In the past, getting a master’s degree in computer science was a pretty hard thing to do. You needed to get admitted to a graduate program, and then you needed to get accepted into that program. And even if you did all that, you still had to pay for it! Want to build a career in computer science? A master’s degree can help you do that. This page explores the details of Brown University Computer Science Masters Acceptance Rate, brown university computer science graduate admissions deadline, brown university computer science acceptance rate, brown university computer science requirements and brown university computer science undergraduate.

Brown University Graduate Acceptance Rate โ€“

But now things are different. Nowadays, employers are willing to hire candidates who have earned their master’s degrees in computer science over candidates with bachelor’s degreesโ€”even if those jobs used to only require a bachelor’s degree. And this trend is only growing stronger. Read on to know more about Brown University Computer Science Masters Acceptance Rate, brown university computer science graduate admissions deadline, brown university computer science acceptance rate, brown university computer science requirements and brown university computer science undergraduate.

In fact, many employers are now preferring candidates with a master’s degree over those with a bachelor’sโ€”for jobs that previously only required a bachelor’s. And if you’re looking for opportunities, you’ll find them! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the need for information security specialists will grow by 18% from 2016 to 2026; and cloud computing specialists are also predicted to see an increase in demand.

If this sounds like the path for you, then it’s time to start exploring your options and one great place to start is Brown University. Here, you can earn your Master of Science in Computer Science online.

Brown University offers a Master of Science in Computer Science online program that covers both theory and practical training in programming languages like Java, C++ or Python; as well as databases such as MySQL or MongoDB. You’ll also learn how to apply these concepts using big data tools like Hadoop or Apache Spark; along with machine learning techniques including deep learning methods like neural networks or support vector machines (SVM).

Brown University Computer Science Masters Acceptance Rate

We begin with Brown University Computer Science Masters Acceptance Rate, then brown university computer science graduate admissions deadline, brown university computer science acceptance rate, brown university computer science requirements and brown university computer science undergraduate.

Acceptance rates for masters and PhD programs in computer science are 38% and 12.9% respectively. The tuition fees for Brown University are $54270 and $14670 should cover your living expenses.

But of course, this is just the beginningโ€”once you’ve got your acceptance letter in hand, you’ll want to know how much it will cost you. Brown University’s tuition fees are $54270 for their Masters program and $14670 should cover your living expenses.

The curriculum covers topics such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, security systems design and cryptography. Students also learn how to apply their knowledge through coursework that focuses on real-world problems faced by industry leaders like Google or Facebook.”

brown university computer science graduate admissions deadline

Now we consider brown university computer science graduate admissions deadline, brown university computer science acceptance rate, brown university computer science requirements and brown university computer science undergraduate.

Applying To Our Master’s Program

Please note that we’re currently not admitting students for the Spring, 2022 semester, but applications are open for Fall, 2022. 

Thanks for your interest in our Master’s program. If you haven’t already, please:

  • acquaint yourself with the programย to make sure it’s a good fit for you.ย Note that doctoral students can automaticallyย earn a Master’s degreeย on the way to completing aย PhD, but Master’s studentsย don’t automatically transition to the PhD track.
  • read our FAQ. It answers many of the questions you probably have.

brown university computer science acceptance rate

More details coming up on brown university computer science acceptance rate, brown university computer science requirements and brown university computer science undergraduate.

Admission under undergraduate courses of Brown University is highly selective and has a 7.1 % acceptance rate of over 38,674 applications for the class of 2023.

In addition to its academic prowess, Brown University also ranks among the top universities in the world for its commitment to sustainability practices. The university has a dedicated office that oversees all aspects of sustainability on campus. The office manages everything from recycling programs to green infrastructure projects meant to reduce water usage by 30%.

Brown University also has several student organizations dedicated to environmental issues like climate change mitigation and adaptation, environmental justice advocacy campaigns against fossil fuel companies such as Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM), as well as other efforts aimed at raising awareness about issues like wildlife conservation or sustainable agriculture practices in developing nations around the globe.

brown university computer science requirements

AB Requirements

The requirements for an AB are as follows:

  • Calculus prerequisite (zero to three courses) (see below)
  • Intro sequence (two courses) (see below)
  • Seven CS courses numbered 220 or higher
    • One completeย pathway
      • Requires two 1000-level courses as well as one-to-three intermediate courses (see below)
    • Additional intermediate courses so that a total of three are taken with at least one in each of two different intermediate-course categories
    • One additional 1000-level (or 2000-level) CS course that is neither a core nor a related nor a grad course for the pathway used above.
    • The remaining course may be a 1000- or 2000-level CS course, an intermediate course not otherwise used as part of the concentration, or an approved 1000-level course from another department (see theย concentration handbookย for a list of such courses). Unless explicitly stated in a pathway, such non-CS courses may not be used as part of pathways.ย ย 
    • No more than two arts, humanities, and social science oriented CS courses (currently CSCI 1250, 1280, 1370, 1800, 1805, and 1870) may be used for concentration credit.

A professional track is also available. To complete this track, you must complete the requirements for your concentration and complete two two-to-four-month full-time professional experiences, doing work that’s related to your concentration program. Such work is normally done within an industrial organization, but may also be at a university under the supervision of a faculty member.

Calculus Prerequisite

You must either complete or place out of second-semester calculus (MATH 100, 170, or 190). Note that if you haven’t had sufficient calculus in high school, you may need to take Math 90 (or other courses) before taking a second-semester calculus course. MATH 180, MATH 200, MATH 350, and ECON 170 also satisfy this requirement.

Introductory Courses

You must complete one of these introductory course sequences:

  • CSCI 0111 followed by either CSCI 0112 and CSCI 0180 or only CSCI 0180 (skipping 0112 requires completion of additional work within 0111). [At this time, CSCI 0180 is taking the place of the previously-announced CSCI 0113]
  • CSCI 150 and 160
  • CSCI 170 and 180
  • CSCI 190 followed by any more advanced course or CSCI 180

Intermediate Courses

Intermediate courses are grouped into categories as follows:


  • Intro to Discrete Structures and Probability (CSCI 220); MATH 1530 is also allowed
  • Theory of Computation (CSCI 1010)


  • Linear Algebra (one of CSCI 530, MATH 520, MATH 540)
  • Probability and Statistics (one of CSCI 1450, APMA 1650, APMA 1655, MATH 1620)
  • Multivariable Calculus (one of MATH 180, MATH 200, MATH 350)

Systems (only one of CSCI 300 and CSCI 330 may be counted)

  • Fundamentals of Computer Systems (CSCI 300)
  • Intro to Software Engineering (CSCI 320)
  • Intro to Computer Systems (CSCI 330)

brown university computer science undergraduate

Computer Science

Computer science is now a critical tool for pursuing an ever-broadening range of topics, from outer space to the workings of the human mind.

In most areas of science and in many liberal arts fields, cutting-edge work depends increasingly on computational approaches. The undergraduate program at Brown is designed to combine breadth in practical and theoretical computer science with depth in specialized areas. These areas range from traditional topics, such as analysis of algorithms, artificial intelligence, databases, distributed systems, graphics, mobile computing, networks, operating systems, programming languages, robotics and security, to novel areas including games and scientific visualization.

Computer Scienceย Concentrationย Requirements

Student Goals

Students in this concentration will:

  • Learn fundamental concepts of software architecture and design and how they manifest in more than one style of programming
  • Understand the uses of algorithms and data structures
  • Develop facility with solving computational problems while drawing on the perspectives of systems, mathematics, users, and society
  • Acquire a depth of knowledge in at least one specialized area of computer science
  • Develop strong communication and collaboration skills through faculty-guided teaching assistantships, research projects, and/or class work
  • Complete a substantial project integrating concepts across the computer science concentration


  • Professional Track (CS)

Department Undergraduate Group (DUG)

Student Leaders:ย Andrew Li, Robert Koch

Graduating Class

Class YearTotal StudentsCapstones CompletedHonors Graduates
Computer Science Undergraduate Concentration | Brown University

Alumni Pathways

Alumni who concentrated in Computer Science are now employed in academia as well as the public and private sectors as software engineers, IT consultants, programmers, marketing executives, and scholars in the fields of computer science, linguistics, engineering, and compuational biology.ย 


  • Theophilus Benson
  • Lorenzo De Stefani
  • Thomas Doeppner
  • Maurice Herlihy
  • John Hughes
  • Sorin Istrail
  • Vasilis Kemerlis
  • Philip Klein
  • Shriram Krishnamurthi
  • Anna Lysyanskaya
  • Barbara Meier
  • Andries van Dam

The university is known for providing excellent courses in English language and literature, economics and econometrics, and development studies. Admission under undergraduate courses of Brown University is highly selective and has a 7.1 % acceptance rate of over 38,674 applications for the class of 2023.

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