Are you considering furthering your education in Hungary? International Business School Budapest offers graduate programs with an application period from 1 April to 31 May 2024. In order to apply, you will need to submit a copy of your diploma supplement and degree, along with your CV, language certificate, and verification of TDK if you are a student. For Bachelor’s programs, you will also need to provide a copy of your high school diploma with final exam results and high school transcripts.
To be eligible for admission to International Business School Budapest, you will need to submit high school documents and mark sheets, college or university documents and mark sheets, and demonstrate English language proficiency with a score of 79 in IBT, 58 in PTE, or 6.5 in IELTS. Additionally, there is an application fee of EUR 100 and you will need to provide a copy of your passport. These requirements ensure that students are equipped to succeed in their academic studies at the university.
The admission process at International Business School Budapest involves submitting all required documents, including an up-to-date CV, letter of motivation, passport copy, proof of language proficiency, and English translations of transcripts and diplomas. You will also need to provide two academic reference letters to support your application. By meeting these requirements and following the application process, you can take the first step towards studying in Hungary at a reputable institution like International Business School Budapest.
Entry requirements:
1) Completed SECONDARY-school studies with an overall result of min. 70%. This should be proven by a leaving CERTIFICATE (high-school diploma) AND the TRANSCRIPT of all corresponding records.
Applicants still at school should upload, IN ADDITION to the transcript, an official certificate of the EXPECTED date of graduation.
2) Appropriate knowledge of ENGLISH, proven by EITHER
a) a recent certificate of an internationally recognised, INTERNATIONAL language EXAM of overall B2 level, covering ALL the 4 basic SKILLS (reading, listening, writing, speaking), as detailed below٭;
b) an official medium-of-INSTRUCTION certificate of the SECONDARY-school studies (only if the FULL programme is given in English)٭٭.
3) Sufficient knowledge in MATHEMATICS and PHYSICS, proven at online TESTS during the admission procedure. (There is a minimum entry score set for both tests respectively.)
٭ ONLY the following language exams and results are accepted:
– IELTS min. 5.5;
– TOEFL IBT min. 80;
– Cambridge FCE min. 162;
– Pearson PTE min. 51.
Exams of LOCAL language schools or educational institutions or NATIONAL organisations are NOT accepted as proof of English proficiency!
LATER uploading of the language exam certificate is accepted ONLY IF at the application, it is substituted by a DECLARATION of the planned exam!
٭٭ The medium-of-instruction certificate CANNOT be uploaded later!
Entrance exam:
Type of entrance exam:
Entrance exam location:
Entrance exam description:
During the admission procedure, applicants should write an online test both in mathematics and physics. (The language of the tests is English.) Practice tests are available beforehand.
During the selection process, both the admission test results and the submitted documents are evaluated.
Selection criteria:
– the scores at BOTH TESTS should reach the entry minimum٭;
– the LANGUAGE CERTIFICATE should be uploaded on time and should be appropriate٭٭;
– the SECONDARY-SCHOOL documents (transcript + leaving certificate (diploma) OR certificate of expected graduation date) should be uploaded on time and should show an overall result of min. 70%.
٭ Applicants whose score is just below the entry minimum in EITHER test can be accepted to the Pre-Engineering Programme, if they have proper documents uploaded.
٭٭ Accepted language certificates:
a) medium-of-INSTRUCTION certificate of the SECONDARY-school studies done FULLY in English → only IF uploaded AT THE APPLICATION;
b) EITHER of the below exam certificates → only IF the CERTIFICATE itself, OR a substitute DECLARATION is uploaded AT THE APPLICATION:
– IELTS overall band score min. 5.5;
– TOEFL IBT min. 80;
– Cambridge FCE min. 162;
– Pearson PTE min. 51.
Budapest Business School Admission Requirements
Once you have chosen a programme, you must upload the necessary documents to your online application profile. Apart from the original copies of your documents, the English translations should also be uploaded, if the requested documents were originally not issued in English.
For Bachelor’s programmes you need the following documents:
- copy of your high-school diploma with the final exam results
- copy of your high-school transcripts
- copy of the photo page of your passport
For Master’s programmes you need the following documents:
- copy of your Bachelor’s degree
- copy of your transcript
- copy of the photo page of your passport
For the PhD programme you need the following documents:
- copy of your Master’s degree
- copy of your transcript
- copy of the photo page of your passport
Once you have chosen a programme, you must upload the necessary documents to your online application profile. Apart from the original copies of your documents, the English translations should also be uploaded, if the requested documents were originally not issued in English.
For Bachelor’s programmes you need the following documents:
- copy of your high-school diploma with the final exam results
- copy of your high-school transcripts
- copy of the photo page of your passport
For Master’s programmes you need the following documents:
- copy of your Bachelor’s degree
- copy of your transcript
- copy of the photo page of your passport
For the PhD programme you need the following documents:
- copy of your Master’s degree
- copy of your transcript
- copy of the photo page of your passport
Application Documents for International Business School Budapest Graduate Admissions
- High School Documents and Mark-sheets
- College or University Documents and Mark-sheets
- English Language Proficiency – 79 in IBT, 58 in PTE, or 6.5 in IELTS
- EUR 100 Application Fee
- Passport Copy
Requirements to Study in Hungary
- Up-to-date CV
- Letter of Motivation
- Copy of Passport / ID
- Proof of Language Proficiency
- English Translation of Transcripts of Records
- English Translation of Obtained Diplomas
- Two Academic Reference Letters
Details of Budapest Business School
Budapest Business University is the largest university in Hungary dedicated to business education. With a student population of nearly 20,000, our institution is a hub for aspiring professionals in various fields.
Established in 2000 through the merger of three highly successful colleges, Budapest Business University has a rich legacy and a strong track record of excellence. In recognition of our commitment to quality, we were honored with the prestigious Higher Education Quality Prize in 2010. However, our roots can be traced back even further to 1857 with the establishment of the renowned Academy of Commerce.
Based in the vibrant city of Budapest, theinstitution is home to three faculties: the Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism; the Faculty of International Management and Business; and the Faculty of Finance and Accountancy. These faculties form the backbone of our comprehensive and diverse range of educational programs.
Head of the Doctoral School: Dr. Miklós Losoncz
Secretariat: BBS FAA
Brigitta Kovács
Address: 1149 Budapest, 10-12. Buzogány street. Room 117
Application coordinator: Dorina Körtvési
Requesting an application form: it is downloadable form the website of BBS DSEB.
Admission procedure fee: HUF 9.000, to be transferred to the bank account of Budapest Business School. Bank account number: 10032000-00282833-00000000, the Details of payment should include the name of the applicant and the following phrase: „doctoral admission procedure fee”
Application period: 1. April 2021 – 31. May 2021
The documents listed below are to be attached to the application:
- copy of diploma supplement
- copy of degree
- CV
- copy of language certificate
- verification of TDK (Student Research Societies) activity
- copy of articles
- research plan (Description of the doctoral thesis in 5-10 pages: 1. Motivation 2. Research topic 3. Literature review 4. Research question 5. Planned research methodology 6. Expected results and their use 7. Bibliography)
- proof of payment of the admission fee
- Certificate of no criminal record dated from within 3 months
Requirements and conditions of admission
Basic requirements for admission are: master’s degree and professional qualifications together with at least one state accredited B2 level language examination – or any language examination equivalent thereof.
DSEB is primarily involved in doctoral courses based on
- marketing;
- international economics and management;
- international studies;
- finance;
- accountancy;
- tourism management;
- enterprise development
- management organization
- teacher of economics
- supply chain management
- MBA (Master of Business Administration)
master’s courses, nevertheless, we are also open to applicants holding other master’s degrees who wish to pursue doctoral studies in the field of entrepreneurship and business. In such cases, compliance with admission requirements is subject to individual assessment.
Applicants who obtain their master’s degree in the 2020/2021 academic year may only receive conditional admission to the doctoral program until the presentation of their diploma.General criteria for assessing the entrance examination
The examination committee looks at the academic performance and language skills of the applicant. Admission is based on a written and an oral examination.
Written examination: The written examination focuses on proficiency in the scientific field of business and management and research methodology. The written exam takes 180 minutes, during which applicant answer business related essay questions.
Oral examination: The oral examination inspects the applicant’s motivation and aptitude for research. At the oral examination, the committee examines the proficiency of the applicant in the research field, the feasibility of the research plan, and the commitment of the applicant to the research.
Time of entrance examination (non-SH applicants):
14-25 June 2021. /written and oral examination
Decision is made by 16 July 2021.
Expected number of students:
10-15, fee-paying course
HUF 950 000 /semester (training in English)