Convert German GPA To US GPA

You’re a pupil of a German college and you want to go to an American college. You have your heart set on study at Columbia University, but you have an embarrassing problem. How do you convert your German GPA to an American GPA?

Students from Germany want to go to the US for further education. If this is you, you may need to convert your GPA from a German grade point average system to a 4.0 scale. This article will give you information on how to do that, as well as background knowledge on why it can be tricky to convert a GPA from a European grading system. In this article we will discuss Convert German GPA To US GPA, 2 7 german grade equivalent, german grading system university, 2.7 german grade equivalent uk and 1.7 german grade to percentage.

To convert your German GPA to a US GPA, you’ll need to translate your grades into the same system that American universities use. So if you have a 1.0 in math, for example, that would be a 4.0 on the American scale. Read on to know more on Convert German GPA To US GPA, 2 7 german grade equivalent, german grading system university, 2.7 german grade equivalent uk and 1.7 german grade to percentage.

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We begin with Convert German GPA To US GPA, then, 2 7 german grade equivalent, german grading system university, 2.7 german grade equivalent uk and 1.7 german grade to percentage.

How Do US Universities Calculate Your CGPA?

Universities in the US assess your scholastic abilities in terms of GPA.

However, there is no official standardized or uniform grading system there and it is left to the individual university or other regulatory bodies to choose and follow a set method of evaluating their applicants.

Commonly, a four-point grading system is followed by universities. This means that a student is graded on a scale of 0 to 4, with 4 being the maximum attainable CGPA.

However, some universities have been known to follow a nine or ten-point grading system as well, e.g: Rackham School of Graduate Studies at the University of Michigan, till 2013, after which they also switched to the more widely used four-point system.

So, do you really have to convert your CGPA?

The University of Columbia is an exception as it asks you to convert your score into the four-point scale.

There are also a set of universities that require you to get a third-party evaluation of your transcripts (official statement of your marks) from agencies such as WES (World Education Services), who will report your CGPA/GPA for you, after converting it into the Universityโ€™s prescribed form, for a fee.

For example,

WES also provides a credible free online evaluation of your scores, which you can use to plan your options.

NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Services) is an association with several member organizations and agencies that provide such services, these include International Education Research Foundation Inc. (IERF) and Educational Credential Evaluators Inc among several others.

Universities often suggest one or the other Third-Party with whom they are affiliated for such evaluations.

So, third-party evaluation is definitely one credible way to convert your CGPA into the scale accepted by the university.

US GPA To German GPA

The best possible GPA in the U.S. is a 4.0. The worst passing grade in Germany is a 4.0. You can see why accurately converting your grade when applying to schools in a different country is important.

Unfortunately, converting grades between different countries is confusing. I first encountered this confusion when I was applying to Masterโ€™s programs in Germany, and I wanted to make sure my American GPA was high enough for the programs to which I was applying.

Note: German grades are on a scale of 1.0 (best possible grade) to 4.0 (lowest passing grade). 5.0 is a failing grade. Most Masterโ€™s programs in Germany require a GPA of 2.5, although this varies by program.

One of the first resources I came across in my research was the Wikipedia article on โ€œAcademic Grading in Germany.โ€ There you will find a very confusing chart and a quick description of the Modified Bavarian Formula, but not much else. So, I will try my best to make this all a little bit easier to understand.

In general, the Modified Bavarian Formula is the standard method for converting foreign grades from any country into the German system. Here is what this formula looks like:

Nmax = highest possible grade in your home countryโ€™s grading system
Nmin = lowest possible passing grade in your home countryโ€™s grading system
Nd = the grade you want to convert

When using the Modified Bavarian Formula to convert American grades, it would (typically) look like this (using 3.5 as the GPA to be converted):

Nmax = 4.0
Nmin = 2.0
Nd = 3.5

Do the math, and you will find out that an American 3.5 converts to a German 1.75.

For quick reference, I created the following chart using the Modified Bavarian Formula (Nmax=4.0; Nmin=2.0; note that some American universities do grade differently). This will give you a rough idea of what your American GPA or American letter grade would convert to in the German system:

german grading system

When applying for a degree at a German university it is almost one hundred percent sure that youโ€™re going to submit your academic scores taken during previous education. In that case, your grades will be compared to the German grading system and then after it will be assessed if you meet specific entry requirements.

Imagine another uncomfortable situation. You sit an exam in a particular subject and you get a 1.5 score. So youโ€™re left wondering how well you did and did you pass it at all?

These are only two main reasons why it is so important to properly understand the German grading system. You would not like to see your excitement about studying in Germany diminish right away when youโ€™re told that your grades leave much to desire.

To avoid any of these embarrassing results, weโ€™re going to help you to understand the German grading system in order for you to know what to aim for in terms of your grades.

2 7 german grade equivalent

Next, we review 2 7 german grade equivalent, german grading system university, 2.7 german grade equivalent uk and 1.7 german grade to percentage.

Understanding & Converting German Grades

For those who studied or will be studying in Germany and other German-speaking universities, understanding the grading system might be rather confusing for those used to the UK and US system of grading; this is made worse by the fact that very few people in Singapore are truly familiar with the grading system in German-speaking universities. For this reason, after conducting much research and comparisons, we have put together some useful in-depth information to give you a better understanding of the German grading system!

1. Die Noten โ€“ Understanding the German and the UK/US Grading Systems

Generally speaking, the German grading system is one that is based on banding and each individual grade (called Note) are usually awarded based on the following banding descriptors, which range between 1,0 to 5,0. A 0,3 or 0,7 is usually added to the individually listed grades for finer differentiation within the grade band (e.g. a 1,3 is better than a 1,7 although both grades fall under the same  band). For this reason, the following individual grades (Note) may be awarded: 1,0; 1,3; 1,7; 2,0; 2,3; 2,7; 3,0; 3,3; 3,7; 4,0; 4,3; 5,0.  The best possible attainable grade is a 1,0 and 4,0 is generally the lowest passing grade, with some universities awarding a 4,3 whilst others do not. Additionally, some universities may also have an additional 6,0 to denote a complete failure (i.e. no re-sits possible).

In addition, an European Credits Transfer System (ECTS) grade, established as part of the Bologna Process to facilitate the transfer of credits between European institutions, is awarded in addition to the German grade. The ECTS grade is usually added in the Diploma Supplement, a certificate which provides detailed information about the programme and the university in which the degree was awarded. It is important to note that the ECTS grade is a โ€˜relativeโ€™ rather than an โ€˜absoluteโ€™ grade, and students are awarded the grade based on their class position in a test or examination as seen in the table below. Based on information provided by the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, or the Association of Universities and other Higher Education Institutions in Germany, and the ECTS Userโ€™s Guide, this is the recommended guideline for the awarding of ECTS grades in relation to German grades:

ECTS Grade% RankGerman GradeGerman DefinitionEnglish Definition
ATop 10%1,0 โ€“ 1,5HervorragendExcellent
BNext 25%1,6 โ€“ 2,0Sehr GutVery Good
CNext 30%2,1 โ€“ 3,0GutGood
DNext 25%3,1 โ€“ 3,5BefriedigendSatisfactory
EFinal 10%3,6 โ€“ 4,0AusreichendSufficient
F/FX4,1 โ€“ 5,0/6,0Nicht BestandenFail

As seen from the table above, โ€œMit Auszeichnungโ€ is considered the topmost band where the best grades are awarded, whilst โ€œBefriedigendโ€ is the minimum for a pass grade. However, the use of โ€œMit Auszeichnungโ€ or โ€œBefriedigendโ€ may differ from university to university and from degree programme to degree programme, with several universities using โ€œSehr Gutโ€ as the top band instead with a different set of grade requirements (see examples from Universitรคt Mannheim (Page 14), Universitรคt Heidelberg, LMU Mรผnchen, and the Karlsruhe Institut von Technologie). As such, it would be best to refer to the examination regulations (Studienordnung) for the specific degree programme to understand the grading system used for the ranking of students.

Generally speaking, most conversion tables from organisations such as the British Department for Education or the National Recognition Information Centre (NARIC) recognise grades within the top band as being equivalent to a First Class Honours grade, grades within the second band as being equivalent to a Second Class (Upper Division) or 2:1 grade, with the remaining passing grade (namely all grades up to the โ€œBefriedigendโ€ or โ€œSatisfactoryโ€ band) generally recognised as being equivalent to a Second Class (Lower Division) or 2:2 grade.

However, the most important thing to take note about grading in Germany is that just like its education system, grading is highly decentralised and may vary even within a university depending on the faculty or even professor, where some even make it clear that they do not give out the top grade of โ€˜1,0โ€™ unless they deem a work to be particularly exceptional! In fact, top-tier and more competitive universities in Germany are well-known for being rather harsh in terms of grading at times, so much so that several reputable UK universities such as Imperial College and University of Warwick make it clear in their graduate and postgraduate application websites that they would lower their grade expectations for applicants who graduate from such universities. Most universities, including the so-called โ€œEliteโ€ German universities, typically state a minimum grade of 2,5 to 3,0 (i.e. a grade within the โ€œGutโ€ or โ€œBefriedigendโ€ band, depending on the university and degree programme in question) for entry into most Masters courses, although the grade expectations may be higher for more competitive graduate NC-courses such as Psychology (2,3 or better).

2. Comparing German Grades against UK and US Grading Systems

Whilst it is very difficult to generalise the way German grades are awarded due to the aforementioned reasons in this section, we have nonetheless done some extensive research and put  together the information we gathered in a table to help those who are unfamiliar with the German system to get a feel of what each German grade is roughly equivalent to.

As mentioned earlier, do note that most UK and US universities also often take the reputation of the individual German universities into account as top tier universities are usually well-known for being harsher in the awarding of grades โ€“ for this reason, some leeway and a lowered grade expectation are granted for graduates from such universities. Information for this section have been sourced from and compared against those provided by the following organisationsโ€™ and universitiesโ€™ websites: UK National Recognition Information Centre (UK NARIC), the University of Aberystwythโ€™s EU Qualifications Comparability Calculator (that is based on UK NARICโ€™s International Comparisons and Grading Transfer System), the University of St Andrews, Kingโ€™s College London (KCL) and World Education Services (WES). The first four sources provide a comparison based on the UK system, whilst WES is a a third-party verification agency in the US that is used by many US universities โ€“ such as the Harvard Business School, amongst others โ€“ for transcript conversion purposes.

how to convert german grade to gPA

Table Comparing German University Grades to UK, US and Singaporean Grades

1,0A+A+A(Until 1,5)UK First Class Honours(Until 1,9)
1,7A-A-A(Until 2,5)
2,0B+B+ / BSecond Class Honours, Upper Division (Until 2,8)
2,7B-C+B(Until 3,5)
3,0C+CSecond Class Honours, Lower Division (Until 3,9)
3,7D+D+C(Until 4,0)
4,0DDThird Class Honours

**N.B. The WES and UK NARIC comparisons are for the overall averaged-out grades for German degrees (i.e. Durchschnittsnote or Gesamtnote), whilst the German grades compared against the NUS, NTU and SMU grade conversion tables are for grades awarded in individual course modules. Therefore, when converting a degree as a whole (e.g. for purposes of Honours classification), the WES and UK NARIC reference should be used as a guideline. Alternatively, you can calculate your GPA by first converting the German grades into the Singaporean grade equivalent before checking to see how they correspond to the Honours/Cum-Laude & Merit Awards system using the guidelines provided by NUS, NTU and SMU respectively.

Degree with Honours and Classification?

Due to education being under the purview of the individual Federal States (Bundesland) rather than the Federal Government (Bundesregierung), Germany generally does not have an Honours system nor a degree classification system akin to that of the UK or Singapore. For this reason, with the exception of certain courses such as Law or postgraduate courses, honours โ€“ be it latin honours or degree classifications โ€“ are very rarely given out at German universities. Some universities might award special distinctions (e.g. โ€œMit Auszeichnungโ€ or โ€œcum laudeโ€) to students whom they consider exceedingly exceptional (viz. a final grade of 1,1 and better), but this is extremely rare and far between for those completing a Bachelorโ€™s or Masterโ€™s degree.

Having said that, the UK Department for Education recognises the German Bachelor degree as being equivalent to British Honours degrees, meaning that a German BA or BSc is equivalent to a British BA (Hons) and BSc (Hons). This is also the case for other German qualifications such as the Staatsexamen, Diplom or Magister. For this reason, you should have no worries about having your degree recognised as an Honours degree in Singapore as well as most Commonwealth countries! What is interesting to note is that unlike Singapore and UK system where only certain Honours students are given the option of writing a thesis or dissertation (called a Bachelorarbeit or Masterarbeit), all German university students are expected to write one without exemption as part of their course requirement in addition to attending a colloquium or viva prior to graduation โ€“ this is a practice carried over from the former 4 to 5-year Magister/Diplom system that has now been phased out. In view of this, you can be assured that the regular Bachelor or Master course in German universities are definitely as rigorous as those courses with Honours back in Singapore or the UK โ€“ if not more!

For holders of German degrees who would like to further their studies outside of Germany, Austria or Switzerland, the following universities have provided some rough guidelines as to how the grades of the German degrees would be converted:

  • University of Edinburgh (Business School), Scotland (UK): An overall grade of 2,5 or better that falls within the โ€œSehr Gutโ€ or โ€œGutโ€ band is generally accepted as meeting the universityโ€™s expectation of an Honours degree from a good university, with an excellent or very good classification that is equivalent to a First Class or Second Class (Upper Division) degree classification.
  • University of Brighton, England (UK): An overall grade within the first band (i.e.โ€Sehr Gutโ€) is considered equivalent to a First Class Honours degree classification, whilst a grade in the second and third bands (i.e. โ€œGutโ€ and โ€œBefriedigendโ€) are considered as 2:1 and 2:2 equivalents respectively.
  • University of Warwick, England (UK): A score of 2,0 โ€“ 2,4 is considered as a 2:1, while a score of 2,5 โ€“ 3,1 is considered as a 2:2.
  • University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada: An overall grade classified as โ€œGutโ€ according to the German banding system is considered equivalent to a Second Class (Upper Division) degree classification or 4.0 CAP according to the Singapore university grading system (NUS/NTU/SMU), a Second Class (Upper Division) or 2:1 degree classification according to the UK system, or a B+ average on a 4-point GPA scale according the Canadian or US system. Further individual comparisons can be made on the UBC website which allows users to toggle between the various international qualifications vis-ร -vis the expected grades for admission into a UBC graduate or postgraduate course.
  • University of Sydney (Business School), Australia: An overall grade of 3,0 according to the German system is considered as being equivalent to a โ€˜Creditโ€™ or an overall score of 65% in the Australian system.

Do note that the overall grade and degree classification conversions were provided by the various universities as rough guides and are not meant to serve as an absolute reference for cut-off scores โ€“ these are subject to further individual considerations on a case-by-case basis, as well as possible future changes to the conversion agreements!

3. Grading System for Courses graded through Staatsexamen

In the case of courses such as Medicine and Law where candidate sit for the Staatsexamenor Staatsprรผfung instead, a different grading system may be used from the aforementioned. In these instances where a point-based system is used instead of the usual grading system, it is best to refer back to the individual German universitiesโ€™ websites for explanation on the grading system. For most medical courses that are recognised by the Singapore Medical Council, however, the usual German grading system that is explained earlier on in this section is generally used for most module examinations as well.

Das deutsche Notensystem

german grading system

Now, we find out german grading system university, 2.7 german grade equivalent uk and 1.7 german grade to percentage.

When applying for a degree at a German university it is almost one hundred percent sure that youโ€™re going to submit your academic scores taken during previous education. In that case, your grades will be compared to the German grading system and then after it will be assessed if you meet specific entry requirements.

Imagine another uncomfortable situation. You sit an exam in a particular subject and you get a 1.5 score. So youโ€™re left wondering how well you did and did you pass it at all?

These are only two main reasons why it is so important to properly understand the German grading system. You would not like to see your excitement about studying in Germany diminish right away when youโ€™re told that your grades leave much to desire.

To avoid any of these embarrassing results, weโ€™re going to help you to understand the German grading system in order for you to know what to aim for in terms of your grades.

Universities in Germany apply a 1 to 6 (or 5) point grading system to assess their studentsโ€™ academic performance. 1 and 6 signify both extreme ends of your achievement. If you get 1 on your exam it means you successfully completed between 90 and 100% of your task. On the other hand, if you got 6 it means your performance has not satisfied the least minimum required to pass.

Given below are marks in the German grading system and their translation in terms of your academic achievement

1.0  โ€“  Excellent. You have successfully completed between 90 and 100% of the material required in the exam.

2.0  โ€“  Overall very good. However, you need to work more in specific study areas.

3.0  โ€“  Good. Your achievement is satisfying, but there is room for improvement.

4.0  โ€“  Adequate.

5.0  โ€“  Sufficient to pass the exam, but very poor otherwise.

6.0  โ€“  Insufficient. You have shown insufficient knowledge to pass the exam you sat.

Note that there are some universities which use a 5 point grading scale to mark their studentsโ€™ academic achievement. If that is the case with your chosen university in Germany, hereโ€™s what every grade means:

1 to 1.5 โ€“ Very good. You have successfully completed a major part of your exam, but there are some minor areas you must improve.

1.6 to 2.5 โ€“ Good. You have shown decent academic performance by correctly completing a considerable proportion of your exam.

2.6 to 3.5 โ€“ Satisfactory. Your performance was a bit more than sufficient and you need to work in several areas.

3.6 to 4.0 โ€“ Sufficient. You have reached the minimum score to pass the exam, but your performance leaves much to desire.

4.1 to 5 โ€“ Fail. Your performance lies behind the minimum score.

German grades compared to British and American grades

In order to be given a place at a German university your grades you have taken during previous education will play a significant role. Since the German grading system might be quite different from the grading system universities in your home country apply, your grades must be converted to the German grading system first. Only then the admission board at your favorite university in Germany can decide if you meet specific entry requirements set in place.

At this point, you must be aware of one important thing. The setting of grading system is a responsibility of individual federal states in Germany, therefore you might encounter some differences. On some occasions, the grading system may also change according to the university of your choice. It is also common for some universities to apply Provided that, we highly recommend you reach your university well on time to get genuine information over this issue.

To give you a general idea as per what your current grades translate into the German grading system, we provide a handy conversion table. Taken into account the fact that the US and the UK grading systems are more popular, weโ€™ve put the German grading system against their American and British equivalent.

German GradeGrade DefinitionUS grade
1 -1.5Sehr Gut (Very Good)A
1.6 โ€“ 2.5Gut (Good)A/B
2.6 โ€“ 3.5Befriedigend (Satisfying)C
3.6 โ€“ 4.9Ausreichend (Sufficient)F
5.0 โ€“ 6.0Nicht ausreichend (Insufficient)

As you can see thereโ€™s no equivalent of the โ€œDโ€ in the US grading system in the German grading system. In general, students with a mark of 3.0 or above in German universities are considered to be A or B students in the American grading system, whereas anything between 4.1 and 4.9 is a good academic standing.

What is the ECTS Grade?

The acronym ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. ECTS is a common European grading framework designed on the purpose of facilitating the academic exchange among EU countries.

The number of EU students who choose to study abroad elsewhere in the continent is high, and the interpretation of the national grading system often times changes depending on the university.  Thus, the need for such a mutual grading system has been inevitable.

ECTS enables higher education institutions throughout EU countries to easily assess and compare the academic scores of their EU students. That being said, keep in mind that ECTS is not developed to replace the corresponding grades at the German university you want to enroll, but to further ease the assessment of your actual academic credits.

Therefore,  ECTSs are optional and universities are allowed to use them in full compliance with their own grading policies. Usually, when applied, ECTS grades are given in a particular column in your grade transcript alongside national grades.

The table below shows grades in German higher education and their equivalents in the ECTS system.

German GradeGrade DefinitionECTS grade
1 โ€“ 1.5Sehr Gut (Very Good)A
1.6 โ€“ 2.5Gut (Good)B
2.6 โ€“ 3.5Befriedigend (Satisfying)C
3.6 โ€“ 4.9Ausreichend (Sufficient)D
5.0 โ€“ 6.0Nicht ausreichend (Insufficient)E

How to Convert Your Grades Into The German Grading System?

There are different gradesโ€™ conversion formulas applied from German universities. For that we highly recommend you contact your university in person to check which method they use. One of the most commonly applied is the so-known โ€œModified Bavarian formulaโ€.

2.7 german grade equivalent uk

University of the West Indies – A score of B, 65% or GPA of 3.0 is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of B-, 60% or GPA of 2.7 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2.

POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS: At Warwick, postgraduate courses require a UK degree score of โ€˜Second class or higherโ€™, however some courses (typically in the Sciences) require a โ€˜Lower Second (2.2) or higherโ€™ while other courses (typically in the Arts & Social Sciences) require an โ€˜Upper Second (2.1) or higherโ€™.


Be sure to check with the university website. A lot of them have sections on grade requirements which are already tailored to certain countries.

GermanyUSA*UK (A-levels)UK (university)**Australia (university)
Sehr gut + (0.8)A+A*first-class (with distinction)Honours Class I
Sehr gut (1.0)A (4.0)Afirst-classHonours Class I
Sehr gut – (1.5)A-Afirst-classHonours Class I
Gut + (1.8)B+Bupper second-class (2:1)Honours Class II Division 1
Gut (2.0)B (3.0)Bupper second-class (2:1)Honours Class II Division 1
Gut – (2.5)B-Blower second-class (2:2)Honours Class II Division 2
Befriedigend + (2.8)C+Clower second-class (2:2)Honours Class II Division 2
Befriedigend (3.0)C (2.0)Cthird-classHonours Class III
Befriedigend – (3.5)C-Cthird-classHonours Class III
Ausreichend (4.0)D (1.0)D/Epassed without honours/unclassified/ordinaryHonours Class III
Mangelhaft (5.0)
Ungenรผgend (6.0)failureUfailfail

* The Canadian grading system is similar to the US system, with letter grades for courses and the Grade Point Average (GPA) system used for overall grades.

** The South African grading system is the same as the UK system.

Tips about grades

  • The grades equivalents in the grade table above are only approximate. You can indicate approximate grade equivalents in your CV like this: “1.8 (approximately equivalent to a British upper second-class degree)”.
  • Due to “grade inflation” in the US, many people say that there are now only three grades, ‘A’ (4.0), ‘B’ (3.0) and ‘C’ (2.0). A ‘C’ grade in the US is approximately a 3.0 in the German system but would be considered just about average by US employers and colleges. Anything less than a ‘C’ in the US is basically a fail. We recommend you use the more general letter grades rather than trying to convert grade averages (e.g. 2.2) into the US system. In recent years the UK has also seen grade inflation, particularly for A-levels. One more reason not to undersell yourself when applying to English-speaking countries.
  • Note that in English a decimal point is used (1.8) instead of a comma (1,8).
  • If you need to write about your grades in more detail, you could write: “Average grade: 2.1 (on a scale of 1-5 (university level), where 1 is the best grade; approximately equivalent to an overall “B” grade).
  • If you are applying to a US college or university to do a course of study, don’t be surprised if you are asked for your “class ranking” – your position within your class. If you do not know what your rank is (you probably don’t), you must explain that it is not common in Germany to rank students.

1.7 german grade to percentage

1 german grade is equal to 0.00135625 percentage.

In Germany, the grading system is a bit different from what you might be used to. In Germany, a student’s final grade is given as a percentage, so that means that it’s easier to convert from german grades than from American grades.

To convert your German grade into percent form, take the number of full points for which you got credit for your class and divide it by the total possible points. So if you got 5 out of 7 points on your test and there were 7 possible points total, you would get 71% Grade B.

German Grade System
PercentageGrades by educationDescriptorConversion to the US system*
(varies with school/subject)primary & lower secondary (1stโ€“10th grade)upper secondary (Gymnasium, 11thโ€“12/13th grade)tertiary (Fachhochschule & Universitรคt)
91โ€“100%1+15 points1.0“sehr gut” (very good/ excellent: an outstanding achievement)4.0
114 points1.04.0
1โˆ’13 points1.33.7
81โ€“90%2+12 points1.7“gut” (good: an achievement that exceeds the average requirements considerably)3.3
211 points2.03.0
2โˆ’10 points2.32.7
66โ€“80%3+9 points2.7“befriedigend” (satisfactory: an achievement that fulfills average requirements)2.3
38 points3.02.0
3โˆ’7 points3.31.7
50โ€“65%4+6 points3.7“ausreichend” (sufficient: an achievement that fulfills the requirements despite flaws)1.3
45 points4.01.0
0โ€“49%4โˆ’4 points5.0“mangelhaft” / “ungenรผgend” / “nicht bestanden” (insufficient / failed: an achievement that does not fulfill requirements due to major flaws)0.0
5+3 points
52 points
5โˆ’1 point
60 points

* This conversion scheme is intended as a guideline, as exact conversions may differ.

GPA to Percentage Convesion Calculator | FREE GPA Calculator
PercentagGerman GradeDescription
0-50%5.0(insufficient / failed: an achievement which does not meet the requirements)
50-65%3.7, 4.0(sufficient: an achievement which barely meets the requirements)
65-80%2.7, 3.0, 3.3(satisfactory: an achievement which corresponds to average requirements)
80-90%1.7, 2.0, 2.3(good: an achievement substantially above average requirements)
90-100%1.0, 1.3(very good: an outstanding achievement)

The German grading system is different from the US system, but even though it is more nuanced, in general, the grade you earn in a class will translate one-to-one into your GPA. However, it is best to check with your university as every school has its own standards for grading.

Overall, it is not a simple task to find out the difference of german grade to us grade. That is why we do all the research for you and write this article on “2.7 german grade equivalent uk”, so that you can have all necessary information about grade conversion.

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