
best law schools in italy

Italy has become one of the most popular study abroad destinations, and with the impressive choices in Universities, it’s clear why. Here are the top universities to study abroad at in Italy.


The backbone of the School of Law is the five-year Integrated Master of Arts in Law. The program is offered in Italian but has a strong international inclination. Its contents include European law, specialized legal English, a course in International law taught in English and an international track among the choice of majors. 

Furthermore, students can gain experience abroad in an Exchange Program at one of our 58 partner schools in 20 countries, or earn a Double Degree thanks to new agreements with top law schools in Europe and the US. Selected students can do an exchange through Themis, a network of 9 prestigious universities focusing on business law, or participate in Moots, arbitration and commercial law competitions involving students from around the world.

The School also offers two unique Specialized Master programs held entirely in English. The LLM in Law of Internet Technology prepares young lawyers to tackle the intricate and ever-changing zone where the law and the digital world meet, while the LLM in European Business and Social Law provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the legal system of the European Union.
The School of Law’s educational offer in Italian also includes a Master program and other specialization and professional courses in the field of legal studies.

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As a law student, you can expect to learn how to deal with some of the most problematic – indeed, often seemingly irresolvable – conflicts and issues in modern society and morality. In providing a framework for examining and understanding different societies and cultures, law degrees are a useful way to prepare not only for specific legal careers, but for a wide range of professional roles – and indeed for life in general.

About Italy

Italy is a southern European, parliamentary republic bordered by Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and France and includes the islands of Sardinia and Sicily as part of its territory. The Vatican City and San Marino are sovereign states existing within Italy while the Italian enclave of Campione d’Italia is located in Switzerland. With the fourth biggest economy of any European Union member, Italy is also an influential Regional and Middle Power and an established participant of NATO, the World Trade Organization and all three annual “G” summits.

Italy’s government is a bicameral parliament consisting of two houses–the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies. The “Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri” (President of the Council of Ministers or Prime Minister of Italy) is head of government and is elected to office by the President of the Republic. The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies are independent entities that never meet unless under specific circumstances as described in Italy’s constitution.

Italy’s Legal System

Administrative, criminal and civil courts comprise Italy’s legal system. Criminal cases involve tribunals, judges and juries, unlike administrative and civil courts that only require lawyers to complete litigation. Following judgment, a party in criminal court can appeal to a higher court up to Italy’s Supreme Court, if applicable. Civil court justice is allocated by the “giudice di pace” (the justices of the peace), judges, tribunals, appeals and supreme courts.

Protection of individual and legitimate interests is the function of Italy’s administrative courts. Cases heard in administrative court primarily deal with public interests, public funds and problems surrounding estates, wills or city/village issues.

Study Law in Italy

Becoming a Lawyer in Italy

Lawyers in Italy are referred to as “avvocati” and belong to the country’s national bar association called the “Consiglio Nazionale Forense”. Lawyers may also be members of their local bar association since the legal profession in Italy is decentralized. However, the Consiglio Nazionale Forense is responsible for dispensing disciplinary measures on all practicing lawyers in Italy and adheres to a code of conduct that applies to counselors working in all Italian territories.

Because Italy is a European Union country, its legal education requirements mirror those of other EU countries. Completion of undergraduate (LLB) and graduate level (LLM) is mandatory, along with at least one year of interning with a law firm or other law-oriented entities. Passage of the bar examination is necessary before lawyers can practice law in Italy.

Tuition Fees

Cost of attending law school in Italy varies widely depending on area and whether the university is public or private.

Where will you study?

There are programs and schools to fit everyone, spanning both the length of study and degree discipline. Whenever preparing for a study abroad opportunity, talk to your study abroad office as they are a great source of information, especially if you are looking to get course credit.

Make a plan for what you want to get out of your program and what is important to you in a school. But most of all, keep an open mind and don’t get frustrated by the process of searching. There are a lot of options, which can seem overwhelming. Stick with it, and you’ll have the best experience living the Italian life, no matter where you choose.

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