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The state of Florida has established a well-documented dedication to the enhancement of skills and qualifications in the realm of nursing. Florida is on an upward trend of requiring nurses at an approximated rate of 20% per annum, which translates into about 6,000 new nursing positions per year. Nurses that have their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) are earning on average 40% more than nurses with a diploma only. The upward trend of these positions shows a growing need for nurses with a more skill-specific education, and are being compensated with more career advancement opportunities, higher pay scale, and diversity of specialties.

ADN Programs in Florida
The ADN or the Associate’s Degree in Nursing pathway is a great option for those students who wish to complete their diploma and become an RN in the shortest period of time possible. Generally, 2 years in length, ADN courses are widely available at community colleges throughout the state. Successful completion of an accredited ADN program enables students to write the NCLEX-RN licensure examination post-graduation and start their exciting career as a nurse. With almost 150 colleges that offer this type of program, it’s easy to find the nursing program that matches your needs.
What to Look For in an ADN Program in Florida

There are many factors to consider when researching ADN programs. A few indicators of a good program are listed below:
The Florida State Board of Nursing helps ADN programs complete regulatory requirements with the assistance of the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). Colleges in the state are accredited through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. Students are encouraged to make sure that these accreditation standards are in place before making a financial commitment to their school of choice.
Whichever ADN program you choose should enable you to take the NCLEX-RN exam for licensure once you graduate. With a satisfactory score on your exam, you will receive your Florida RN license and be eligible to practice as a nurse – this means you can apply for jobs! Last year about 85% of candidates at the college level were successful in their examination for licensure.
Program Outcomes
It’s important to ensure that your chosen school’s academics are on par with your other possible selections. Here are a few criteria you may want to check out before making a final decision:
- How many students graduate each year of total enrolled
- How many students successfully pass the NCLEX on their first attempt
- How satisfied are students with courses and student services
- How many students obtain jobs in the field during the first year post-licensure
Established in 1959 in Fort Lauderdale, Broward College was founded an initiative to broaden 2-year diploma offerings in Florida. The ADN program is designed to prepare students for licensure by combining a strong general college education with select community clinical experiences.

ADN Program Admission Requirements in Florida
It’s important to remember that each of your school choices likely has slightly different admissions criteria, however, the following is a general list that will help give you an idea of what they may be looking for:
- Be of good standing in the college of your choice
- Have a GPA of 2.5 or higher
- Complete the online application
- Submit all official transcripts
- Have up to date vaccinations and health forms completed
- Satisfactorily pass all background inquiries
Tuition and Costs of ADN Programs in Florida

It’s critical to understand how much an ADN program costs, both in terms of tuition and associated expenses like room and board, equipment, uniforms, and other school fees. Some schools roll these costs into the ‘total cost of attendance’ however many do not, citing greater transparency for students and parents when costs are listed separately. Students are encouraged to check each year for updated costs.
Florida Gateway College, located in Lake City, Florida, has a tuition cost of around $100 per credit hour for in-state residents. Out-of-state residents have additional costs. As well, books, equipment, and housing are separate for each individual.
Advantages of ADN Programs
There are a number of advantages to getting your ADN degree. Foremost, the costs associated with an ADN are much lower than the equivalent BSN and the starting wage is roughly the same. Second, smaller class sizes make for a more personal learning environment – a great way to learn and share empathetic tactics for nursing care.
LPN to RN Programs in Florida
It is not uncommon for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) to pursue registered nursing. In this instance, interested practical nurses can enroll in an LPN to RN program. The LPN to RN pathway takes into consideration a student’s prior practical nursing education and experience, making the total program length shorter than a traditional RN program.

Top Nursing Schools in Arizona
Each school has its own benefits and drawbacks. So, depending on what your short and long term nursing goals are, one school can easily seem better than the rest. So, it’s best to compare each school to determine the best fit for your needs.
With that in mind, we consider these to be the best schools in Arizona, ranked in no particular order:
1. Northern Arizona University
Annual In-State Tuition: $10,390| NCLEX Pass Rate: 91.03%
Traditional: Yes
Online: Yes
Accelerated: Yes
Bridge: Yes
Before applying to Northern Arizona University’s BSN program, it’s important to know that this is a four and a half year program, meaning nine semesters of study. However, NAU allows nursing students to study via one of their four programs located across the northern part of Arizona. Even with such versatility, NAU still boasts an impressive NCLEX pass rate for graduates of the program. Maybe that extra semester is a good thing!
2. Arizona College
Annual Tuition: $18,880 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 80%
Traditional: Yes
Online: No
Accelerated: No
Bridge: Yes
Arizona College has multiple locations across multiple states, but nursing students will likely study at their Tempe location. The highlight of Arizona College’s BSN program is that it’s accelerated and should be finished in just three years. After finishing, Arizona College says students will be more than prepared for the NCLEX (and they have a good pass rate for recent grads). Considering the abbreviated program, the price for this school can be much lower than expected, and you can start your nursing career even sooner.
Arizona College’s tuition rates are not affected by student residency.
3. Arizona State University
Annual In-State Tuition: $10,104 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 92.83%
Traditional: Yes
Online: Yes
Accelerated: No
Bridge: Yes
Arizona State University has a national reputation as a party school, but the sizable public school also has a local reputation for being an excellent place to earn an education. Nursing students will have four different options to earn their BSN, although most will probably choose the traditional four-year program. In terms of cost and success, this could easily be the best school for current Arizona residents. Also, students will get to enjoy Tempe in their free time. Not bad!
4. Grand Canyon University
Annual Tuition: $16,500 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 98.2%
Traditional: Yes
Online: Yes
Accelerated: No
Bridge: Yes
Recently in the news for once again becoming non-profit, Grand Canyon University’s quality is often overshadowed by other media attention. A great school to earn an online degree, GCU also has a beautiful campus near Downtown Phoenix. Their two most popular nursing programs are the traditional BSN and the online RN to BSN, both of which have no waiting line for acceptance into the program. While GCU doesn’t have the history of other schools in the area, they’re still growing at a quick pace, and the quality of a GCU education should rise as the school increases its prominence.
GCU tuition rates are not affected by student residency.
5. University of Phoenix
Annual Tuition: $9,464 | NCLEX Pass Rate: N/A
Traditional: No
Online: Yes
Accelerated: No
Bridge: Yes
If you know anything about the University of Phoenix, then you’re aware that this Arizona-based school that offers pretty much all of its courses online. However, it’s regionally accredited and, while not the most glamorous school to attend, is completely legitimate (and affordable). Because they only offer courses online, a traditional BSN isn’t possible. However, the University of Phoenix does offer an online RN to BSN program for current registered nurses.
University of Phoenix’s tuition rates are not affected by student residency.
6. Pima Medical Institute
Annual Tuition: $13,377 | NCLEX Pass Rate: N/A
Traditional: Yes
Online: Yes
Accelerated: No
Bridge: Yes
In terms of affordability, Pima Medical Institute is an excellent choice. Courses in their BSN program have a flat rate, so it’s easy to budget for an exact tuition cost. But it is worth knowing that Prima Medical Institute does not offer a traditional BSN. Instead, students will need to have already become RNs to enroll in their RN to BSN program. This is obviously not for nursing students with no experience, but current RNs can easily benefit from this flexible program.
Pima Medical Institute tuition rates are not affected by student residency.
7. The University of Arizona
Annual In-State Tuition: $11,077 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 96.30%
Traditional: Yes
Online: Yes
Accelerated: Yes
Bridge: Yes
Easily among the top nursing programs in the region, the University of Arizona’s BSN program should be on every nursing student’s radar. With a high NCELX pass rate and low in-state tuition, this program has it all. However, a drawback to this is that the program is going to be highly competitive, meaning it will be more difficult to get accepted into this program than into other Arizona BSN programs. The University of Arizona’s BSN program also has stricter admissions guidelines than other schools, so those are worth looking at prior to applying.
8. Glendale Community College
Annual In-State Tuition: $2,720 | NCLEX Pass Rate: N/A
Traditional: No
Online: No
Accelerated: No
Bridge: No
Glendale Community College doesn’t have a BSN option, but it’s worth mentioning for a few reasons. First, Glendale Community College is part of the larger Maricopa Community College which has eight campuses across Arizona, so in-state students can find a campus near them. Second, the cost of tuition is incredibly low. Students interested in nursing will likely choose the Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in nursing. This more than adequately qualifies and prepares students to take and pass the NCLEX.

9. Carrington College – Phoenix
Annual Tuition: $23,906 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 78%
Traditional: No
Online: No
Accelerated: No
Bridge: No
Carrington College has locations across the nation, including three campuses in Arizona (Mesa, Phoenix, and Tuscon) which offer an RN degree program. This two-year program is meant to give you all the skills you need to become an RN and find work locally. While a BSN is usually preferred for graduating nurses, nearly half of all Carrington College RN students had secured a position prior to graduation. With multiple AZ locations to choose from, Carrington is a nice, two-year option for nursing students.
10. Cochise College
Annual In-State Tuition: $1,896 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 93.9%
Traditional: No
Online: No
Accelerated: No
Bridge: No
Another college that doesn’t have a BSN option, Cochise College makes this list for its affordability. On top of the incredibly low in-state tuition, hundreds of thousands of dollars are awarded in scholarships each year. Future nurses will be most interested in the AAS in nursing, a two-year program. Cochise has perhaps the top AAS program in Arizona, and local employers who need nurses know they can trust this degree.

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