Approximately 16,329 drama and theater arts degrees were granted to students last year in the United States. With so many choices it can be a daunting task finding the right fit. This year’s Best Colleges for Drama & Theater Arts ranking analyzed 173 colleges and universities that offer a bachelor’s degree in drama and theater arts. We look at over 20 factors to determine the top 15% of schools for Drama & Theater Arts students.
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Approximately 17,242 drama and theater arts degrees were awarded to students last year in the United States. With so many choices it can be a challenge finding the right fit. This year’s Best Colleges for Drama & Theater Arts ranking analyzed 314 colleges and universities that offer a bachelor’s degree in drama and theater arts. We look at over 20 factors to determine the top 25 colleges for Drama & Theater Arts students.
best colleges for theatre
Choosing a Great Drama & Theater Arts School
The theater program you select can have a big impact on your future. This section explores some of the factors we include in our ranking and how much they vary depending on the school you select. To make it into this list a school must excel in the following areas.
Overall Quality is a Must
The overall quality of a school is important to ensure a good education, not just how well they do in a particular major. To take this into account we include a school’s overall Best Colleges ranking which itself looks at a host of different factors like degree completion, educational resources, student body caliber and post-graduation earnings for the school as a whole.
The lowest ranked school in our list is in the top 15% of our overall quality ranking while the vast majority are in at least the top 12%.Overall Best Colleges Rank ( 206 to 67 )Lowest Ranked OverallTop Ranked Overall
Better Early and Mid Career Salaries
Drama & Theater Arts graduates from colleges on this list tend to earn more after college than those from other schools. While the average drama and theater arts bachelors degree from U.S. colleges results in an average starting salary of $20,591, graduates of colleges on this list average $21,577.Starting Salary ( 18640 to 24959 )$0$28,000
Other Factors We Consider
In addition to the above, you should consider some of the following factors:
- Major Focus – How much a school focuses on Drama & Theater Arts students vs. other majors.
- Major Popularity – How many other drama and theater arts students choose this school.
- Accreditation – Whether a school is regionally accredited and/or a recognized drama and theater arts related accrediting body.
Our full ranking methodology documents in more detail how we consider these factors to identify the best schools for Drama & Theater Arts students.
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Best Schools to Study Drama & Theater Arts in United States
The following list ranks the best colleges and universities in the U.S. for a Drama & Theater Arts degree. Only those schools that rank in the top 15% of all the schools we analyze get awarded with a place on this list. Of the 314 schools analyzed, only 25 earned the distinction of being on this list.
Here are some additional great schools for Theater students that almost earned our Best Colleges for Drama & Theater Arts award.
Rank | College | Location |
48 | The New School | New York, NY |
49 | University of Cincinnati – Main Campus | Cincinnati, OH |
50 | Boston University | Boston, MA |
51 | University of Nebraska – Lincoln | Lincoln, NE |
52 | University of Michigan – Ann Arbor | Ann Arbor, MI |
53 | Kansas State University | Manhattan, KS |
54 | San Jose State University | San Jose, CA |
55 | University of Notre Dame | Notre Dame, IN |
56 | DePaul University | Chicago, IL |
57 | Texas Tech University | Lubbock, TX |
58 | Virginia Commonwealth University | Richmond, VA |
59 | Emerson College | Boston, MA |
60 | Arizona State University – Tempe | Tempe, AZ |
61 | Montclair State University | Montclair, NJ |
62 | Towson University | Towson, MD |