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Building of engineering department at the Kรถthen campus

With its sites at Bernburg, Dessau, and Kรถthen, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences can call upon proud traditions in science, innovation, and cultural cosmopolitanism. These traditions guide us in research and teaching and are the backbone of our commitment in the central German region of Anhalt.

Since its foundation, Anhalt University has established close links with both national and international research institutions as well as industry partners.

In 2021, the site at Kรถthen celebrated its 130th anniversary of engineering education.

Every subject at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences has been developed with the emphasis on practical training and a high standard of education. Project work based on practical application, international practical semesters, and practice-oriented final year theses are part and parcel of day-to-day course work. Students’ ideas are directly implemented in practice. New forms of teaching and e-learning, small study groups, excellent research, and first-class contacts offer ideal conditions for a good start to a career either at home or abroad.

In the field of research, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences occupies a premier position among German universities and is well placed for attracting third-party funding. Successful application-oriented and transfer-oriented research projects extend their reach across central Germany. Furthermore, thanks to close industry contacts, many research results are employed directly in practice by small and medium-sized companies.

In the field of photovoltaics, Anhalt University has been very successful in raising funds for research projects in recent years. About 10 third-party financed PhD students  have finished or are currently pursuing their research at Anhalt University in photovoltaics, usually in cooperative graduate schools with other universities. In most cases, this is done in close cooperation with the Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics (CSP) or with Martin Luther University in the nearby city of Halle.

Due to their strength in scientific research, three professors of the photovoltaics group at Anhalt University will be members of the PhD programme of Universities of Applied Sciences of the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt, which will entitle them to act officially as supervisors of PhD theses performed in the field of photovoltaics at Anhalt University.

The main topics of research at Anhalt University are crystalline silicon solar cell technology (plasma texturing for reflectivity reduction, thermal laser separation for high-performance half-cell modules), bifacial modules, performance and technology comparison at our university test site, reliability of cells and polymers, and performance analysis by LED sun simulators.

Professor Dr Ralph Gottschalg, the chair for Photovoltaic Energy Systems at our university, is also co-director of the Fraunhofer Center for Silicion Photovoltaics (CSP). This is one of the leading PV research institutes in Germany, which covers many further fields of research in PV metrology, diagnostics, reliability, materials, process and system technology. 

25%Percentage of international students at Anhalt University1891Year of foundation of the first engineering school at Kรถthen

 University location

Although it is a small town of roughly 25,000 inhabitants, Kรถthen (Anhalt) offers a wide range of places of interest. Many sights in the historical town centre are worth a visit. Examples of sights include the the castle with its newly designed event centre, the St Jakobs Church with its double towers that serve as the town’s landmark, the historical council chamber in the town hall that is over a hundred years old, and many other buildings and memorials as well as the pleasant parkways. Moreover, there is also a range of internationally well-known people whose steps can be retraced here in town.

First of all, there is the composer Johann Sebastian Bach, whose work in Kรถthen gave the town the nickname Town of Bach. He worked as “Hofkapellmeister” (court conductor) for prince Leopold of Anhalt-Kรถthen and created many of his famous compositions here in Kรถthen, such as the Brandenburg concertos. The life and work of the composer has been celebrated in Kรถthen with events such as the Bach festival and the Bach Competition for young pianists, which alternate annually.

Additionally, well-known people are connected with Kรถthen in the field of homoeopathy. The founder and developer of modern homoeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, spent his most productive years in Kรถthen. The town appropriately preserves its national heritage even today. This was demonstrated by the opening of the European library of homoeopathy in Kรถthen in October 2009. The European library of homoeopathy is an institution of the German central association of homoeopathic doctors.

Kรถthen has a good railway connection to other cities, and therefore, it offers a lot of opportunitiesย for weekend trips. Berlin, Leipzig and Dresden are easily reached by train. Other nearby destinations include Magdeburg (the capital of Saxony-Anhalt) with its famous Gothic cathedral (with grave of Otto I “the Great”, co-founder of the first German empire), Halle (Saale) with the Leopoldina (German National Academy of Science), Dessau with its world-famous Bauhaus, the Harz mountains with many hiking trails, Quedlinburg with its picturesque old town and castle (the castle church features the grave of Heinrich I, co-founder of first German empire together with his son Otto I), Wรถrlitz with its gardens, Wittenberg with its Luther memorial sites, and other sites that offer many historically or culturally interesting places to be discovered.



Master of Science

In cooperation with

Fraunhofer Center for Silicon-Photovoltaics CSP, Halle (Saale)Teaching language

  • English


Courses are held in English (100%).

No knowledge of German is requested, but it is helpful for daily life.

For beginners in German, it is recommended to embark on German courses offered by the university or other institutions.Programme duration3 semestersBeginningWinter and summer semesterMore information on beginning of studies

Courses start on the first working day in October (winter semester) or April (summer semester).Application deadline

15 July for the following winter semester (application and participation in pre-assessment process before 15 June recommended)
15 January for the following summer semester (application and participation in pre-assessment process before 15 December recommended)

For the pre-assessment process:ย www.hs-anhalt.de/mpvTuition fees per semester in EURNoneCombined Master’s degree / PhD programmeNoJoint degree / double degree programmeNoDescription/content

Detailed information about the Master’s programme can be found here:ย www.hs-anhalt.de/mpv.

  • Physics of the Solar Cell: semiconductors, p-n junction, photogeneration, recombination, heterojunctions, thermodynamics of PV energy conversion
  • Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells: silicon and wafer manufacturing, solar cell manufacturing, types of crystalline Si solar cells, advanced concepts and future developments
  • Thin-Film Solar Cells: amorphous and microcrystalline Si cells, cadmium telluride cells, copper indium/gallium diselenide cells, dye sensitised cells, organic solar cells, perovskite cells, GaAs-based solar cells
  • Cell and Materials Diagnostics: microstructure, mechanical properties, electrical parameters, current-voltage characteristics, charge carrier lifetime, electroluminescence, thermography
  • Solar System Applications: overview of possible applications, components of a solar system
  • Power Electronics in Photovoltaic Systems: power electronic devices, concepts of converters (DC/DC, DC/AC, AC/DC), types of PV inverters, MPP tracking, power optimisers
  • Solar Modules and Components: module types, design, production, materials (polymers, interconnects, glass) and components (junction box, cables, mounting)
  • System and Component Reliability: test standards, failure mechanisms, light induced degradation, potential induced degradation (PID), EVA polymer degradation, mechanical tests
  • System Design, Monitoring, Yield and Performance Analysis, Markets: PV system design, monitoring systems, yield calculation, performance analysis, market development
  • Storage Systems: rechargeable batteries (lead, lithium, future systems), battery control, alternative storage systems (hydrogen, methane, electrolysis, pumped water storage)
  • Electric Grids and Solar System Integration: overview of electric grids, transmission and distribution grids, PV generator integration issues, reactive power management, smart grids
  • Business Studies: fundamentals of business administration for engineers

Course details

Course organisation

The following courses will be taught in the respective semesters:

Winter semester:

  • Physics of the Solar Cell
  • Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
  • Thin-Film Solar Cells
  • Cell and Materials Diagnostics
  • Solar System Applications
  • Power Electronics in Photovoltaic Systems

Summer semester:

  • Solar Modules and Components
  • System and Component Reliability
  • System Design, Monitoring, Yield and Performance Analysis, Markets
  • Storage Systems
  • Electric Grids and Solar Energy Integration
  • Business Studies

All technical courses comprise lectures, exercises, and practical laboratory work. (Business Studies includes lectures, exercises and a seminar.)

Some lectures will be given by scientific experts from the Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics (CSP) or other partners from science and industry. A part of the practical laboratory work will be done at the CSP.

Excursions to PV companies, the university test site and the Intersolar fair accompany the university courses.

The programme can be started either in the winter or in the summer semester, as all courses are self-contained and do not rely on each other.

The third semester is a research semester for the Master’s thesis. It can be performed in the PV laboratory of Anhalt University, at the Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics (CSP) in Halle, or in any other PV laboratory or PV company worldwide.

For students who do not speak German, it is recommended to embark on voluntary additional German courses, which are offered by the university and other institutions.

Types of assessment

Written exams, oral exams, visual presentations, written lab reports
Final research work: thesis and colloquiumA Diploma supplement will be issuedYesInternational elements

  • International guest lecturers

Integrated internships

Optionally, students can apply for internships in industry during the semester breaks.

Alternatively, one semester of PV related internship can be done between the end of courses and the start of the Master’s thesis.

Course-specific, integrated German language courses


Course-specific, integrated English language courses



The course of study can be taken entirely onlineNoDigital learning and teaching modules

  • Video learning

Description of e-learning elements

During the Corona crisis, lectures and exercises are usually offered as online lessons.

One module will be taught online by an international professor in the future as well.

Lab work is always on site.

Participation in the e-learning course elements is compulsory


Can ECTS points be acquired by taking the online programmes?


Can the e-learning elements be taken without signing up for the course of study?


Costs / Funding

Tuition fees per semester in EURNoneSemester contribution

86 EURCosts of living

Roughly 800 EUR per month are needed for accommodation and living.

Accommodation is relatively cheap in Kรถthen in comparison to bigger German cities.

Roughly 100 EUR per month must be budgeted for the compulsory health and care insurance if you are under 30 years of age (this is a special reduced students’ rate). If you are over the age of 30, it can cost substantially more (by a factor of two or three) and depends strongly on the insurance type and company you have chosen.

In addition, a voluntary personal liability insurance is recommended (roughly 70 to 120 EUR per year, also varying greatly depending on the company).

For students from most countries outside the European Union, it is requested to prove to have the amount for roughly one year’s cost of living and accommodation on a blocked account in order to be entitled toย receive the visa that will allow you to enter Germany.

Funding opportunities within the university


Requirements / Registration

Academic admission requirements

Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering or physics or similar subjects
Students with a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, materials science, process engineering, or industrial engineering (or similar subjects) will be admitted if the Bachelor’s curriculum sufficiently covers the required basics in mathematics, physics, chemistry, semiconductor materials, basic electronics (semiconductor diodes), and electrical engineering.
A minimum of seven semesters or 210 ECTS credits is required.

Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree of six semesters duration (or 180 ECTS credits) can be admitted if they have a sufficient knowledge of the German language (minimum B2) in order to be able to attend additional courses equivalent to 30 credits (which are usually given in German). This will be determined according the individual situation of the applicant.

The university at which the Bachelor’s degree was attained must be rated H+ according to the Anabin list, and the programme should include a final thesis, in which the applicant shows that he/she is able to work according to scientific methodology and knows how to write a scientific paper.

The total grade of the Bachelor’s must be at least 3.0 according to the German grading system (conversion by the Bavarian formula – Bayerische Formel).

A participation in the pre-assessment process is recommended.ย For this process submission of a complete up-to-date CV, transcript of Bachelor’s results, motivation letter (at most one page) and summary of final thesis (one page plus references)ย toย mpv@hs-anhalt.deย is necessary.
(For further details see:ย www.hs-anhalt.de/mpv)Language requirements

Applicants who have not achieved their university’s entrance qualification or Bachelor’s degree at an English-speaking institution have to demonstrate proficiency in English (as demonstrated by appropriate scores of TOEFL: score of 500 paper-based, or 180 computer-based, or 80 Internet-based, or IELTS 5.5, or at least B2 level according to European reference frame, or similar tests).Application deadline

15 July for the following winter semester (application and participation in pre-assessment process before 15 June recommended)
15 January for the following summer semester (application and participation in pre-assessment process before 15 December recommended)

For the pre-assessment process:ย www.hs-anhalt.de/mpvSubmit application to

For all applicants with a foreign (i.e. not German) Bachelor’s degree:

For all applicants with a German Bachelor’s degree:

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