accordance with the relevant Presidential Decree.

Registration Renewal;

Students who will renew their enrollment, in accordance with the relevant Presidential Decree; The lower limit is ₺285.00 for the programs that are equivalent to exam services, printed materials and other services and which do not have internship / practice courses determined by Anadolu University (Open Education Faculty Social Service Program), the lower limit is ₺405.00 and the title of technician is the lower limit for the programs offered is ₺305.00 and they will pay the Semester Tuition Fee, which varies according to the credit of the course taken.

Students who will renew their enrollment in Foreign Language Programs [International Relations (English), Business (English), Theology (Arabic)] will be charged a semester tuition fee of ₺660.00 regardless of the course credit they will take.

For the students who will renew their registration for the programs with practice courses, ₺80.00 will be added to the semester tuition cost for each application course in the relevant semester when they take the practice course.

Students who will renew their enrollment in Foreign Language Programs [International Relations (English), Business (English), Theology (Arabic)] will be charged a semester tuition fee of ₺660.00 regardless of the course credit they will take.

Students to Pay Semester Tuition Fee

Students enrolled in the Associate Degree programs of the Open Education Faculty, who cannot graduate at the end of the program (from the 3rd year) will pay Semester Tuition Fee.

Students who cannot graduate from the undergraduate programs of Open Education, Economics and Business Faculties at the end of the program (from the 5th year) will pay Semester Tuition Fee.

Semester Tuition Fee

According to the Presidential Decision dated 10.07.2020 and numbered 2755 on the Determination of Contribution Shares and Tuition Fees to be Taken as Student Contribution to Current Service Costs in Higher Education Institutions in the 2020-2021 Academic Year, which was published in the Official Newspaper dated 11.07.2020 and numbered 31182, Term Students Contribution will not be charged.

However, Article 10- (3) of the Presidential Decree dated 10.07.2020 and numbered 2755; “Student contribution fee of only one program in which the student is registered is covered by the State. In case of enrolling in a second higher education program within the same scope (excluding double major programs) while enrolled in a program within the scope of daytime education or open education, student tuition fees for the second program are covered by the students themselves. ” They will pay the Semester Tuition Fee (₺38,50) in accordance with the provision.

Candidates who will register within the scope of ANADOLUYÖS,

T.C. will make final registration to the Open Education, Economics and Business Faculties of our university. 

Nationals, one of his nationalities is T.C. Dual nationals, blue card holders and Syrian candidates will not pay the Semester Tuition Fee. Will pay the amount of the tuition fee for the semester.

Candidates who want to make final enrollment to the Open Education, Economics and Business Faculties to study abroad with their own means will pay the Semester Tuition Fee and Semester Student Contribution.

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