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Prepare for Veterinary School Admission
Please note: Cal Poly Pomona does not offer any Veterinary program. The program is listed here merely for the purpose of providing general information about this program to interested CPP students.
Veterinarians (DVM) specialize in providing medical care for domestic food animals, pets, zoo animals and those of the wild. Part of their activities are also providing for the health of the human population by controlling animal diseases such as rabies and mad cow disease. In addition they inspect our meats, fish and milk to keep these foods safe for us.
Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture at CPP offers Bachelor’s degree in Animal Health Science and Animal Science.
- The Animal Health Science program is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association’s Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities. Students are eligible to take the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE) and become licensed as a registered veterinary technologist (RVTg).
- The Pre-Veterinary Science/Graduate School Option/subplan offered by the Animal Science program satisfies requirements for admission to veterinary or graduate school, for related medical technical fields and for graduate study in animal nutrition, meat science, animal breeding, and animal physiology. For more detailed information, please consult with advisor from the Department of Animal and Veterinary Science.
Minimum Pre-requisites for Admission in General
- A baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution is required
- Each program has its own prerequisites. Check specific school for detailed admission requirements (
- General Course prerequisites include the following:
- 1 year of English
- 1 year of General (inorganic) Chemistry with Laboratory
- 1 year of Organic Chemistry with Laboratory
- 1 course of Biochemistry
- 1 year of College Mathematics including College Algebra, College Trigonometry, Calculus and/or Statistics
- 1 year of General Biology with Laboratory
- 1 year of Physics with Laboratory
- Additional recommended courses: Animal Nutrition, Animal Husbandry, Animal Anatomy, Animal Physiology, Embryology, Genetics of Domestic Animals, Mammalian Endocrinology, Microbiology, Immunology, Medical Bacteriology, Virology, Medical Mycology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Histology etc.
Veterinary-related Experience Requirements
Minimum 300 hours veterinary-related experience through internship and/or externship
Tests Needed: GRE or MCAT
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required by most veterinary schools, and some also require the Biology GRE. The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is also accepted by some schools in place of the GRE.
- Information about GRE tests can be found at
- Online MCAT registration is available on the AAMC website.
- GRE & MCAT Prep Courses (Disclaimer: this website does not endorse any non-CPP service providers listed on this site – students should use these services at their own discretion and risk)
- Kaplan Complete Preparation
- Princeton Review
- Examkrackers
Suggested Time Table
Freshman Year
- Decide the major(s) (Make an appointment to see a Career Counselor in Career Center at Cal Poly)
- Consider joining Student Clubs
- Stay focused to achieve excellent academic performance
- Volunteer in veterinary-related experience
Sophomore Year
- Take the time to develop relationships with faculty members for future letter of recommendations
- Continue to participate in veterinary-related volunteer opportunities
Junior Year
- Study for entry exam
- Consider enrolling in commercial prep courses
- Start getting the necessary application information ready
- Take the entry exam
Summer between Junior and Senior Year
- Complete collecting and preparing all the necessary materials for your application: personal statement, letter of recommendations, entry exam scores, etc.
- Submit the application after June 1st (earliest time)
- Retake the entry exam if you have not taken the first exam or you want to get a better score
- Complete the “secondary applications” if you receive them
Senior Year
- If you were granted an interview, prepare for the upcoming interview
- Complete your undergraduate studies and have a nice vacation before starting vet school.
- American Veterinary Medical Association (
- Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (