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Programs and Requirements
The Graduate School of Theology and Ministry offers of Master of Divinity, two Master of Arts programs, and a graduate Certificate program.
See the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar for complete program information.
- The Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies is available ONLY to Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents.
- International students enrolled in the Master of Divinity degree will NOT be eligible program for a post-graduate work permit.
Master of Divinity 
Admission Requirements
A baccalaureate degree from a recognized university or college with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (‘B’). For full admission requirements, see the Admissions Requirements and Deadlines page.
Residency Requirement
41 credit hours
Curriculum Requirements
A minimum of 81 credit hours
Bible—15 credit hours, including:
- 3 credit hours focus on the Pentateuch
- 3 credit hours in either the Prophets, Psalms, or Wisdom Literature
- 3 credit hours focus on the Gospels
- 3 credit hours focus on an Epistle or book or collection of NT books other than the Gospels
- 3 credit hours in Biblical Languages
Theology, History of Christianity—15 credit hours, including:
- 3 credit hours History of Christianity survey
- 3 credit hours on Central Christian Teachings
- 3 credit hours on Christian Ethics
Practical Theology—9 credit hours from three of the following areas:
- Pastoral Care
- Mission and Evangelism
- Spiritual Formation
- Preaching
- Worship Arts
Ministry Formation—18 credit hours as follows:
- BTS-5330 Foundations for Christian Ministry
- BTS-5491 Vocation and Calling (1 credit hour)
- BTS-5492 Theological Reflection in Ministry (1 credit hour)
- BTS-5493 Discerning for Ministry (1 credit hour)
Field Education
- BTS-5920 Supervised Ministry Experience (9 credit hours)
- BTS-5930 Ministry in Context: Field Project
Electives—24 credit hours.
- 3 credit hours must come from outside of BTS and a maximum 9 credit hours may be taken outside of Biblical and Theological Studies.
1. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 (‘B’) to remain in the program and to graduate.
2. Courses offered by CMU faculty or by instructors visiting at CMU, whether on campus or online, will count toward the residency requirement. Courses taken by CMU/MBBS students from MBBS to meet the MB requirements of their programs will also count toward the residency requirement, to a maximum of nine credit hours.
3. Students may include up to 9 credit hours of introductory biblical languages within the electives of their program from the following list:
- LANG-5200 Elementary Biblical Hebrew I
- LANG-5210 Elementary Biblical Hebrew II
- LANG-5230 Elementary Biblical Greek I
- LANG-5240 Elementary Biblical Greek II
4. The student must consult with their MDiv advisor and program coordinator to select an elective outside of Biblical and Theological studies. If the course is normally delivered at the undergraduate level, the instructor will develop an appropriate syllabus that matches graduate expectations.
5. Students completing the joint CMU/MBBS Master of Divinity, must complete the following MBBS area requirements within the degree:
- MB Convictions (3 credit hours)
- One of: history, ecclesiology, or ethics (3 credit hours)
- Biblical Theology (3 credit hours)
- Denominational Ministry Discernment (0 credit hour)
- In conjunction with the 1 credit hour discernment that concludes the MDiv degree for all CMU students (BTS 5493), MB Seminary students are required to complete a discernment process to assist in the assessment of their pastoral and theological suitability for service in the Mennonite Brethren denomination. This process normally includes a written component and an interview by a panel (e.g. 2 MB Seminary profs and a leader from MBCM). Non-MB students studying with MB Seminary will be required to meet a ministry discernment requirement that will be focused on their particular denomination or tradition. In this case, the panel will include a corresponding denominational leader.

Master of Arts in Christian Ministry 
Admission Requirements
A baccalaureate degree from a recognized university or college with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (‘B’). For full admission requirements, see the Admissions Requirements and Deadlines page.
Residency Requirement
30 credit hours
Curriculum Requirements
A minimum of 60 credit hours in the following areas
- Bible – 12 credit hours (minimum 3 ch of Old Testament and 3 ch of New Testament)
- Theology and History of Christianity – 12 credit hours (minimum 3 ch in each area)
- Practical Theology – 12 credit hours
- Ministry Formation – 9 to 12 credit hours
BTS-5330 Foundations for Christian Ministry
BTS-5340 Ministry Discernment Process
- Option for Supervised Ministry Experience – 6 to 9 credit hours including:
BTS-5910 Supervised Ministry Experience (6 ch) OR BTS-5920 Supervised Ministry Experience (9 ch)
- Option for Field Research – 9 credit hours including:
BTS-5900 Research and Methodology
BTS-6020 Field Research Project or Thesis (6 ch)
- Electives – as required to reach a total of 60 credit hours
1. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 (‘B’) to remain in the program and to graduate.
2. Courses offered by CMU faculty or by instructors visiting at CMU, whether on campus or online, will count toward the residency requirement. Courses taken by CMU/MBBS students from MBBSC to meet the MB requirements of their programs will also count toward the residency requirement, to a maximum of nine credit hours.
3. Students who have at least five years of relevant ministry experience may propose to embark on a field research project or thesis. A Student who wishes to write a thesis, or embark on a field research project should contact their faculty advisor who will bring the student’s request to the BTS department. Students will be granted permission by the department to pursue a thesis based on the strength of their overall academic performance and topic suitability.
4. Students may include up to 6 credit hours of introductory biblical languages within the electives of the major from the following list:
LANG-5200 Elementary Biblical Hebrew I
LANG-5210 Elementary Biblical Hebrew II
LANG-5230 Elementary Biblical Greek I<
LANG-5240 Elementary Biblical Greek II
5. Students may begin their field education after completing the first 30 credit hours of the program. They may include up to 12 credit hours of field education provided that there is some variation in the location and type of field placement. They must complete at least 6 credit hours of supervised ministry experience at CMU. They may earn as much as 6 credit hours of field education through another post-secondary institution by way of a Letter of Permission. Programs outside of CMU will be evaluated on the basis of the nature of instruction, ministry experience, and supervision.
6. BTS-5330 Foundations for Christian Ministry must be taken within the first 30 credit hours of a student’s MA in Christian Ministry program.
7. Students completing the joint CMU/MBBS Master of Arts, must complete the following MBBS area requirements within the degree:
MB Convictions (3 credit hours)
One of: history, ecclesiology, or Ethics (3 credit hours)
Biblical Theology (3 credit hours)
Master of Arts in Theological Studies 
Admission Requirements
A baccalaureate degree from a recognized university or college with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (‘B’). For full admission requirements, see the Admissions Requirements and Deadlines page.
Residency Requirement
30 credit hours
Curriculum Requirements
A minimum of 60 credit hours
Core requirements—30 credit hours in the following areas
- Bible – 12 credit hours (minimum 3 ch of Old Testament and 3 credit hours of New Testament)
- Theology and History of Christianity – 12 credit hours (minimum 3 credit hours in each area)
- Practical Theology – 3 credit hours
- Methodology – 3 credit hours
Electives—as required to reach a total of 60 credit hours
Thesis Option: Students may propose to write a thesis equivalent to 6 credit hours. Credits earned by way of the thesis will reduce the elective requirement. See note 4, below.
1. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 (‘B’) to remain in the program and to graduate.
2. Courses offered by CMU faculty or by instructors visiting at CMU, whether on campus or online, will count toward the residency requirement. Courses taken by CMU/MBBS students from MBBSC to meet the MB requirements of their programs will also count toward the residency requirement, to a maximum of nine credit hours.
3. Normally, students wishing to write a thesis in the area of biblical studies must demonstrate an appropriate level of competence in the pertinent biblical language, whether Hebrew or Greek.
4. A student who wishes to write a thesis should contact their faculty advisor, who will bring the student’s request to the BTS department. Students will be granted permission by the department to pursue a thesis based on the strength of their overall academic performance and topic suitability.
5. Areas in which courses will be offered and theses may be written include Anabaptist and Mennonite Studies, Biblical Theology, Christian Worship, Christianity and Culture, Christianity and the Arts, Ethics, History of Christianity, New Testament, Old Testament, Peace Theology, Philosophical Theology, Practical Theology, Spirituality, and Systematic Theology.
6. Students may include up to 6 credit hours of introductory biblical languages within the electives of the major from the following list:
LANG-5200 Elementary Biblical Hebrew I
LANG-5210 Elementary Biblical Hebrew II
LANG-5230 Elementary Biblical Greek I<
LANG-5240 Elementary Biblical Greek II
7. Students may take up to 6 credit hours of field education. This may be taken at CMU, or through another organization with a Letter of Permission. Programs outside of CMU will be evaluated on the basis of the nature of instruction, ministry experience, and supervision.
8. Students completing the joint CMU/MBBS Master of Arts, must complete the following MBBS area requirements within the degree:
MB Convictions (3 credit hours)
One of: history, ecclesiology, or Ethics (3 credit hours)
Biblical Theology (3 credit hours)
Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies 
Admission Requirements
A baccalaureate degree from a recognized university or college with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (‘B’). For full admission requirements, see the Admissions Requirements and Deadlines page.
Residency Requirement
12 credit hours
Curriculum Requirements
A minimum of 24 credit hours in the following areas
- Bible – 3 credit hours
- Theology and History of Christianity – 3 credit hours
- Practical Theology – 3 credit hours
- Electives—as required to reach a total of 24 credit hours
1. A maximum of 3 credit hours can be transferred from Field Education experience
2. A maximum of 3 credit hours can be transferred from modular courses.
Extended Education 
Qualified students may take up to five (5) courses at the graduate level as Extended Education students before formal admission into one of the program offered through the GSTM.