If you are planning a career in medicine, then choosing the right medical school is essential. This will decide the level of your education and may also influence your future career options. Therefore, deciding which medical schools to apply for is something into which you should put some serious consideration, and you should make your decision carefully. It is vital that you consider all the options and weigh up the pros and cons of each. If you intend to attend a medical school in the Caribbean, there are some excellent options available. The important factors to consider are whether the university is accredited, with which organizations they are registered or approved, and whether the course offered will allow you to practice medicine in the United States. Other factors to consider include the content of the programs offered, the clinical rotation options, and the campus lifestyle.
To understand this article better and get informative facts from it, read up Caribbean Medical Schools Ranking, Caribbean Medical University World Ranking, Caribbean Medical Schools Ranking, Caribbean Medical School No Mcat, and other exciting contents.
Here are ten of the best medical schools in the Caribbean in 2019.
10. Xavier University
Xavier University is one of the few universities that is accredited by both CAAM-HP and ACCM. It is registered with NCFMEA and WFME. They have a 96 percent USMLE first-time passing rate and offer clinical rotations in the United States. The university website says that students can enjoy an environment like no other for their studies because the university is located on the hot and beautiful island of Aruba. In addition to the medical degrees on offer, this university offers international pre-med programs and post-graduate programs.https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/core/bridge3.476.0_en.html#goog_585005833Volume 0%
9. University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UMHS)
Located on the island of St. Kitts, the University of Medicine and Health Sciences is dedicated to training world-class physicians. This university is accredited by the ACCM and is registered with WFME and NCFMEA. There is the option to become a residential student or to live off-site. Students can enjoy campus life as there is a close student community, lots of sports and recreation facilities, and a range of clubs and organizations.
8. Trinity School of Medicine (TSOM)
Trinity School of Medicine offer the US medical school experience in the amazing setting of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The fully accredited program involves hands-on clinical experience followed by a transition to the United States for clinical clerkships and the opportunity to sit the U.S. board examinations. This university is accredited by CAAM-HP and registered with NCFMEA and WFME.
7. St. Matthew’s University (SMU)
Located on the beautiful island of Grand Cayman, St. Matthew’s University is a success-oriented university that provides quality education to its students. It is accredited by ACCM and it is registered with WFME and NCFMEA. The university is also New York approved. Unfortunately, this university is not California approved.
6. St. George’s University (SGU)
St. George’s University offers a wide range of courses in addition to their medical degrees. These include veterinary medicine, arts, sciences, and graduate studies. However, they are best known for their medical school programs. Located on Grenada, this university opened its doors in 1976 when it was a school of medicine only. It is accredited by CAAM-Hp. Registered with WFME and NCFMEA, and it is both California and New York approved. Graduates can go on to practice medicine in 50 states.https://2b65aa0b848244674166f6682e5f7d49.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html
5. Saba University
Accredited by NVAO, Saba University School of Medicine offers residency placements across Canada and the United States. They boast a 100 percent USMLE Step I first-time pass rate and a modern curriculum. Those who complete their studies at this university can go on to practice medicine in all 50 states. It is registered with NCFMEA and WFME and it is a California and New York approved medical school.
4. Ross University
Ross University School of Medicine has an impressive 94 percent first-time pass rate and graduates are eligible for licenses to practice medicine in 50 states. This university is accredited by CAAM-HP and is also California and New York approved. The university is located in Bridgetown, Barbados, so students can combine their high-level education with the experience of Barbadian life. Ross University has links with universities and hospitals in nine states in the United States, so it is able to offer clinical rotation positions.https://2b65aa0b848244674166f6682e5f7d49.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html
3. Medical University of the Americas (MUA)
Accredited by the ACCM, the Medical University of the Americas is considered one of the top medical schools in the Caribbean. They offer a systems-based U.S. curriculum and only admit small classes to improve the learning experience. The university is both New York and California approve and registered with WFME and NCFMEA. Those who graduate can apply for licenses to practice medicine in all 50 states.
2. American University of the Caribbean (AUC)
One of the best options is the American University of the Caribbean, which is an ACCM accredited establishment. It is also registered with WFME and NCFMEA, and the university is both California and New York approved. Those who graduate from this university can apply for licensed to practice medicine in all 50 states of the United States. This medical school offers international learning experiences and a diverse learning community with an emphasis on engagement and social accountability.
1. American University of Antigua
Many people consider the American University of Antigua the top medical school in the Caribbean and it ranks consistently highly in lists of the best medical schools. It is CAAM-HP accredited, which means that students studying at this university are accredited to practice medicine in the United States. The university is also listed with WFME and NCFMEA. It is both California and New York approved, and graduates of the American University of Antigua are entitled to obtain licenses to practice medicine in all 50 states. Students can enjoy studying medicine in a beautiful setting and will have access to state-of-the-art facilities and a high-tech laboratory suite.
caribbean medical university world ranking
Care to know what caribbean medical university world ranking is, continue to read the contents below. When looking for an offshore med school, make sure to consider med schools that are accredited by an internationally recognized body. Accreditation ensures that the medical school has been independently evaluated. This evaluation typically includes a visit to the school as well as an assessment of the quality of the school’s administration, facility and education to confirm that it meets the accreditation body’s standards.
The Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) developed a clear and authoritative mandate for accreditation that includes site visits, preset standards, self-evaluation, and external reviewers to accredit medical schools.
The World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) compares accreditation agencies against globally-accepted criteria for quality measures that demonstrate that a medical school meets rigorous standards.
The Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) is a non-profit foundation of the Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). It produces a comprehensive resource detailing information about foreign medical schools. Known as the World Directory of Medical Schools, it provides data regarding a school’s curriculum, enrollment, and accreditation or program recognition.
The National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation (NCFMEA) is part of the United States Department of Education. This agency does not provide accreditation to foreign medical schools. Instead, it reviews the standards that the country uses to accredit medical schools that operate within its borders.
2. Do They Have Individual State Approvals?
In addition to securing accreditation, another important ranking factor is the school’s individual state approval.
New York, California, Florida, and Texas are often used for state approvals because of the rigorous process involved in gaining this distinction. Trinity graduates face no barriers applying for residency or licensure in the US or Canada.
3. What Are Their Match Rates?
Beyond accreditation and approvals, most applicants already know what else to consider, and match rate is a big one. Trinity’s residency match rate is 86%. Each year, Trinity School of Medicine graduates make us proud. Whether they do this through their dedication to pursuing a career in medicine, their deep connection with the community of St. Vincent, or their continued leadership after they move on to the next phase of their training, they prove that we were right to open the doors they needed to not just survive, but thrive as physicians.
At Trinity, we do not “gate” our published numbers based on test scores, nor do we throw the door wide and let everyone sink or swim. Rather, we strive to select candidates that have been overlooked by the United States and Canadian medical school systems and give them a supportive environment to thrive and achieve. Student success is our success, which is why we keep our classes so small.
4. What Are Their Average Medical Student Board Scores?
A med school’s board scores are a reflection of its curriculum and the methods it uses to prepare students to practice medicine. Schools with a high pass rate and average scores that continue to climb indicate continuous attention and adaptation of standards to reflect the needs of the medical system as a whole.
Trinity is proud to note that our USMLE Step-1 pass rate is 94% with an average score of 220. Our Step-2 average score is 234 (both continue to climb, as well).
As a final note, Trinity has an unbroken streak of recognizing multiple chief residents from every graduating class since our charter class graduated.
5. Where are the Caribbean Med School’s Clinical Locations?
One thing applicants may overlook when considering a top Caribbean medical school is the location of, and number of times they’ll have to move, clinical rotations.

There are Caribbean medical schools that spread their clinicals across the US, requiring students to move upwards of thousands of miles every eight weeks to finish their education.
We offer the choice of two U.S. clinical campuses; Trinity students can complete their full 48 weeks of core rotations in one location at our affiliated hospitals and clinics – no waiting for rotations slots to open and no waiting between rotations.
An extensive list of fourth year elective rotations is also available in both locations. Students can finish on time and stay on track for their residency match cycle.
6. What Makes a “Top Caribbean Medical School”?
In the absence of a true objective ranking system, students will have to look more thoroughly at the offshore medical schools they may be considering. In addition to the above factors, prospective med students should also consider:
- Class sizes
- Research opportunities
- School culture
- School location
- Level of support
- Access to global outreach opportunities
There are numerous offshore options available to any future medical student, and while Trinity School of Medicine is only one of them, it has many student advantages. Trinity’s students and their outcomes agree, too.
If there’s one thing we ultimately want applicants to consider when deciding on a top Caribbean medical school, it’s this: what environment do you want to spend your medical education learning in? Trinity represents small class sizes, a supportive culture, constant bedside experience, unparalleled access to global health outreach, a unified clinical program in one US city, and most importantly—strong outcomes.
- Low attrition rate – unprecedented 96% student retention
- 93% USMLE Step 1 pass rate and 96% USMLE Step 2 CS pass rate
- Small class and lab sizes
- World-class medical teaching facilities
- Outstanding and highly credentialed Faculty that care about your education
- Exceptional Residency placement
- 20+ hospital affiliations in US and Canada
- Affordable tuition
Caribbean Medical Schools Ranking
Want to know more about Caribbean Medical Schools Ranking, keep reading. Though Caribbean medical schools can seem like a dream come true, there is unfortunately a downside. Almost all US medical school graduates successfully become physicians in the United States; the same cannot be said for Caribbean medical school graduates. While it is possible for a Caribbean medical school graduate to become a US physician, it is less likely. There are two main steps that all prospective doctors must pass and complete before they can be licensed physicians: Pass the USMLE and complete a residency program. Caribbean medical schools are notorious for graduating students who either fail the USMLE or fail to obtain US residency positions.
There is much debate on why this is the case. Some argue that the curriculum of Caribbean medical schools is weak; others argue that the academic abilities of students at Caribbean medical schools are weak. Either way, students need to give full due diligence before they choose to attend a particular Caribbean medical school. They should research the USMLE pass rates and the residency placement rates to determine whether attending a certain medical school is wise. The worst case scenario would be to graduate from a Caribbean medical school, but fail to become a physician; it would be a waste of tens of thousands of dollars and years of precious time.
It is important to note that Caribbean medical schools are a for-profit business. Economics tells us that new schools will form as long as the industry stays profitable. Currently, there are about 60 Caribbean medical schools. Some of them have respectable reputations while others are packed with controversies. There are some that are famous for producing physicians, and others that are notorious for causing foreclosures. It is the responsibility of each prospective student to research the schools to see if it is the right fit.
Schools are listed in alphabetical order by country or territory, then by name. The list includes medical schools recognized by their local governments that award the Doctor of Medicine (MD) and/or Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degrees.
All recognized medical schools are listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDMS). Several agencies may also accredit Caribbean medical schools, as listed in the FAIMER Directory of Organizations that Recognize/Accredit Medical Schools (DORA).[1]
Caribbean medical schools can be categorized as either “regional” or “offshore”. Regional medical schools train students to practice in the country or region where the school is located. Offshore medical schools in the Caribbean primarily train students from the United States and Canada who intend to return home for residency and clinical practice after graduation.[2] Most offshore medical schools are dual-campus programs: basic sciences are completed in the Caribbean, while clinical clerkships are completed at teaching hospitals in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.[3]
10. All Saints University School of Medicine (Roseau, Dominica)
ASU School of Medicine is a private medical school with a campus located on the coast of Roseau, Dominica and administered from an office in Toronto, Canada.
It’s a relatively new school, founded in 2006, but it is quickly becoming a hub for international medical students looking for a global perspective to medicine.
The school emphasizes its excellent academics and affordable tuition, especially compared to med schools in the U.S. There are generous financial aid packages that cover up to 20-25% of total tuition costs, and an automatic scholarship for Dominica citizens covering 50% of tuition.
ASUSM offers two different MD tracks: the four-year and the five-year degree. The four-year MD follows a traditional curriculum structure — two years of introductory science courses followed by two years of clinical clerkship — that is open to applicants who have completed a bachelor’s degree and the proper pre-med course requirements.
The five-year MD is designed for recent high school graduates who want to study medicine right away. This rigorous program consists of four semesters of pre-med courses directly followed by the four-year MD curriculum. Students in this accelerated program take three semesters a year in order to finish within the five-year timeframe.
Students in either program have the opportunity to complete their clinical clerkships from a variety of institutions around the world, including U.S. hospitals in Chicago, Little Rock, and St. Paul.
They also have the option to study in other Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-approved teaching hospitals in Canada, the UK, and the Caribbean.
9. University of Medicine and Health Sciences (Basseterre, Saint Kitts)
UMHS’s medical degree is a 10-semester MD program that takes students from the beaches of Saint Kitts to the suburbs of Portland, Maine, to various clinical clerkships across the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico.
The first four semesters are taught on campus in Saint Kitts, followed by a fifth semester in Portland to learn the foundations of clinical medicine. Then, students have the option to do rotations at UMHS’s affiliated hospitals.
UMHS has a 96% retention rate and 93% first-time pass rate on the USMLE Step 1. Students enjoy a scenic location right by the Caribbean Sea and state-of-the-art learning facilities.
Classes are held in large auditoriums equipped with multiple 56-inch LED monitors and high-definition LCD projectors. Multi-purpose labs feature these audio and visual capabilities as well as projection microscopes. The school is also home to high-tech anatomy, neuroanatomy, and human simulation labs.
The Anne Ross Library and Learning Resource Center provide further research resources and study spaces so students can learn to their fullest potential. Archives include physical books, multimedia sources, and journals in ebook format. Throughout campus, students stay connected with high-speed internet despite their island location.
The curriculum largely follows that of the best U.S. med schools, but UMHS’s tuition is relatively affordable, unlike its mainland counterparts. Furthermore, students can apply for various merit, government, and third-party scholarships.
8. Trinity Medical Sciences University (Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
Trinity Medical Sciences University was founded in 2008 to address the shortage of doctors in the U.S. and Canada. To this day, its mission remains to educate and train tomorrow’s physicians to meet the healthcare needs of the communities they serve.
The school has administrative offices in Roswell, Georgia, and the curriculum follows the American model of med school training: two years of basic science instruction, then two years of clinical rotations. Students learn in hands-on, small group settings and get clinical exposure starting as early as the first semester.
Trinity is a growing school, which means that class sizes remain small in order to facilitate more student-faculty interaction. And its size doesn’t prevent it from getting involved in community health programs through local charity groups and homes for children.
The university has a partnership with Milton Cato Memorial Hospital in Kingstown, meaning that students can find clinical experiences well before years three and four. Milton Cato is a teaching hospital with 230 beds, and students participate in weekly rotations, health fairs, and triaging patients.
The clinical half of the MD program actually takes place either in Baltimore, Maryland or Warner Robins, Georgia. In Baltimore, students can take advantage of the city’s extensive teaching institutions, including the University of Maryland hospital system and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
In Warner Robins, Trinity students benefit from the school’s partnership with Houston Healthcare (HHC). HHC is a sprawling medical institution serving over 300,000 people annually.
7. Xavier University School of Medicine (Oranjestad, Aruba)
XUSM offers both a pre-med and an MD program. The pre-med program is for bright high school graduates who want an accelerated path to med school since it lasts only a year and a half. They can then transition to the four-year MD program, which consists of two years of basic sciences followed by two years of clinical rotation.
Xavier is dedicated to producing physicians who are socially minded, clinically competent, professional, and lifelong learners.
To this end, the school has established several pre-med programs in India, Jordan, and Ghana. This innovative program allows aspiring doctors to take pre-med requirements in an institution in their home country before pursuing their MD at Xavier.
Once they finish their pre-med requirements, they move to Aruba for the basic sciences portion of the MD, followed by clinical clerkships in the U.S.
Often, these scholars hail from medically underserved communities that they come back to serve after getting their MD. In this way, Xavier educates not only Americans and Canadians but also a diverse international student population hungry to help the world’s current healthcare needs.
During clinicals, students go through a thorough 48 weeks of core rotations, after which they can choose elective rotations at affiliated hospitals in Illinois, New York, Maryland, Puerto Rico, and more.
XUSM faculty represent a broad range of clinical and geographic backgrounds. Most have established careers practicing in the U.S. Some bring perspectives from other industries, such as Jacques Odryzynski, a former process engineer for Valero who moved to Xavier to teach chemistry.
6. American University of Antigua (St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda)
AUA holds 14 different accreditations and approvals that allow graduates to practice medicine in all 50 U.S. states, Canada, the UK, India, and elsewhere.
The curriculum follows the American model that balances basic sciences and clinical experiences, but its international program agreements separate AUA from other Caribbean med schools.
One of the programs is offered through the American International College of Arts and Sciences – Antigua (AICASA). Students who graduate with an associate degree from AICASA are guaranteed admission into AUA College of Medicine, as long as they fulfill eligibility requirements.
Another such program is for Florida International University (FIU) graduates who maintain a minimum GPA, complete pre-med coursework, and get a letter of recommendation from a university official.
Preferred admission to AUA is given to these applicants. If they get in, they’ll have the option two years later to return to FIU for the clinical portion of their medical education.
Furthermore, AUA med graduates will also receive preferred admission if they apply to pursue a Master of Public Health degree at FIU.
There is also a list of schools from which, if graduates meet GPA and letter of recommendation requirements, are guaranteed admission to AUA College of Medicine. They’ll also be eligible for a Preferred Program Grant in addition to any scholarships they receive.
Some of these scholarships can be very generous, including the $80,000 Provost Scholarship and the $50,000 Physician Diversification Initiative Scholarship. AUA also offers service and cultural awards to incoming medical students who can demonstrate a significant contribution to their community.
5. St. Matthew’s University (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands)
St. Matthew’s University is home to a medicine and veterinary medicine program, conferring both MD and DVM degrees.
Students will reside in a two-story former hotel along a 7-mile beach on Grand Cayman island. The residence hall is located a few miles from campus and allows for a relaxing yet productive learning environment. There are a total of 80 single rooms, 29 standard suites, and eight deluxe suites.
The MD program is a 10-semester course of study divided into basic sciences (the first five terms) and clinical training (the latter five terms). After completing basic science instruction at SMU, students travel to rural hospitals across the U.S., Canada, or the UK to complete their rotations.
The MD program boasts an excellent 7:1 student-to-faculty ratio and 95% first-time pass rate for the USMLE Step 1 exam.
Students also benefit from SMU’s Center for Learning Enhancement (CLE), which is an integrated program that supports students throughout their studies.
Through CLE, students benefit from faculty reviews and tutoring outside of class time, peer mentoring, academic advisors, and academic development workshops that improve students’ performance in med school.
The DVM program is an accelerated 3-year course of study that features classes no larger than 20 and 10-20% more affordable tuition.
Students will work directly with a variety of species and gain clinical experiences in small-animal and large-animal hospitals. They also have the option of applying for year-long externships at partner institutions in Canada and the U.S.
4. Saba University School of Medicine (The Bottom, Saba, Caribbean Netherlands)
Students and graduates of Saba have particularly good outcomes. Between 2015 and 2019, the first-time pass rate for the USMLE Step 1 exam was nearly perfect — 99% — and between 2018 and 2019, 94% of Saba med school grads got residency placements.
Founded in 1992, Saba has a decades-long history of producing excellent physicians through its quality med school curriculum.
The school started as an international medical school to rival U.S. and Canadian med schools and continues to offer a globally competitive curriculum.
Saba is also the only med school in the Caribbean with accreditation from the Netherlands, which holds the school to high European standards as well as those of the U.S.
In collaboration with the University of South Wales, Saba offers the Pathway Partnership Agreement to qualified USW Medical Sciences graduates. This program will allow them to matriculate with advanced standing into year 2 of the MD program at Saba. Students will be able to earn their MD degree in eight semesters instead of ten.
Saba also offers generous scholarships to incentivize U.S. and Canadian students to study on the Caribbean island and return to practice in their home country.
American merit scholarships start at around $25,000 and can go up to $110,000. Canadian applicants are eligible for the Loyalty Scholarship ($65,000) or Merit Scholarship ($25,000-55,000).
In addition to the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), student organizations include the Women’s Medical Student Association, Indian Students Association, Muslim Students Association, and more.
3. American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (Sint Maarten, Kingdom of the Netherlands)

Since 1978, AUC has produced nearly 7,000 graduates and significantly boosted the number of physicians in the U.S. and worldwide.
The school delivers an American-style curriculum through international learning experiences and nurturing social accountability.
The St. Maarten campus features technologically advanced classrooms, labs, and a medical library. MD students complete the fundamental science portion of their studies here before going off to clinical rotations in the U.S., where AUC has administrative offices in New Jersey and Florida.
AUC is also branching out to reach aspiring physicians outside the U.S. The new UK-Track medical degree program allows non-U.S. citizens to earn an MD from AUC by studying at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).
Within this track, interested students can either apply as a graduate (bachelor’s degree holder) or undergraduate.
Graduate entry into the MD program takes four years, whereas undergraduate entry leads students to a BS in Medical Sciences and an MD within five and a half years.
At UCLan, one of the UK’s largest universities, students will benefit from the school’s vast resources, diverse perspectives, and intricate student networks on top of a world-class medical education.
Another international program offers a gateway for students with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree from an institution approved by India’s National Medical Commission.
These students can apply to transfer with advanced standing to AUC’s MD program. Once there, they must complete at least two years of medical study.
AUC offers scholarships that fund up to $80,000 of tuition.
2. Ross University School of Medicine (Bridgetown, Barbados)
Up until January 2019, RUSM was located in Portsmouth, Dominica, where the school suffered extensive damage from Hurricane Maria. Its new location in Barbados allows the school to continue educating physicians to address the growing global shortage of medical practitioners.
The school has graduated over 16,000 doctors eligible to practice in all 50 U.S. states. As one of “The Big Four,” Ross has an established reputation among Caribbean med schools.
Unlike many mainland U.S. med schools, Ross accepts three new cohorts of students per year in September, January, and May. This keeps the student body population dynamic and thriving.
Even though 86% are American citizens, students represent many different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
Clerkships are completed in the U.S. or the UK. After graduation, RUSM graduates have a first-time residency match rate of 92%, comparable to the mainland U.S. match rate of 93%.
Ross is dedicated to expanding access to quality medical education. One of the ways is through generous scholarships that cover partial to full tuition, which totals $250,000+.
Another way is through new partnerships with a number of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), such as Dillard University, Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, and Tuskegee University.
These partnerships allow students from these universities to gain easier access to quality medical education and increase physician diversity in the U.S.
1. St. George’s University School of Medicine (St. George, Grenada)

For the past 12 years, SGU has produced more doctors for first-year U.S. residency programs than any other med school in the world.
Part of why it’s been a leading producer of physicians is its large student body population, which totals about 6,500.
These students have the option to earn an MD in four (or more) years, and they can pair the MD with an MBA, MPH, or MSc.
Two-thirds of students are U.S. citizens, but the total student body represents over 150 different nationalities, and graduates practice in more than 50 different countries.
SGU’s goal of educating future doctors spans the globe. Right now, interested applicants can start their MD from Grenada but also the UK and India.
SGU’s longstanding partnerships with Northumbria University and the Ramaiah Group of Institutions allow med students to learn in their home country before spending a year in Grenada to finish off their basic science studies. It’s almost like being able to study abroad as a med student.
SGU is also committed to the scientific research and development of the Caribbean region. The Windward Islands Research and Education Foundation (WINDREF) promotes health and sustainable development through interdisciplinary research and community programs.
Internationally recognized and regional scholars, including School of Medicine faculty and students, collaborate on solving the health and environmental problems of the Caribbean islands.
caribbean medical school no mcat
Interested in Knowing more about caribbean medical school no mcat, keep reading. Most medical schools, no matter their location or whether they are allopathic or osteopathic, are difficult to get into. That being said, osteopathic medical schools, or DO schools, tend to use MCAT scores and GPA to admit students due to the limited number of open spots versus the large number of applications.
Caribbean medical school admissions standards vary from school to school; in most cases, the school’s admissions criteria tends to take a holistic approach at the student as a whole to determine if an applicant is the right fit, and not simply rejecting an applicant based on an MCAT and GPA score alone.
While some Caribbean medical schools do not factor in an applicant’s MCAT score to their decision to admit a potential student, taking the MCAT is a requirement for matriculation into the school upon acceptance. Others only use the score if it’s high enough to help with other scores that may be lower, like an applicant’s GPA. Other schools do not require it at all.
medical schools in the caribbean
There are many medical Universities in the Caribbean. Some of these universities are accredited and have global or international recognition. Below you can find the list of all the medical universities in the Caribbean arranged in Hierarchies of the regions in the Caribbean Islands.
Country or territory | School | Established | Degree | Regional/offshore | WDMS | Other Accreditations |
Anguilla (UK) | Saint James School of Medicine | 2010[6] | MD | Offshore | Yes[7] | Full accreditation pending review by CAAM-HP[8]. |
Antigua and Barbuda | American University of Antigua | 2004 | MD | Offshore | Yes[9] | NYSED,[10] Accredited by CAAM-HP[11]. |
Metropolitan University College Of Medicine | 2018 | MD | Offshore | Yes | ||
University of Health Sciences Antigua School of Medicine | 1983 | MD | Offshore | Yes | ||
Aruba (NL) | American University School of Medicine Aruba | 2011 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Aruba Ministry of Education |
Aureus University School of Medicine | 2004 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Aruba Ministry of Education, ACCM Accreditation in progress | |
Xavier University School of Medicine | 2004 | MD | Offshore | Yes | ACCM[12], Accredited with conditions by CAAM-HP[13]. | |
Barbados | American University of Barbados School of Medicine | 2011 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Initial Provisional Accreditation by CAAM-HP[14]. |
American University of Integrative Sciences | 1999 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Full accreditation pending review by CAAM-HP[15]. | |
Bridgetown International University | 2017 | MD | Offshore | Yes | ||
Victoria University of Barbados | 2017 | MD | Offshore | Yes | ||
Ross University School of Medicine | 1978 | MD | Offshore | Yes[16] | NYSED,[10] Barbados Medical Council (BMC), Accredited with conditions by CAAM-HP[17]. | |
University of the West Indies Faculty of Medicine (Cave Hill) | 1967 | MBBS | Regional | Yes | Accredited with conditions by CAAM-HP[18]. | |
Belize | Central America Health Sciences University Belize Medical College | 1996 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Belize Ministry of Education |
Washington University of Health & Science | 2005 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Belize Ministry of Education | |
Cayman Islands (UK) | St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine | 2002 | MD | Offshore | Yes[19] | NYSED,[10] ACCM[12] |
Cuba | Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina | 1999 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education |
Facultad de Ciencias Medicas Ciego de Avila | 2000 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Facultad de Ciencias Medicas Cienfuegos | 1990 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Facultad de Ciencias Medicas Granma | 1982 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Facultad de Ciencias Medicas Holguin | 1976 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Facultad de Ciencias Medicas Las Tunas | 1986 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Facultad de Ciencias Medicas Matanzas | 1969 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Facultad de Ciencias Medicas Pinar del Rio | 1976 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Facultad de Ciencias Medicas Sancti Spiritus | 1994 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Instituto Superior de Ciencias Medicas de La Habana | 1976 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Instituto Superior de Ciencias Medicas de Santiago de Cuba | 1962 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Instituto Superior de Ciencias Medicas de Villa Clara | 1966 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de Camaguey | 1968 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de Guantanamo | 1982 | MD | Regional | Yes | Cuban Ministry of Higher Education | |
Curacao (NL) | Avalon University School of Medicine | 2003 | MD | Offshore | Yes[20] | Government of Curacao, ACCM[10] and Provisional Accreditation by CAAM-HP[21]. |
Caribbean Medical University School of Medicine | 2007 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Government of Curacao; Accreditation denied by CAAM-HP[22]. | |
John F. Kennedy University School of Medicine | 2014 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Government of Curacao | |
New York Medical University(NYMU) | 2017 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Government of Curacao | |
St. Martinus University Faculty of Medicine | 2000 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Government of Curacao | |
Dominica | All Saints University School of Medicine | 2006 | MD | Offshore | Yes | “Not accredited” by CAAM-HP[23]. |
Dominican Republic | Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo Escuela de Medicina | 1972 | MD | Regional | Yes | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology |
Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra Departamento de Medicina | 1976 | MD | Regional | Yes | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology | |
Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo Departamento de Medicina | 1538 | MD | Regional | Yes | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology | |
Universidad Católica Nordestana Facultad de Ciencias Medicas | 1978 | MD | Regional | Yes | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology | |
Universidad Católica Tecnológica del Cibao Escuela de Medicina | 1983 | MD | Regional | Yes | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology | |
Universidad Central del Este Escuela de Medicina | 1970 | MD | Regional | Yes | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology | |
Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) Escuela de Medicina | 1982 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology | |
Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña Escuela de Medicina | 1966 | MD | Regional | Yes | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology | |
Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago Escuela de Medicina, Santiago de Los Caballeros | 1979 | MD | Regional | Yes | Secretary of State for Higher Education, Science and Technology | |
Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago Escuela de Medicina, Santo Domingo | 1981 | MD | Regional | Yes | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology | |
O&Med Medical School, Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad Dominicana O&M | 1966 | MD | Regional | Yes | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology | |
France | University of the French West Indies | 2015 | MD | Regional | Yes[24] | |
Grenada | St. George’s University School of Medicine | 1977 | MD | Offshore | Yes[25] | Grenada Ministry of Health, NYSED[10], Accredited with conditions by CAAM-HP[26]. |
Guyana | University of Guyana | 1985 | MBBS | Regional | Yes | Accredited with conditions by CAAM-HP[27]. |
American International School of Medicine | 1999 | MD | Offshore | Yes | World Health Organization; Ministry of Education and Health (Guyana); Registered with, but not accredited by, the NAC (National Accreditation Council) of Guyana[28] | |
Georgetown American University | 2013 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Registered with, but not accredited by, the NAC (National Accreditation Council) of Guyana[28] | |
GreenHeart Medical University | 2007 | MD | Offshore | No | World Health Organization; Ministry of Education and Health (Guyana); Registered with, but not accredited by, the NAC (National Accreditation Council) of Guyana[28] | |
Lincoln American University | 2016 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Registered with, but not accredited by, the NAC (National Accreditation Council) of Guyana,[29] World Directory of Medical School,[30] Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research,[31] Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)[31] | |
Texila American University | 2010 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Registered with, but not accredited by, the NAC (National Accreditation Council) of Guyana,[28] World Directory of Medical School, Medical Council of Canada (MCC), Medical Council of Guyana (MCG), Medical Council of India (MCI), International Medical Education Directory (IMED), Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates(ECFMG), AMEE, IAU- UNESCO,Bhutan Medical and Health Council (BMHC), Accreditation denied by CAAM-HP[32]. | |
Alexander American University | 2015 | MD | Offshore | No | ||
Haiti | Université d’Etat d’Haïti Faculté de Médecine | 1867 | MD | Regional | Yes | |
Université Lumière Faculté de Médecine | 2006 | MD | Regional | Yes | ||
Université Notre Dame d’Haïti Faculté de Médecine | 1997 | MD | Regional | Yes | ||
Université Quisqueya Faculté des Sciences de la Santé | 2002 | MD | Regional | Yes | ||
Université Joseph Lafortune Faculté de Médecine | 2005 | MD | Regional | |||
Jamaica | All American Institute of Medical Sciences | 2011 | MD | Offshore | Yes[34] | “Initial Provisional Accreditation Withdrawn” by CAAM-HP[35]. |
University of the West Indies Faculty of Medicine (Mona) | 1948 | MBBS | Regional | Yes | Accredited with conditions by CAAM-HP[36]. | |
Montserrat (UK) | Seoul Central College of Medicine | 2003 | MD | Offshore | Yes | |
University of Science, Arts and Technology Faculty of Medicine | 2003 | MD | Offshore | “Not accredited” by CAAM-HP[37]. | ||
Saba (NL) | Saba University School of Medicine | 1994 | MD | Offshore | Yes[38] | NYSED,[10] NVAO[39] |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | International University of the Health Sciences (IUHS) | 1998 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Accreditation Board of Saint Kitts and Nevis[28] |
University of Medicine and Health Sciences | 2008 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Accreditation Board of Saint Kitts and Nevis[28] ACCM[12] | |
Medical University of the Americas | 1998 | MD | Offshore | Yes[40] | ACCM,[12] NYSED[10] | |
Windsor University School of Medicine | 2000 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Accreditation Board of Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean[28], “Not accredited” by CAAM-HP[41]. | |
Saint Lucia | American International Medical University | 2007 | MD | Offshore | No | “Accreditation denied” by CAAM-HP[42]. |
Atlantic University School Of Medicine (AUSOM) | 2010 | MD | Offshore | No[43] | ||
College of Medicine and Health Sciences/aka Destiny University | 2001 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Provisional Accreditation from the Government of Saint Lucia | |
International American University College of Medicine | 2003 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Ministry of Education, Saint Lucia | |
Spartan Health Sciences University | 1980 | MD | Offshore | Yes | Ministry of Education, Saint Lucia; “Programme placed on Probation” by CAAM-HP[44]. | |
Washington Medical Sciences Institute | 2011 | MD | Offshore | Yes | ||
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | All Saints University College of Medicine | 2011 | MD | Offshore | Yes[45] | Recognized by Canadian Government of Designated Educational Institutions,[46] Considered a qualified Institution by the General Medical Council (UK),[47] recognized by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, St. Vincent and the Grenadines,[48] IMED; “Not Accredited” by CAAM-HP[49]. |
American University of St Vincent School of Medicine | 2012 | MD | Offshore | Yes | National Accreditation Board (NAB) of the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines[50] | |
Saint James School of Medicine | 2014[6] | MD | Offshore | Yes[51] | National Accreditation Board (NAB) of the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines[52] WCFMG; Full accreditation pending review by CAAM-HP[53]. | |
Trinity School of Medicine | 2008 | MD | Offshore | Yes | National Accreditation Board (NAB) of the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines[54], Accredited by CAAM-HP[55]. | |
Sint Maarten(NL) | American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine | 1978 | MD | Offshore | Yes[56] | NYSED,[10] ACCM[12] |
Trinidad and Tobago | University of the West Indies Faculty of Medicine (St. Augustine) | 1967 | MBBS | Regional | Yes | Accredited with conditions by CAAM-HP[57]. |
For more information on where to study and where is best for you as an international student, contact us
top 10 caribbean medical schools 2020
he American University of the Caribbean, which is an ACCM accredited establishment, is one of the best choices. It has been formally accredited by the Colleges of Medicine Accreditation Board since 2011. The 40-year-old higher education institution provides courses and programs leading to officially recognized degrees in higher education, such as pre-degrees bachelor’s (i.e. certificates, diplomas, and associate or foundation degrees), doctoral degrees in many fields of medical research. It is also registered with WFME and NCFMEA, and both California and New York have the university’s approval. Those who graduate from this university in all 50 states of the United States may apply for licenses to practice medicine. This medical school provides international learning opportunities with a focus on engagement and social responsibility and a diverse learning environment.
Founded In: 1978
Location: Coral Gables, Florida
Ranking: 1
Contact: (305) 446-0600

American University of the Caribbean
The American University of the Caribbean, which is an ACCM accredited establishment, is one of the best choices. It has been formally accredited by the Colleges of Medicine Accreditation Board since 2011. The 40-year-old higher education institution provides courses and programs leading to officially recognized degrees in higher education, such as pre-degrees bachelor’s (i.e. certificates, diplomas, and associate or foundation degrees), doctoral degrees in many fields of medical research. It is also registered with WFME and NCFMEA, and both California and New York have the university’s approval. Those who graduate from this university in all 50 states of the United States may apply for licenses to practice medicine. This medical school provides international learning opportunities with a focus on engagement and social responsibility and a diverse learning environment.
Founded In: 1978
Location: Coral Gables, Florida
Ranking: 1
Contact: (305) 446-0600
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American University of Antigua
The American University of Antigua is considered by many to be the top medical school in the Caribbean and is regularly highly rated on the list of the best medical schools. It is accredited by CAAM-HP, meaning that students studying at this university are accredited in the United States to practice medicine. WFME and NCFMEA are also identified by the university. It is licensed in both California and New York, and graduates of the American University of Antigua are entitled in all 50 states to receive licenses to practice medicine. In a beautiful environment, students can enjoy studying medicine and will have access to state-of-the-art laboratories and a high-tech lab suite.
Founded In: 2004
Location: Coolidge, Antigua
Ranking: 2
Contact: 268-484-8900
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Medical University of the Americas
The Medical University of the Americas, accredited by the ACCM, is considered one of the Caribbean’s best medical schools. They have a US curriculum based on programs and only accept small classes to maximize the learning experience. The university is accredited and registered with the WFME and NCFMEA in both New York and California. In all 50 states, all who graduate can apply for medical practice licenses. The Medical University of the Americas has always been committed to making it as accessible as possible for medical education. The tuition and fees of MUA are the least of foreign medical schools that are comparably known.
Founded In: 1998
Location: Nevis West Indies
Ranking: 3
Contact: 869-469-9177
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Ross University
Ross University School of Medicine has an outstanding first-time transfer rate of 94 per cent, and graduates in 50 states are eligible for licenses to practice medicine. This university has CAAM-HP accreditation and is also accredited by California and New York. The university is situated in Bridgetown, Barbados so that students can combine the knowledge of Barbadian life with their high-level studies. In nine states in the United States, Ross University has connections with colleges and hospitals, so it is willing to provide clinical rotation positions.
Founded In: 1978
Location: Barbados
Ranking: 4
Contact: 754-707-5547
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Saba University
As a foreign alternative to US and Canadian medical schools, Saba University School of Medicine was established in 1992. More than 2500 students have received their medical degrees at Saba since its establishment. Saba University School of Medicine, accredited by NVAO, offers residency placements in Canada and the United States. They possess a USMLE Stage I first-time pass rate of 100 per cent and a modern curriculum. In all 50 states, those who complete their studies at this university will go on to practice medicine. It is registered with NCFMEA and WFME, and it is a medical school accredited by California and New York.
Founded In: 1992
Location: Caribbean Netherlands
Ranking: 5
Contact: 599-416-3456
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St. George’s University
Besides their medical degrees, St. George’s University has a wide variety of classes. Veterinary medicine, humanities, sciences, and graduate studies are included among these. They are, however, best known for their services for medical schools. This university, located in Grenada, opened its doors in 1976 when it was just a medical school. It has CAAM-Hp accreditation. It is registered with WFME and NCFMEA and is licensed by both California and New York. In 50 nations, graduates will go on to practice medicine.
Founded In: 1976
Location: Grenada
Ranking: 6
Contact: 800-899-6337
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St. Matthew’s University
St. Matthew’s University is a success-oriented university that offers quality education to its students, situated on the beautiful island of Grand Cayman. It has ACCM accreditation and is registered with WFME and NCFMEA. The university has also been approved by New York. This university is, sadly, not accredited by California.
Founded In: 1997
Location: Cayman Islands
Ranking: 7
Contact: 407-977-8100
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Trinity School of Medicine
In the amazing environment of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinity School of Medicine provides the American medical school experience. The fully accredited program provides practical clinical training, followed by a transfer to clinical clerkships in the United States and the ability to sit the US board exams. This university has CAAM-HP accreditation and is registered with NCFMEA and WFME.
Founded In: 2008
Location: Ribishi, St. Vincent & Grenadines
Ranking: 8
Contact: 470-243-2768
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University Of Medicine and Health Sciences
The University of Medicine and Health Sciences is located on the island of St. Kitts and is committed to educating world-class physicians. Accredited by the ACCM, this university is registered with WFME and NCFMEA. The choice of being a residential student or living off-site is open. As there is a close student community, plenty of sports and recreation facilities, and a variety of clubs and organizations, students can enjoy campus life.
Founded In: 2007
Location: St. Kitts
Ranking: 9
Contact: +1 866-866-0380
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Xavier University
One of the few universities that are accredited by both CAAM-HP and ACCM is Xavier University. It is NCFMEA and WFME registered. They have a first-time passing rate of 96% USMLE and deliver clinical rotations in the United States. The university website says that since the university is located on the hot and beautiful island of Aruba, students will enjoy an atmosphere like no other for their studies. This university offers foreign pre-med programs and post-graduate programs in addition to the medical degrees on offer.
Founded In: 2004
Location: Oranjestad, Aruba Dutch Caribbean
Ranking: 10
Contact: 011-297-588-7766
Apply Now
best caribbean medical schools ranking
Caribbean medical schools are usually grouped into two categories: regional and offshore. These medical schools train students to practice in the country or region where the school is located. Offshore medical schools in the Caribbean primarily train students from the United States and Canada who intend to return home for residency and clinical practice after graduation.
Notwithstanding, selecting the right Caribbean Medical University is one of the key steps in your premedical journey. Be sure to determine the number of medical schools to apply to, where to apply, and conduct a thorough search in each institution. Also, check the admission requirements at Caribbean medical institutions before requesting so you can make the right decision.
The following are accredited Caribbean medical schools by NCFMEA, New York, WFME, California and are eligible to offer title iv student loan and can practice in 50 US states:
- American University of Antigua (AUA)– accreditation by CAAM-HP
- American University of the Caribbean (AUC) – accreditation by ACCM
- Medical University of the Americas (MUA) – accreditation by ACCM
- Ross University – accreditation by CAAM-HP
- Saba University – accreditation by NVAO
- St. George’s University (SGU) – accreditation by CAAM-HP
Group 2: Accreditation, WFME, NCFMEA, NY
The following are accredited Caribbean medical schools by NCFMEA, New York, and WFME.
- St. Matthews University (SMU) – accreditation by ACCM, CA disapproved
Group 3: Accreditation, WFME, NCFMEA
The following are accredited Caribbean medical schools by WFME and NCFMEA:
- Trinity School of Medicine (TSOM) – accreditation by CAAM-HP
- University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UMHS) – accreditation by ACCM
- Xavier University – accreditation by both CAAM-HP and ACCM
Group 4: Conditional Accreditation, WFME
The following are the conditionally accredited Caribbean medical schools:
- Avalon University – Conditional accreditation by ACCM to May 31, 2022.
- All Saints University – Conditional accreditation by ACCM to May 31, 2022.
- St. James School of Medicine (SJSM) – initial provisional accreditation on probation extended for 1 year by CAAM-HP in 2018. Conditional accreditation by ACCM to May 31, 2022.
Group 5: Provisional Accreditation, WFME
Provisionally accredited Caribbean medical schools:
- International American University (IAU) – provisional accreditation by CAAM-HP (2018-2020)
- Spartan Health Sciences University – provisional accreditation extended by CAAM-HP in 2018
- American University of Barbados (AUB) – provisional accreditation by CAAM-HP (2018-2020)
Group 6: Accreditation, Non-WFME
- Windsor University – accredited by the Accreditation Board of St. Kitts and Nevis, which is Non-WFME and Non-NCFMEA. Not accredited by CAAM-HP in 2018.
Group 7: Accreditation Pending, Accreditation Withdrawn, Accreditation Denied, or Not Accredited
- All American Institute of Medical Sciences (AAIMS) – provisional accreditation was withdrawn by CAAM-HP in 2016
- American International Medical University (AIMU) – accreditation denied by CAAM-HP in 2018
- American University of Integrative Sciences (AUIS) – applied for accreditation by CAAM-HP
- The American University of St. Vincent (AUS)
- Aureus University – applied for accreditation by ACCM
- Caribbean Medical University (CMU) – accreditation denied by CAAM-HP in 2018
- John F. Kennedy University School of Medicine
- St. Martinus University
- University of Health Sciences Antigua (UHSA) – applied for accreditation by CAAM-HP
- Washington University of Barbados
Group 8: Distance Learning
- International University of Health Sciences (IUHS) – accreditation by St. Kitts and Nevis Accreditation Board, which is Non-WFME and Non-NCFMEA.
- University of Science, Arts, and Technology (USAT) – accredited by Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges, and Universities (ASIC), which is Non-WFME and Non-NCFMEA; not accredited by CAAM-HP in 2012 Line 1.
Medical Schools in the Caribbean Accredited in the US
Below are a few medical schools in the US that have been accredited in the US.
- American University of Antigua
- American University of the Caribbean
- Saba University
- St. George’s University
- Ross University
American University of Antigua (AUA)
The AUA Medical Program trains students through state-of-the-art facilities, distinguished faculty and excellent clinical experience to become world-class physicians and practice medicine in the United States and Canada.
Acceptance rate: 7%
Tuition: $20,500
USMLE Pass Rate: 93%
American University of the Caribbean (AUC)
The mission of the American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) is to train tomorrow’s physicians or doctors, by enhancing their international learning experiences in a diverse learning community, with an emphasis on social accountability and engagement.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: $22,454
USMLE Pass Rate: 94%
Medical University of the Americas (MUA)
The Medical University of the Americas was established over 20 years ago and adheres to a philosophy of education that believes students are best-taught medicine through one-on-one instruction, in small classes, and with a commitment to providing education on par with Canadian medical schools and U.S. medical schools.
Acceptance rate: Admission runs through the 3 semesters
Tuition: $15,850
USMLE Pass Rate: 99%
Ross University
Ross is one of the oldest and most accomplished Caribbean medical schools founded in 1978. It serves students primarily from Canada and the U.S. by providing students with the foundation they need to pursue successful careers in medicine for nearly 40 years.
Furthermore, the Ross medical school experience is called “Dedita Scientiae Medendi” – dedicated to the science of healing.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: $23,240
USMLE Pass Rate: 96%
Saba University
Saba University School of Medicine has a more than 20-year history of educating outstanding physicians and is one of the world’s leading international medical schools. Also, Saba students earn top residencies at medical centers across Canada and the U.S.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: $17,850
USMLE Pass Rate: 100%
Residency rate: 94%
St. George’s University (SGU)
St. George’s University, the Premier Choice in Caribbean Medical Schools, since its establishment as an independent School of Medicine in 1976, has become a top center of international education, drawing students from 140 countries to the island of Grenada. The University’s over 20,000 graduates include veterinarians, business professionals, scientists, physicians, and public health professionals across the world.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: $31,560(clinical); $17,500(Pre Clinical)
USMLE Pass Rate: 96%
Residency: About 950 US residencies
For more information, click on the link below:
St. Matthews University (SMU)
St. Matthew’s University focuses on providing affordable, quality, medical and veterinary education to students. SMU has more than 2000 graduates with their DVM and MD degrees and is located on the beautiful and safe Caribbean island, Grand Cayman.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: $19,400.00
USMLE Pass Rate: 97%
For more information, click on the link below:
Trinity School of Medicine (TSOM)
Trinity School of Medicine is a rigorous Caribbean medical school for students who want a smaller, focused learning environment and value personal attention and faculty support.
Furthermore, Trinity students spend two years engaged in comprehensive study and hands-on training, including regular and immediate clinical experience in the school’s St. Vincent and the Grenadines campus. Also, after two years of basic sciences, students transition to the U.S. for the U.S. board exams and clinical clerkships as they prepare for licensure and residency in the U.S. and Canada.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: $14,200 per term
USMLE Pass Rate: 93%
Residency rate: 84%
Attrition rate: less than 13%
University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UMHS)
UMHS is a state-of-the-art medical school with a unique mission of catering to the individual needs of their students and achieving excellence through high student retention, small class sizes, and tremendous outcomes.
The school is located on the beautiful Caribbean island of St. Kitts.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: $13,700
USMLE Pass Rate: 94%
Xavier University School of Medicine
Xavier University School of Medicine is one of the best Caribbean medical schools that offer system-based courses taught by distinguished doctors from the U.S. These doctors are committed to teaching and academics are their number 1 priority for students.
(XUSOM) was founded in 2004 and is chartered by the government of Aruba with authorization by the Ministry of Education of Aruba.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: $11,500
USMLE Pass Rate: 94%
Avalon University
Avalon University School of Medicine prepares competent doctors who can serve communities locally and around the world. In addition, Avalon graduates are committed to public health and patient safety while maintaining the highest standards of ethical behavior and professionalism required for medical practice.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: $4,500/Semester
USMLE Pass Rate: 96%
All Saints University
All Saints University strives to produce broadly and thoroughly educated graduates by providing high-quality education leading to a Doctor of Medicine (MD) Degree at very affordable fees. The University realizes that the medical profession is not simply a trade to be learned but also a profession that denotes a sense of social responsibility.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: $4995 per semester
USMLE Pass Rate: high
St. James School of Medicine (SJSM)
Saint James School of Medicine is an one of the top accredited international medical schools in the Caribbean with two campuses on the Caribbean islands of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Anguilla.
Here, students study Clinical Sciences through a clinical rotation program at affiliated hospitals in the US and Basic Sciences at one of the Caribbean campuses. It is also.
To graduate from the MD program at Saint James School of Medicine, students will need to demonstrate proficiency in medical research and provide a strong research project to strengthen your residency application.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: $6,350 per semester
USMLE Pass Rate: 96.7%
International American University (IAU)
International American University was founded in 2003 and is located in the heart of the Caribbean Islands, in the Southern Districts, Vieux Fox, St Lucia, West Indies. The university is also authorized by the government of St Lucia to confer various undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Using the latest technology and teaching methods, they offer a state-of-the-art curriculum in medical education. This is delivered by a team of expert faculty and is based on the US model.
Acceptance rate: About 9%
Tuition: $7,500 per semester
USMLE Pass Rate: high
Residency: 10,936 fellowship positions offered by 4,750 programs in 2019 appointment year
Spartan Health Sciences University
At Spartan University, you can earn a degree in Nursing and Medicine and get the license to practice in Canada, the United States, the Caribbean and other parts of the world. The university has a highly qualified and dedicated faculty with over 35 years of experience in medical education.
In addition, there is a very diverse student population, student-to-student academic assistance, one-to-one, and Professor – student assistance.
Acceptance rate: About 7%
Tuition: U.S.$6,250 per semester
USMLE Pass Rate: high
Caribbean medical schools are usually grouped into two categories: regional and offshore. These medical schools train students to practice in the country or region where the school is located. Offshore medical schools in the Caribbean primarily train students from the United States and Canada who intend to return home for residency and clinical practice after graduation.
Notwithstanding, selecting the right Caribbean Medical University is one of the key steps in your premedical journey. Be sure to determine the number of medical schools to apply to, where to apply, and conduct a thorough search in each institution. Also, check the admission requirements at Caribbean medical institutions before requesting so you can make the right decision.