To get all the important details you need on student loans vs mortgage, first time home buyer with student loans, Qualifying for a Mortgage With Student Loan Debt and lots more All you have to do is to please keep on reading this post from college learners. Always ensure you come back for all the latest information that you need with zero stress.
Student loans are factored into mortgage
If you want to buy a home, and you have student loans, you might be wondering if those student loans will affect your ability to get a mortgage. The answer is yes—but not in the way you might think.
Although student loans are factored into your credit score, lenders don’t look at them in the same way that they look at other debts. Student loan debt is considered “good debt,” because it’s an investment in your future. And even though it can be difficult to pay off, having it on your record shows that you’ve demonstrated responsibility by taking out a loan and making payments on time, which are both important factors lenders consider when they’re deciding whether or not to give someone a mortgage.
In general, lenders will require less money down from borrowers who have student loan debt than from borrowers who do not have any debt at all (or who have only credit card debt). This is because student loan debt is seen as more reliable because it’s backed by collateral: if you default on your student loans, there’s a good chance that you’ll lose your degree—and therefore your job—as well as any potential for future earnings
With current mortgage rates at historic lows, you may want to consider buying a home soon if you are ready to take that step. But if you have student loan debt, you may be wondering whether it could affect your ability to get a great deal on a mortgage, or even to buy a home at all. While it is true that too much existing debt is likely to affect your interest rate and even whether you qualify for a mortgage, in most cases you can – and should – still consider buying a home if you are ready.
Student loans don’t affect your ability to get a mortgage any differently than other types of debt you may have, including auto loans and credit card debt. When you apply for a mortgage, your lender will assess all of your existing monthly payment obligations, including student loans, to determine whether you would be able to manage the additional monthly payment. Depending on your situation, the lender will decide whether you qualify for the new loan, and if so at what interest rate.
For that reason, you should consider how both your monthly student loan payment and a hypothetical mortgage payment could affect your debt-to-income ratio and overall credit score before you apply for a mortgage. In other words, if you have any existing debt, you need to be careful that you will be able to manage all your monthly payment obligations with your current income.
This calculation varies a bit depending on the type of mortgage loan you choose.
Potential homebuyers can choose between a conventional mortgage from a private lender, like a bank or other financial institution, or an FHA loan, which is a mortgage backed and insured by the Federal Housing Administration for people with limited savings or lower credit scores. This backing enables the lender to offer you a better deal, which typically includes a lower minimum down payment and easier credit qualifying. Recent changes to the way lenders must calculate monthly student loan payments can make the FHA loan a more attractive option for those with student loan debt, particularly first-time homebuyers.
As you consider the options, here are some things you need to know about your debt-to-income ratio and credit score.
student loans vs mortgage
Student Debt vs. Mortgage Debt: What Makes Them So Different?
Unlike mortgages and most consumer loans, education debt can haunt you for life
Americans owe more than $1.3 trillion in outstanding student loans. That’s the second largest consumer debt, surpassed only by mortgages. A college education can cost as much as or more than a mortgage. But the stakes are higher if you run into trouble paying your student loans. Here’s why student debt is harder to manage than a mortgage.
How Is Interest Set?
Private lenders continuously set and reset rates based on movements in the secondary markets, where bundles of loans are bought and sold. Rates for a conventional 30-year fixed-rate mortgage fluctuate along with the 10-year Treasury yield.
Student Loans
Congress sets federal loan rates each spring off the 10-year Treasury note. Private lenders have their own formulas. Student loan interest rates are typically higher than those of 30-year fixed-rate mortgages.
Can You Refinance to Take Advantage of Lower Rates?
Yes, through many banks and credit unions.
Student Loans
Yes, but be warned: Few private providers offer these services, and when you refinance federal loans, you forfeit key consumer protections.
Can You Discharge Your Loan in Bankruptcy?
Student Loans
Not without proving “undue hardship” to a bankruptcy judge with challenges from the lender, a high bar.
Is There Recourse Against Bad Loan Servicing?
Yes. If the mortgage servicer applies payment improperly—thus breaking the law—you can sue.
Student Loans
Not much, because there are no consistent industry standards for student loan servicers.
Can the Loan Grow Bigger Over Time?
Not really, due to rules forbidding servicers from setting too-low payments, causing interest to add up.
Student Loans
Yes. That can happen with income-based repayment plans and in other circumstances. When unpaid interest is added to principal, debtors pay interest on interest.

first time home buyer with student loans
Student loans shouldn’t stop you from buying a house as long as you have stable income and decent credit. If you can afford rent while you’re paying off student loans, there’s a good chance you can afford monthly mortgage payments.
But before you apply, it’s important to understand how student loans will impact your mortgage application — and what you can do to improve your chances of qualifying.
Here’s a quick overview of what you need to know. We’ll go over each point in more detail below.
- When you apply for a mortgage, the lender will evaluate your debt-to-income ratio (DTI), which indicates the percentage of your monthly income required to repay your debts. Your student loan payments will be included as part of your monthly debts
- By reducing your monthly debt obligations, you’ll reduce your debt-to-income ratio. This can increase your qualified mortgage loan amount and home buying budget
- To do this, you can switch to a graduated repayment plan; request a longer loan student loan repayment period; or focus on reducing other monthly debt like credit card payments
- There are a number of mortgages that work well for borrowers with student debt, including the FHA loan, the Fannie Mae HomeReady mortgage, and the VA loan. These programs may allow 100% financing, low-down payments, and more
Yes, your student loan debt will affect your mortgage eligibility. Your home buying budget likely won’t be as large as it would if you were debt-free.
But thanks to today’s flexible mortgage programs, you don’t have to wait until your debt is paid off to buy a home.
If you qualify, you can buy a home now, stop paying rent, and start building equity. Then you can upsize to a bigger home once your debts are paid off, if you want.Verify your home buying eligibility with student loans (Jun 12th, 2022)

Qualifying for a Mortgage With Student Loan Debt
Editorial Note: The content of this article is based on the author’s opinions and recommendations alone. It may not have been reviewed, commissioned or otherwise endorsed by any of our network partners.
Student loans — in moderation — can help you achieve your educational and career goals, but high student loan debt can also impact your future plans, like qualifying for a mortgage to buy a house.
Many factors determine your eligibility for a mortgage, and although student loans can significantly affect the home-buying process, they don’t need to keep you from your dreams of being a homeowner. Here’s what you need to know:
Qualifying for a mortgage with student loans
A 2018 Student Loan Hero survey found 43% of U.S. graduates were waiting to purchase their first home due to student debt. But if you believe you can afford to make payments on a home (while paying your other debts), you just need to find a lender who agrees with you.
Lenders look at your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) before offering a mortgage because it’s how they determine whether or not you can afford a mortgage loan.
There are two parts to a DTI — the front-end and the back-end.
Front-end and back-end DTI
A front-end ratio is also known as the housing ratio. This ratio is found by dividing your projected monthly mortgage payments by your gross monthly income (your income before taxes).
Your projected mortgage payment will include the costs of the principal, taxes, insurance and interest payments, collectively known as PITI.
Your lender will set the terms of the limit for conventional loans. Depending on the lender, expect a limit of approximately 28% for the front-end ratio. Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans, however, do allow for a maximum front-end ratio of 31%, as of 2019.
The back-end ratio accounts for all of your debt obligations in comparison to your income. The lender will find this ratio by adding your monthly debt payments to your housing expenses, then dividing that number by your gross monthly income.
As well as the PITI on your mortgage, these debt payments will include child support, credit card minimum payments and — yes — student loans.
Here’s the rub: typically, many conventional lenders prefer to see a back-end ratio under 36%. If you take out an FHA loan, the highest back-end ratio you can hold is 43%, as of 2019. Some potential borrowers may qualify for an FHA loan, but perhaps not a conventional loan. Check out Student Loan Hero’s DTI calculator, but if the numbers aren’t what you’d like to see, don’t panic.
How student loans affect the mortgage process
Student loans by themselves cannot prevent you from getting a mortgage. As previously mentioned, the effect of the student loans on your debt-to-income ratio is the key deciding factor. When you go to a lender seeking a home loan, they are going to look at your front and back-end debt-to-income ratios, your credit history, your assets, income and work history and how large of a down payment you have available.
If you have high monthly student loan payments, but no other debt, and a decent income, and you’re looking for a reasonably-priced home, you’ll likely be fine when you apply for a home loan. (If you’re not sure, however, crunch the numbers yourself.) If, however, those debts push you past the lender’s debt-to-income threshold, then yes, your student loans may prevent you from qualifying for a home loan.

Other factors in getting a mortgage
Besides your front-end and back-end ratios, lenders also consider other factors when considering you for a home loan. Here are three other important items:
1. Debt and your credit score
Some lenders will allow you to hold a back-end ratio that’s as high as 50%, if you have great credit — this is uncommon, but not impossible. If you have other loans with small balances wiping out this loan in its entirety could help bring your DTI score to a better place. Credit scores matter too: if you are planning to apply for a FHA mortgage, your FICO score must be at least 500; for a conventional mortgage, at least 620 for most lenders.
2. Size of downpayment
The size of your available down payment will affect your front-end ratio — the more you borrow, the higher the PITI. If you can save a 20% or more down payment, your student loans are far less likely to affect your loan process.
3. Your income and job history
Income is a key factor in determining your acceptance for a loan. The concept of debt-to-income ratio (both front-end and back-end) pits two variables against each other: your debts and your earnings.
This may be one of the reasons why a Zillow report shows that student loans have a negligible impact on getting a mortgage as long as you have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Sure, you have loans — but you might also have a higher income. It’s tempting to focus on debts, but if you can boost your earnings (perhaps by negotiating for a raise), you’ll also improve your debt-to-income ratio.
Did you spend several years of your adult life completing graduate school? The loans themselves may not affect your ability to secure a mortgage, but your employment history might. Unfortunately, as part of the credit history portion of certifying you for a loan, some lenders may not accept your income numbers unless you have at least two years of employment history. Other lenders may be satisfied if you at least stay for two years within the same industry. So if you’re fresh out of school, you might not be able to secure a mortgage until you’ve held a steady job for a year or two.
Make a plan, accelerate debt payments and be prepared to wait
If education debt is making your debt-to-income ratio too high, consider looking for ways to pay off your student loans faster. There’s no penalty for prepaying student loans, so you can make extra payments anytime.
To achieve this, you’ll either need to find room in your budget through saving or making extra income. Small lifestyle changes could help you free up more of your monthly income. Alternatively, you could find a part-time job or start a side hustle for some extra cash. Driving for Uber, walking dogs in your neighborhood or finding freelance work online are all options for boosting your income.
Although lending rules can sometimes feel burdensome, they are there to protect you from taking on debt you can’t afford to pay back. Spending a few more years getting your student loans or other debts paid down could allow you to qualify for a lower interest rate or higher mortgage amount in the future.
Plus, once you have a better credit score and longer employment history, you will even have more options when you’re finally ready to take the leap into homeownership.
Refinancing student loans en route to home ownership
Restructuring your debt through student loan refinancing may be one way to afford a mortgage loan. Creditworthy borrowers — or those who apply with a creditworthy borrower — can qualify for low interest rates, thereby saving money on their loans. You can also choose a shorter repayment term to get out of debt fast. Just make sure you research all the pros and cons of refinancing before making changes to your loans.
As long as you understand the process, refinancing with a private lender could be another strategy for getting out of debt ahead of schedule and seeing your debt-to-income ratio decrease as a result.
So, does a student loan affect your ability to get a mortgage? Yes, it can — but there are ways to whittle down your student debt and still qualify for one.
Refinancing student loans, improving your credit score, renting for a few extra years and lowering your DTI ratio are all ways to improve your chances of qualifying for a mortgage and buying your first home.
It’s important to understand the difference between student loans and mortgages, especially when you’re considering whether or not you should factor your student loans into your mortgage.
Student loans are a form of debt. You take out a loan, and then you pay it back over time with interest. Mortgages are a form of loan, but they’re different from student loans in that they usually have fixed interest rates and the payments never change. Mortgages also have low risk because the lender can take back their property if you don’t pay them back.
Student loans are not like mortgages in any way except that they are both forms of debt. That means that if you have student loans, it might make sense for you to factor them into your mortgage so that all of your debt is consolidated into one monthly payment—but only if there aren’t any other reasons for why this wouldn’t be helpful for you.