Undergraduate Programs in the Faculty of Open Education

Undergraduate Programs in the Faculty of Open Education

Distance education is a modern mode of education that allows students to learn via communication technologies. Distance education, offered in many developing and developed countries, enables people from different age groups, occupational backgrounds and income groups to pursue studies without losing their productivity, and to arrange their studies based on their own capacity and pace. Distance education has recourse to education models that bring together students, instructors, and educational resources at different locations thanks to communication technologies. It is an educational philosophy that makes use of the technology of the age.

The Open Education System of Anadolu University has continued to enlarge with the launch of new programs in 2015-2016 academic year: Public Relations and Advertising, Healthcare Management, Social Work, and Management Information Systems.

  • Philosophy
  • Public Relations and Advertising
  • Healthcare Management
  • Social Work
  • Sociology
  • History
  • Turkish Language and Literature
  • Management Information Systems
Anadolu รœniversitesi


General Admission Requirements


For Turkish Students

Entering the first cycle degree and short cycle degree programs in Turkish higher education institutions is through central placement and aptitude test. Central placement is held by the Student Selection and Placement Centre (ร–SYM). The exam (placement) consists of two stages. The first stage is the Higher Education Entrance Exam (YGS), and the second stage is the Undergraduate Placement Exam (LYS). Students who get 140 over 500 points in YGS can enter only short cycle degree programs or Open Education Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. If they score over 180 points, they can sit LYS, the second exam. LYS consists of Maths, Science, Foreign Language, Social Sciences, and Literature-Geography tests. Students take only the relevant tests based on their desired field of study. Students who receive 180 over 500 points can make their choices of first cycle programs based on their type of test score. The placement into the first cycle degree programs is based on the scores students obtain from YGS and LYS and their grade point average of secondary education (high school in Turkish Education System), which is made centrally by ร–SYM using a computerized process.

In Anadolu University, students of Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Education-Program in Art Teacher Training, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics -Program in Air Traffic Control, Faculty of Sport Sciences- Programs in Physical Education and Sports Teaching and Coach Training in Sports, School for the Handicapped- Programs in Graphic Arts and Ceramics, State Conservatory are accepted through the scores obtained from aptitude tests administered by each program that are determined by the relevant administrative board and then approved by the Anadolu Universityโ€™s Executive Board. Students wishing to apply for these programs need to present any YGS test score of 140 points or above in order to be eligible to take the aptitude tests. The minimum score for entering the School for the Handicapped is 100 points.

Students who are placed in a program must enroll on specific dates announced by ร–SYM every year.

For foreign students

Previously administered test, Foreign National Student Exam, by National Student Selection and Placement Centre is discontinued as of 2010-2011. However, at Anadolu University, in accordance with the regulations and rules set by the Council of Higher Education, AYร–S (Anadolu รœniversitesi Yurt DฤฑลŸฤฑ ร–ฤŸrenci GiriลŸ Sฤฑnavฤฑ) is given. Based on the score obtained from this exam and SAT 1, GCE, IB, ABITUR, etc., the applications of
a) foreign nationals, and
b) nationals of the Turkish Republic or the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus who have completed their entire high school education abroad, excluding the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,
are evaluated and those students are placed according to their choices within the announced quota in Anadolu University programs.

Anadolu รœniversitesi

Requirements for application:

A) The applications of senior students in high schools or high school graduates who

1. are foreign nationals,

2. are Turkish citizens by birth, but obtained Turkish citizenship renunciation permit later; and their under-age children who are registered in their Turkish citizenship renunciation certificate and who certify that they have the document on the Exercise of the Rights Recognized in accordance with the Turkish Citizenship Law [In article 7 of the Turkish Citizenship Law, No: 5091, it is stated that โ€œA child born to a Turkish mother or through a Turkish father within the unity of marriage either in Turkey or abroad is a Turkish citizen.โ€, and thus, applicants from abroad are advised to examine the Turkish Citizenship Law, No: 5091],

3. were foreign nationals, but later acquired the citizenship of the Turkish Republic/dual citizenship as in this case,

4. (i) are Turkish nationals, and continued the last three years of their high school education abroad in a country other than the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus before February 1, 2013 (including those who completed their entire high school education in Turkish schools founded by the Ministry of National Education in a country other than the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus),

(ii) started their high school education after February 1, 2013 and completed all of it in a foreign country other than the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (including those who completed their entire  high school education in Turkish schools founded by the Ministry of National Education in a country other than the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus),

5. are the nationals of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, reside in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and completed their high school education in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with a GCE AL exam score; and the ones who enrolled and received education between 2005-2010 in private and state high schools in the other countries with a GCE AL score or prospective holders of that score as in this case.

B) The applications of those whose qualifications are listed below are not accepted:

1. Turkish nationals who completed their entire high school education in Turkey or the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,

2. The nationals of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (excluding those who completed their entire high school education in the high schools of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with a GCE AL score; and the ones who enrolled and received education between 2005-2010 in private and state high schools in the other countries with a GCE AL score or prospective holders of that score as in this case),

3. Dual citizens who were previously Turkish nationals by birth as defined in subparagraph (2) of article (A) (excluding those who completed their entire high school education in a foreign country other than the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus/those who completed their entire high school education in a Turkish school in a foreign country),

4. Dual citizens one of whose citizenships is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (excluding those who completed their entire high school education in the high schools of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with a GCE AL score; and the ones who enrolled and received education between 2005-2010 in private and state high schools in the other countries with a GCE AL score or prospective holders of that score as in this case),

5. Turkish nationals who study in the schools that are in the body of an embassy in Turkey or in foreign high schools in Turkey, or dual citizens whose first citizenship was the Turkish Republic by birth as described in subparagraph (2) of item (A).


Students are placed in associate degree programs based on their score in ร–SYS by ร–SYM, their choice list and their high school grade point average in addition to their high school or vocational high school diploma. Graduates of vocational high schools are entitled to enroll in an associate degree program only within their field of study without any prior exam.


Candidates wishing to enroll in an MS/MA/MBA program need to have a Bachelorโ€™s Degree with a minimum grade point average of 2,30/4,00 (57,5/100), a minimum of 60 points in the type of score that is required by their program in ALES (Graduate Studies Examination) or its equivalent in GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) or GRE (Graduate Record Examination) as decided by the University Executive Board, and a minimum score of 50 points or above from YDS (Foreign Language Proficiency Exam) or its equivalent in any other exam recognized by the Council of Higher Education. Candidatesโ€™ overall application scores are calculated by taking 50% of the ALES score, 15% of the undergraduate grade point average, 15% of the foreign language proficiency exam score, and 20% of the interview.



Candidates wishing to apply for a PhD program must be graduates of an undergraduate program or a second cycle program with thesis.

Application for a PhD Program on a Second Cycle Degree

Candidates wishing to enroll in a PhD program must have a minimum grade point average of 3.00/4.00 or 75/100 in a second cycle degree, a minimum of 70 points in the type of score that is required by their program in ALES (Graduate Studies Examination) or its equivalent in GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) or GRE (Graduate Record Examination) as decided by the University Executive Board, and a minimum score of 50 points or above from YDS (Foreign Language Proficiency Exam) or its equivalent in any other exam recognized by the Council of Higher Education. Candidatesโ€™ overall application scores are calculated by taking 50% of the ALES score, 15% of the undergraduate or graduate grade point average, 15% of the foreign language proficiency exam score, and 20% of the interview.

Application for a PhD Program on a Bachelor’s Degree

To be eligible to apply for a doctoral program with a BA degree, candidates must be a graduate of an undergraduate program, have a minimum grade point average of 3.00/4.00 or 75/100 in their degree, a minimum of 80 points in the type of score that is required by their program in the ALES (Graduate Studies Examination) or its equivalent in GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) or GRE (Graduate Record Examination) as decided by the University Executive Board, and a minimum score of 60 points or above from YDS (Foreign Language Proficiency Exam) or its equivalent in any other exam recognized by the Council of Higher Education. Candidatesโ€™ overall application scores are calculated by taking 50% of ALES score, 15% of the undergraduate or graduate grade point average, 15% of the foreign language proficiency exam score, and 20% of the interview.

Application for Qualification in Art Degree

To be eligible to apply for a Qualification in Art degree, candidates must be a graduate of an undergraduate or graduate program with thesis, have a minimum grade point average of 3.00/4.00 or 75/100 in their degree, a minimum score of 60 points or its equivalent in an exam, such as YDS, TOEFL, and take the interview and aptitude test to be given.

Because an ALES score is not required for applications in programs in the Faculty of Fine Arts and the School of Music and Drama, candidatesโ€™ overall application scores are calculated by taking 25% of the foreign language proficiency exam, 25% of their grade point average in their degree, and 50% of the aptitude test score and interview score, which must be at least 60 points.

For foreign students

Foreign candidates wishing to apply for a doctoral degree based on Bachelorโ€™s degree or MA/MS/MBA degree must have a bachelorโ€™s degree diploma (or expected to have one in a year’s time). Candidates wishing to apply for a doctoral program on MA/MS/MBA Degree must have an MA/MS/MBA degree diploma (or expected to have one in a year’s time). Both types of candidates must also have an accepted score on GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) or GRE (Graduate Record Examination) proposed by the relevant programs and approved by University Senate. Additionally, candidates wishing to apply for a program taught in Turkish must submit an evidence of their Turkish language proficiency by a Tร–MER certificate or by the proficiency test administered by the university. Candidates wishing to apply for a program taught in a foreign language must submit their evidence of proficiency by an acceptable score in international exams, such as the TOEFL, as accepted by the University Senate, or by the proficiency exam to be administered by the School of Foreign Languages. Student selections are based on an overall score of the percentages taken from the overall evaluation of the aforementioned criteria proposed by the relevant programs and approved by the University Senate.

For exchange students

There must be an up-to-date agreement between Anadolu University and the candidateโ€™s university to study at Anadolu University as an exchange student. The application procedure for exchange students is handled by the Office for International Affairs. In order to study as an exchange student, the students must submit the following documents to the Office for International Affairs:

  •  Incoming student application form
  • Learning agreement
  • Transcript of records

All documents must be filled in digitally and the relevant sections must be signed and stamped by the applicantโ€™s university. Detailed information and the other required documents are announced under the โ€œDocumentsโ€ section on the Office for International Affairs Website .

Registrataion procedures

The prospective students entitled to register at Anadolu University must apply to the registration centers with the required documentation only after paying the tuition fee set by the Council of Ministers for that academic year.

Documentation needed for Turkish nationals

  • 2018-YKS Higher Education exam result
  • Original or certified copy of the high school diploma or a new-dated graduation certificate,
  • Photocopy of the national ID
  • The applicant’s declaration of residence,
  • Written statements by male candidates indicating their military status,
  • 12 (4.5 X 6 cm) photographs
  • Receipt of the payment of the tuition fee
  • TOEFL score document, if available, for students registering at the
    • Faculty of Education, Program in English Language Teaching SUNY Cortland Program
    • Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Program in Economics SUNY Cortland Dual Diploma Program
    • Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Program in Business Administration SUNY Empire State College Dual Diploma Program
    • Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Program in Business Administration Leeds Metropolitan Dual Diploma Program
    • Faculty of Letters-Sociology (English) (UOLP-SUNY at Albany-USA)
  • Health certificate indicating senso-neural hearing loss in both ears and at least 50-decibel hearing loss in the good ear for students registering at School for the Disabled

Documentation needed for foreign nationals

  • ANADOLUYร–S Placement exam result,
  • ANADOLUYร–S application form,
  • Passport/Turkish ID/Blue Card photocopy,
  • Registered multiple citizenship (for those with dual citizenship with one nationality being Turkish)
  • Original of the high school diploma and its Turkish translation,
  • High school equivalence document
  • The receipt indicating that the student has deposited his / her contribution fee / tuition fee in the bank (except for candidate students whose contribution is to be financed by the Prime Ministry budget),
  • 12 (4.5 X 6 cm) photographs,
  • In order for the applicants who are eligible to register to start the programs in which the language of instruction is Turkish, they must either get least 70 points from ANADOLUYร–S Turkish Test or they must get a valid Turkish proficiency score indicating level (B2) in European Language Portfolio (ADP) from the โ€œAnadolu Turkish Proficiency Examโ€ conducted by Anadolu Tร–MER or โ€œTurkish Proficiency Exam (TYS)โ€ conducted by Yunus Emre Institute.

Students who have enrolled in the departments / programs which have a foreign language completely cannot be asked for any documents related to their Turkish proficiency.

  • Students who have enrolled in the departments / programs taught completely in a language other than Turkish (i.e. English) are not asked for any documents related to their Turkish proficiency.

*The required documentation for registration is announced every academic year. Thus, up-to-date announcements on the university homepage should be followed.

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