One thing that is important to remember is that you can’t simply choose the cheapest vet schools. While it may seem like a great bargain to pick the bottom most expensive vet school, doing so may not be a wise decision. Keep in mind that you are choosing to spend years of your life and thousands of dollars on your education. Thus, it is important to make sure that you take into account other factors aside from just the costs incurred by the school.
Collegelearners will provide you with all the relevant information you are looking for on cheapest vet schools for international students, vet school requirements, vet school tuition comparison, and so much more.
Cheapest Vet Schools For Non Residents

8. Washington State University
Resident four-year tuition: $102,040
Resident tuition and living expenses: $177,024
Resident four-year total cost: $202,673
7. University of Illinois – Urbana
Resident four-year tuition: $97,251
Resident tuition and living expenses: $175,107
Resident four-year total cost: $200,478
6. Iowa State University
Resident four-year tuition: $110,352
Resident tuition and living expenses: $168,056
Resident four-year total cost: $192,405
5. Texas Tech University
Resident four-year tuition: $88,000
Resident tuition and living expenses: $172,603
Resident four-year total cost: $197,611
4. Kansas State University
Resident four-year tuition: $91,184
Resident tuition and living expenses: $165,040
Resident four-year total cost: $188,952
3. University of Georgia
Resident four-year tuition: $87,316
Resident tuition and living expenses: $158,292
Resident four-year total cost: $181,227
2. North Carolina State University
Resident four-year tuition: $78,479
Resident tuition and living expenses: $159,515
Resident four-year total cost: $182,627
1. Purdue University
Resident four-year tuition: $80,734
Resident tuition and living expenses: $149,134
Resident four-year total cost: $170,742

vet school requirements
Minimum Requirements
In order to be considered for admission into the School of Veterinary Medicine, all submitted applications must meet the following minimum requirements:
2.5 GPA or higher
180 veterinary experience hours
Three professional recommendations with at least one from a veterinarian
Successful completion of the required prerequisites (courses must have a grade of C and higher; a C- will not be accepted)
A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university
Please note that these are the minimum requirements and competitive applications have substantially higher GPAs and experience. International applicants have additional requirements.
Grade Point Averages (GPA)
A minimum grade point average of 2.50 (on a 4-point scale, A=4) is required for admission. Two GPAs are used to calculate an application’s initial ranking:
Overall science GPA (includes all science courses as deemed by VMCAS)
Most recent 45 semester/68 quarter units GPA (includes any graded courses taken within these parameters including but not limited to undergraduate, graduate, or prerequisite courses)
Though the cumulative (all courses taken) GPA is not factored into an application’s initial ranking, it may be considered as part of the holistic review process. Please review our Application Process & Timeline for more details on the application evaluation process.
Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
All applicants are required to take the GRE which includes the verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing sections. Though only the quantitative score is factored into an application’s initial ranking, the verbal and analytical writing sections may be considered as part of the holistic review process.
If the GRE is taken more than once, the highest score will be used. It must be taken within a five-year period prior to applying to veterinary school. No scores from before August 31, 2017 will be accepted for the 2022-2023 application cycle. The GRE must be taken no later than August 31 of the year the application is submitted. Examinations taken after this deadline will not be accepted for consideration in the year the application is filed.
Important Note
Due to public health concerns, ETS is now temporarily offering a Test at Home option.
Do not send official GRE score reports directly to UC Davis or UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. Any reports sent here cannot be retrieved nor attached to an application in any way and a new report will need to be ordered and sent directly to VMCAS.
It is highly recommended that applicants take the GRE well before the final deadline of August 31. This allows for additional time to re-take the test if necessary and avoids last-minute complications and delays with official score reports.
*ETS is temporarily offering a Test at Home option.
Ordering official score reports
All GRE score reports must be electronically delivered from ETS to VMCAS using the UC Davis school code 4804. VMCAS accepts scores when their application window opens and until September 15. Do not send score reports directly to UC Davis. It takes time for ETS to process scores and score report requests and for VMCAS to process the reports. Do not wait until the last minute to request reports. If your scores are not received by VMCAS by the September 15 deadline, your application will be incomplete and will not be considered for admission.
Veterinary Experience
A minimum of 180 hours of veterinary experience are required by the application deadline (September 15 of current application year) to have your application considered for admission; however, admitted applicants have an average of 1,475 hours of quality “hands-on” experience in the veterinary field. You are expected to have a realistic and appropriate perspective of the responsibilities of the veterinary profession. Your experience may come from a job or volunteer service. You may acquire experience by working with veterinarians in private practice, farms, ranches, animal shelters, zoos, aquaria, etc.
The Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) explains the difference between veterinary experience and animal experience on their VMCAS Helpdesk page in the Experiences Section.
Please note that online “experience” will not count toward veterinary or animal experience hours.
Letters of Recommendation (eLOR)
Applicants must submit at least three eLORs as part of their VMCAS application (refer to VMCAS instructions for more information). VMCAS will accept more than three evaluations; however, we will only consider three. At least one eLOR must be from a veterinarian. The remaining eLORS may be written by veterinarians, professors, researchers, or others who can attest to the applicant’s knowledge of veterinary medicine and/or academic abilities.
Once the application has been verified by VMCAS, we will email instructions to set up the applicant portal for the UC Davis Supplemental Application. There, the three recommendations wished to be considered will be indicated. We will calculate a composite score of the three eLORS by using the ratings the evaluators provided on the eLOR evaluation. The composite score will be factored with GPAs and GRE scores to rank the applicant pool for invitations to interview (MMI process).
NOTE: Applications without at least one eLOR from a veterinarian do not meet the minimum application requirements and will not be considered for admission.
Multiple Mini Interview (MMI)
Interviews will be conducted using the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) technique. The MMI is a series of short, structured interviews used to assess personal traits/qualities. Each mini interview provides a candidate with a few minutes to read a question/scenario and mentally prepare before entering the interview room. Upon entering, the candidate has several minutes of dialogue with one interviewer/assessor/rater (or, in some cases, a third party as the interviewer/assessor observes). At the conclusion of the interview, the interviewer/assessor has a few minutes to evaluate while the candidate moves to the next scenario. This pattern is repeated through a circuit of 10 stations.
The MMI was derived from the well-known OSCE (objective structured clinical examination) used by many medical programs to assess a student’s application of clinical skills and knowledge. However, the MMI does not test knowledge of veterinary medicine but rather personal attributes such as communication skills and ability to work as part of a team, ethical and critical decision-making abilities, and behaviors important to being a veterinarian such as empathy, honesty, and reliability.
Approximately 240 applicants will be invited to the in-person MMIs conducted on the UC Davis, which take place in early December. MMIs are mandatory for consideration of admission and cannot be conducted remotely.
MMI Update for 2022-2023 Application Cycle: MMI’s may be conducted virtually in a synchronous face to face format using Kira Talent or conducted in a traditional in-person format. The structure will remain the same as in-person MMI’s. Interviews will continue to be led by faculty evaluaters for the 22-23 cycle. Details and dates will be outlined soon.
International Applicants
International applicants must submit their applications through VMCAS, meet the above criteria for admission, and meet the additional requirements as stated below:
All international applicants must have a four year bachelor’s degree and are not eligible to begin the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program directly out of high school. A bachelor’s degree must be completed prior to matriculation.
Foreign Veterinary Graduate?
Graduates of foreign, non-AVMA accredited veterinary programs wishing to practice veterinary medicine in the U.S. may complete an educational equivalency assessment certification program through the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG).
Language Proficiency
Non-native English speaking applicants must take the ib-TOEFL test unless they received a bachelor’s degree from an English speaking university in the U.S. The minimum acceptable score is 105. The TOEFL test must be taken by August 31 and scores must be sent to school code 4834 by September 15.
All international transcripts must be evaluated by the World Education Service (WES) and the report must be received by VMCAS no later than September 15.
While we offer a variety of funding for students, there is no specific funding for international students. If offered admission, international students must provide evidence of the first year of living and tuition expenses before an I-20 is granted. International students can expect to pay approximately $51,000-57,000 per year (subject to change) in tuition and registration fees for the duration of the program (4 years). This amount does not include housing and living expenses. Please visit our financial aid information for more information about expected costs.
cheapest vet schools for international students
Cheapest vet schools in the U.S.
If you’re looking for the cheapest place to study veterinary medicine, going to the South or Midwest could be your best bet. As you can see from the figures above, there’s a range of tuition and fees for future veterinarians across geographic locations.
The difference is also much starker between in-state tuition and out-of-state tuition. State students can save a lot more money. Be sure to consider this factor and explore the rules about establishing residency. Tuition prices between public and private colleges also vary widely.

Total Points: 8
Program Website
Washington State University is a public, land-grant Pac-12 member. It enrolls 30,614 students from 91 nations online and at six Palouse Region campuses. In 2018, WSU received an American Society of Animal Sciences Scholastic Achievement Award. Washington State’s Knott Dairy Center won the 2015 ASAS Big Scoop Ice Cream Award. The U.S. News & World Report ranked Washington State University 98th for biological science. It was America’s 42nd best farming college on Niche, 20th top value in Financial Times, and 223rd best buy by PayScale.
The College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences offers an Animal Sciences B.S. program that fulfills DVM admission. The 120-credit, NWCCU-accredited program has a deadline of January 31st for starting the Animal Management Option or Pre-Veterinary Medicine Option. Undergrads may also:
- join the Companion Animal Club
- travel with the Rabies Free Africa Initiative
- conduct Animal Reproduction Lab research,
- work in the Beef Center
- intern at the Veterinary Hospital.
Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences
In-State Tuition: $11,584
Out-of-State Tuition: $25,820
Student-Faculty Ratio: 15:1
Graduation Rate: 59 percent
5. Murray State University

Total Points: 8
Program Website
Murray State University is a public, four-year Ohio Valley Conference member. It opened in 1922. It enrolls 8,142 undergraduates from 45 countries and has 66 majors. In 2017, Murray State was the KVMA Veterinarian of the Year Award recipient. MSU was a 2019 American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association Student Award winner. The U.S. News & World Report ranked Murray 32nd for bachelor’s teaching in the South. It was named America’s 275th best faculty on Niche, 217th top public university in Forbes, and 162nd best institution in Washington Monthly.
The Hutson School of Agriculture offers a low-cost B.S. in Agriculture – Animal Technology where undergrads can select the Veterinary Technology or Pre-Veterinary Medicine focus. These two 124-credit, AVMA-accredited paths share core courses like Small Animal Diseases and Advanced Hematology. Students also have the opportunity to:
- utilize the Equine Instructional Facility
- join Pre-Vet Club
- celebrate Animal Health Day
- attend the Agriculture Career Fair
- intern at Louisville Zoo
- study in Ecuador.
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture – Animal Technology
In-State Tuition: $9,084
Out-of-State Tuition: $24,540
Student-Faculty Ratio: 15:1
Graduation Rate: 55 percent
4. University of Idaho

Total Points: 8
Program Website
Sponsored by the Laidlaw Panama Foundation for its 126-acre Sheep Center, the University of Idaho is a public, land-grant Big Sky Conference member. It was founded in 1889. It enrolls 11,841 students from 73 countries and offers 93 cost-effective majors. In 2015, Idaho was an ASAS Outstanding Animal Science Contributions Award recipient. The Liquid Feed Hall of Fame inducted a UI alumnus in 2018. The U.S. News & World Report ranked the University of Idaho 140th for biological science programs. It was named America’s 29th best agriculture school on Niche, 241st top value in Forbes, and 21st best choice by the Social Mobility Index.
Known for cloning Idaho Gem, the College of Agricultural & Life Sciences offers an affordable B.S. in Animal and Veterinary Science. The economical, 124-credit, NWCCU-accredited program covers topics from Feed Formulation to Environmental Studies. Experiences include:
- joining Block & Bridle
- undertaking Livestock Genetics Lab projects
- interning at Ogden Nature Center
- volunteering with VandalCARE
- pledging Sigma Alpha
- touring Ireland.
Bachelor of Science in Animal and Veterinary Science
In-State Tuition: $7,864
Out-of-State Tuition: $25,500
Student-Faculty Ratio: 14:1
Graduation Rate: 59 percent
3. Tarleton State University

Total Points: 8
Program Website
Stabling more than 50 horses at its 75-acre Equine Center, Tarleton State University is a public, coed Texas A&M constituent. It enrolls 12,333 students from 27 countries and 88 affordable degree programs. In 2018, Tarleton State was the AQHA Jay Pumphrey Animal Sciences Scholarship Award recipient. TSU earned a 2019 Council for Advancement & Support of Education District IV Award. The U.S. News & World Report ranked Tarleton 91st in the Western Region. TSU was designated America’s 249th best Greek life college on Niche, 221st top value by College Factual, and 388th best university in Washington Monthly.
The College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences offers a low cost B.A.S. in Veterinary Technology for SACS-accredited emphases in Companion Animal, Equine, or Veterinary Practices. The 120-credit B.S. in Animal Science offers six concentrations:
- Business
- Animal Production
- Meat/Food Science
- Science
- Pre-Veterinary Medicine
- Range/Ranch Management
Students also have the opportunity to:
- enter the Dairy Challenge
- join Pre-Vet Club
- research in the Animal Breeding Lab
- intern at Brazos Valley Equine Hospital.
Bachelor of Science in Animal Science
Bachelor of Applied Science in Veterinary Technology
In-State Tuition: $7,292
Out-of-State Tuition: $17,252
Student-Faculty Ratio: 19:1
Graduation Rate: 46 percent
2. St. Petersburg College

Total Points: 8
Program Website
Given LEED Silver certification for its $11 million Veterinary Technology Center, St. Petersburg College is a public, four-year FSCS System member. It was founded in 1927. It enrolls 46,706 students from 63 countries. In 2010, SPC earned the Florida Gulf Coast Outstanding Business of the Year Award. It received the 2011 ITC Outstanding Use of New Technology Award. Community College Week ranked St. Petersburg College 10th for associate degrees. SPC was chosen America’s 77th safest campus on Niche, 46th best liberal arts school by College Factual, and 300th top value on PayScale.
On Desire2Learn, the Health Sciences & Veterinary Nursing Division delivers the inexpensive Veterinary Technology B.A.S. program. It teaches ethical medical treatment strategies for animals. The 120-credit, AVMA-accredited program gives 24/7 digital access in accelerated eight-week courses like Hospital Marketing and Emergency Care. Students may also:
- transfer from the Veterinary Technology A.S.
- intern at Pinellas County Animal Services
- research with Bay Pines STEM Center
- compete for the Kelly Stadler Scholarship.
Bachelor of Applied Science in Veterinary Technology
In-State Tuition: $2,682
Out-of-State Tuition: $9,286
Student-Faculty Ratio: 23:1
Graduation Rate: 32 percent
1. California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Total Points: 9
Program Website
Partnered with JustFoodForDogs in its Canine Nutrition Research Lab, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona is a public, coed AASCU member. It was founded in 1938. It has 1,330 faculty teaching 24,314 undergraduates. In 2016, CPP was the William F. McCulloch Award for Excellence in Human-Animal Interaction Education winner. Cal Poly won a 2017 OLC Digital Learning Innovation Award. The U.S. News & World Report ranked California State Polytechnic 28th on the West Coast. It was elected America’s 47th best value in Money, 171st most diverse campus on Niche, and 434th top university by Times Higher Education.
At W.K. Kellogg Center, the Huntley College of Agriculture houses an inexpensive B.S. in Animal Health Science program. It’s focused on treating acute or chronic illnesses in non-human patients. The 120-unit, AVMA-accredited major integrates classes from Diagnostic Imaging to Anesthesiology. There is a 91 percent certification exam success. Students also have the opportunity to:
- intern at Full Circle Dairy
- join Gamma Sigma Delta
- attend the Sunday Horse Show
- compete at the College National Rodeo
- compete for the Dr. Carl Becker Scholarship.
Bachelor of Science in Animal Health Science
In-State Tuition: $7,353
Out-of-State Tuition: $19,233
Student-Faculty Ratio: 29:1
Graduation Rate: 71 percent