
A Bachelor’s in Engineering is a technical degree that signifies that youโ€™ve specialized in one specific area of engineering, like mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, and so on. An engineering degree is a specialty course that focuses on specific subjects relating to the course of study.

It helps you acquire the technical skills needed for your profession. However, in the current working environment, having an engineering degree alone is not sufficient. Nowadays, to give yourself a good base in your career path, you need a post-graduate degree, and this is where an MBA comes into play.

Specialty certifications are not enough for businesses, organizations, and companies. They want personnel who can function well in and understand the business environment. Organizations are seeking for leaders who can both lead and inspire others. Today, organizations’ primary needs are management skills.

Along with your technical skills, it is vital that you show management skills in the workplace. Organizations are looking for people that can do the work, and also motivate others to follow suit. The business environment nowadays doesnโ€™t just need workers, but rather leaders that can deliver results, and handle responsibilities. Below is a list of some of the benefits of getting an MBA after an engineering degree.

  1. An MBA will help you develop your managerial skills, and adequately prepare you for real-world problems.
  2. It will give you a sound foundation in business that will help you understand business as a whole while helping you develop a holistic approach to the work environment.
  3. It gives you a competitive advantage and helps you climb the corporate ladder. The skills and knowledge you will learn along the way will help to distinguish you from your contemporaries.
  4. An MBA helps you build a favorable career path. It is proof that you are not just sound in the principles of your engineering background, but also in areas that have to do with finance, marketing, and management.
  5. It will help you move up the corporate ladder. It offers an easy way for you to transition from a technical role to a managerial role.
  6. It opens the door to an extensive array of career opportunities. You can easily enter into different levels of managerial positions along with technical positions in relation to your engineering field.
  7. It helps you develop your personality as well. It helps to equip you with the right people skills, presentation skills, communication skills, and lots more.

There are so many benefits of having an MBA after an engineering degree. You should seriously consider having an MBA if you want to gain a competitive advantage over your peers.

MBA Specializations

  1. An MBA in Operations and Project Management
  2. MBA in Health & Safety
  3. MBA in Accounting & Finance
  4. An MBA in Global Banking & Finance
  5. MBA in HR & Organizational Psychology
  6. MBA in Marketing Management
  7. An MBA in Information Technology
MBA after B.Tech, Benefits of Doing MBA after Engineering-Manav Rachna

which specialization is best in MBA after engineering

With more and more students taking up engineering, the number of MBA grads is at an all-time high. And for good reason, too-an MBA builds strong foundations in business concepts, which is very sought-after by most companies nowadays. It also opens up new global avenues for growth, as most companies value an MBA degree very highly. An engineer, powered by an MBA degree, commands a better pay package than any other course. An engineering studentโ€™s average package is around 11 lakh, but if they combine degrees from the most sought-after institutes, then the package shoots up to 18 lakh for freshers. So, from the corporate world’s perspective, the market has always valued a good combination of techno-managerial skills.

To refresh, an MBA, or Master’s in Business Administration, is a globally accepted master’s level degree in business and finance. It is typically a two-year programme that aims at making a candidate more proficient in all aspects of management and an expert in one particular specialization. Choosing a specialization is mandatory because recruiters come to the campus to hire students for their specialized skills, not just for their general managerial skills.

That’s why we’ve made a list of the five most popular and sought-after MBA specializations of today.

1. MBA in FInance

An MBA in Finance is one of the most popular and highly sought-after specializations of an MBA. The students will be exposed to analytical thinking, managerial decisions, estimating profits and losses of a company or industry, coordination processes, and centralized nature. The curriculum focuses on factors of production, maintaining a budget for a company, investment and security, and working capital. An engineer develops good mathematical and analytical skills during graduation which helps greatly in understanding subjects like Accounts and Economics because you can co-relate the problems with practical scenarios.

 2. MBA in Marketing 

There is a huge demand for engineers with marketing specializations. Marketing is the core department for any company, and having a person with an engineering background and marketing expertise is highly valuable to the organization. An MBA in Marketing would help a student understand market behavior, consumer behavior, aspects of advertising, and many other crucial skills that surround the marketing activities of any product or service.

 3. MBA in Human Resource Management(HRM)

There are various job opportunities in the field of human resource management. All industries need to hire an HR administrator to settle and handle the activities regarding the hiring of an employee, their benefits, compensation, salary settlement, training and development, and ensure that all activities are done as per the company policy. If you possess good communication skills, have a charismatic personality, and are reliable and confident, an MBA in HR is the right choice for you.

 4. MBA in International Business(IB) 

With the advent of globalization and the opening up of world economies, an MBA in International Business is the way to go. It aims to teach students about the procedures and documentation involved in export and import, methods of approaching customers in foreign countries, currency conversation and fluctuation, and raising capital from the international market and distribution market. In addition, this would also increase your chances of traveling around the world to develop a cross-cultural perspective. 

5. MBA in Operations Management

Operations management is best suited for mechanical engineers, as it requires a deep knowledge of product development and design, as well as process optimization. You will learn how to process flows, develop vendor and inter-departmental relationships, and acquire a set of generic processes and techniques that help inefficient management of production and quality management in the industry.

We hope this helped you out in getting a clearer idea about the various options available to you if you want to pursue an MBA.

Which MBA stream to choose after Engineering? | shiksha.com

Benefits Of MBA After Engineering

Most search queries of engineering graduates are โ€œShould I pursue an MBA after B.Tech?โ€, and โ€œWhat are the career options after having an MBA and a B.Tech. degree?โ€ Both fresh graduates and experienced engineers who want to excel in their careers seek benefits and processes to pursue an MBA after engineering. MBA after B.tech is one of the most popular career choices for students of all ages.

Students with knowledge of technology, business, and finance get the privilege of entering the business world. Their technical skills can be used by multinational companies as well.

Technical skills are always in trend and without management, no company can run well. Technical and management skills are the core strength of any company. For this reason, a person with these two skills is the best choice that a company could make.

Most of the big companies in the IT sector hire graduates from decent colleges who have both B. Tech. and MBA degrees. Big brands are attracted to these people because they have two degrees in management and technology.

A degree is not the sole concern for getting a good package, although having an MBA degree from reputed colleges like IIMs, can provide students with higher packages than any other course. Candidates with both MBA and B.Tech. degrees can crack aptitude tests easily, which helps them to get a better package.

Having both degrees can offer broader career prospects for the candidates. They can pursue any course in any of these two fields.

MBA graduates with a B.Tech degree can skip the queue as they mostly start their careers at the manager level.

MBA is one of the professional degrees that is recognized all around the globe. The programme of MBA is quite alike in all provinces so the degree of any corner holds a similar importance in the other corner of the world.

An MBA can lead people to get managerial posts in organizations. MBA courses include business management, marketing, financial management, and other skills. These skills are much needed by startups. Technical, financial, and business management skills are beneficial for entrepreneurs.


MBA in engineering

Engineering is a field that continues to grow year after year. One option potential engineers are considering is earning both an MBA and an engineering degree. An MBA engineering degree teaches students the important parts of running and operating a business while also focusing on the engineering aspect. Many colleges and universities offer this as a dual degree. Whereas a masterโ€™s degree typically takes two to three years in addition to a bachelorโ€™s degree, an MBA engineering degree allows the student to actually earn two degrees in the time it would normally take to earn one degree.

Employers value strong technical skills combined with managerial aptitude. Completing your MBA early in your career can help you bring both your engineering expertise and business skills to future employers. It can also open doors to a number of non-traditional career possibilities, including positions in:

  • banking and financial services
  • big data analysis
  • supply chain management
  • product innovation
  • entrepreneurship

MBA after engineering Reddit

Engineering and MBA are two different fields, but they can work really well together. Imagine this scenario:

Over time, you learn a lot about the industry and your field. As you understand more, you’ll want to make a decision about your career and either go down the management/executive line or remain an engineer, albeit with greater responsibilities, throughout your career. Both can be equally rewarding but depends on your interest. If you decide on the former, it would be a good idea to get an MBA, and slowly transition into management and entrepreneurship. Business acumen + deep technical knowledge = $ucce$$.

While there are people who do this in India, there are plenty of others who complete engineering, work in a role that has nothing to do with what they graduated in or are interested in, get bored or burnt out, or think doing an MBA is a great idea when they do not have a clear career path set. Some of these people find success, but a lot don’t. Most end up working in a field that more or less has nothing to do with their original qualification again.

They do it because they saw a friend do it, or someone suggested it to them, or they are dazzled by the success stories. All of them are the wrong reasons to do a master’s. In general, the idea behind taking any master’s course is that you already have a really good idea about what you are doing and about what you want to do, so specialize in it by taking up an appropriate master’s degree.


MBA after electrical engineering 

MBA is a very common and distinguished degree worldwide. While pursuing this course you must be proficient enough in the subjects you choose. An MBA after Engineering opens doors to vast alumni networks, top-notch internships, and the best managerial job positions. It is a start to one of the finest career opportunities.

MBA is an amazing option to have after completing your BTech degree. For several students, it isnโ€™t just an option as theyโ€™ve already decided to go for an MBA for their career. It is a very diverse field. In addition, it offers you courses in many areas too. For instance, if you go for Sports and Luxury, you can always choose MBA ESG.

  • Safe Option                          

An MBA after BTech is considered a safe option as most of the time there is a placement guarantee. A simple undergraduate degree doesnโ€™t offer the same benefits. Most importantly, a lot of companies consider MBA graduates over BTech ones.

  • You get proper experience in college itself

MBA students are given a lot of practical training or field training with companies that end up hiring them. Moreover, companies spend a lot of time and an enormous amount of money on training these employees. Most undergraduate courses donโ€™t provide BTech students with proper field training or hands-on experience.

  • Meet lots of industry experts/insiders.

It helps you learn from a lot of good leaders, optimists, businessmen, and professionals. Hence, you can make contacts and have a great learning experience while building your career.

  • You can be your own boss

Lots of students pursue an MBA after Engineering to grab top managerial posts in organizations, but some of them donโ€™t. They pursue an MBA in order to become entrepreneurs and start their own ventures. MBA training includes business management, planning, marketing, financial management, and many other skills that entrepreneurs need. Hence, this makes it a highly desirable degree to be pursued after BTech.

  • Option to switch from technical to management

Do you feel that BTech is not for you and that you are far better in a managerial field? Have you seen yourself as something other than an engineer? In that case, an MBA in Engineering is a great choice for you.

  • Flexible study options

Quite often you want to pursue a postgraduate degree and keep your job too, and an MBA offers you this flexibility. Many colleges offer part-time and weekend MBA courses for people who need to gather some work experience and learn at the same time. To sum up, this is how working professionals are able to polish their skills. This helps to add value to their resume. Also, you can do this to learn and study at the same time.

  • New Skills and Expertise

An MBA after engineering will add to your resume. It will also act as proof that you are an expert in management. Most importantly, it will also teach you to master the best management skills that you could apply to your job.

  • More Career Options

The variety of subjects taught and introduced in an undergraduate course is quite narrow when compared to an MBA degree. Degrees obtained from most MBA colleges in India cover many core spectrums. It includes subjects such as statistics, economics, HR, finance, IT, business, etc. Therefore, it leads to you having a wider playing field and expands your horizons. With the right exposure, you can expect excellent jobs in multiple sectors of businesses.

  • Skip the lower range

You directly end up in the middle of the top if you choose to do an MBA after BTech. Most undergraduate courses make you start your career from the bottom, and an MBA allows you to rise up in the hierarchy faster.

  • High Income

This is a very important point to consider. Many BTech students tend to pursue an MBA afterward because of a fatter paycheck. If you want more zeros in your paycheck, then an MBA after engineering is the right option for you. The difference can be marginal or quite high, depending on your experience. The average salary after graduating with an MBA is about INR 6,87,000 per year or maybe higher. While that of a BTech graduate is up to INR 5,70,000 on average per year.

  • Credible career option

An MBA graduate has much more credibility in terms of position, compared to employees of other courses. So, you would have a safer and more credible career path compared to other working officials. An MBA after BTech will better prove your specialization in a specific niche such as finance, business, IT, economics, management, marketing, etc. Although an MBA after engineering alone is proof that you have specialized in one specific domain, that adds more value to your resume.

It also proves your credibility and competence in your field. This credibility is achieved after an MBA degree.

  • Opportunity to work with elite global brands

It is true that most of the big global brands hire professionals with management and technical background.

Itโ€™s not like they hire people by only looking at this perspective. However, the number of hired employees who have management as well as engineering degrees outnumbers those with any other educational background. So, doing an MBA after BTech can turn out to be very beneficial.

A reason for this is that a large number of candidates have both degrees. The people who end up getting hired are mostly fresh MBAs, hiring agencies usually require students for IT or banking BFSI industry. Both these industries prefer students with a B.Tech and MBA degree.

Hence, you will have a broad spectrum career-wise if you do your MBA and BTech from a decent college.

  • Higher demand for professionals

As technology keeps advancing and improving every day and is the future of our world, the demand for pass-outs with MBA after engineering degree would keep growing. As technical and management sectors are the core of the establishment and growth of any company, the demand for professionals with these two degrees wonโ€™t ever cease to exist.

  • Technical as well as team leading qualities

You have the technical know-how of how something functions, now by doing an MBA after Engineering you will know how to manage a company that runs it too. You will have the qualities of management and team-leading with an engineering degree.

engineering MBA dual degree

A dual degree An MBA or EMBA allows students to combine a business degree with a different graduate study programme. MBA Dual Degree programmes often take one less year to complete than if a student was pursuing both degrees separately, but this time frame varies depending on the programme and the university.

As an MBA / Engineering Dual Degree student, you will join other curious and independent thinkers in an accelerated program that provides the resources and experiences necessary to pursue your distinctive interestsโ€”and flourish in whatever career path you choose.

Double MS/MBA Degree | MBA Programs at UT Dallas

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