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Graduates of engineering degrees are in high demand all over the world, with developing and developed nations calling for highly qualified specialists to keep their economies growing. Whether you’re enrolling in your first engineering degree or preparing to specialize in masters or PhDs, our course guides are designed to help you choose the right program and get ready to apply. An engineering degree gives you a lot of options, both educationally and professionally. The area you choose to specialize in, as well as the degree level you obtain, will help determine your career path as well as your salary potential.
computer engineering colleges in florida

Best Computer Engineering Schools in Florida

We have created a 2020 ranking of the best colleges in Florida that offer Computer Engineering degrees to help you find a school that fits your needs. Each school’s ranking is based on the compilation of our data from reliable government sources, student surveys, college graduate interviews, and editorial review. In addition, you can view our entire list of all 47 Computer Engineering schools located within Florida. We also provide reviews, facts, and questions and answers for schools on our site and offer you access to get valuable information from colleges and universities today.
Best Computer Engineering Colleges in Florida for 2020
1 | University of Miami | Coral Gables, FL | ![]() | Based on 16 Reviews | Read more: University of Miami Reviews Get Admissions Info | |
2 | University of Florida | Gainesville, FL | ![]() | Based on 84 Reviews | Read more: University of Florida Reviews Get Admissions Info | |
3 | Florida Institute of Technology | Melbourne, FL | ![]() | Based on 8 Reviews | Read more: Florida Institute of Technology Reviews Get Admissions Info | |
4 | University of Central Florida | Orlando, FL | ![]() | Based on 68 Reviews | Read more: University of Central Florida Reviews Get Admissions Info | |
5 | University of South Florida-Main Campus | Tampa, FL | ![]() | Based on 56 Reviews | Read more: University of South Florida-Main Campus Reviews Get Admissions Info | |
6 | Florida International University | Miami, FL | ![]() | Based on 32 Reviews | Read more: Florida International University Reviews Get Admissions Info | |
7 | Florida State University | Tallahassee, FL | ![]() | Based on 48 Reviews | Read more: Florida State University Reviews Get Admissions Info | |
8 | Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University | Tallahassee, FL | ![]() | Read more: Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Reviews Get Admissions Info | ||
9 | Florida Atlantic University | Boca Raton, FL | ![]() | Based on 32 Reviews | Read more: Florida Atlantic University Reviews Get Admissions Info | |
10 | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach | Daytona Beach, FL | ![]() | Read more: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach Reviews Get Admissions Info |
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List of all Computer Engineering Colleges in Florida
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Best Colleges for Computer Engineering in Florida
Computer Engineering is a popular major and Florida is the 5th most popular state for students studying this major. 828 of the 15,329 Computer Engineering degrees awarded last year were given by schools in Florida. With so many options it can be a challenge finding the best choice. This year’s Best Colleges for Computer Engineering in Florida ranking analyzed 9 colleges and universities that offer a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. We look at over 20 factors to determine the top 1 schools for Computer Engineering students in Florida.
Choosing a Great Computer Engineering School
Your choice of computer engineering school matters. This section explores some of the factors we include in our ranking and how much they vary depending on the school you select. To make it into this list a school must excel in the following areas.
Overall Quality is a Must
The overall quality of a school is important to ensure a quality education, not just how well they do in a particular major. To take this into account we include a school’s overall Best Colleges ranking which itself looks at a combination of different factors like degree completion, educational resources, student body caliber and post-graduation earnings for the school as a whole.
Better Early and Mid Career Salaries
Computer Engineering graduates from colleges on this list tend to earn more after college than those from other schools. A computer engineering bachelors degree from a school in Florida helped students who graduated in 2015-2017 earn $60,750 a couple years later.
Other Factors We Consider
In addition to the above, you should consider some of the following factors:
- Major Focus – How much a school focuses on Computer Engineering students vs. other majors.
- Major Popularity – How many other computer engineering students choose this school.
- Accreditation – Whether a school is regionally accredited and/or a recognized computer engineering related accrediting body.
Our complete ranking methodology documents in more detail how we consider these factors to identify the best schools for Computer Engineering students in Florida.
Best Schools to Study Computer Engineering in Florida
The following list ranks the best colleges and universities in the U.S. for a Computer Engineering degree.
Best CE Colleges in Florida

University of Florida
Every student pursuing a degree in computer engineering needs to check out University of Florida. Located in the midsize city Gainesville, U of F is a public school with a very large student population.
For those interested in something more advanced, U of F also offers 2 different higher degree levels in computer engineering, the most popular of which is a Master’s Degree. University of Florida computer engineering majors make $7,767 more than the typical CE student.More…Request Information

Florida Institute of Technology
It’s difficult to beat Florida Institute of Technology if you want to study computer engineering. Located in the small city Melbourne, Florida Tech is a private not-for-profit school with a medium-sized student population.
For those interested in something more advanced, Florida Tech also offers 2 different higher degree levels in computer engineering, the most popular of which is a Master’s Degree. After graduating, CE students typically make an average of $63,700 in the first five years of their career.More…Request Information

University of Central Florida
It’s difficult to beat University of Central Florida if you wish to pursue computer engineering as a major. Located in the large suburb Orlando, UCF is a public college with a very large student population.
For those interested in something more advanced, UCF also offers 2 different higher degree levels in computer engineering, the most popular of which is a Master’s Degree.More…Request Information

University of South Florida – Main Campus
University of South Florida – Main Campus is a good decision for students interested in a Computer Engineering degree. Located in the city Tampa, USF Tampa is a public college with a fairly large student population.
For those interested in something more advanced, USF Tampa also offers 2 different higher degree levels in computer engineering, the most popular of which is a Doctor’s Degree (Research / Scholarship). After graduation, CE students typically make about $62,600 in their early careers.More…Request Information

University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL
U Miami is a large private not-for-profit school located in the large suburb of Coral Gables.More…Request Information

Florida State University
Located in the city Tallahassee, Florida State is a public college with a very large student population.
Soon after getting their bachelor’s degree, CE students generally earn about $64,300 in their early careers.More…Request Information

Florida Atlantic University
FAU is a fairly large public school located in the small city of Boca Raton.
For those interested in something more advanced, FAU also offers 2 different higher degree levels in computer engineering, the most popular of which is a Master’s Degree. Students who complete this program state that they receive average early career wages of $56,100.More…Request Information

Florida International University
FIU is a very large public school located in the large suburb of Miami.
In addition to its bachelor’s programs, FIU offers a Master’s Degree in computer engineering. Computer Engineering students from Florida International University get a earnings boost of about $4,467 over the average income of computer engineering majors.More…Request Information

The University of West Florida
Pensacola, FL
Located in the city Pensacola, University of West Florida is a public college with a fairly large student population
Best Computer Engineering Colleges in the Southeast Region
Explore all the Best Computer Engineering Schools in the Southeast Area or other specific states within that region.
State | Colleges | Degrees Awarded |
Georgia | 300 | 257 |
Virginia | 289 | 481 |
North Carolina | 286 | 426 |
Tennessee | 266 | 106 |
Kentucky | 257 | 156 |
South Carolina | 254 | 134 |
Louisiana | 254 | 32 |
Alabama | 250 | 165 |
Arkansas | 249 | 43 |
Mississippi | 239 | 64 |
West Virginia | 222 | 56 |
More Computer Engineering Rankings in Florida
Best Value Colleges
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COMPUTER ENGINEERINGBest for Non-Traditional Students
1South Florida Academy of AC

South Florida Academy of AC is a residential and light commercial HVAC technician training center.
At South Florida Academy of Air Conditioning, the test for the EPA-HVAC certification is given to all students who enroll in the HVAC training center at the approved testing center.
Testing fees are included in the price of tuition.
In just 4 weeks of training, students receive 185 hours of intensive technical HVAC training on how to fix, maintain, and install residential central AC systems.
Most training is hands-on, students are fixing systems just like the ones they will find in the field.
Upon completion of this course, all students will receive a Diploma in HVAC Technician Training from South Florida Academy of Air Conditioning.
In addition, the students will receive their National HVAC-EPA Certification with Certificate and EPA Universal Technician license card after passing the National EPA exam.
Upon completion, all students will receive custom made resumes.
The school also offers job placement assistance.
The school is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education
Florida Department of Education.
Fees. Tuition costs vary depending on the program and certification.
The school offers instant tuition financing loans for both Maintenance and Residential/Light Commercial HVAC technician courses.
Courses offered:
- Residential and Light Commercial HVAC class (185 hrs)
- Maintenance Technician (60 hrs)
Contact information:
- The school is located at 3343 W Commercial Blvd, Suite 105,
Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33309 - Phone: 561-702-1943
- Website: https://www.hvacjobs.bizVAC Technician Training Center
2South Florida Institute of Technology

South Florida Institute of Technology offers students a variety of academic programs designed to train qualified supporting personnel in the Health, Business and Construction Industry.
South Florida Institute of Technology is License by Commission for Independent of Education, Florida Department of Education and Accredited by Accrediting Commission of Career School and Colleges (ACCSC).
Enrollment. Admission representatives are available to guide prospective students.
Applicants need a valid driver’s license or photo ID, Social Security Card, high school diploma or G.E.D. and/or College Transcripts.
Non-US residents need permanent residency card, parole documents, I-94 card, & passport.
Fees. The registration fee is $150. Tuition is between $7,600 $10,525, depending on the program. Additional fees for books and supplies may apply.
Courses offered:
- Building Construction Technology
- Computer Business Application
- Computer Graphic and Web Design
- Electrical Construction Technician
- Medical Assistant
- Patient Care Technician
- Plumbing Technician
- Refrigeration & AC Repair Technician
Contact information:
- Main Campus: 720 NW 27 Ave. 2nd Floor, Miami, FL 33125
- Phone: (305) 649-2050
- Satellite Campus: 1275 W 47 PL Ste 201, Hialeah, FL 33012
- Phone: (305) 820-8993
- Website:
3Elite Bartending School and Event Staffing

Elite Bartending School is a State Licensed Bartending School fully regulated by the Florida Department of Education.
The school was established in Miami in 2007.
Today Elite Bartending School teaches bartending classes in 5 different locations in Florida: Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Keys, Fort Myers, and Orlando.
Classes are taught by instructors with over 25 years of combined experience in the field.
Elite’s classes are hands-on and are held and taught inside one of Ft. Myers best nightclubs.
Elite Bartending School of Southwest Florida offers Point Of Sale computer training to all students who enroll in the school.
Flair Workshops will be offered for free through the school via Bartender forums.
Enrollment. Applicants must be at least 18 years old. Photo identification with date of birth is required.
Fees. The total program cost is $750. This includes a $150 registration fee.
Courses offered:
- Fundamentals of Bartending 1001 (40 hours)
Contact information:
- Miami school: 311 NW 23rd Street Miami, FL 33127
- Phone: 305-460-2220
- Fort Lauderdale school: 310 SW 2nd Street, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312
- Phone: 954-237-6645
- Florida Keys school: 22658 Overseas Highway, Cudjoe Key, FL 33042
- Phone: 786-444-5364
- Fort Myers school: 2213 Main Street, Ft Myers, FL 33990
- Phone: 239-900-6701
- Orlando school: 56 E. Pine Street, Orlando, FL 32801
- Phone: 407-639-8188
- Website:
4Career Tech

Career Tech is a Transportation & Logistics Training School in Central Florida.
The school’s philosophy is that everyone can learn the skills they need to increase their earning potential, and thereby improve their lives.
Career Tech is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education, Florida Department of Education.
Classes sizes are small with an average of 6 students for the Advanced Truck Driver & Commercial Truck Driver Training programs.
Graduates will have their certification recognized nationwide.
Career Tech is accredited through the COE, Council on Occupational Education, an accrediting agency based out of Atlanta, GA.
Enrollment. Applicants must submit a Birth Certificate showing he/she is at least 18 years of age. Prospective students must also submit a picture identification card like a driver’s license or state-issued identification card.
A signed Statement of General Health is also required before classes begin.
Students applying for entrance in the Commercial Truck Driver Training program or the Advanced Truck Driver program must meet other additional requirements.
Fees. Tuition fee is $5,995 for the Commercial Truck Driver Training Class and $12,000 for the Advanced Truck Driver class.
Financial aid, in the form of student loans, is available to qualifying students.
Courses offered:
- Commercial Truck Driver Training (Class A Only) – 160 hours
- Advanced Truck Driver Training (Class A Only) – 320 hours
Contact information:
- The school is located at 2219 W Memorial Blvd, Lakeland, FL 33815
- Phone: (863) 688-8800
- Website:
5Tulsa Welding School – Jacksonville

Tulsa Welding School offers a 7-month training program for future professional welders.
The program consists of 80% hands-on welding courses taught by experienced professionals.
Students will spend only 1 day a week in the classroom.
The school offers flexible scheduling with morning, afternoon and evening welding classes available at the Tulsa, Oklahoma and Jacksonville, Florida campuses.
Enrollment. Applicants are required to be a high school graduate with a standard or higher level diploma or possess GED or high school equivalency. All applicants must be at least 18 years of age or older.
Applicants must have good eyesight with corrective lenses, if needed, and be capable of dealing with the physical requirements in the welding profession.
Fee. Registration fee is $50. Tuition is between $14,523 and $20,465, depending on the program. Lab fees, textbooks, gear, and insurance are not included in these prices.
Tulsa Welding School also offers a variety of scholarships to students who qualify.
Courses offered:
The following courses are offered at the Jacksonville, FL Campus:
- Professional Welder
- Professional Welder with Pipefitting
- Electro-Mechanical Technologies
- HVAC Training: Refrigeration Technologies Program
- Electrical Aplications
Contact information:
- The Florida campus is located at 3500 Southside Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL 32216
- Phone: (855) 237-7711
- Website:
6Florida Education Institute

Founded in 1995, the Florida Education Institute offers quality career education for future skilled professionals in various industries.
Education at FEI is centered on hands-on learning.
The Institute offers a flexible schedule with day and evening classes.
The school’s mission is to provide quality career education that is “student-centered” and prepares students for new career opportunities
Florida Education Institute is nationally accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE).
Enrollment. Prospective students must be at least 16 years of age. They must provide a valid driver’s license, state ID with photo, or valid passport with Application for Admission.
Applicants must also provide proof of high school graduation or GED
Prospective students will be interviewed by an Admissions Advisor.
Fees. Registration fee is $100. Tuition is between $15,950 and $26,125, depending on the program.
Financial aid is also available to qualifying students. The school also offers assistance in applying for financial aid.
Courses offered:
- Pharmacy Technician
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Office Administrator (A.A.S.)
- Pastry And Baking Arts
- Medical Billing And Coding
- Business Management
- Culinary Arts
Contact information:
- The school is located at 5818 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33144
- Phone: 305-444-1515
- Emai:
- Website:
7Southern Technical College

Southern Technical College is an accredited private institution offering career education at its campuses in Auburndale, Brandon, Fort Myers, Orlando, Port Charlotte, Sanford, Tampa and online.
The Southern Technical College aims to provide education and training in a variety of medical and technical areas that enable graduates to obtain entry-level employment.
The College offers Associate’s Degrees, Associate of Applied Science Degree and Diploma Programs.
Southern Technical College is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education, Florida Department of Education.
Fort Myers, Port Charlotte, and Tampa campuses are accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) to award Bachelor’s degrees, Associate’s degrees, and diplomas.
Orlando, Auburndale, Brandon, and Sanford campuses are accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges to award Associate’s degrees and diplomas.
Enrollment. Applicants must be high school graduates or have successfully completed equivalent education.
Fees. Tuition for Diploma Programs are between $14,612 and $18,950, depending on the program.
Courses offered:
- Southern Technical College offers the following diploma programs:
- Medical Assisting
- Patient Care Technician
- Veterinary Assisting
- Electrical Technology
Contact information:
- Auburndale Campus, 450 Havendale Blvd., Auburndale, FL 33823
- Brandon Campus, 608 East Bloomingdale Ave., Brandon, FL 33511
- Fort Myers Campus, 1685 Medical Lane, Ft Myers, FL 33907
- Orlando Campus, 1485 Florida Mall Ave., Orlando, FL 32809
- Port Charlotte Campus, 950 Tamiami Trail #109, Port Charlotte, FL 33953
- Sanford Campus, 2910 S. Orlando Drive, Sanford, FL 32773
- Tampa Campus, 3910 Riga Blvd., Tampa, FL 33619
- Phone: (877) 347-5492
- Website:
8Brewster Technical College

Brewster Technical College can be traced back to 1925 when it was opened as a school specifically for vocational training.
The College provides a technical education which enables each adult student to excel as a successful and responsible citizen.
A part of Hillsborough County Public Schools, BTC is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education.
Enrollment. As a first step in the enrollment process, applicants are required to visit student services. Prospective students must provide an approved High School Diploma or GED and a Social Security Card.
Fees. Applicants pay a $10 non-refundable application fee, a $5 testing fee, and a $10 student activity fee. Fees also include a $12 school insurance and $15 liability insurance.
Tuition for Florida residents is $2.78 per class/clinical hour. Tuition for non-Florida residents is $11.75 per class/clinical hour.
Additional costs may include textbooks, uniforms, shoes, physical examinations, license or certification fees, classroom supplies, tools, and equipment.
Courses offered:
Some of the courses offered at Brewster Technical College are:
- Automotive Service Technology
- Central Sterile Processing Technology
- Distribution and Logistics Department
- Early Childhood Education
- Pharmacy Technician
- Practical Nursing
- Web Development
Contact information:
- Brewster Technical College is located at 2222 North Tampa Street
Tampa, FL 33602 - Phone: 813-276-5448
- Website:
9Florida Vocational Institute

Florida Vocational Institute’s mission is to provide the community with career training that prepares students to excel in many high demand industries.
The Institute has two campuses in Florida.
The main campus in Miami is composed of 13,339 square feet of space with theory classrooms, medical and computer labs, a student lounge, a reception area, fully equipped administrative offices, and a library/resource information area.
The Miramar campus is composed of 30,000 square feet of dedicated space including a common lounge, reception area in addition to a theory classrooms/lab area.
The Florida Vocational Institute is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education
Enrollment. In order to be considered for admission applicants must:
- Be at least 17 years of age when the program starts. If the applicant is under 18 a parent or a guardian must sign the terms and conditions of enrollment.
- The applicant must complete an initial interview with an Admissions Representative.
- The applicant must be a high-school graduate or have a recognized equivalent of a high school diploma.
Fees. Registration fee is $100. Tuition fees are between $390 and $42,750.
Additional costs may include background/immunization titers, books, and supplies, uniforms, Cert Exams, Laptop or Kindle, etc.
Courses offered:
- Nursing
- Pharmacy Technician
- Medical Assistant
- Patient Care Technician
- Home Health Aide
- Mental Health Technician
- Web Developer
- Cyber Security and Network Technician
- Web Design and Digital Marketing
Contact Information:
- The Miami campus is located at 7757 West Flagler Street, Suite 220, Miami, FL 33144
- The Miramar campus is located at 3520 Enterprise Way, Miramar, FL 33025
- Phone: 786-574-3350
- Website:
10Hollywood Career Institute

Hollywood Career Institute provides healthcare training in Hollywood, Florida.
Classes are taught by qualified instructors who are experienced in the medical field.
Students can choose between weekday, evening, and weekend classes.
The school also offers Real Estate, Community Association, Management classes and much more.
Hollywood Career Institute has modern training classrooms, state-of-the-art laboratories, and equipment.
Enrollment. All applicants must be U.S. citizens or provide valid documentation of eligible non-citizenship status. Prospective candidates must provide proof of high school graduation, GED or equivalent. A valid picture ID and social security card are also necessary.
A personal interview with each applicant is required prior to acceptance into the school.
Fees. Application and registration fees are $25 each. Tuition for the healthcare program is between $440 and $3,000, depending on the program.
Courses offered:
- Home Health Aide (75 hours)
- Patient Care Technician
- Phlebotomy Technician
- Medical Billing and Coding
- Behavioral Health Technician
- Real Estate License Prep
- Insurance License Prep
- Security Guard License Prep
- EKG National Prep Licensing
- Phlebotomy National Prep Licensing
- Med Tech
Contact information:
- The school is located at 1617 S. 21st Avenue, Hollywood, FL 33020
- Phone: 954-866-322