Aspen University is an online university that offers RN to BSN, MSN, and DNP degrees in nursing. Aspen Universities nursing programs are competency based. Students never need to take a final exam. At the end of each course students are evaluated based on their four most recent clinical assessments.
Aspen University is a leading online nursing degree provider. The ASN Program provided by Aspen provides the knowledge and life experience to prepare individuals to begin a career in nursing.
Right here on Collegelearners you can readily obtain valuable information on Aspen University master’s in nursing reviews, is Aspen University nursing program accredited, is Aspen University a good nursing school, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on related topics.

aspen university bSN program reviews
As a new/current student of Aspen university I didn’t know what to expect. I enrolled in the BSN pre-licensure program. I am in one of the first Night class programs the school offers for Nursing students here in Arizona. I am 6 months in on the program and i have to say it was nothing like i expected. Its not a program for someone who is use to a typical class room setting. You have to have the drive and will to set aside time to study, research, do projects and assignments. They tell you this course is designed for full time working students. I don’t think they meant full time healthcare working students. I currently work as an LPN-NOC Charge and my days are not set in stone. Some days are a straight 12 hour shift others are 14-18 hr shifts. This makes it difficult when you have Discussion questions (2 per class) due on Thursdays and Sundays along with responses to class mates discussion questions and all assignments due on Mondays. A lot of the assignments are essays of 1700-2500 words. This is OK, but if you have a work schedule like mine the only thing i would suggest is stock up on Energy drinks or No Doze and for go sleep because that’s the only way you will get through this degree. The online courses are challenging which i like they do test your knowledge. As for the set up and use of online interacting its OK, It does take most of the instructors a day or two to respond to questions. As far as access to the school material its easy. The new book store is comparable to other book rental programs like Chegg when it comes to price. I do like how the school has several seminars set up for those students who don’t know what APA format is or how to navigate the library website. I still have another year and a half before I am done with this endeavor but i know its worth it. This is not for the faint of hearts.
I chose this school because of the payment plan, I already owe student loans and I do not wish to ever take out any more. I was nervous to go back to school, especially online school, I have already completed a few programs at a different institution and was left very disappointed. I have pros and cons for Aspen University, I will start with the pros: the school is challenging. I find this to be a pro because I am in school to develop and learn, reading, researching and using critical thinking skills are things I have to do on a very regular basis, they have grown me as a person greatly and I appreciate that. Also, my teachers (who tend to be police officers) are always very knowledgeable and excited about criminal justice. However, I do feel alone often in my programs, there have been several instance where I have been the only student in my class, or I will have other students with me that end up dropping out. I have a theory that people drop out so often because the homework tends to be very challenging even in the introductory classes. I also wish that the school was regionally accredited, I actually can’t see why they are not, the school is very good academically. The reason I care about that is because I want to pursue a masters in jurisprudence or legal studies and having a regional accreditation is a must with some schools. I have found schools that accept nationally accredited degrees, they are Ashworth College, Southern Columbia University, Liberty University, Western Governors University and Walden University (just in case anyone was wondering). I truly believe that education can be obtained without going into horrendous debt, this school has shown me a decent education is in my fiscal abilities. Aspen University is great for criminal justice, I wouldn’t believe all the negativity on the internet.
Aspen is a great school for adults who work full time. They give you a time frame to work with for each class; then its up to you grow up and do what you have to do to get to where you need to be. Personally, I don’t need hand holding for the most part. Many students I believe need to be enabled by others, and that’s OK. To each his or her own. But the limitations and shortcomings of some who are unable to handle everyday adult day in day out processes does not justify speaking negatively about any reputable organization; be it Aspen or any other school or business. If some are unable to handle a distance learning education process, then they should physically attend a school of their choice. Distance learning requires constant follow up, phone calls, emails, etc. Many individual are not capable of handling distance learning. Understandable. If some individuals need enabling or hand holding, they may need to reconsider distance learning as their choice. Aspen is by no means easy. I recently received my MBA last month. Over the years, I too have had to email counselors, registrar, admissions, etc on numerous occasions; and they have always finalized all my requests and questions. Classes are tough with a lot of independent research, obviously (as a distance learning school). As for me, nothing was spoon fed. We were on a strict time frame to submit work and respond to classmates questions. I would definitely recommend Aspen to anyone capable of handling a distance learning school and it’s requirements and expectations. Regards.
I never knew anything about Aspen University until I joined the school. I had read their reviews and some of the students had written their experiences, (good and bad). I checked on other online universities as well and noticed that each school had its own issues or something that did not really work for me. I decided to choose Aspen for my RN-BSN. I love their program. The pace was perfect for me, as I’m a single parent working full time and taking care of my family needs. I did my classes with a focus of passing each class with an A. I had quite a challenge when I decided to take as many as 4 classes at a time, (towards the end of the program). I made sure I submitted my assignment on time and I never had any issues at all. The professors are available, reply to your emails in less than 12 hours. If you are not able to reach your class professor, you can email any of the program professors and they actually reply and assist you on your needs. I will recommend this school to anyone who wants to take a program here. Their payment plan is great. Monthly payments worked for me and that is why I’m proceeding to MSN at this same school. Just like any school one has to focus, put in effort and think about accomplishing your goals. If you are not an online student and want to try it, I will recommend it. I was never an online kind of student, but this university shaped me to like online classes. 2016 BSN graduate and 2017 MSN graduate. ASPEN MSN program HERE I COME.
Aspen is an excellent college for the working student.
From Ken the recruiter who didn’t pressure me and answered all of my questions very timely to my instructor Tammy who is understanding and helpful. Jenny is encouraging and supportive. Learning APA for writing papers has been my biggest challenge. My professor goes out of her way to help me. This is my first course but I am pleased with every aspect of the program. The information I am learning is relevant to my current nursing practice. The only thing I would caution is when yo are told the classes are at your own pace that doesn’t mean the content of work in your class. It means you can take classes as you like. Once you are enrolled you have 2 assignments every week
aspen university nursing requirements
Aspen University offers an online RN-to-BSN completion program for registered nurses who wish to pursue a baccalaureate degree. With a liberal arts foundation, our RN-to-BSN completion program builds on initial nursing preparation with course work to enhance professional development, prepare for a broader scope of practice, and provide a better understanding of the cultural, political, economic, and social issues that affect patients and influence care delivery. All courses in the RN-to-BSN completion program are completed online. Full-time students can complete the RN-to- BSN completion program in as little as one year, enabling them to quickly achieve their educational goals and increase their options for career mobility.
Degree Requirements: 30 Credits
Program Goals:
It is intended that Graduates of the Aspen University Bachelor of Science in Nursing program will learn or be able to do the following:
- Generalist Nursing Practice: Apply the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed to provide high quality patient-centered health care across the lifespan and function as a leader in health care environments. (Baccalaureate Essential I, II, IX; UMBO 3)
- Evidence-based Practice: Demonstrate that one’s professional nursing practice is grounded in current research. (Baccalaureate Essential III; UMBO 4)
- Patient Care Technology: Utilize patient care technology while managing resources efficiently and effectively when planning, implementing and evaluating interventions to achieve optimal health outcomes for diverse populations (Baccalaureate Essential IV, UMBO 5)
- Healthcare Policy: Exhibit an understanding of healthcare policies, including financial and regulatory, that impact the role of the nurse and the healthcare system. (Essential V; UMBO 3).
- Population Health: Recognize the leadership role of the nurse in health promotion and disease prevention for individuals, families and communities. (Baccalaureate Essential II, VII; UMBO 2)
- Value Systems and Ethical Behavior: Develop a personal and professional value system that is ethical and demonstrates cultural competence and sensitivity. (Baccalaureate Essential VII, VIII; UMBO 1, 2)
- Inter-professionalism: Demonstrate communication and collaboration among and between healthcare professionals who are critical to delivering high quality and safe patient care. (Baccalaureate Essential VIII; UMBO 2)

aspen university nursing programs
HUM410 | Academic Success: Strengthening Scholarly Writing | 3 |
N490 | Issues and Trends in Professional Nursing | 3 |
N491 | Concepts and Theories in Nursing | 3 |
CIS450 | Informatics in Healthcare | 3 |
N492 | Community Health Nursing I | 3 |
HCA320 | Healthcare Policy and Economics | 3 |
N493 | Community Health Nursing II | 3 |
N494 | Essentials of Nursing Research | 3 |
N495 | Health Assessment | 3 |
N496 | Nursing Leadership and Management | 3 |
Final Proctored Exam |
Additional Information:
Professional Standards:
The RN-to-BSN completion program is aligned to the AACN Baccalaureate Essentials:
- Liberal education for baccalaureate generalist nursing practice
- Basic organizational and systems leadership for quality care and patient safety
- Scholarship for evidence-based practice
- Information management and application of patient care technology
- Healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments
- Interprofessional communication and collaboration for improving patient health outcomes
- Clinical prevention and population health
- Professionalism and professional values
- Baccalaureate generalist nursing practice

Degree Requirements:
The RN-BSN completion program leads to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, which requires a total of 120 credits. These credits are accumulated as follows:
30 credits in liberal arts/general education:
These credits provide students with a broad background in liberal education as a foundation for the practice and education of nurses. Any remaining liberal arts/general education requirements after transfer credit evaluation must be completed prior to beginning the first course in the RN-BSN completion program’s course sequence.
60 block credits for RN license:
This requirement is satisfied by block transfer credit from an associate degree nursing program (e.g. ADN or ASN) or by the award of credit for diploma nursing coursework that resulted in passing the NCLEX and/or receiving a RN license. It is understood these degree programs include lower-division nursing credits and general education credits. However, these 60 block credits reflect work in nursing courses only and the experience related to having the RN license.
30 credits earned at Aspen University
- 21 credits from upper-division nursing courses: The 21-credit upper-division nursing credit requirement must be completed with 7 courses offered by Aspen University. These courses are N490-N496.
- 9 credits from health professions courses: This requirement consists of 9 credits of additional general education coursework that is directly relevant to and compliments the upper-division nursing curriculum within the completion program. These three courses are HUM410, HCA320, and CIS450. They allow students to explore diverse topics of importance to the delivery of health care while simultaneously gaining exposure to perspectives from related health care fields.