
Arizona State University (O’Connor) Law School Overview

The Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University (O’Connor) has an application deadline of March 1. The full-time program application fee at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University (O’Connor) is $0. Its tuition is full-time: $28,058 (in-state) and full-time: $47,302 (out-of-state). The student-faculty ratio is 5.5:1.

The Arizona State University Sandra Day Oโ€™Connor College of Law is a public law school in Phoenix, Ariz. The law school has a required first year curriculum followed by two years of mostly electives. Students can cater their legal education through involvement in programs and centers at the Sandra Day Oโ€™Connor College of Law, including the Center for Law, Science, and Innovation, the first center to examine the legal implications of scientific and technological discoveries, and the Indian Legal Program, which aids tribal governments.

There are several concurrent degree programs for students who wish to pursue another degree, including a J.D./M.B.A. through the W. P. Carey School of Business and a J.D./M.D. via the Mayo Medical School in Rochester, Minn. The Arizona State College of Law also offers a Master of Legal Studies (M.L.S.) degree program for students who want to learn about the law without becoming a lawyer.

Law students can get hands-on experience in areas including patent, immigration, and tribal law through about 10 clinics. J.D. candidates also have about 30 student organizations to choose from, some of which are specific to pro bono service, and several legal journals, including the Arizona State Law JournalJurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science, and Technology, Sports and Entertainment Law Journal, and an online journal, the Law Journal for Social Justice.

Notable alumni of the Sandra Day Oโ€™Connor College of Law include Rebecca White Berch, chief justice of the Arizona Supreme Court, and Michael Gallagher, cofounding partner of Gallagher & Kennedy.

What is Arizona State University law school’s acceptance rate?

The 33,363 students applied to the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law in 2019, with 1,151 being accepted. 271 of the accepted students were able to enroll full-time at the institution. The acceptance rate was 34.23 %, with a 23.54% enrolment rate. The average LSAT score of ASU law school students in 2023 was 160, while the average undergraduate GPA was 3.51. In 2020, the number of students enrolled was 361, 78.8% of the total students, with an average LSAT score of 160 and an average GPA of 3.5. The acceptance rate of 2020 was 34.2% and in 2017 of 43.3%.

Advice for Getting Into Law School

Admission to law school is very competitive. Consider Arizona State Law School. I offer this hypothetical as an example of what happens at law schools generally. What I’m going to say here about Arizona State could be said about every law school in the country.

Arizona State is a good school, ranked 53rd in the nation (out of 187 law schools). Each year, Arizona State has an entering class of about 500 law students. For those 500 seats in its first-year law class, Arizona State receives over 7,000 applications. About 1,400 (20%) of the 7,000 applicants will be admitted, since some people will be accepted at many law schools and will turn down Arizona State’s offer of admission.

Now, imagine that I’m a member of the Admissions Committee at Arizona State Law School. My job on the Admissions Committee is to accept only those applicants about whom I can make a reasonable prediction of satisfactory performance in law school. But how can I make such a prediction? What information about an applicant will most reliably tell me he or she will succeed in law school?

If I look at personal statements, for example, most of those will try to convince me that a given applicant will be the best law student anyone could ever want. That is, it’s highly unlikely a personal statement will reveal anything about an applicant except the most flattering information. And the same can be said about letters of recommendation.

So, after looking at personal statements and letters of recommendation, I’m still left with the same 7,000 applications with which I began.

How do I weed out all but the most promising 1,400?

Suppose I look at college grade point averages. They indeed might give me some reliable information. How a person has performed academically in the past might accurately predict how he or she will do in the future. So I might adopt a strategy of first admitting all those people with 4.0 GPAs and then work backward from 4.0 until the entering law-school class is filled.

But there’s a problem with this strategy. The 7,000 applicants have attended more than 250 different colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. How do I know that a 4.0 GPA at one college represents the same level of academic achievement as a 4.0 at another college? One college might have very high academic standards, while another might not. So an “A” at one school is not the same as an “A” somewhere else. Also, one student with a 4.0 GPA might have majored in basket weaving, while another 4.0 student from the same college majored in a far more difficult field. So, two 4.0 GPAs of students from the same school may not represent comparable academic achievements. Thus, even using GPA, I can’t be 100% sure about selecting the incoming law-school class.

What else is left? The Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). This is an examination every law-school applicant must take, which is graded uniformly across all applicants. Scores on the LSAT range from a low of 120 to a high of 180. In other words, a person can take the LSAT and get all the questions wrong, but still receives a score of 120. Another person getting all the questions right receives a 180.

In theory, the LSAT is a consistent measure for an admissions officer to compare all 7,000 applicants with each other.

Indeed, look at how much Arizona State relies on the LSAT. The information below represents the LSAT scores for those applicants to Arizona State recently who had a 3.5 GPA or better. In other words, these are the most promising applicants in terms of their academic performance in college

        LSAT Score        Percent Admitted
 168-180                  100%
 164-167                    99%
 160-163                    71%
 156-159                    15%
 148-155                    12%
 120-147                      4%

These statistics clearly reveal how important the LSAT is to law-school admissions.

Now consider some national statistics. Of all people who apply to law school nationally, about 55 to 60 percent are accepted at one or more schools. In other words, about 40 percent of all applicants to law school arenโ€™t able to go because they arenโ€™t admitted anywhere.

In comparison, of all applicants to law school from the urban public university where I teach, about 30 to 35 percent are accepted at one or more schools. In other words, almost two out of three applicants to law school from the City University of New York (and other colleges and universities like it) are rejected everywhere they apply.

Why do public college and university students not have as much success getting into law school as students nationally? Remember that the national average includes students attending elite colleges and universities like Arizona State and Arizona State, where 80 or 90 percent or more of their students are accepted to law school. Thus, the national average is just that โ€“ an average.

So what should public college and university students who want to go to law school do? Change schools? Those who can be admitted to a Arizona State or a Arizona State and can afford the annual cost of $35,000 or more to go there may be well advised to do just that. But most public college and university students donโ€™t have that option. Also, transferring to another public college or university wonโ€™t help much because many public schools (as well as private ones) donโ€™t have substantially better success in law-school admission than CUNY.

Keep in mind that a significant number of public college and university graduates do in fact go on to law school. The point is that those students who want to go to law school need to be careful, especially with regard to the LSAT. Earning a high GPA isnโ€™t enough. As the Arizona State Law School statistics indicate, even those with a 3.5 GPA or better who donโ€™t do well on the LSAT have only about a four-percent chance of admission.

Consider some additional statistics. The average score nationally on the LSAT is about 152. That is whatโ€™s known as the 50th percentile. Differently stated, half of all people taking the LSAT across the nation receive a score of 152 or higher. The average score for CUNY students taking the LSAT is about 142. Now, at just 10 points below 152, 142 doesnโ€™t seem like much of a difference from the national average. But the important comparison is between percentiles. An LSAT score of 142 is about the 20th percentile. In other words, approximately 80 percent of all people taking the test around the country do better than 142.

Thus, the big problem for most public college and university students who want to go to law school is performing well on the LSAT. How can students prepare for it?

The LSAT doesnโ€™t measure knowledge about the law or other legal matters. So taking law-related classes (like business law or constitutional law or criminal law) doesnโ€™t necessarily prepare students better for the LSAT than other courses. Rather, the test is designed to measure peopleโ€™s ability to think critically and analytically, because thatโ€™s what a successful career in law school and in the practice of law requires.

Some years ago, a survey was sent to law-school deans (the โ€œpresidentsโ€ of law schools). One of the questions on the survey was what majors the deans recommended students have in college in order to prepare effectively for law school. The four majors most frequently recommended by law-school deans were (in alphabetical order) English (sometimes called literature), history, philosophy, and political science (sometimes called government). Thus, my recommendation to those students wanting to go to law school is that they major in one of those fields. Moreover, if English turns out not to be the major selected, then it should be considered seriously as a minor because writing well is absolutely essential to success in the law.

More generally, I advise students to take the most demanding courses with the most demanding professors, because they are the ones who will help develop the analytical thinking skills so necessary for success on the LSAT.

There’s no way to prepare for the substance of the LSAT. But one can prepare for it procedurally by developing familiarity with its format through taking practice exams based on actual questions asked in past LSATs. One ought not to be surprised when taking the LSAT by the kinds of questions asked. The general type of question asked can be familiar to you by taking an LSAT-preparation course or by means of the practice books available at bookstores.

LSAT-prep courses may improve exam performance โ€“ although some scholars question whether there’s evidence of a reliable connection between coaching and test results. Nonetheless, the classes are expensive, costing up to $1,000 or more. People who teach the courses think the coaching is particularly helpful to students who are not self-disciplined and need the structure of a class. Yet students who are focused may do just as well with practice books (Cracking the LSAT by the Princeton Review is highly regarded) and the official LSAT tests that include the explanations of answers to questions. Often, taking timed practice exams isn’t enough in itself. Students should also understand how and why they make mistakes on the test. In any event, be aware that effective studying for the LSAT usually takes at least 50 hours.

Equally important is your psychological and emotional preparation for the exam. Take it at a time when other stresses in your life are at a minimum. If you walk into the LSAT with the attitude, “What I do today will affect the rest of my life! Oh, my God!” then you’ll not do as well as when you’re cool and collected.

Some people who take the LSAT and don’t do as well as they would like decide to take it again. If they improve their performance the second time around, they think the first score doesn’t count. That’s not necessarily true. My understanding is that many law schools will average the two scores, and as a result, the earlier, lower score does in fact count to some degree. So I don’t recommend you take the exam with the expectation that the first time will be just a trial run for a later, more serious round.

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