
bachelor of biomedical engineering uts

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MAJ03472 Biomedical Engineering

41160  Introduction to Biomedical Engineering  6cp
48023  Programming Fundamentals  6cp
48510  Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering  6cp
91161  Cell Biology and Genetics  6cp
91400  Human Anatomy and Physiology  6cp
Select 6 credit points of options:  6cp
65111  Chemistry 1 6cp 
91703  Physiological Systems 6cp 
Select 6 credit points of options:  6cp
48520  Electronics and Circuits 6cp 
31250  Introduction to Data Analytics 6cp 
Select 6 credit points of options:  6cp
31061  Database Principles 6cp 
41090  Information and Signals 6cp 
91705  Medical Devices and Diagnostics  6cp
41029  Engineering Research Preparation  6cp
41030  Engineering Capstone  6cp
41162  Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering Studio A  6cp
41163  Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering Studio B  6cp
41161  Biomedical Industry Frameworks  6cp
CBK91740  Biomedical Engineering thread choice  36cp
Total  120cp
AUTUMN OR SPRING SESSIONSUBJECT CODECREDIT POINTSA credit point is the unit of measure of workload for individual subjects.
Biomedical Engineeringmaj03472120
Civil Engineeringmaj03001120
Civil and Environmental Engineeringmaj03002120
Data Engineeringmaj03518120
Electrical Engineeringmaj03005120
Electronic Engineeringmaj03524120
Mechanical Engineeringmaj03007120
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineeringmaj03012120
Mechatronic Engineeringmaj03504120
Software Engineeringmaj03523120
Electrical and Electronic Engineeringmaj03537120
Flexible Engineering BE (Hons)maj03540120


Career options depend on the major chosen.

Course structure

Course structure explained

Students are required to complete 198 credit points, comprising:

  • core program: 48 credit points
  • major (field of practice), including capstone: 120 credit points
  • electives (see note): 24 credit points
  • professional practice program: 6 credit points, plus 12 weeks of industry experience.

Note: Students in the Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering majors are required to select the specialist stream in their major in place of the electives.

The major is selected at the time of application to the course; however, it is possible to apply to change major at a later date. Students admitted to the flexible major should decide by the end of the first year of full-time study whether to transfer to a designated major or continue with the flexible program.

Industrial training/professional practice

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) without the Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice are required to obtain the equivalent of at least 12 weeks exposure to professional engineering practice, preferably outside the university environment. For further details, refer to 41028 Engineering Work Experience.

Course completion requirements
Select one of the following options:24
CBK90011 Electives24
STM90848 Civil and Environmental Engineering specialist stream24
STM90849 Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering specialist stream24
STM91414 Electrical and Electronic Engineering specialist stream24
STM90106 Core subjects48
CBK90173 Major choice (Engineering)120
STM90994 Professional Engineering Practice stream6
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