Ever wonder what the GPA of a B student is? A C average? Or D? Thoughts about GPAs would have never crossed your mind until you saw them on a transcript. In fact, you probably don’t even know what GPA stands for. Naturally, you would look it up and find out that the acronym stands for grade point average, or simply put, the average of all my grades.
Without much ado, the article below brings you the latest information on deutsche Noten in GPA. You don’t have to stress it, all you’ve got to do is read on to know more.
You will also discover related posts on Deutsche Noten in GPA, American university graduate grading scale, university grading scale, grading system in USA, American University GPA calculator, American University grading system compared to UK, Passfail American University, letter grade scale, grade calculator and so much more right here on Collegelearners.

GPA To German Grade
The GPA (“Grade Point Average”) is the expression used in the United States for your grade point average. With it, your academic performance can be expressed in just one number. You need a GPA, for example, to apply for a high school year. Find out here how you can transfer your German school grades to the American grading system and calculate your own GPA and what you need to consider.
What is the GPA
GPA is an abbreviation for “Grade Point Average” and can be translated into German as “Grade Point Average”. The term is mainly used in the USA, but also in other countries . Both American high school and American college students receive a GPA for their accomplishments. It is used in high school, college, internship and job applications.
The basis for the GPA calculation is the American grading system, which differs considerably from the German system . Due to the high number of German-speaking pupils and students who complete a high school year or a semester abroad in the USA , a conversion of German grades into American grades is now common and, within certain limits, also standardized . This means that a GPA can also be calculated from German grades.
This is not only the basis for applying for an exchange year at a high school or college in the USA, but also enables you to have your American grades converted into German grades and recognized after your return to Germany can .

The American Grading System and the GPA
A rating scale from A to F is used for individual school subjects in the USA. A is the best and F the worst, an E is not awarded. You have passed with grades A, B, C and D , an F means failed.
The simplest assignment of German to American notes is:
Grade Calculator
- 1 corresponds to A
- 2 corresponds to B
- 3 corresponds to C
- 4 corresponds to D
- 5/6 corresponds to F
In addition, gradations can be made for American notes using the symbols + and – . In order to be able to calculate a GPA, these grades are now assigned numerical values. The higher the grade, the higher the numerical value. Overall, the following comparative values result for German and American notes:
Deutsche Noten In GPA
Notensystem | USA | Notensystem | Deutschland |
Letter Grade | GPA | Note | Beschreibung |
A+ | 1,0 | ||
A | 4,0 | 1,0 | Sehr gut |
A- | 3,7 | 1,3 | |
B+ | 3,3 | 1,7 | |
B | 3,0 | 2,0 | Gut |
B- | 2,7 | 2,3 | |
C+ | 2,3 | 2,7 | |
C | 2,0 | 3,0 | Befriedigend |
C- | 1,7 | 3,3 | |
D+ | 1,3 | 3,7 | |
D | 1,0 | 4,0 | Ausreichend |
F | 0,0 | 5,0 | Nicht ausreichend |
University Grading Scale
German note American note in letters American note for GAP calculation
- 1.0 (1) A and A + 4.0
- 1.3 (1-) A- 3.7
- 1.7 (2+) B + 3.3
- 2 (2) B. 3.0
- 2.3 (2-) B- 2.7
- 2.7 (3+) C + 2.3
- 3 (3) C. 2.0
- 3.3 (3-) C- 1.7
- 3.7 (4+) D + 1.3
- 4.0 (4) D. 1.0
- 4.3 (4-) D- 0.7
- 4.7 (5+ and worse) F. 0.0
So the best GPA value is 4.0, the worst 0.0. However, the values are not fully standardized . An example of this is the number of decimal places: in some schools only one decimal place is used (a B + is then a 3.3), in others two places are used (a B + is then a 3.33). So always find out exactly which grading system is relevant for you.
Other noting systems are also used in the United States . Then, for example, a 5.0 is the best grade. If you convert your grades using this scale, you will get a higher average value than with a 4.0 as the best grade. Even if the 4.0 scale is the most widespread, you should always state the grading system based on which your GPA value was calculated so that there is no confusion.

Deutsche noten in englische umrechnen
Weighting of grades and GPA calculation
You can now easily calculate your GPA based on the average of all your grades . To do this, you add up all grades and then divide them by the total number of grades. However, this only works if all subjects are equally important. Since that is not the case, they still need to be weighted. For example, you can weight your school grades based on the number of lessons per week .
Imagine that you want to calculate an American GPA value from the following German school subjects:
school subject grade number of hours per week
- maths 1 5 hours per week
- German 2 5 hours per week
- English 1 3 hours per week
- biology 3 2 hours per week
- history 2 2 hours per week
- art 2 1 hour per week
In the first step you transfer the German grades into the American grading system:
school subject grade American grading system
- Maths 1 4.0
- German 2 3.0
- English 1 4.0
- Biology 3 2.0
- History 2 3.0
- Art 2 3.0
In the second step, you multiply the American grades by the number of hours per week and add up all the results:
school subject American grading system
- Maths 4.0 x 5
- German 3.0 x 5
- English 4.0 x 3
- Biology 2.0 x 2
- History 3.0 x 2
- Art 3.0 x 1
Grand total: 60
In the third step you divide the result by the sum of all weekly hours and get your GPA. In this example it would be:
60/18 = 3.33.
The calculation for students is based on the same principle, only that, for example, credit points are used instead of weekly hours.

Possible problems converting German school grades for a GPA
A problem with converting German school grades can arise from the fact that there are fewer grades compared to the American system . In principle, the German school system has only six grades, with both 5 and 6 standing for “failed”. If no additional grades are assigned, then the calculation of a GPA is inaccurate . In some cases this can be an advantage for you, but sometimes it can also be a disadvantage.
Imagine that you have a grade point average of 1.6 in a certain school subject. Your teacher turns this into a 2+ on the semester report. In the American grading system, a 2+ becomes a B + or a 3.3. Your average will not change until the end of the year, so it is still 1.6. Your teacher will now give you a 2, because there are no graduations in the form of plus and minus on the end-of-year report. In the American grading system, this becomes a B or a 3.0. So your grade has deteriorated without your grade point average having changed. An improvement in your grade is conceivable, for example, if you had a 3 in the semester, which then becomes a 3 on the certificate at the end of the school year.
This problem does not usually arise when converting grades from studies, as there are more grades here.
If you apply to a program or a school that regularly accepts international students or even students from Germany, then they will also be familiar with your German grades . In general, converting grades and calculating a GPA, even with German grades, has become routine . As long as you find out exactly what needs to be considered in your case, the whole thing is done quickly .
Auf deinem Test prangt ein dickes rotes “F”? Gar nicht gut. Denn ein „F“ an einer amerikanischen High School entspricht in Deutschland einer „5“und heißt ganz klar: nicht bestanden. Wenn du wissen willst, wie dein Notendurchschnitt in den USA aussehen würde, hilft dir diese Seite und die untenstehende Tabelle. Denn dein Notendurchschnitt kann nicht nur für Praktika oder ein Studium im Ausland, sondern auch für die Rückkehr an deine Schule in der Heimat interessant sein.

Was ist der Grade Point Average (GPA)
Amerikanische Schüler bekommen ihre Noten nicht wie bei uns in Zahlen von 1 bis 6, sondern in Buchstaben von A bis F. Das „A“ entspricht dabei unser deutschen „1“ und ist somit die beste Note, das amerikanische „F“ hingegen entspricht der deutschen „5“. Damit man trotzdem eine Art Notendurchschnitt angeben kann, gibt es den Grade Point Average, den GPA. Mit ihm überprüfen US-amerikanische Firmen und Universitäten, ob der Notendurchschnitt ausländischer Bewerber ihren Anforderungen entspricht. Aber auch für deinen Schüleraustausch in den USA kann der GPA spannend sein. Wenn du deinen deutschen Notendurchschnitt umrechnen möchtest, hilft dir unsere Tabelle. Beachte, dass dies nur die ungefähren Werte sind.
Deutsche Noten im amerikanischen Schulsystem
Notensystem USA Notensystem Deutschland
Letter Grade GPA Note Beschreibung
- A+ 1,0
- A 4,0 1,0 Sehr gut
- A- 3,7 1,3
- B+ 3,3 1,7
- B 3,0 2,0 Gut
- B- 2,7 2,3
- C+ 2,3 2,7
- C 2,0 3,0 Befriedigend
- C- 1,7 3,3
- D+ 1,3 3,7
- D 1,0 4,0 Ausreichend
- F 0,0 5,0 Nicht ausreichend
Wofür ist die GPA-Umrechnung wichtig
Die Umrechnung deines GPA kann für die Anerkennung von ausländischen Noten an deiner Schule notwendig sein. Sowohl wenn du einen Schüleraustausch an einer amerikanischen Schule verbringen willst, als auch wenn du deine amerikanischen Noten nach dem Austausch an deiner Schule zuhause anerkennen lassen möchtest. Mehr Infos zur Anerkennung deines Schüleraustauschs findest du hier.
Ob der Wert überhaupt benötigt wird, liegt bei den einzelnen Schulen. In der Regel kennen sich die Schulen, die internationale Schüler aufnehmen, aber auch mit ausländischen Notensystemen aus und du wirst den Wert nicht selber ausrechnen müssen, sondern nur deinen deutschen Notendurchschnitt angeben. Auch in unseren Bewerbungsunterlagen sind lediglich deine deutschen Noten interessant.
Auch wenn du ein Auslandsstudium in den USA antreten möchtest, kommst du um den Wert des GPA nicht herum. Für den Zugang an einer amerikanischen Uni musst du oft bestimmte Vorraussetzungen erfüllen, dazu gehört eben auch ein gewisser Notendurchschnitt. Da die Unis mit deinen deutschen Noten oft nichts anfangen können, musst du ihn für deine Bewerbung umrechnen.
Aber auch für Auslandspraktika in den USA ist der GPA interessant. So können die Unternehmen die Leistungen eines Bewerbers einschätzen, auch wenn er aus dem Ausland kommt.

gpa calculator
Calculating your GPA (Grade Point Average)
In the USA, too, the average grade is often asked when applying for an internship or at university. But if there is only the letters, it is of course a little difficult. That is why there is a conversion table that can be used to convert letters into numbers, which is needed for the Grade Point Average – a kind of grade point average. We have also noted the corresponding German grades for orientation so that nothing stands in the way of the GPA calculation.
Step 1 – Translate the German grade
- 1.0 (1) A and A + 4.0
- 1.3 (1-) A- 3.7
- 1.7 (2+) B + 3.3
- 2.0 (2) B. 3.0
- 2.3 (2-) B- 2.7
- 2.7 (3+) C + 2.3
- 3.0 (3) C. 2.0
- 3.3 (3-) C- 1.7
- 3.7 (4+) D. 1.3
- 4.0 (4) D + 1.0
- 4.3 (4-) D- 0.7
- 4.7 (5+) and worse F. 0.0
Step 2 – Weight individual GPA grades with the time required
Now you have to calculate the average value from the converted grades. As you can see, an optimal GPA value is 4.0, the worst value is 0.0. As soon as you have converted all your grades into a GPA grade, you can move on to the average value. To do this, you weight your grades with the time required for the respective subject. You can use weekly hours for school grades, while credit points are ideal for university achievements.
For example like this:
Letter Grade Scale
- English 3.3 4 hours per week 13.2
- mathematics 1.7 4 hours per week 6.8
- geography 2.7 2 hours per week 5.4
- Commercial law 3.0 5 credit points 15.0
- higher mathematics 1.0 3 credit points 3.0
- Markets and companies 2.7 2 credit points 5.4
Step 3 – Divide all results by the total effort
The last step in calculating your GPA is now to divide your results from step two by the total time required. Then you have calculated the so-called arithmetic mean. This means: All your grades are included in your overall GPA, depending on how much time you spent on them. For our examples it looks like this:
School example:
13.2 + 6.8 + 5.4 = 25.4
4 + 4 + 2 = 10
25.4: 10 = 2.54 = student’s GPA
University example:
15 + 3 + 5.4 = 23.4
5 + 3 + 2 = 10
23.4: 10 = 2.34 = the student’s GPA
There are other GPA calculation systems as well
Now you have calculated your GPA, which is required for all possible applications in the USA: be it for an internship, university, another job or simply your own interests. But when you apply, you should also add that this GPA was calculated on the more usual scale of up to 4.0 points.
There is also a scale on which you can at best achieve up to 5.0 points. This variant is less common. If you don’t make a note of the scale on which your GPA is based, people may think you want to improve your grades. Because of course the 5-point scale brings higher and in the sense “better” grades than the 4-point scale.