Looking for audio engineering schools in Denver CO? Audio Engineering Schools In Denver is an insider’s look into what you can expect from local audio engineering schools and how to get the most out of your time spent studying. We have also included information on how to pay for an audio engineering degree, how to transfer schools and if online education is right for you.
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Audio Engineering Schools In Denver
We took that old stale classroom concept, rebuilt and upgraded it by putting your classroom in a professional recording studio. Then we emptied out all the other students and left only YOU and YOUR TEACHER (yay for one-on-one learning!) who happens to be a pro music producer (with killer credits) to train you privately (at your pace, full time, part time, nights or weekends available).

They say those that can, do. Those that can’t, teach. But Recording Connection mentors do both! We partner with PRO MUSIC PRODUCERS for our Denver audio engineering schools, which means you’ll be working with industry insiders from day one. You’ll learn in the DENVER AUDIO RECORDING STUDIOS they work in, use the gear they use, and work with the artists they work with.
The ivy-covered walls of a well-known university may have decades-old name recognition, but the talent our Denver audio engineer educators work with are making hits in the music business TODAY. Doesn’t it make sense to learn in a real-world studio with a professional DENVER MUSIC PRODUCER instead of some stuffy classroom?
You don’t have to go into extreme debt to go to Music Production and Audio Engineering School
We can train you in a real recording studio for far less. Play it smart–get on the inside track, and get connected as you get educated. Our audio recording school is a highly effective and affordable way to start your audio engineering career.
At the end of our DENVER AUDIO ENGINEERING AND MUSIC PRODUCTION SCHOOL, you’ll have a portfolio of finished work, the experience of working in a live recording studio, and connections not normally available to you in a classroom setting. And the Recording Connection does it all at a fraction of the cost and in less than a year!
university of colorado denver courses
Catalog Course Information and Definitions
The courses listed here are included in the CU Denver campus catalog during the 2022–23 academic year. This listing does not constitute a guarantee that any particular course will be offered during this year. Also see the online Class Search functionality for details about specific class offerings and schedules. For questions/more information regarding specific course availability, programs, and major requirements, please contact each school or college.
Core – Course is approved for specific core curriculum (i.e. arts and sciences curriculum; quantitative reasoning and mathematical skills)
Cross-Listed – Class that is offered along with another class that has the same topic, title, and course content. Max Hours displayed for each cross-listed class is the total number of hours allowed for all courses completed within a particular cross-listed group. See below for more information on Max Hours.
GT – Course is approved by the Colorado Department of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer as part of the gtPathways program.
Max Hours (in Course Description) – Total number of applicable credit hours that count toward a student’s degree for a particular course or cross-listed group.
Prerequisite – Specific course completed or “in progress” (i.e. ENGL 1020 Core Composition I or ENGL 1020 Core Composition I with C- or higher)
Corequisite – Specific course taken at the same time (i.e. ENVS 1044 Introduction to Environmental Sciences taken same time as ENVS 1045 Introduction to Environmental Sciences Laboratory)
Restriction – Restricted to a specific population (i.e. Restricted to MUSC majors or junior standing, etc.)
Course Number Definitions:
Courses numbered 1000-2999 are considered lower-division undergraduate.
Courses numbered 3000-4999 are considered upper-division undergraduate.
Courses at the 5000 level and above are graduate.
Accounting (ACCT)
Anthropology (ANTH)
Arabic (ARAB)
Architecture (ARCH)
Bioengineering (BIOE)
Biology (BIOL)
Business (BUSN)
Business Analytics (BANA)
Business Law (BLAW)
Business Minor for non-business majors (BMIN)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Chinese (CHIN)
Civil Engineering (CVEN)
CLAS Interdepartmental Courses (CLAS)
Commodities (CMDT)
Communication (COMM)
Computer Science (CSCI)
Construction Engineering and Management (CEMT)
Criminal Justice (CRJU)
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE)
Cybersecurity (CSCY)
Decision Sciences For Business (DSCI)
Digital Animation (DACD)
Early Childhood Education (ECED)
Economics (ECON)
Education and Human Development (EDHD)
Educational Foundations (EDFN)
Electrical Engineering (ELEC)
Engineering (ENGR)
English (ENGL)
Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
Environmental Sciences (ENVS)
Ethnic Studies (ETST)
Film and Television (FITV)
Finance (FNCE)
Fine Arts (FINE)
French (FREN)
Geography (GEOG)
Geology (GEOL)
German (GRMN)
Greek (GREK)
Health Humanities (HEHM)
History (HIST)
Human Development and Family Relations (HDFR)
Humanities (HUMN)
Individually Designed Major Course (IDMA)
Information Systems (ISMG)
Initial Teacher Education (ITED)
Instructional Technology (INTE)
Interdisciplinary Arts (ARTS)
Interdisciplinary Studies (IDST)
International Business (INTB)
International Studies (INTS)
inWorks Innovation Initiative (IWKS)
Landscape Architecture (LDAR)
Latin (LATN)
Linguistics (LING)
Literacy, Lang, & Culturally Responsive Teaching (LCRT)
Management (MGMT)
Marketing (MKTG)
Math Content Knowledge for Ed (MCKE)
Math Education (MTED)
Mathematics (MATH)
Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC)
Mechanical Engineering (MECH)
Modern Languages (MLNG)
Music (MUSC)
Performance Music (PMUS)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Physics (PHYS)
Political Science (PSCI)
Pre-Nursing (PRNU)
Psychology (PSYC)
Public Administration (PUAD)
Public Health (PBHL)
Religious Studies (RLST)
Research & Eval Methods (RSEM)
Risk Management (RISK)
School Library Program (SCHL)
School Psychology (SPSY)
Science Education (SCED)
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Education (STME)
Social Justice (SJUS)
Social Sciences (SSCI)
Sociology (SOCY)
Spanish (SPAN)
Special Education (SPED)
Sustainability (SUST)
University Honors and Leadership (UNHL)
University Skills & Engagement (UNIV)
Urban & Regional Planning (URPL)
Urban Teacher Education (UEDU)
Women’s Studies (WGST)

university of denver film school
With a BA in film studies and production, you’ll be a critical observer and producer of our culture’s most powerful media art forms: film and video. In our program, you’ll learn the history, theory, production and criticism of motion picture arts, as well as develop a hands-on understanding of the film industry.
You will explore existing and emergent media platforms, learning what it means to be an ethical, effective and culturally sensitive communicator. In many classes, you will write scripts and participate in screenwriting teams, while also developing technical skills in lighting, editing and sound design. You will work with award-winning faculty who will guide you through the processes of fundraising, grantwriting, exhibiting, selling and promoting your films.
You also will be challenged to develop a deeper understanding of how sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, gender, class, age and ability are represented in and by media — and why such representations matter. Our classes adopt an intersectional lens in their exploration of how identity markers create unequal power dynamics both on and off screen, highlighting how off-screen dynamics greatly impact what is seen onscreen.
The BA in Film Studies and Production will prepare you for a career in the fast-paced, highly competitive industries of film, video and related fields. After graduating, you can apply your creative and analytical abilities across many sectors, including media, marketing, entertainment, education and communications.
What Sets Us Apart
An emphasis on multicultural and global communication and a strong commitment to diversity, inclusion and social justice
Internationally recognized professors, dedicated to student success, who bring a wealth of expertise in corporate, nonprofit, health and political communication
Small classes that balance theoretical concepts with experiential learning and give you the personal attention and support you need to learn and thrive
An outstanding internship program and an extensive professional network of business, nonprofit and government partners in Colorado and beyond
Multiple opportunities for experiential engagement beyond the classroom including exciting internships; the student-run podcast, PioCast; the student-run newspaper, The Clarion; and Project DU F.I.L.M., a partnership between students, faculty and alumni
The ability to double major and design your own path based on your unique passions and career goals

Degree Requirements
- The Film Studies and Production major requires a minimum of 40 credits.
- In addition to completing the course requirements, students have the option to complete a professional internship.
- The major also includes a capstone experience, which is a two-quarter sequence in either narrative or documentary film.
- To earn distinction in the Film Studies & Production major, students must have a 3.75 cumulative GPA and a 3.8 GPA in the major.