Tuition and fees is the price you pay for your college class. This amount may change based on your academic program, the number of credit hours you take, and whether you are an in-state or out-of-state student. Tuition is charged at different rates from one type of institution to another. In view of the higher cost of schooling, students give almost equal weight to the price and academics when making their college selection. This article tells you a lot about BS Psychology Tuition Fee, bs psychology tuition fee in ust, up diliman bs psychology tuition fee, psychiatrist tuition fee in philippines and psychology course philippines subjects.
Psychology is an intriguing subject matter because it tells the story of the human mind. It is a blend of biology, experimental, and social science. Students who want to pursue a career in psychology must earn a bachelor’s degree before entering graduate school or professional school programs such as psychology doctorates or master’s programs. Read on to know more on BS Psychology Tuition Fee, bs psychology tuition fee in ust, up diliman bs psychology tuition fee, psychiatrist tuition fee in philippines and psychology course philippines subjects.
Psychology majors learn how people think, feel, behave and interact with others; they also learn about abnormal behavior patterns as well as how society impacts individuals’ behavior patterns and mental health issues such as depression or anxiety disorders among others.

BS Psychology Tuition Fee
We begin with BS Psychology Tuition Fee, then bs psychology tuition fee in ust, up diliman bs psychology tuition fee, psychiatrist tuition fee in philippines and psychology course philippines subjects.
Tuitions fees greatly vary from school to school but generally, a BA Psychology degree in a traditional on-campus school can cost a student around P60,000 to P80,000.
If you are looking for a cheaper alternative and still want to pursue your degree in Psychology, there is an option that you might want to consider: Online Learning.
Online learning is gaining popularity as more people are becoming aware of its benefits. Nowadays, it is not only limited to students who cannot attend regular classes because of their busy schedules or work commitments. Many students who have already finished their undergraduate degree also choose this route because they want to continue their education without having to pay expensive tuition fees again.
Online learning provides flexibility and convenience that is not available in traditional schools; it allows students to learn at their own pace through self-paced courses and anytime of day or night; there are no limitations on where they can take their exams; and most importantly, online courses are less costly than those offered in traditional schools.
bs psychology tuition fee in ust
Now we consider bs psychology tuition fee in ust, up diliman bs psychology tuition fee, psychiatrist tuition fee in philippines and psychology course philippines subjects.
The University of Santo Tomas (UST) is the oldest existing university in the Philippines, and it’s one of the most prestigious universities in Asia.
The tuition fee for College is approximately PhP 50,000 to 60,000 per semester. Junior High School is about PhP 100,000 per year. Education High School is about PhP 30,000 per year.

In its early years, UST’s tuition fee was as low as PhP 1.50 (one peso fifty centavos) per month, which allowed even the poorest of Filipinos to attend UST. However, due to the rising cost of education and other expenses, it is now impossible to maintain this rate without compromising the quality of education provided by the university.
The tuition fees for undergraduate courses range from PhP 50,000 per semester at College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) to PhP 60,000 per semester at Engineering and Architecture (EA). The junior high school tuition fee is approximately PhP 100,000 per year. The high school tuition fee is approximately PhP 30,000 per year.
In addition to being recognized as one of the best universities in the country, UST also has a lot of other great features:
- It has a beautiful campus environment with lots of trees, grassy areas, and paved pathways
- It has a variety of programs that you can choose from—from engineering to arts and humanities—so there’s something for everyone!
up diliman bs psychology tuition fee
More details coming up on up diliman bs psychology tuition fee, psychiatrist tuition fee in philippines and psychology course philippines subjects.
Tuition fees greatly vary from school to school but generally, a BA Psychology degree in a traditional on-campus school like up diliman can cost a student around P60,000 to P80,000.
The cost of education in the Philippines is lower than most other countries in Southeast Asia. This can be attributed to the fact that most Filipino universities are public and they rely on government funding for their operations.
Due to this low tuition fee structure, many students choose to study in the Philippines due to its affordability as compared to other countries such as Singapore that has higher tuition fees and living expenses.
This also means that there will be no need for you to take out loans or borrow money from relatives or friends just so you could afford your studies because everything else is already covered by your parents’ hard-earned money!
psychiatrist tuition fee in philippines
When it comes to psychiatry, the answer is… it depends.
And we’re not just talking about how much you’ll pay for a session with a psychiatrist—we’re talking about how much you’ll pay for the whole thing. The short answer is: it depends on where you go and who you see. Psychiatric costs or fees range from our research, around the Philippines you will pay anywhere from ₱ 2,000 to ₱ 7,000 to see a private practitioner (psychiatrist) in Metro Manila.
But there are other factors that affect cost too. For example, if you’re seeing someone at their clinic instead of at their office, sometimes that can be cheaper than going to their office. And if your insurance provider covers mental health services (which some do), then that could lower your costs even more!
But what if your insurance doesn’t cover mental health? Or what if they only cover some parts of your treatment? Well then it might be up to you (or your parents) to foot the bill completely. And that’s where we come in! We’ve got tons of resources on how to find affordable psychiatrists in Manila so check them out when you have some time!
psychology course philippines subjects

Bachelor of Science in Psychology in the Philippines
- Pscyhological Statistics.
- Developmental Psychology.
- Personality.
- Experimental Psychology.
- Social Psychology.
- Psychological Assessment.
- Abnormal Psychology.
- Research in Psychology.
BA Psychology Subjects
Exploring the subjects and coursework of a program helps you gain crucial insights of the course with the help of which you can determine whether it aligns with your niche or not. Here is the complete list of BA Psychology subjects:
- Introduction To Psychology
- Development of Psychological Thoughts
- Statistical Methods for Psychological Research
- Organizational Behaviour
- Introduction to Psychological Disorders
- Developmental Psychology
- Counselling Psychology
- Psychology of Individual Differences
- Social Psychology
- Behaviour and Modification Counselling
- Psychiatric Social Work
- English Communication
- Environmental Science
- Psychological Research
- Statistical Methods For Psychological Research
- Introduction to Counselling
- Theories of Counselling
- Biopsychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Research Methodology
- Child Psychology
Community Psychology comprises of the study of the social interactions of human beings and how society impacts a person as well as their community functioning. Have a look at our blog on Community Psychology.
Now, let us examine some of the important BA Psychology subjects in detail:
Introduction To Psychology
As an introductory discipline, this subject aims to impart the basic knowledge of the field of Psychology, emphasising on the daily life applications of it. Some major topics constituted under this subject include,
- Perception
- Thinking and Language
- Memory
- Learning and Motivation
Psychology of Individual Differences
This subject focuses on imparting students with the concept of individual differences with a thrive to promote an understanding of self, self-reflection and others. Amongst the basic foundational BA Psychology subjects, it includes topics like,
- Intelligence
- Personality
- Enhancing Individual’s Approach
Biopsychology is constituted of different concepts encompassing the study of the influence of behaviour, environment and the cognition on the bodily system. Along with this, it elucidates students about the basis of experience and behaviour and neurobiological and psychological functions and dysfunctions. Essential concepts under this subject are:
- The Function of Brain
- Introduction to Biopsychology
- Endocrine System
- Organization of Nervous System
Development of Psychological Thoughts
Under this subject, a basic introduction regarding the development of Psychological theories is carried out both from Indian as well as western perspective. It will introduce students with the history of different school of thoughts that have developed under the domain of Psychology. Following are some of the insights of this subject of BA Psychology:
- Understanding Psyche: Debates and Issues
- Psychoanalytic and Humanistic- Existential Orientation
- Contemporary Development
- Early Schools of Psychology
Psychological Research
Quantitative and Qualitative methods of psychological research traditions are studied under this discipline. Since research is a critical element of this domain, BA Psychology incorporates this subject to provide students with an insight into:
- Research Traditions
- Basics of Research in Psychology
- Methods of Data Collection
- Non-Experimental Methods
- Basics of Research in Psychology, amongst others.
Statistical Methods For Psychological Research
Another analytical discipline under BA Psychology, you will get to study about psychological research and the basics of statistical methods along with its tools essential in descriptive statistics of quantitative research in this subject. Below mentioned are some main topics that you can expect under this head:
- Frequency Distribution, Percentile Ranks and Percentile
- Measures of Central Tendency
- The Normal Distribution
- Measures of Variability and Standard Scores
Social Psychology
It introduces students with the realm of social behaviour and influence explaining how individuals think, feel and behave in different social situations. It also peruses upon the nuances of the social world along with various perspectives on the relationship between society and the individual. Here are some inclusions that you will study in BA Psychology under this subject:
- Evaluating and understanding the social world
- Social Interaction and Influence
- Psychological of the social
- Group dynamics and intergroup relations
Developmental Psychology
It strives to equip students with a thorough understanding of the process and concept of human development in the context of different aspects in a certain life span. It strives to explore how human beings change over the span of their lives. Here are some key topics that are added in this subject of BA Psychology:
- Domains of Human Development
- Periods of Life Span Development
- Socio-cultural Contexts for Human Development
- Human Development of Indian Context
Additional Subjects
Apart from the above-mentioned BA psychology subjects, here are some additional subjects covered under this course:
- General Psychology
- History of Psychology
- Physiology Psychology
- Cognitive Psychology
- Abnormal Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
In general, psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders and schizophrenia. Psychiatrists must complete four years of undergraduate school followed by four years of medical school and three years of residency training in psychiatry. They must pass board certification exams to become licensed psychiatrists.