
Information about Psychology Degrees

Psychology is a subdiscipline in the field of Social Sciences. By studying a Bachelor’s or Mater’s degree in Psychology you will learn all about every aspect related to the human psyche and how people are influenced by society, culture, and contemporary era challenges. You’ll explore diverse topics, trying to answer questions such as: Is the mind just a byproduct of brain processes? Is behaviour learned or inherited? What is the nature of the human subconscious? How can people change their behaviour through self-discovery?

The field of Psychology can help you understand a broad range of human behaviours as well as the many forms that mental health issues take. Psychology students will combine theoretical classes with practical work experience and case studies on issues such as trauma, mental disorders, addiction, child development, and current therapy methods, among others.

Psychology has a multitude of subfields, such as: Clinical Psychology, Cognitive and Perceptual Psychology, Behavioural Psychology, Neuropsychology, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Experimental Psychology or forms of Depth Psychology (focusing on unconscious processes).

By graduating Psychology degrees, students around the world gain access to a wide variety of career options including: psychotherapist, psychology counsellor, occupational psychologist, school counsellor, human resource officer, play therapist, forensic psychologist, organizational psychologist (I-O), and more

Program overview

Helping students become expert psychologists and competent clinicians is the purpose of the Clinical Psychology (PhD Thesis) program. It aims to prepare students for research, academic and clinical careers in psychology and health care. As practitioners of an evidence-based science, faculty members guiding the program emphasize training in clinical science. The program, which highlights their commitment to empirical approaches to advancing knowledge, is accredited by the

Clinical Psychology Program

The Psychology Department offers graduate training in Clinical Psychology leading to M.A. and Ph.D. degrees and is based upon a scientist-practitioner model of clinical training. The program is designed as an integrated sequence leading to a Ph.D. degree, although students must first obtain a Masters degree as part of their requirements. The Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology is accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association, most recently in 2014 for seven years.

Applicants may seek clinical training in one of the following tracks:

  • Clinical General
  • Clinical Child
  • Clinical Forensic
  • Clinical Neuropsychology

Program Mission and Values

Mission – Our mission is to produce graduates who contribute to the science of psychology and to clinical psychology practice. The Clinical Program emphasizes the integration of science and practice. We are committed to training students to take a scientific approach to clinical practice and to use knowledge gained through clinical practice to inform scientific inquiry.

Values – Our program attempts to foster the following values in our faculty and students as they perform their teaching, research, and professional activities:

  • ethical behaviour
  • excellence
  • the integration of science, scholarship, and clinical practice
  • respect for and responsiveness to diversity
  • engagement with and service to the community
  • commitment to lifelong learning

Philosophy and Model of Training

The Clinical Program is based on a scientist-practitioner model of clinical training as established at the Boulder Conference in 1949. As such, the Program endorses the principles of scientific inquiry and emphasizes knowledge acquisition, scientific training, and structured, sequenced practical training as fundamental to the development of clinical competence. The Program recognizes the importance of breadth and diversity in training to ensure an appreciation of different theoretical and research perspectives. At the same time, we recognize the importance of depth in training within specific domains of clinical psychology. Thus, in addition to broad and general training in clinical psychology, the Program offers tracks in Clinical Forensic, Clinical Child, Clinical Neuropsychology and Clinical General Psychology. Training within these tracks is achieved through focused streaming of advanced courses and practica. While the research home of all Program clinical faculty and students in each of the tracks is within the Clinical Science research area, many Program members are cross-affiliated with other research areas within the Department. As a cornerstone of training, the Program operates an outpatient mental health clinic (CPC) designed to provide psychological services to the community, training and education of graduate clinical students and a setting for psychological research.

Program Goals and Objectives

We aim to foster the development of research, scholarship, professional skills, and a commitment to ethical behaviour. Our program emphasizes three broad goals each of which is reflected in specific objectives:

  1. To provide students with training in scholarly and research skills within the field of clinical psychology
  2. To provide students with training in clinical skills
  3. To foster the development of ethical and professional conduct and respect for diversity

Canadian Psychological Association.

Completing this program

  • Courses: Students will take advanced topics in the practice of clinical psychology such as psychopharmacology, diversity issues in clinical psychology, clinical geropsychology, addictions, health psychology, eating disorders, consultation/supervision, program evaluation, and neuropsychology.
  • Candidacy: Students must sit a written and oral doctoral candidacy examination in the third year of their program.
  • Research Proposal: Students in the program must complete a doctoral thesis proposal for thesis research.
  • Thesis: Students will complete a thesis based on a research project/question during their time in the program.


Research, academic, or clinical career in university, health, and mental health settings.

A PhD in clinical psychology is usually considered a final degree.

Thesis-based program

Students are required to prepare a thesis and successfully defend in an open oral defense.


9 courses, practica, and a full-time, competitive, paid internship. Internships may take place in settings across Canada.

Learn more about program requirements in the Academic Calendar

Classroom delivery

Time commitment

Four to five years; six years maximum


A supervisor is required prior to the start of the program

Fees and funding

See the Graduate Calendar for information on fees and fee regulations, and for information on awards and financial assistance.


Learn about faculty available to supervise this degree.

A full list of supervisors accepting new students is posted on the Department of Psychology website in early Fall. Contact the program for more information.

  1. BCallahanBrandy Callahan Accepting InquiriesGeriatric neuropsychology, Adult ADHD
  2. TCampbellTavis Campbell Accepting InquiriesBehavioral Medicine, Adherence, Health Behaviors, Chronic Disease, Motivation
  3. Linda CarlsonLinda Carlson Accepting InquiriesPsychosocial Oncology
  4. Keith DobsonKeith Dobson UnavailableDepression, Stigma, Workplace mental health, Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and their effects on adults
  5. Profile pictureDeinera Exner-Cortens Seeking StudentsHealthy Relationship Promotion/Violence Prevention, Suicide Prevention, School Mental Health, Program Evaluation, Implementation Science
  6. Picture of Susan GrahamSusan Graham Seeking StudentsChild Development, Language and Cognition
  7. David HodginsDavid Hodgins Accepting InquiriesAddictive Behaviours
  8. Candace KonnertCandace Konnert UnavailableClinical Geropsychology
  9. Sheri Madigan (headshot)Sheri Madigan Accepting InquiriesDeterminants of Child Development, Child Development; Clinical Psychology
  10. image of Dr. von Ranson smilingKristin von Ranson Accepting InquiriesEating disorders, body image, implementation science


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Admission requirements


A minimum of 3.6 GPA on a 4.0 point system.

Please note that the PhD program is highly competitive. Successful applicants will typically have a GPA higher than this stated minimum.

Minimum education

A master’s degree in Psychology or equivalent.

Work samples



A statement of research and professional interests, including the specification of prospective research supervisors from among current program faculty

Reference letters

Two academic letters

Test scores

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test Scores Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Subject Test in Psychology Scores

English language proficiency

An applicant whose primary language is not English may fulfill the English language proficiency requirement in one of the following ways:


For admission on September 1:

  • Canadians and permanent residents: Dec. 1 application deadline
  • International students: Dec. 1 application deadline

If you’re not a Canadian or permanent resident, or if you have international credentials, make sure to learn aboutย international requirements

MA and PhD Counselling & Clinical Psychology

Program: Counselling and Clinical Psychology
Field: Clinical Psychology
Degree: MA and PhD
Duration: Full-time 2-year Master of Arts and 5-year Doctor of Philosophy

Housed within the Graduate Department of Psychological Clinical Science, the primary and overriding objective of graduate training in Clinical Psychology at UTSC is to produce exceptional clinical scientists according to the highest standards of research and professional practice.

Graduate training in Clinical Psychology at UTSC has primary research strengths in the areas of clinical neuropsychology and neurosciencespersonality and psychological assessment, and mindfulness- and acceptance-based psychotherapies. Distinguished by its innovative cross-disciplinary approach to psychological clinical science, Clinical Psychology at UTSC emphasizes scientific innovation through novel research collaborations that push traditional boundaries in clinical science and practice. This theoretical knowledge is integrated into our clinical training which supports the delivery of evidence-based assessment and psychological interventions.

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