International Politics and Government - Bocconi University Milan

Are you passionate about fulfilling your life-long dream of studying abroad? Do you feel like you might not be getting accurate information about equine vet schools in Kentucky? You need not be worried anymore or confused, because this article below provides you with up-to-date, trusted, and relevant information about Bocconi University International Students Fees.

All you need to do to get the latest information on Bocconi University International Students Fees together with information about Bocconi University Scholarships For International Students, bocconi university requirements for international students, bocconi university masters is to constantly search for related information  on collegelearners.com.

Fees and Scholarships

Tuition and FeesStudents will pay the tuition and fees of the university where they are in residence each year.
During the fourth year students will pay according to the university location they choose to attend.
Below you can find the the tuition and fees and accommodation costs at each institution for the WBB program for 2021-2022. Please note that fees and costs are subject to change.

YearYear 1
Year 2
Year 3
TuitionUSD 59,260.00HKD 210,000Euro 18,000
Accommodations*USD 15,916.00HKD 35,000 โ€“ 100,000around Euro 7,000

*Depends on the availability of on campus dormitory 


WBB is for students with an outstanding academic record. A number of scholarships have thus been established to acknowledge studentsโ€™ achievements. All applicants will be automatically considered for scholarships based on their academic merit and other accomplishments. There is no need to file a separate scholarship application.


All students with European citizenship enrolled in the World Bachelor in Business program can apply for a dedicated loan with a major European bank.

Bocconi Tuition and Fees

For students enrolled in their 1st year in the 2021-2022 academic year, for Master of Science programs, Bocconi University foresees yearly tuition and fees amounting to โ‚ฌ 14,073.

Information about deadlines and methods of payment of tuition and fees are available in the proper section “Payments: installments and deadlines”.

Bocconi has a detailed system of funding opportunities. Browse the specific site area to gather all the relevant information.


โ€” Being updated โ€”  

Students must pay the entire amount of academic tuition and fees to Bocconi University, on the basis of the deadlines and methods defined by the Fees Funding and Housing Office.

The amounts relating to academic tuition and fees do not include any additional necessary or ancillary fees such as, for example, the graduation fee, payment for participation in special programs, payment for certificates for which you are kindly requested to refer to the dedicated website pages.

Tuition and fees are due in their full amount from first year of enrollment and for each academic year of enrollment

Amounts and installments

The amount of academic tuition and fees (for students enrolled to Bachelor and Law programs, Master of science) are divided into installments, the details of which are shown in the following pages and are also published in the Financial situationโ€ฏโ€”โ€ฏPayments section of the You@B Agenda, usually by mid November :

ProgramA.Y. 2021-22A.Y. 2022-23
Bachelor of Science and Law programsLinkSoon available
Master of Science programsLinkSoon available
Specialized masterAll information are available in the specific webpages of each masterSoon availbale

Methods of payment

The payment of University fees can be made either with the MAV or PagoPa online system (if already available and enabled). 

After clicking on the โ€œPayment codeโ€,  with reference to the MAV, clicking on the โ€œPrint MAVโ€ bottom it will be possible to use the MAV printed online or the MAV code for the payment through www.scrignopagofacile.it or through your online bank in Italy.

It is specified that the time for the automatic registration of the payment, which will be confirmed by changing the color by red to green, in correspondence with the payment code, usually vary from 3 to 5 working days.

With reference to PagoPa (only for enable payments) clicking on the โ€œPayment codeโ€ and then selecting โ€œChoose the payment methodโ€ you will be redirected to the online platform to complete the transaction.

Choosing this payment method, the PagoPa online system will process the transaction within few minutes, with a significant reduction of registration times at Punto Blu and it will be confirmed by the color change from red to green.

For more information on this payment method, please read the following web page (link). 


The deadlines for the payment of academic tuition and fees are the same for all students, regardless of the course ( for students enrolled to a Bachelor and Law programs, Master of science) and year of study. However, it is specified that the expiry of the first installment (advance payment) for students enrolled in the first year of the course is strictly linked to their enrollment session.

Installment A.Y. 2021-2022A.Y. 2022-23
1st installment โ€” Advance07/09/2021 starting from 2nd year of studySoon available
1st installment โ€” Adjustment01/12/2021Soon available
2nd installment31/01/2022Soon available
3rd installment29/04/2022Soon available

With reference to the payment deadlines for the a.y. 2021-2022 with regard to University Specialized Masters we invite you to view the single pages of Masters.

Consequences when deadlines are not met

Payments for tuition and fees made after the official deadlines cause:

  • penalty fines equal to 100 euros, charged the day after the registration of the late payment.

Therefore, we invite you to check the “Financial Situation-Payments” section on Agenda yoU@B in case of payments of one or multiple installments after the deadline foreseen. Failing the payment relating to penalties (in addition to University contributions) makes it impossible to enroll in the following academic year. It will not affect educational and administrative activities and to register for the exams (except for the blocking of educational and administrative activities as described below). 

  • Automatic suspension of access to teaching and administrative services according to the prospectus below. The Fees Funding and Housing office will carry out controls on the regularity of the student’s financial situation upon the request by the interested student. 
Installment A.Y. 2021-2022A.Y. 2022-23
1st installment โ€” AdvanceIn case of payment not registered by 07/10/2021Soon available
1st installment โ€” AdjustmentIn case of payment not registered by 11/01/2022 Soon available
2nd installment In case of payment not registered by 02/03/2022 Soon available
3rd installment In case of payment not registered by 30/05/2022 Soon available

Payments to be done with different deadlines than the official ones cause the suspension of teaching and administrative services from the 31st day following the expiry date.

A penalty fine equal to 100 euros will be charged also in case of late enrollment to the academic year.

Check the Guides to University to verify the deadlines for enrollment to academic year.

When the financial position is not regularized, student can’t enroll to next academic year but can register for exams (except in case of suspension of teaching and administrative services).

For other consequences, click here.

Consequences in case of disciplinary sanctions

Students who receive a disciplinary sanction as:

  • Temporary ban from one or more courses;
  • Exclusion from one or more exams for one or more exam periods

are required to pay the total amount of academic tuition and fees due, according to the official payment deadlines defined by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office.

Students who receive a disciplinary sanction as:

  • Temporary suspension from the University and loss of exam periods (not more than three years)

are required to pay the total amount of tuition and fees for the academic year in which the decision is made, based on the official payment deadlines defined by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office.

In case of disciplinary sanctions that may have a duration of over a year, at the time of the end of the sanction and the consequent re-enrollment in a specific academic year, will apply the regulation defined for re-enrollment after an interruption of their studies for the years of non-enrollment (link)The specific rules on the revocation of each individual benefits apply to students who are recipients of economic benefits.

Bocconi University Scholarships For International Students

Bocconi University: Rankings, Courses, Acceptance Rate, Admission 2021

ISU Bocconi Scholarship

A.Y. 2021-2022

The Financial aid โ€” Key information
100% waiver* from tuition and fees
Other Benefits
Cash stipend
Contributions for international mobility programs
Free daily meal, which corresponds to the amount defined for the a.y. 2021-22 by the Lombardy Region (amount for a.y. 2020-2021: โ‚ฌ 712,00) and access to reduced rate canteen service 
200-hours work-study program

*50% waiver for fuori corso students

1. Eligible students

To apply for the “ISU Bocconi Scholarship for the academic year 2021-2022”, the enrollment, economic and merit requirements listed below must be met.

Students may not participate in the a.y. 2020-21 application if fall within one of the grounds for exclusion.

1a. Enrollment requirements

In order to participate, students must be enrolled in the 2021-2022 a.y., with the following conditions:

regular students: enrolled for the first time (absolute first year of enrollment) in a regular year of a Bachelor of Science, Integrated Master of Arts in Law or Master of Science program or for the first time in a year of a PhD program (if not recipients of a scholarship pursuant to Italian DM 224/1999 or Post Docs pursuant to Italian Law 449 of 27.12.1997.). It is specified that students enrolled in the a.y. 2021-2022 to a PhD program, must have been declared winners for the a.y. 2021-2022 of the admission competition to one of the PhD program activated at Bocconi University or have been duly admitted for the a.y. 2021-2022 to attend a year of PhD program following the first.


โ€œfuori corsoโ€ students: enrolled for the first time (absolute first year of enrollment) in the first year โ€œfuori corsoโ€ after the regular Bachelor of Science, Integrated Master of Arts in Law or Master of Science program has ended

1b. Economic requirements

In addition to information above, students can apply for ISU Bocconi Scholarship only if they also meet the economic requirements foreseen (Limits defined by Region of Lombardy for a.y. 2020-2021 that will be updated by July 2021):

> ISEE/ISEEU Parificato no higher than โ‚ฌ 23,000;

> ISPE/ISPEEU Parificato no higher than โ‚ฌ 50,000.

All details regarding the economic requirements for a.y. 2021-2022 are available on this webpage.

1c. Merit Requirements

Students can apply for ISU Bocconi Scholarship only they meet, in addition to economic and enrollment requirements, also merit requirements foreseen.

The merit requirements indicated in the table below and expressed as university credits must be achieved and registered by 10 August 2021.

Year of program in AY 2021-2022Credits required as of 10 August 2021
Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Integrated Master of Arts in Law (LAW)
1st year (BSc/LAW)44 (ex post as of 10 August 2022)>> further information on the “Verification ex post and revocation” page
2nd year (BSc/LAW)49
3rd year (BSc/LAW)95
1st “fuori corso” year (BSc)150
4th year (LAW)150
5th year (LAW)220
1st “fuori corso” year (LAW)274
Master of Science Programs
1st year39 (ex post as of 10 August 2022)>> further information on the “Verification ex post and revocation” page
2nd year50
1st “fuori corso” year94

Any changes in the number of credits, which may derive from exceptional measures, will be communicated through the publication on the website.

For the purpose of calculating the academic merit in the provisional ranking, only exams taken within 10 August 2021 will be considered. Students with anomalies with the exams registration within 13 September 2021 shall contact the Academic Services via Help&Contact.

In order to reach the minimum merit requirements needed to request the Right to University Education financial aid, in addition to the credits already earned, all students, except first-year students, may use bonus credits in not already used (link).

Please note that the number of credits needed to access the ranking will be calculated based on the credits required for each past academic year, starting with the absolute first-year of enrollment. This rule is also applied to anyone who has interrupted the normal progression of the attended years of the program (e.g. students who repeat or have repeated a year of the program, and other interruptions). The absolute first year of enrollment shall be understood as any academic year of first enrollment in any kind of degree program (even if different from the one attended in AY 2021-22) which required the same education qualification as the one needed to access the attended program in AY 2021-22, in any University in Italy or abroad, even if the program has not been completed.

Please note:
To students enrolled in the a.y. 2021-2022 in the first year of a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science or Integrated Master of Arts in Law is not required to comply with (ex ante) merit requirements in order to apply for ISU Bocconi scholarship.

The merit requirements will also be verified ex post: failure to achieve the merit requirements set for the first year will entail the revocation of the benefit, in retrospect.

2. Deadlines and procedures

The assistance and services assigned for the a.y. 2021-22 are not automatically granted for the following academic years. For this reason it is the studentโ€™s responsibility, if in possession of the requirements, to submit the application every academic year of enrollment, according to the timescales and procedures that will be indicated.

Interested students have to submit the ISU Bocconi Scholarship” application after having completed the enrollment procedure, according to the deadlines and procedure foreseen.

ISU Bocconi Scholarship application a.y. 2021-2022
from 4th June to 2nd July, 2021

3. Results

Notification of results
Provisional rankingBy 15th October 2021
Final rankingBy the end of October 2021

All information about results are available to this webpage.

The ISU benefit assigned for the academic year 2021-2022 will be included in the student’s financial situation, which can be viewed at the Punto Blu (> administrative area> Fees, Funding and Housing) ONLY after the Fees, Funding and Housing Office has verified that the student is regularly enrolled in the first year or regularly enrolled in the year following the first  to a.y. 2021-2022. For this reason, students who in the academic year 2021-2022 will be “enrolled with reserve” (or have enrollment subject to reserve) will not be able to view in the system the benefit assigned for the academic year 2021-2022 and will not be able to receive a refund of the first installment paid (advance payment) for the academic year 2021-2022 until the reserve is lifted.

4. Renewal

The assistance and services assigned for the a.y. 2021-22 are not automatically granted for the following academic years.

For this reason it is the studentโ€™s responsibility, if in possession of the requirements, to submit the application every academic year of enrollment, according to the timescales and procedures that will be indicated.

5. Revocation and loss of benefit

1. Revocation of the benefit

All information about the revocation of the ISU Bocconi benefit is available on this webpage.

2. Loss of the benefit

The right to eligibility for ISU Bocconi and, if relevant, for scholarships and integrations will automatically be forfeited if:

the student does not submit to ISU Bocconi, via registered mail and within the deadlines and using the methods requested by the Office, any original documentation required to check the accuracy of their self- certification; in such cases the application istreated as an untruthful declaration;

the student withdraws from studies during the course of the year; 

the student transfersto another university during the course of the year;

the student is not regularly enrolled in the a.y. 2021-2022 following the results of the final ranking.

Scholarship Opportunities

Bocconi University offers need-based scholarships to international students, up to 100% fee waiver. Including Bocconi ISU Scholarships, there are two main types of financial aid awards that one can apply for both Bachelors of Science and Master of Science programs, i.e. Merit Awards and International Awards.

Merit Awards
Comprising of a full tuition waiver providing around โ‚ฌ 12,000 annually (undergraduate) and โ‚ฌ 13,000 annually (Graduate), it also offers a chance for some selected students to get free accommodation in the residence halls of the university.

International Awards
Provides a 50% reduction in tuition fees for bachelorโ€™s and masterโ€™s programs.

These scholarship awards can be applied for renewal after 2 years for undergraduate courses or in the final year of graduate program, given the student fulfils the necessary academic progress specified under the award.

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