Ohio State University is ranked No. 30 in Best Engineering Schools. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.
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Ohio State University Admission
What are Ohio State University’s average ACT scores and GPA? In this guide, we’ll discuss what scores are needed for you to get admitted into Ohio State University. You’ll also get to calculate your own chances with our admissions calculator.
Location: Columbus, OH
This school is also known as: OSU

Ohio State University Admissions Statistics
There are three critical numbers when considering your admissions chances: ACT scores, GPA, and acceptance rate. All these combine to tell you what you scores are required to get into Ohio State University.
Students that get into Ohio State have an average SAT score between 1250-1460 or an average ACT score of 28-32. The regular admissions application deadline for Ohio State is February 1. Interested students can apply for early action, and the Ohio State early action deadline is November 15.
Average ACT: 30
The average ACT score composite at Ohio State University is a 30.
The 25th percentile ACT score is 28, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 32.
In other words, a 28 places you below average, while a 32 will move you up to above average. There’s no absolute ACT requirement at Ohio State University, but they really want to see at least a 28 to have a chance at being considered.

Ohio State ACT Scores
ACT Requirements & Average ACT Score
ACT Reading 25th | 26 |
ACT Math 25th | 27 |
ACT Composite 25th | 27 |
ACT Reading 75th | 34 |
ACT Math 75th | 32 |
ACT Composite 75th | 32 |
Average ACT Score | 29 |

ACT Scores needed to get accepted
What are the ACT requirements for prospective students to get into Ohio State?
Admission data indicates that Ohio State regularly accepts students with ACT’s of 27 and above. Successful applicants typically send ACT scores in the top 15 percent nationally. We estimate the school accepting minimum ACT composite scores around 24 in some instances. Prospective students submitting an ACT composite of 30 or higher should be in the upper half of applicants – and students with a 32 and above have very competitive chances. The school ranks #5 in Ohio for highest average ACT composite score. Scoring well on the ACT is very important as 80 percent of applicants submit ACT scores to Ohio State University.

Ohio State University Acceptance Rate
Academics. Ohio State is committed to helping students complete their degrees. In 2020, Ohio State’s six-year graduation rate was 87%, up from 79.7% in 2011, and well above the national graduation rate of 62%. The ACT composite mid-50% for incoming engineering students (2020) was 29-33.