Colby College, with its impressive 8% acceptance rate, is a highly selective institution that attracts top-tier students from around the world. Among the applicants admitted to Colby College who submitted test scores, half of them have SAT scores falling between 1430 and 1540. However, simply having a strong standardized test score is not enough to secure a spot at this prestigious college.
To be competitive for admission to Colby College, a GPA of 4.04 or higher is recommended. This high GPA requirement ensures that students who are admitted have excelled academically throughout their high school career. If your GPA falls below this threshold, you may need to compensate with a higher SAT or ACT score to strengthen your application.
In addition to meeting the GPA requirement, applicants to Colby College must also impress the admissions committee with a well-rounded application. This includes strong letters of recommendation, a compelling personal statement, and involvement in extracurricular activities that demonstrate leadership and passion. The admissions process at Colby College is comprehensive and competitive, so it’s essential to showcase your academic abilities and personal qualities to stand out among the pool of highly qualified applicants.

If you want to know more about Colby College’s ACT score requirements, check out our guide. We’ll tell you exactly what kind of test scores you’ll need in order to be considered for admission. Read on as we cover Colby College Acceptance Rate, why is colby college acceptance rate so low, colby college ranking, colby college sat requirements and colby college gpa requirements.
We’ve also compiled a list of all the schools that accept students with a 31 or above on their ACT. Your odds are even better if your composite score is 32 or higher!
Colby College’s admission data indicates that they typically accept students with ACT scores of 31 and above. Successful applicants typically send ACT scores in the top 5% nationally. We estimate the school accepting minimum ACT composite scores around 30 in some instances. Prospective students submitting an ACT composite of 32 or higher should be in the upper half of applicants—and students with a 33 and above have very competitive chances. The school ranks #1 in Maine for highest average ACT composite score. 49% of applicants submit ACT scores to Colby College.
Colby College Acceptance Rate
We begin with Colby College Acceptance Rate, then why is colby college acceptance rate so low, colby college ranking, colby college sat requirements and colby college gpa requirements.
Colby College is the most selective school in Maine—with an acceptance rate of just 10%. That means that only one out of every ten applicants is admitted to Colby College.
But does this mean you’ll automatically be rejected from Colby College if your SAT score isn’t perfect? Absolutely not! The average SAT score for admitted students at Colby College is 1380 to 1520, and the average ACT composite score is 31 to 34. But even if you don’t meet these standards, you still have a shot—one quarter of admitted applicants achieved scores above these ranges, and one quarter scored below them. So don’t stress too much about getting into Colby College—you can take advantage of our free college admissions help today!
why is colby college acceptance rate so low
Now we consider why is colby college acceptance rate so low, colby college ranking, colby college sat requirements and colby college gpa requirements.
We all know that Colby’s acceptance rate has dropped significantly in the past couple of years, but is the new crop of Colby students really any smarter? The Class of 2019 was admitted to Colby when the acceptance rate was 22.5%, compared to the Class of 2022’s lower 9.5% acceptance rate. This week, The Echo investigated whether students notice a difference between the older and younger classes, and if these differences create any tension on campus and affect the overall student experience. All student responses have been kept anonymous so that students felt comfortable and speak openly about the topic.
Responses from students hit both ends of the spectrum: some reported that they can tell a difference between the older classes and the younger classes, while others say that it hasn’t been a big part of their college experience. One student from the Class of 2022 reports, “I can’t say that the current freshman class had any strong feelings on the divide in acceptance rate between our grade and the ones above us. That being said, almost as soon as the acceptance rate of the incoming freshman class was announced, rumblings began in our grade. I’d say there’s definitely a slight anxiety surrounding some members of my class about the perceived intelligence of the incoming students.”
In accordance with what this student had to say, another member from the Class of 2022 shared similar opinions upon reflecting on this topic. This student also introduces the argument over whether acceptance rates say anything about intelligence: “The difference in acceptance rate between the senior and freshman classes have not affected my experience on campus. Between the grades, everyone seems to respect each other. I am part of the swim team and I am always around a range of grades.
Never have I heard an individual from one grade criticize another individual in another grade because of acceptance rates declining. Within Colby, I believe that despite differing acceptance rates between grades, everyone is viewed as equally smart. However, outside of the Colby community I have heard from others that we compare ourselves to other schools using acceptance rate as an indicator of intelligence. However, the acceptance rate is not necessarily a great indicator of intelligence. Especially since Colby recently became test optional. This can skew the acceptance rate. Overall, I don’t notice a divide.”
Some of the students who feel ambivalent also seem to believe that it might be too early to tell whether the classes are actually getting smarter. A student from the Class of 2019 shares, “I feel like I can’t comment on the effects it has had on campus since the new class hasn’t arrived yet, but I’ve definitely heard comments like ‘I couldn’t get into Colby now.’ I don’t think it has created a divide in any way; I don’t personally feel like students take too much stock in the percentages aside from comments like I previously mentioned.”
On the other side of the argument, there are those students who claim to have noticed a difference between the senior and freshman class. Interestingly enough, these students are part of the Class of 2019. Perhaps these opinions are more popular among the older classes at Colby because they’ve been at Colby for longer and can compare their experience with other grades over a four-year timespan.
One student from the Class of 2019 explains, “ I think that there is a definite divide on campus general difference in campus culture from when we were freshmen and the current freshmen. The current freshmen seem much more academically driven (i.e. knew their majors very early on) and seem to operate less on a “school on the weekdays and fun on the weekends” mentality that I think we do. An example of this is Dana Doghead breakfast. In all four years that I’ve been at Colby, this was absolutely the most tame and lowkey breakfast and felt more like a normal day instead of a day that brings the entire community together.”
The seniors who share the opinion that the younger classes at Colby are different from the senior class worry about the effects that this change in student character will have on the Colby community and future student experience. When asked about the perception of the younger classes, another student from the Class of 2019 says, “Yes. I think that as the grades get younger, they are more competitive to get good grades, and therefore less willing to have fun with what Colby has to offer. Campus has felt more high strung, and less like a community. Maybe because the dynamic of the average student changes with the changing acceptance rate, but “’he Colby Student’ is harder to define now. I think that this divide has caused a lot of unnecessary drama and rivalry since the stakes were so high when we were applying.”
Whether or not it’s true that incoming Colby students are smarter than those who came before them, it is clear that the older classes at Colby have noticed a change on campus. Perhaps this is how the Class of 2016 felt when the Class of 2019 arrived on campus, and perhaps this is how the incoming Class of 2023 will feel when they reach their final year at Colby.
colby college ranking
More details coming up on colby college ranking, colby college sat requirements and colby college gpa requirements.
Colby College is a top-tier liberal arts school, and it’s consistently ranked as one of the best schools in the country. The school was founded in 1813 by a group of Congregational ministers, and has been educating students ever since.
The school is located in Maine, just outside of Waterville. It has over 1,900 students enrolled at any given time, with an average class size of 14 students. Colby offers more than 40 majors and minors to its undergraduate students, including courses in political science, mathematics, English literature, history and many other subjects. The college also offers graduate programs through their Graduate School of Arts & Sciences as well as their School of Professional & Extended Studies (SPES).
colby college sat requirements
Colby College is most selective with an acceptance rate of 10%. Half the applicants admitted to Colby College have an SAT score between 1380 and 1520 or an ACT score of 31 and 34. However, one quarter of admitted applicants achieved scores above these ranges and one quarter scored below these ranges.
Colby College does not require the SAT or ACT for admission.
colby college gpa requirements
With a GPA of 3.98, Colby College requires you to be at the top of your class. You’ll need nearly straight A’s in all your classes to compete with other applicants. Furthermore, you should be taking hard classes – AP or IB courses – to show that college-level academics is a breeze.
If you’re not sure what those acronyms stand for, don’t worry! We’ve got it covered:
AP stands for “Advanced Placement,” which means you get college credit for taking higher-level courses at your high school. You may have heard of these as “Honors” or “Advanced” classes on your transcript.
IB stands for “International Baccalaureate,” which is a rigorous curriculum taught in many schools around the world. It requires students to take six subjects and write an essay at the end of each year.